We make hairstyles for school from long hair

Long hair hairstyle helps the girl to show her individuality. However, school rules often do not allow much experimentation with their appearance. Unfortunately, the required simplicity is not always accepted by the girl, and the school dress code today can prescribe rules prohibiting large bows, fanciful bangs, styling and bright hairpins. Let's take a closer look at this issue and find out which hairstyles are suitable for the school and how to make them, without contradicting the accepted norms prescribed by the school charter.

The main requirements for schoolgirl hairstyles are "three pillars": neatness, simplicity and hygiene. Hair should be well-groomed, the option with loose curls is not allowed: they interfere with the educational process during lessons and instantly turn the girl into an untidy person. Unacceptable coloring of strands in unnatural colors (for example, green, purple, blue). Any hairstyle should be neat, moreover, restrained, corresponding to the strict framework of the school (office) dress code.
It shouldn't take long to create a hairstyle. At the same time, it is necessary to do such a design that will not be disheveled from the wind and running in physical education lessons. The girl must remain neat regardless of this.
Options with hanging individual strands and evening hairstyles are not suitable for lessons: you need to correlate their relevance with the institution you are visiting.

In no case should you feel vulgarity, just as you should not resort to frankly childish options in graduation classes: it looks ugly. Each age needs its own hairstyle, neat and quick to do. At the same time, you can do what the girl, if necessary, will be able to correct it on her own. Regardless of the type of hairstyle, it should be enough for the entire school day.
With regard to bows, it is worth noting: the tendency towards a ban is due to the fact that, due to their size, the children sitting in the back of the class cannot see the blackboard, which means that they learn the material explained by the teacher worse. Undesirable for schoolgirls babette: they do not fit into the norms of a strict dress code. Hairstyles that cover the face, mohawks, opposing the image to everything around them, are unacceptable. In addition, you need to consider that on days when physical education is on the schedule, it is worth doing more practical hairstyles.

Despite the many restrictions, girls still have a lot of ideas for styling long hair. At the same time, hairstyles may vary for weekdays, school holidays and special occasions. Loose hair is taboo and does not fit into the norms of appearance; hair must be picked up with elastic bands or braided.

On every day
On weekdays, as a rule, every minute matters. Therefore, hairstyles for every day are more often performed with simple ones. There cannot be any styling or lush braids that come loose very quickly. Hair should be securely fixed with elastic bands or bows. Separate strands on the sides are unacceptable: this is not only ugly, but also creates the effect of an unfinished hairstyle.
The basic rules for everyday hair styling are brevity and reliability. The best hairstyles for everyday life are braids and tails. In this case, their combination is allowed. Complex weaves are undesirable: firstly, the head hurts very quickly from this, and secondly, the child gets tired in the process of creating them. Options such as ponytail, side tail, fishtail, and basket will work.

There can be one pigtail or there will be two of them, but it is undesirable to complicate the hairstyle with complex weaves that take time and complicate the image of the student.
Everyday styling does not tolerate the use of any fixing agents, foams, hair sprays and even more glitter.
In addition, when performing them, it is undesirable to use silicone rubber bands, which not only harm the hairs, but also confuse them, which cause pain when trying to comb the strands.

September 1
On this day, I want to be special, and therefore the girls try to appear on the first school day of the year not only smart, but also stylish. However, the choice of this or that styling in this case will depend on the age of the student: often mothers, in search of unusual solutions, resort to options that make the image of a schoolgirl ridiculous. And the reason for this is wedding styling, which is exactly reproduced in salons or at home. Children's heads are sometimes decorated with exactly the same artificial flowers, or even with tiaras. It looks inappropriate, such hairstyles are not at all compatible with a school uniform.
In addition, they are impractical: children are active, and therefore rarely sit still. These hairstyles do not tolerate increased activity. If you definitely want to use floral hair accessories, then these can be headbands with small flowers or products made using the kanzashi technique. You can bet on white ribbons or bows.

If a mother wants her daughter to look better than anyone else, you should not build unthinkable mountains of hair on her head, and even more so pile.
This deprives the girl of her natural beauty and destroys childlike spontaneity. You can take naughty ponytails as a basis, decorating them with funny rose braids, as well as hair bows. It is also allowed here to leave some of the curls loose, but at the same time picking up the curls in front.You can grab the strands in the tail and twist them with a curling iron.

For the prom
Graduation in schools takes place for students in the fourth, ninth and eleventh grades. Based on this, the type of installation will be selected. She must certainly be special, corresponding to the solemn occasion and the age of the schoolgirl. In addition, you need to take into account the style of clothing that the girl has chosen for her image. The temperament of the child will be no less significant factor: not every student can walk with loose curls, if she is accustomed from childhood that her hair is styled in a strict hairstyle.

However, a simple braid is not enough for a prom: this is not the case when this hairstyle will look befitting of a beautiful dress. In addition, you need to consider the location of the event. For example, within the walls of a school for students, a solemn event with games and tea can be held. In this case, you need a hairstyle that will not tangle within 2-3 hours.
If the farewell to school is held in a cafe or other place, the dress code and hairstyle will be different. Girls can afford a variety of styles, including modifications to French and Greek braids. It will be enough for someone to twist the curls with a curling iron, others will want to straighten them with an iron, while others will prefer to decorate their set with fashionable afro curls, which looks feminine and very impressive.

How to do it?
Often, the choice of hairstyle for school depends on the girl's skill. In the first grades, the mother weaves pigtails, then the girl learns to take care of herself on her own, starting with the simplest hairstyles, which are tails. Then she experiments, complicating the styling, and then finds several options that fit into the school dress code and she likes herself.
Long hair is not easy to care for, especially when it is thick and constantly tangled. However, today it is not difficult to choose the right option, because children have access to the Internet, and there you will always find schemes for performing various styling with step-by-step photos that clearly demonstrate the essence of the process and the correctness of its implementation. At the same time, finding an easy and effective option, which does not take much time, will not be difficult. Consider a few of the most common school hairstyles.

Ponytails are considered to be the simplest hair fitting methods. Considering that at an early age on long hair they disheveled faster, mothers often complement them with braids. For example, an elementary school student (ages 7, 8, and 9) can pull her hair into a ponytail, secure it securely with a large elastic band, then divide the shovel into three pieces and braid them into a regular braid or fishtail. At the end, it must be fixed with a small rubber band: the hairstyle is ready. It is suitable for an everyday look, it will also be appropriate on days when there are physical education lessons in the schedule.

Other design options can be made based on the tail. For example, you can tie your hair into one ponytail, then divide it into 3 sections and braid each into a traditional braid. After that, three braids are braided into one, twisted with a snail at the back of the head and fixed with hairpins.
This hairstyle is not suitable for every day and on days of physical education, but it is quite capable of holding on for several hours without disheveled.

For a special school day or a school holiday, you can make other decorations. For example, for a 9-10 year old girl, you can do a hairstyle with a ponytail on the side. After the hair is collected and fixed in a ponytail, one strand is separated and a braid is braided from it. For braids, use about 1⁄4 of all hair. After the braid is braided, it is wrapped around the tail, forming a kind of flower. It is fixed with invisibility or hairpins. The remaining curls are twisted with a curling iron. The hairstyle is fixed with a small amount of varnish. He will help keep her neat.

Braids are considered a versatile way to create a neat student look. They are woven in different ways, consisting of three or even five strands. In each case, you get your own version of the hairstyle. Moreover, such designs are equally good for little girls with long hair, and for teenage girls. It is not difficult to make a braid for yourself, following the step-by-step proposed scheme:
- hair is divided into three equal parts and pinched with hands;
- take one of the extreme strands and apply it to the middle one, placing it in the middle;
- the second outer strand, according to the same principle, is applied to the middle strand;
- according to this scheme, curls are woven to the end, leaving a large tail;
- the hairstyle is attached with an elastic band.

If you want to master the so-called collection or spikelet, then the basic principle of the scheme will not change. The only thing that distinguishes this weaving is the need to select hair for each strand. In general, the scheme will consist of several steps:
- take a small strand, divide it into three equal parts;
- each side strand is alternately applied to the center of the weaving;
- after 2-3 overlays, along with the subsequent one, hair is added to the side strand, located on the side of it;
- do the same with the strand on the other side;
- each time, putting a strand in the middle, it is thickened with curls taken from the side of it;
- after all the hair has been picked up, it remains to braid a regular braid and secure it at the end with an elastic band.
This hairstyle is suitable for girls of different ages: it looks equally beautiful on elementary school students and graduates.

Older girls can make their own version of the beam based on the tail. To do this, the hair is captured in a ponytail, then divided into two even parts and each of them is braided into a braid, fastening at the end with a small elastic band. After that, first one and then the second braid is twisted around the base of the tail, thereby forming a bundle. Fix it with an invisible one or a hairpin. This hairstyle is suitable for girls 14-15 years old.

So that the bunch is not completely boring, you can dilute it with braids. The step-by-step process will look like this:
- it is necessary to make a straight parting and separate a little hair on each side;
- then braids are braided from each strand, starting according to the principle of a spikelet and, after several grips, moving to the usual weaving of braids from three parts;
- after that, the remaining hair is combed back;
- braids along with loose hair are picked up in a ponytail;
- hair collected in a ponytail is threaded into a roller, twisted, forming a bun;
- it is fixed with invisibility.
Such hairstyles are suitable for female students of 11-13 years old.

An original bun for a girl of 9-10 years old can be made with a roller. To do this, the hair is collected in a ponytail and a roller is threaded into its base (a large elastic band can be used). In this case, a small strand must be left without bringing it up. Next, they begin to weave the braids according to the spikelet principle. In this case, it is weaved, applying strands from the tail and those hairs that were not taken in the tail. After the braid is braided in a circle, covering the roller with it, a regular braid is weaved from the remaining hair and its ends are hidden inside.
To keep the hairstyle securely, it is fixed with an elastic band or a bow.

This hairstyle is suitable for special occasions and perfectly adorns a child's student image. It is performed according to the following scheme:
- the hair is combed back;
- a small part is separated from above and collected in a tail, forming a small loop;
- the loop is divided into two parts, thus forming two parts of the bow;
- the curls are straightened, the remaining tail is pulled between the side rollers of the bow in the direction from the bottom up, then it is threaded inside the elastic.

You can make another version of "Malvina". For this:
- the hair is combed, if necessary, give a small volume by means of a light comb on the back of the head;
- a small strand is taken from the side of the temple, sprinkled with a small amount of varnish;
- from it, they immediately twist a loose tourniquet and wind it back, securing it with an invisible one;
- do the same with the strand from the opposite side;
- wrap the first tourniquet with the second, after which they are either fixed with an elastic band, or fastened with invisible ones.
High school girls especially like this hairstyle: it is light and does not take much time to do it yourself.

For such a hairstyle, you will need a thin hair band with small teeth on the inside and hooks at the ends. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a thin bandage to match the rim. The hair is well combed and a headband is put on over it. After that, a bandage in the form of a ring is fixed to it. Next, they take a lock of hair from the temple and twist it with a tourniquet around the bandage. The end of the strand is secured with an elastic band or hair clip. You can twist not one, but several strands around the bandage. Do the same with the strand from the second side. After their strands are wrapped around the bandage, closing it completely, they are connected together and the ends are secured with a hair clip. The remaining loose curls are twisted with a curling iron.

How to decorate?
Decorating children's hairstyles directly depends on the case and age of the students. If these are first graders, then there are enough large bows. Today they can be very diverse: with lurex, beads, narrow twisted ribbons, fluffy, openwork. Some people prefer small bows like dahlias, while others prefer small elastic bands or hairpins.
You can decorate your hair with one or two bows. Someone likes the use of white elastic bands, and they can also be very diverse: lush, narrow, upholstered with textiles or decorated with lurex.

In addition to elastic bands and bows, girls often wear headbands. Moreover, this decor can be wide and narrow. Some products provide for the presence of bows, flowers, others are laconic and carry a more functional load, although, of course, they ennoble the student's image, removing curls from the forehead, not allowing them to get disheveled. Interesting headbands in the form of stretched springs, as well as double narrow models: when a girl puts on such an accessory, the design of the hair acquires its zest.

Beautiful examples
We suggest referring to examples of photo galleries that may inspire you to create a beautiful school hairstyle for your daughter.
The tail to one side is a favorite option for high school girls' hairstyles.

The high tail is an original solution that allows you to achieve additional volume.

A tail with a twisted braid can often be seen in the image of adolescents.

Some girls prefer to adorn themselves with a miniature scythe, leaving most of their hair loose.

The Greek hairstyle can be done by means of braids, connecting them together and fixing them with a hair clip

The tail can also be made of two plaits by winding the curls with a curling iron.

Braiding two weak spikelets, you can connect them crosswise, making an unusual hairstyle.

Fans of kawaii bows may like heart-shaped hairstyles made from braids.

A ponytail with an imitation of an elastic hair band looks unusual and stylish.

Two parallel spikelets, ending in long tails, look quite neat and will withstand physical education lessons.
This hairstyle can beautify a schoolgirl at a gala event.

You can combine different weaves by combining small braids and continuing the weaving with the fishtail technique.

If the hair is tousled in the front, you can make a hoop out of it using the "spikelet" weaving, adding strands only on one side.
An original solution for celebrations at school.

You will see how to do the “High Textured Ponytail” hairstyle in the next video.
Very beautiful, just super!