Beautiful hairstyles for girls in kindergarten

The girl is perceived as a very neat, always neat and beautiful person, therefore it is necessary to accustom her to the need to keep track of her own hair from childhood. This is also due to the fact that most young women have rather long hair at the stage of visiting kindergarten, but it is not always possible to send a baby to an institution with loose curls.
Sometimes this is not allowed by the not very neat type of hair, the condition of which the girl does not yet monitor due to her too young age, and in some cases the restrictions are also caused by banal safety measures. For this reason, mothers, who usually do not have much time for this, are forced to look for a simple and at the same time beautiful way to style the girl's hair so that it does not interfere with various activities and looks neat.

Requirements for baby styling
All requirements regarding what should be hairstyles for girls are divided into two types: general and private. The first category applies to babies of any age, since these requirements are relevant at any age and in any situation, therefore, we will begin with their consideration.
First of all, the main criterion should be a significant ease of implementation - a mother hurrying to work should be able to comb her child's hair quickly and without mistakes because of haste.

Because of this, too complex and intricate solutions such as styling and curling are usually thrown aside, weaving remains the most difficult operation, and of course, a specialist should not be involved every time to create a hairstyle.
An equally important criterion is the stability of the hairstyle or styling under the influence of inevitable everyday factors that can destroy the shape of the styled hair. Neither the wind, nor wearing a headdress, nor active games or even dressing up should spoil the original idea. This rule is relevant for all ages, because a woman rarely has time to do her own hair many times a day, and in kindergarten it is especially important, because the baby simply does not know how to do this yet.

We must not forget that the chosen hair styling option should not cause any discomfort. It is unacceptable to excessively tighten the hair or comb it in such a way that it constantly interferes with the view or does not perform the main function - to occupy less volume than in a loose form. The hairstyle is performed according to the principle "Made and forgot all day", if it has to be periodically corrected even without external destructive factors, it means that it no longer meets the requirements for wearing comfort.
Finally, we must not forget about the purely aesthetic moment: ideally, the hairstyle should be liked by both the owner herself and those around her, it should be in harmony with the girl's facial features and correspond to certain fashion trends. This rule is usually not ignored by anyone, since it is obvious and lies on the surface.

As for private requirements, they already have a specific connection to the situation for which they are made. In this case, such a situation is a daily trip to kindergarten, because such institutions often put forward special requirements regarding the appearance of their little visitors. On the one hand, each childcare institution, be it a kindergarten or a school, can put forward its own specific requirements for hairstyles, on the other hand, in most cases they are still approximately identical and have the character of general recommendations. We will consider the second option in more detail.
First of all, it is assumed that the aesthetic hair care should be obvious. The girl should at least be combed, and her hair should be shaped like a certain hairstyle.
Disheveledness and disheveledness are perceived as a potential risk during classes, especially active ones, therefore they are considered unacceptable.

Neatness is another fundamental criterion that cannot be ignored in a public institution. Dirty hair or a hairstyle of dubious style can become a reason for discussion and ridicule even among adults, and even in kindergarten, an atypical and not the most attractive appearance can cause a real bullying of a child. Children are cruel because they do not understand the consequences of their cruelty, and the easiest way to once again protect a daughter from the attacks of others is simply not to give them a reason.
Finally, there are general criteria that might be called the abstract concept of the rules of decency. It is assumed that in most official institutions a girl must correspond to the idea of a modest and strict person; some kind of extravagance in children's institutions is almost never welcomed. As a rule, it is not recommended to deviate from the generally accepted canons, which are respected as "normal", therefore any hairstyle that attracts a lot of attention for a child may be considered inappropriate.

How to choose a hairstyle?
As in the case of an adult girl, it is necessary to choose the type of hairstyle in strict accordance with the face shape of its owner - this is the only way she will look really good.You should not expect that styling that looks great on a favorite celebrity will definitely suit your child - you will have to focus on the same principles that guide stylists when choosing a particular hair solution. Let's look at these principles to make things a little easier for parents.
- Oval face. This face shape is considered the most correct, because it is easier to choose a good hairstyle for it than for any other. The advantage is that most of the most beautiful and popular hairstyles look generally appropriate, so ponytails with elastic bands, pigtails, and even a mix from styling with separately falling strands are acceptable.

- Elongated face. This type is quite common and seems to be similar to the previous one, however, a number of restrictions are already present - for example, the direct parting should be abandoned immediately and never used. With this facial type, slightly curly curls look better (it's good if the baby has them like that by nature).
Even if the hair is tied up in general, it usually makes sense to leave a few loose strands, giving them volume at the roots.

- Round face. A common form that often presents a problem when choosing a hairstyle for inexperienced craftsmen. In this case, the waviness is already inappropriate, since it creates lateral volume, which already seems sufficient due to the width of the face. On the contrary, the main emphasis is on, as it were, stretching the face in height, for which any solution will be useful that allows you to create extra volume on the crown, including hairstyles with a rim.

- Square face. In this case, you need to choose such styling options that would necessarily cover the forehead - in practice, this means one hundred percent refusal to completely comb the hair back. At the same time, the square shape somewhat resembles the above-described round one, where the width is already sufficient, and therefore stylists do not recommend adding side volume with any hairstyle elements.

- Triangular face. Although the shape seems unusual and complex, in practice most light hairstyles are suitable for complementing the image of a girl. Almost the only limitation that is present is the prohibition on combing back all the hair, however, this does not prevent part of it from being removed to the crown, and part is left in the form of bangs or flowing strands. With such a face, any large-volume hairstyles are well combined, therefore perm and curls are suitable for such a girl.

- Rectangular face. Quite a rare type, which has a lot of restrictions, rather than sensible ideas regarding the creation of styling. With such a shape, it is unacceptable to use a straight parting, it is also impossible to completely remove the hair back - some of them should always cover the forehead. At the same time, the volume on the crown is also not welcome, since such a move can visually "stretch" the face even more.

The choice of a particular hairstyle depends not only on the shape of the face, but also on the length of the hair, because sometimes the last criterion directly dictates the conditions as to what to do with the curls. Let's consider this aspect as well.
- With short hair the situation is the most simple - their insignificant length significantly limits the number of possible options. The most commonly used solution is an ordinary tail or several; alternatively, styling is performed using any accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, headbands).

- Medium length hair already offer a wider range of solutions. Pigtails here can be made more solid, ornaments like ribbons can be woven into them. If necessary and given time, parents can curl or stab the child into curls.
Such a length already allows for the formation of a bun, in addition, all the above-described accessories for short hair are also appropriate here.

- Long hair because of their volume, they rarely involve the use of hairpins and similar devices, but in a relatively falling form, there are a lot of options to choose from. Here and strands in the form of a plait, and braids, ordinary or folded in the form of a ring, and especially the familiar and extremely simple tails. If you still want to collect your hair as much as possible, a bun looks like the best option.

All these rules are generally the same for girls of any age, but you should also remember about such a factor as the conscientiousness of the owner of the hairstyle. When a baby is 3 years old, she does not understand the importance of neatness, because any inconvenience in using her own hairstyle will lead to the fact that she will spoil it herself and look untidy on her own and of her own free will.
In the same 5 years, most babies in general terms already understand that beauty requires certain sacrifices, because they are generally much more disciplined. From this we conclude that for a very young child, practicality is more important, the choice for him should be made by the parents, but he should be as thoughtful and convenient as possible. For a child a little older, his perception from the outside is already playing a big role, because a girl may have her own preferences in choosing a hairstyle, which are not always strictly linked to convenience, and sometimes, if possible, it makes sense to listen to her opinion.

Interesting options
Inexperienced parents do not always have enough imagination to create a hairstyle for a small child that would combine convenience, stability and aesthetic appeal at the same time. This does not mean that for styling it is necessary to come up with something unique or devote too much time to the procedure - in fact, there are very simple solutions that will help you fully achieve all your goals.

For long hair
The specificity of long hair is that there is a lot of "material" for creating a hairstyle, so you can vary the styling at least every day. Consider a few neat, but sensible options.
- The original version is a bow made of hair. Initially, a high tail is formed on the crown of the head, but at the end, the hair does not completely pull out of the elastic, but forms a loop. We divide it in half, as a separator we use that part of the hair that has not been passed through the elastic band - we throw them from front to back and fasten with invisible hairpins.
The two sides of the resulting bow are also stabbed, for reliability, the styling is also fixed with varnish.

- Side hearts - a hairstyle option for those who are allowed a straight parting. The hair is divided into two parts in the middle, on each side a little behind the ear and a little higher than it is done along the tail. The main part of the hair is pulled through a small depression near the base of the elastic, after which the hair mass is divided in half, forming two separate bundles, from which two sides of the heart are formed. At the bottom, the free part of the hair is left to hang down, decorating the end of the figure with a bow, after which the heart is attached with hairpins in the place where it is supposed to be all the time. In the same order, all of the above is repeated on the other side.

- A layered ponytail is an option for girls with very long hair. Initially, the hair is collected according to the principle of a classic tight ponytail, but with the help of one of the strands, the elastic must be carefully wrapped, masking, and pinned under the ponytail. Several more elastic bands are sequentially tied along the entire length of the hair with a uniform step of 5-10 cm, each time pulling the hair out from under the last elastic band at this moment to increase volume.

For medium
This length is considered by many stylists to be the most convenient - there are enough "raw materials" for making hairstyles, and not too much to create additional difficulties or take extra time. To figure out how to properly handle such a hairstyle, consider several fashionable solutions step by step.
- An inverted ponytail is a well-known and widely used hairstyle. First of all, a low and free classic tail is formed, after which it is divided in half over the elastic and spread to the sides, and the host is passed through the resulting hole once or twice and the elastic is tightened, preventing it from dropping too low. Often the hair is also pulled a little, hiding the elastic, but this is not necessary.
A small braid is often formed from a hanging tail, which is additionally decorated with a bow at the end; as an additional fixation, the hair at the place of the inversion can be fixed.

- Ponytail wreath - a rather complicated, but interesting styling scheme, which always and everywhere claims to be unique. First, a longitudinal parting is made from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head, after which each of the halves is divided in two more - four parts of the hair are obtained, each of which is collected in a separate tail so as not to be confused. After that, according to a similar scheme, the four parts are converted first into eight, and then sixteen.
After that, each elastic band fixes not only "their" tail, but also the tip of one of the neighboring ones - so that a circle in the form of a wreath is obtained.

- A bundle of braids - an option for those who like to braid their hair, but want to do it more original than usual. To begin with, an ordinary low tail is formed, but after that it is divided into several equal parts - the more there are, the more impressive the volume will be in the end. A separate small braid is made from each part, after which they are intertwined with each other, forming a large braid, and tied at the end with an elastic band. After that, the large braid is, as it were, wrapped around its base, and now it can be fixed with hairpins and decorated with flowers.

For short
Short hair is very easy to maintain, but many parents believe that it simply will not be enough to provide the proper variety of everyday hairstyles. In fact, even from this amount of hair, you can do a lot of interesting things, while such styling is also very simple.
- "Fishtail" with elastic bands - one of the most demanded solutions. First, one identical strand is taken from each side of the temple, which are gathered at the crown with an elastic band in a common free tail, after which it is pulled under the loop one or several times. After that, a similar procedure is repeated with two more strands, already collected and woven below the previous ones. This styling option allows you to completely remove the hair back or only pacify those strands that climb into the face, leaving all the rest free.

- For a headband that allows you to maximize your forehead without pulling up your entire hair, perform a horizontal parting from ear to ear, the hair on the crown and back is temporarily fixed so as not to interfere. A small strand is isolated from one of the temples and they begin to form the so-called French braid, periodically adding to it a little hair from the parietal lobe. At the other temple, the French braid briefly turns into a regular braid and is fixed with an elastic band, after which you can loosen the hair from the back or collect it in any way possible.

- Front curls can also be collected in the form of bunches - for this, slightly wetted hair at the top of the head is divided by vertical parting into several equal parts up to the crown of the head. The resulting identical strands are collected using elastic bands, after which each of the resulting tails is passed over the base and twisted around it, securing it with a hair clip. As in the previous version, this hairstyle involves a mandatory collection only for the hair at the front and top.
As for the rear, there each time you can use a different method of "pacification".

Like all other nodes of the child's body, the little girl's hair is somewhat reduced in strength, therefore, all procedures with them must be performed with a certain degree of accuracy, without sudden jerks and careless movements. Sometimes the hair will resist, but it is unacceptable to solve the problem with the help of banal force.
So, if they are already very difficult to comb, ordinary wetting the hair with warm water or special cosmetic compositions will help to simplify the task, but if the problem is permanent, it can only be solved by increasing the frequency of procedures with a comb. If the shreds are completely entangled so that the comb cannot break through them, you should not use force, but try to untangle them with your hands.

Children's hairstyles never involve pulling too tight - this is harmful to the hair, as this makes it more brittle and can begin to split. Although most recommendations suggest tucking your hair back, it is undesirable to do this every day and with noticeable stiffness - it is better to let it interfere a little than it will deteriorate already in childhood. At the same time, all the accessories used should be of even higher quality than for adults, because a child can break the same hair clip, and at best will walk untidy all day, and at worst, it will also pull the debris into his mouth or nose.
Experimenting with the style of children's hairstyles is not particularly advised due to the same weakness of hair - you can use various gels and varnishes, but it is undesirable to get carried away with this, and the amount of cosmetics applied should always be minimal. The same applies to various heating devices - if you cannot do without heat treatment of hair, heating should be as low as possible, and in every situation where this is not necessary, it is worth finding alternative solutions.

For information on how to make 3 quick hairstyles for a girl in kindergarten, see the next video.