Hairstyles for girls with medium hair

The average length of the strands allows the girl to style her hair so that it does not interfere with her movement and exercise while sitting at the table. At the same time, there are a great many options for beautiful and simple hairstyles that can transform their owner - there is plenty to choose from for styling for every day or for a holiday.

Everyday options
Easy-to-follow hairstyles for medium hair for girls can be done in a matter of minutes. Ponytails or simple pigtails are certainly among the fastest in the world to create. Although more often I want to come up with something more interesting.

"Fish tail"
The "fish tail" looks original, which, in fact, is a kind of braid. Unlike the usual three-strand braid, this one consists of two parts. Thin strands are woven gradually.
On the left side, the strand is shifted to the leading strand on the right, then a thin part from the right is shifted to the left half of the warp. In this way, all the hair is woven into the braid. The result is a texture that resembles a fish's tail.

Creating such a hairstyle requires skill. It can be braided vertically or diagonally across the entire head, starting at the front of the head. Two braids, braided in this way, also look beautiful.
It's good when the girl's hair is not entirely thin. Then the weaving turns out to be more textured.

For those who are not a master of creating braids, you can create a fishtail in an easier way.
- hair needs to be combed, select two strands of the same thickness on the sides (not thick);
- connect with a transparent elastic band;
- pull it slightly so that it falls down;
- turn the tail inward;
- again connect two strands with an elastic band;
- repeat the movement with the tail;
- so to shape the hairstyle, leaving part of the strands loose or bringing the weaving to the end.

Baby hair allows you to make a French braid. Thanks to the peculiarities of weaving, the styling will be neat throughout the day, without interfering with the child.
The step-by-step execution of the spit looks like this:
- select three strands, weave twice;
- on one side and the other, add to the braid along a strand of the same thickness;
- in the same way to weave to the end;
- secure with an elastic band.

The braid is shaped like a spikelet. Some call her "dragon". If your hair is not long enough, you can make a hairstyle from two of these elements, separating them with a vertical parting.
Some people prefer to start weaving from the forehead, others from the crown. Braids can be located closer to the center parting or to the temples. Depending on this, the appearance of the girl is perceived differently.

For both small and older ladies, you can make hippie-style braids:
- comb the strands back;
- separate the part closer to the left or right side of the forehead;
- divide into three strands and braid;
- similarly weave the second;
- fix the ends of the hair with transparent elastic bands;
- Comb the remaining loose strands on the back of the head and divide in two with a vertical parting;
- lay the finished braids crosswise and braid with the remaining hair in two braids;
- fix with elastic bands or tapes.

You can make an elegant hairstyle from braids in the "old Soviet way" on thick hair:
- comb the strands and divide in two with a straight parting;
- make two braids above the ears, weaving ribbons into them;
- attach the end of the first braid with a tape to the base of the second;
- do the same with the other braid;
- form the loops in the form of bows from the remaining parts of the fastening.
Another option for such braids is when they are tied with ribbons not to the base of the neighboring ones, but to their own.

A beautiful and comfortable weave is obtained when the hair is included in a braid, grabbing first the strands in the bangs, then at the temples, and then along the bottom of the head from behind. At the end, the braid around the head needs to be fixed with an elastic band. If hair allows, the lower part of the braided strands can take a position on the shoulder, if not, it can be nicely secured with hairpins above the ear.

Weaving braids in the form of a waterfall makes it possible to leave the main part of the hair free. To make such a hairstyle, you need to follow all the steps correctly:
- brush hair;
- select a small part of the hair above the ear;
- divide it into 3 strands;
- start to weave in the usual way horizontally;
- in the back of the head, the strands directed downward, leave hanging, picking up new ones from the mass of hair located just below;
- braid to the level of the second ear and secure the hair with an elastic band.

A comfortable hairstyle based on French weaving in the form of a snake. Its peculiarity is that it is not done in a straight line, but with turns, reminiscent of a writhing snake.
To create this effect, strands begin to weave from the crown of the head, and not from the temples. All partings are done horizontally or obliquely.
It is important to weave so that the hair is not pulled too tight. If you break this rule, the weaving will be sloppy, and the child will feel discomfort. It should also be borne in mind that tight braiding of hair causes hair loss.

A regular bun becomes the basis of a great festive hairstyle. In its simplest form, it can be done as follows:
- comb the strands and make a high ponytail;
- wrap hair around the base and hide the tip;
- stab with hairpins.

If your hair is not thick, it is convenient to use a foam bagel to create volume. The sequence of actions for creating a hairstyle looks like this:
- wash hair with shampoo, comb, dry naturally or with a hair dryer;
- collect in a tail at the desired level, fixing with an elastic band;
- thread the collected hair through a foam bagel, placing it at the base of the tail;
- cover the patch with hair so that it is not noticeable from the side, and fix it with another elastic band;
- braid the remaining loose hair around the bun or roll it up with a flagellum and put it in a circle;
Hide the tip and secure with a hairpin.

It is not difficult to arrange a bun of hair in the form of a bow:
- make a tail on the top of the head, without pulling the strands to the end, so that a loop remains;
- hang your hair forward;
- part in two in the middle;
- Throw the free end of the tail over the center;
- fasten the bow with pins;
- fix with varnish if desired.

For a girl in love with anime, you can make beams in the manner of those that are drawn from heroines in Japanese cartoons:
- split hair in half with a central parting;
- fix one part so that you can do the other half without problems;
- divide loose hair into the upper and lower parts;
- braid the top hair in French, including one after the other loose strands from the bottom;
- at the end, fix the weaving with an elastic band;
- wrap in a circle over the ear and secure with hairpins;
- do the same with the remaining hair, trying to arrange the second bundle symmetrically;
- for completeness of the anime image, the bundles can be wrapped with ribbons.

You can beautifully arrange bunches, as if growing from braids:
- part hair with a vertical device;
- pin one part of the hair;
- on the second part in the occipital region, weave a French braid inside out from bottom to top;
- reaching the crown, fix the braid with an elastic band;
- form a lush bun from the remaining unbraided hair;
- secure with hairpins;
- do the same with the second part of the hair.

Party Ideas
Many festive stylish hairstyles with their own hands at home are as easy for children to make as everyday ones. For special solemnity, you will have to use styling products and decorations.

Harness hairstyles work well on smooth hair. An older girl can use an iron to straighten the strands. It is better not to do such experiments with babies.

For the sake of creating an interesting festive styling, you can use styling products so that the hairstyle is obedient and the result of the work pleases. To create a simple hairstyle, step by step you need to follow these steps:
- hair should be properly calculated and divided with a straight vertical parting;
- separate a strand with a comb on one side;
- wind it on your finger towards the face and take it to the side of the temple, then to the back of the head;
- fasten the tourniquet with an elastic band, and then invisible;
- wind the strand in the same way on the other side of the parting;
- connect the harnesses on the back of the head like "malvinka";
- remove the ends under the mass of hair remaining on the back of the head and fix it with invisible ones.
You can complete the design as you like, for example, fix your hair with a beautiful hairpin or collect loose strands in a ponytail or braid.

Based on the tied method described above, you can create a ponytail hairstyle:
- twist the selected strands, laying from the temples to the back of the head;
- collect the bundles together with the bulk of the hair and put them in a ponytail, securing them with an elastic band;
- divide the hair in the ponytail into several strands, also twist into bundles and lay in a circle in the form of a flower or other pattern;
- fasten with hairpins with jewelry in the form of beads or pebbles;
- fix the hairstyle with varnish.

For little girls with thin hair, you can make a simple hairstyle from flagella laid around the head:
- comb the strands and make a parting on the side;
- select a strand near the ear and divide it into two parts;
- make loose bundles and twist one around the other;
- again select a curl and roll into a tourniquet;
- connect with one of the available ones and make a revolution again;
- so in a row, use all the hair, styling it through the back of the head from one ear to the other;
- fix the hair with a transparent thin silicone rubber band;
- form a bunch and stab with elegant hairpins;
- sprinkle with varnish if necessary.

On the basis of plaits, you can braid a real braid:
- select a strand of hair on the crown;
- split in two and twist together;
- add another strand from the total mass to each part;
- make another round;
- do this until all the hair is in the braid;
- twist the two parts of the tail resulting in the process of twisting into bundles, twist together and secure with an elastic band;
- lay in a circle and secure with hairpins.

Even the youngest owner of straight hair will be delighted with a hairstyle with curls. Curls will turn a little yoke into a princess at any holiday. To create such beauty from hair, you need to do the following:
- comb the strands;
- depending on how thick the hair is, divide it into parts to be wound, and temporarily fix it using clips;
- take a curling iron, heat and gently curl each curl;
- do this with all hair;
- gently disassemble the curls with your fingers;
- sprinkle hair with varnish.

You can provide your child with beautiful curls or curls with the help of curlers:
- treat clean strands with hair foam;
- wind soft curlers;
- wait for the hair to dry and unwind the curlers;
- make a light bouffant on the back of the head;
- straighten curls with your hands;
- tie a ribbon around the head or decorate the hairstyle with a diadem, crown;
Fix the installation with varnish.

Such a hairstyle only at first glance seems difficult to perform. To create it, it is enough to own the technique of creating a French braid. You need to braid as follows:
- on the crown, select three strands and weave together, making two overlays of side hairs on the central part;
- picking up strand by strand from the outside, weave hair in a circle;
- when all the curls are woven into the braid, fix the end with hairpins on the side.
For the weaving to be beautiful, the strands do not need to be pulled together. Then the styling will be voluminous and will not create inconvenience to its owner.

This hairstyle looks very elegant. The girl will be able to look like a real queen at the party.
There are two ways to weave a net from your own hair: using small elastic bands and weaving thin strands.

The use of elastic bands greatly simplifies the matter, and for the second option, you need a kind of skill in working with hair. To create a mesh of hair using elastic bands, you need to progressively follow these steps:
- at the very forehead, select a small strand in the center, fix it with a silicone rubber band, treating it with wax along the way for better controllability of the hair;
- fix two more strands of the same thickness to the left and right of the central one;
- divide the central strand into two halves;
- do the same with the neighboring one;
- fasten the halves of the ponytails with an elastic band at a selected distance from the clips of the first row;
- do the same with all the tails;
- after making a row, the net can be raised, and the hair at the bottom can be combed so that they do not stick together with the "working strands";
- so, gradually adding strands on the sides, weave a mesh of several rows.

The mesh can be superficial, or it can be with the addition of hair from the total mass. Hair that is not used in weaves can be left straight, tied in a ponytail or arranged in a beautiful bun.
Without elastic bands, the hairstyle is performed by twisting thin strands together. Clamps are used along the way.

The simplest Greek hairstyle is done using a cloth bandage. If we are talking about a holiday, it is advisable to choose an elegant option so that the bandage becomes a real decoration on the head.
She is put on in the manner of a hat and wrapped in a circle with her hair in a row. The ends are folded into a knot and fixed.

On the basis of the braids, you can make a beautiful Greek knot:
- divide the mass of hair into 3 parts;
- make 3 tails in the lower occipital area;
- braid each one in a braid and fix with elastic bands (silicone);
- roll the central braid into a bundle and fix with hairpins;
- do the same with the other two;
- sprinkle hair with varnish.
In order for the hairstyle to be lush, as if careless, the bunches should not be folded tightly, the unbraided ends of the braids should create volume, visually combining the elements into a single whole.

How to choose?
The choice of a hairstyle for a girl is due to a complex of factors:
- age;
- structure and density of hair;
- type of face;
- the purpose of the hairstyle.
It's one thing to choose styling for a child who is 4 years old or 5, 6 years old, another thing to a schoolgirl 7 or even 9 years old, and the third thing to a girl at 11, or even at all 13 years old with almost adult requests.

If in the kindergarten period the hairstyle cares not so much for the child as for the mother, for whom it is important for her child to be comfortable and not to get the strands in her eyes, then at the beginning of the “school career” the girls themselves begin to think about how they look in public. At an older age, the child has a desire to look like an adult.
To keep your beloved daughter healthy and instill good taste, you need to choose styling wisely. It is foolish for a little girl to erect "Babylon on her head." This is absurd. A 13-year-old lady with a bride's hair style can still look vulgar. So you should not do too complex styling with a lot of details and expensive jewelry not for your age.

It should also be borne in mind that with liquid hair, it is better not to create hairstyles with braids. They will look like mouse tails, and the roots will suffer.
If your child has wavy and soft hair, you can do hairstyles with semi-loose strands so as not to hide the natural beauty of the curls.
Lush hair that gives unnecessary volume suggests the need to experiment with braids.

For face types such as square or rectangle, do not go for sleek hairstyles. They do not go well with such face shapes.
With a narrow or elongated type of face, you need to provide volume in the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe temples.
This can be achieved not only through the location of the hair itself, but also through the use of decorations - bows, flowers, and so on.

Beautiful examples
With lush curls, the little girl looks like a real angel.

Making a mesh on the head is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Thanks to this hairstyle, it is possible to pick up the strands, at the same time the look is very elegant.

Curls combined with weaving across the parietal region provide a practical and festive look to styling, emphasizing the density of the little owner's hair.

Two lush tufts above the ears and a chain of fine strands are all that is required for an interesting look.

Tufts in the shape of a cat's ears, combined with curls on the tails, allow you to appear in the form of a cartoon character.

Two "fish tails" intertwined with each other, and hair fluffy at the back allow you to create a touching fabulous image.

Regular ponytails become the basis for creating an original hairstyle with plaits. It is enough to make 4 ponytails, wrap the hair and make heart-shaped shapes.

The braid, braided by a waterfall, gives the hair extra volume and looks very impressive.

From many small tails around the circumference of the head, you can make flat bunches, fixed with invisible flowers. The hairstyle comes out adorable.

Ordinary elastic bands can be used to make a beautiful wreath of hair. The effectiveness of the hairstyle is achieved thanks to even parting in a circle, as well as the use of multi-colored elastic bands. Hair does not interfere and looks childishly fun.

The "snake" braid looks different depending on the characteristics of weaving, the length and thickness of the hair, but it invariably comes out beautiful.

For information on how to make hairstyles for girls with medium hair, see the next video.