How to do light hairstyles for school for yourself?

In the morning, the strength is not always found to cheerfully get out of bed and start getting ready for school. Sometimes it is so pleasant to lie down for a couple of minutes in a warm bed. However, you soon begin to realize that there is not much time left for the training camp. Have breakfast, pack your briefcase, get dressed and manage not to be late for the beginning of classes. There is not enough time to create a hairstyle. Still, there are several ways to give your hair a neat look, without spending more than 5-7 minutes.

Requirements for hairstyles for schoolgirls
The most common school hairstyles for girls and girls are: ponytail, bun, braid. The first is a suitable variation for almost any length. At the same time, the time spent on its creation takes a minimum.
With a short length, it is undesirable to raise the ponytail too high. Otherwise, short strands will fall out over time. One or two buns on the head of a schoolgirl give the image a neat look. The removed hair will not only emphasize the young oval of the girl's face, but will also help not to be distracted from the teacher's words.
Well, the braid, the varieties of which today have accumulated an unprecedented variety, will allow you to bring a little imagination into your daily styling. It is advisable for elementary school students to tighten their braids a little tighter, since there is a high probability that they will unravel by the end of classes.

A girl's school hairstyle must meet some requirements. Let's consider which one.
- Neatness. Hair should be tucked into a neat hairstyle for a neat look. Plus, they won't be distracting during class.
- Ease and speed of execution. As mentioned earlier, there is absolutely no time in the morning. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the styling option that will not only delight the owner, but also will not take a large number of minutes in front of the mirror.
- Laconicism. The school atmosphere, despite the playful nature of children and adolescents, is still businesslike. Therefore, it is advisable to leave bright and flashy accessories for special occasions.
- Practicality. The styling must be selected in such a way that at the end of the session the hairstyle is not disheveled.
- Refusal from styling products. The use of additional styling products for school hairstyles is not recommended. Young girls' hair can deteriorate, and harsh odors and the feeling of a tight head can distract from classes.

It is possible to leave the hair loose for schoolgirls (provided that this is not prohibited by school requirements), but it is recommended to take into account some of the nuances.
- In order for loose hair to look neat and well-groomed, it must be washed and combed regularly, especially for owners of unruly hair.
- On a day when physical education is on the schedule, it is advisable to choose a styling with collected curls in advance.
- You can always choose a combination of trimmed and loose strands. Striking examples of such hairstyles are "Malvina" and "Dragon". The curls are pulled away from the front of the face and pinned in the back, leaving the bottom of the hair loose.
- To remove bangs from your face so that it does not interfere with writing or reading, accessories such as a headband, hairpins or ribbons will help.

A thin braid, braided from a small strand of hair and wrapped around the head, will help to replace the headband and give originality to loose hair. This method is only suitable for lengths below the shoulder blades.
For hair of different lengths
Based on the length and type of curls the girl has, you can choose the best option. Styling can be not only comfortable and stylish, but also easy to perform. In the case when the mother does not have time to devote time in the morning to create her daughter's styling, she may well be able to cope on her own.

Maintaining the beauty of your hair is not an easy task. This can be confirmed by all owners of long hair. In a school environment, loose curls are not always welcome; for sure, some teachers will insist that the hair be collected. However, there are a myriad of interesting and spectacular styling that girls with this hair length can afford. Let's describe some of them step by step.
- By making two low braids on both sides, one of them must be stretched around the head over the forehead. The second stretches alongside, but through the back of the head. You can fix it on hairpins and invisible ones.
To make the hairstyle last longer, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle the invisible hair with a styling agent.

- Collecting hair in a high beam, you need to pull out two or three small strands from its base. Not tight braids are woven from them. Then the resulting braids are stacked at the base of the bundle one after another. The pigtails are fixed on the invisible ones, while their tips are hidden under the base of the beam.

- Neat bow can be obtained in just 2 minutes. To do this, you need to collect your hair in a ponytail. But on the last turn with an elastic band, stretch the curls not to the end. Thus, the curls will be divided into two equal parts. They move apart on the sides and are fixed on the invisible ones. The tip that remains from the ponytail will cover the middle of the bow. To do this, it is tucked in and fixed.

- For the next hairstyle, you will need to make three identical ponytails, which will be located strictly in the center of the head behind each other (in the direction: crown - back of the head). Then, one by one, the ponytails are turned through themselves so that the tip can be tucked into the "loop" of the next ponytail. It turns out interesting option regular low tail, which is sure to attract the attention of others.

The average length is perhaps the most convenient option for school age, since the length allows not only styling curls in hairstyles, but also walking with loose hair. And at the same time, they will not interfere during the lesson. For a schoolgirl of elementary grades, it is recommended to pay attention to the following hairstyles.
- To create an interesting ponytail, you need to make a ponytail. After that, having separated small strands, weave thin braids from them.

- An excellent option would be a reverse (or French) braid, which is braided from the temporal region along the entire perimeter of the head and is decorated with a white bow or elastic band.

- To create beams, two ponytails are made, after which they are wrapped around their base and fixed on invisible ones.

- Another interesting and effective option is the "spider web". First you need to make three tails on the top of the head and fix them with elastic bands. Further, each tail is divided into two parts, which are subsequently connected to the remaining ones, gradually moving along the entire length.

A high school student can afford a more casual and relaxed look. For example, a Greek braid, reminiscent of the antique style of beauties and goddesses. To create it, a thin bandage is needed, which is put on the head, after which individual strands are alternately wrapped in it.
An interesting solution will be the side bundle, which is done a little closer to the ear. In this case, the front strands remain loose.

The short length is very practical. It is convenient to take care of short hair - it does not require a lot of time. However, the same styling every day can be very boring. Various accessories - hoops, bows, hairpins and ribbons - can add a touch of novelty and cheer you up.
Do not forget that accessories should not be overly bright, flashy or acidic. Give preference to strict classics. Very large hairpins look rough on short lengths. On the contrary, miniature ones will emphasize the girl's youth and femininity.

Elementary schoolgirls may like loose curls. on a square with a zigzag parting. Neat ponytails on the sides and adorned with white bows will help open up your face and deal with unruly curls. If the length allows, then you can braid a French (or reverse) pigtail from the forehead to the temporal region. Straight short curls will look especially impressive in the side "spikelet". It differs from the classic one in that the strands are not woven into the pigtail, but remain loose.

Ordinary classic pigtail on a short length it does not look so impressive. However, slightly fluffy loops will quickly correct the situation. While braiding the braid, secure the end with an elastic band. Then hide it by threading it into an elastic band. After making sure that the pigtail is tightly fixed, you need to start pulling the braided loops, forming a careless volumetric flower.

Diamonds are an original option for loose curls. Ideal for a primary school girl. To begin with, several small tails are made from a straight parting on the sides. Then each ponytail is divided into two parts, and each of them is connected to a strand from the other ponytail. It turns out a kind of "waterfall". With this style, you can remove hair from the front of the face, which usually gets in the way of writing and reading.

Another original solution to open a face are "Geometric tails". This styling in 5 minutes is ideal for girls with a model haircut, which often does not allow to capture the entire length in the ponytail. So, first you need to make a triangular parting with the forehead and braid the ponytail. Then the loose curls are separated using a straight parting. On each side, several small tails are made, one above the other.To make a "geometric tail", it is necessary to divide the uppermost tail into two parts and interweave them into each subsequent one, securing it with elastic bands.

Interesting examples
Today, there are a lot of ways to braid an ordinary classic braid. Depending on the length, you can choose a hairstyle with two or one braids. For a girl who has decided to grow a bang, the option of weaving a French braid is perfect. Due to the fact that weaving begins at the temple and continues along the growth of the hair, you can remove the regrown bangs.

Despite the fact that beautiful hairstyles look complex visually, they are quite simple to perform. Any mom will be able to braid cross-braids and put together a high bun. The collected curls not only meet school requirements, but also look stylish and original.

Short hair has been very popular among girls in recent years. And it's not only about practicality, but also about the image that becomes incredibly charming. Short hair does not always allow you to tuck curls, but a braid will help to remove hair from the front of your face.

For how to do 3 quick and easy hairstyles for school, see the next video.