Easy and beautiful hairstyles for girls to school in 5 minutes

Getting up early is very difficult for schoolgirls, so some people prefer to spend time sleeping, reducing it to getting ready. However, this does not change the desire to look neat and stylish during the school day. Clean and ironed clothes, shoes and hair are the basis of every girl's neat look. And if the first two points can be prepared even in the evening before going to bed, then you will have to conjure over the styling in the morning. As a rule, there is very little time left for the haircut, since you also need to have breakfast before going out. In this article, we will look at the most popular five-minute hairstyles that any student will love, tell you about the secrets of styling and provide several beautiful options to choose from.

Secrets of quick hairstyles
There are several tricks that will help you quickly get a girl ready for school and comb her hair beautifully. If they are observed, each mother will be able to keep within literally 5 minutes. First of all, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the hair. It is better to wash the curls in advance so that they are dry by the morning, especially in the winter period, when going outside with a wet head, even in a hat, can end up with a cold. Not a single hairstyle, even the most beautiful, can save a dirty and unkempt head.This point should be carefully observed by the owners of bangs - sticky and dirty, it will immediately catch the eye.

Many girls do not allow their mother to do her hair, as they are afraid of combing. So that the procedure does not take much time in the morning, it is recommended to prepare the hair in the evening. You need to thoroughly comb out the strands, starting at the ends and gradually moving higher. In no case should you comb thick and curly curls from top to bottom - such a method will only rip off the girl's hair and it will be very painful for her. Most likely, after this, she will no longer entrust her head to her mother.

You can divide your hair into several small sections and comb each one in turn, moving from the bottom up. When your hair is completely combed, you need to braid one or two braids to keep the strands manageable and smooth overnight. In the morning, the girl will experience significantly less discomfort.

Modern baby cosmetics companies provide a wide range of sprays, foams and mousses to make combing easier and help lock frizzy hair into position. They have a gentle composition and a large amount of useful oils, therefore, they will not harm delicate curls, even with daily use. The main thing is not to splash too much. In the absence of invisibility or hairpins, you can apply the product to the stray strands so that they do not spoil the overall appearance.

If a schoolgirl is tired of standard hairstyles, you can choose something original in advance, since modern mothers have the Internet at hand, where there is a huge number of styling for students of any age. Hairstyle models are presented in such a quantity that you can make new options every day and never repeat them throughout the year.

Interesting bangs, oblique or zigzag parting will help bring zest to your hair design. You can safely experiment with school hairstyles in this way, as they maintain an elegant style, despite a little creativity. A variety of hair accessories will add attractiveness. Beautiful elastic bands, bows, ribbons, hairpins, headbands and other items will give mothers the opportunity to decorate their daughter's head. Child psychologists recommend choosing together not only hairpins, but also a comb. This will bring the mother closer to the child and give the girl confidence that her opinion is important.

When choosing a hairstyle, you should pay attention to some factors that will facilitate the work and help you select the most optimal options. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the character and perseverance of the girl. Not every schoolgirl will allow fiddling with her hair and doing intricate hairstyles for even five minutes.
If the daughter does not tolerate long fuss, it is recommended to do the most simplified, minute styling, for example, a ponytail or a regular pigtail.

Another important factor when choosing a hairstyle for school is the length and thickness of the hair. If short strands can be brought into the desired form in a matter of seconds, then you will have to tinker with long curls. The same goes for hair type. Straight lines are much easier and faster to deal with than curly or wavy ones. It is also necessary to take into account my mother's experience in creating certain hairstyle options. Not everyone succeeds in beautiful weaving or a French braid, so it is recommended to do such styling when there is enough time for experiments.

Choice based on hair length
There are many simple options for school hairstyles that can be done in just 5 minutes with your own hands. Below we will look at step-by-step instructions for creating the most popular and interesting options. Of course, the lightest styling, such as a ponytail or braids, always remains in the first place due to its versatility, but sometimes you really want to please your little schoolgirl with something more original.

On average
For girls with medium hair length, bunches or a Greek hairstyle are perfect. Both designs are distinguished by their interesting look, simplicity, convenience and in accordance with school rules. Tufts are very popular among modern school girls. For a neat look, you can use a special bagel, which is sold in most beauty stores. The foam rubber hair ring is especially suitable for girls with thin hair.

Standard beam
Pupils with thick hair can do without a donut. You just need to lift the strands into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band. Further, the curls are gradually wrapped in a tourniquet and twisted around the base of the tail. Each turn must be secured with a hairpin. The end result is adorned with a large beaded elastic band. If you don't want to use an elastic band, you can purchase hairpins already decorated with flowers and insert them into the bun. You will get a very beautiful bunch.

Bundle with a bagel
First, you need to collect the hair in a tail, make sure that "roosters" do not appear on the head. Next, the hair needs to be put into a ring and loosened. Gently spread the curls over the surface of the donut so that they completely cover it. Studs can be used for fixing. The main hair fixation on the donut is done with an elastic band. The remaining ends can be hidden under the elastic, or left hanging.

French braid bun
To begin with, you should raise the strands in a ponytail, while leaving one free curl on both sides. Insert the tail into the foam rubber ring and form a neat bun, securing it with hairpins. From the remaining strands, braids should be braided and wrapped around the base of the bun. You can fix the ends with invisible hairpins or hairpins. For variety, you can use different shapes of bagels, such as a heart or a square.

Greek hairstyles gained their popularity almost ten years ago and are still in demand today. They are very comfortable, simple and allow you to beautifully pin your hair so that it does not get in the way. Below are a couple of step-by-step examples of Greek styling.

To begin with, you should thoroughly comb out the hair and divide it with a straight parting. Lay the bangs, and then fix a special headband on the head, designed for such styling. The headband is a round elastic band that can be secured with invisible ones for a stronger fix. Further, the curls are alternately tucked under the bezel, twisting it. First, the side strands are tucked in, and then the occipital strands. To prevent the design from becoming "sleek", you can slightly pull the hair out from under the ribbon on the crown - this will give the desired volume. The resulting headband can be decorated with hairpins with flowers or hairpins. This gentle option is especially suitable for romantic people.

Greek bunch
Combed hair should be parted in two. Taking a small curl from the left side, it must be twisted into a tourniquet. In the same way, gradually twist the entire left part of the strands into small, neat bundles, and then perform similar actions on the right. With the help of an elastic band, all the harnesses are connected together at the bottom of the back of the head. In the middle of the resulting tail, you need to make a depression and turn the bundles through it. Next, the tail is curled up and inward again, thus forming a small bun. The hair should be fixed with hairpins and decorated. Then put your bangs and run to school for lessons. The attention of classmates will be provided!

For long
You will have to tinker with long curls, because they need to be laid in such a way that they do not interfere with writing or exercising. It is not recommended to send a girl to school with her hair loose, as they will most likely get tangled and interfere. The best options are braids and a tail.
Pigtails can be easily and quickly braided, especially if the hand is already stuffed with this kind of weaving. The braid is considered the best school hair design option due to its practicality and convenience. There are many original and beautiful types of weaving for schoolgirls of any age.

Comb out the hair well and separate the large curl from the top. Divide it into three equal strands and make a pair of braids for a classic braid. Next, you should gradually add one strand on each side and continue weaving with a grip until the very end. When all the additional strands have been used, a standard Russian braid should be braided.

For this braid, you need to take a large section of hair from the temple and divide it into three parts. Gradually grabbing a curl on each side, weave a pigtail, heading from one temple to the other and moving obliquely. When it comes to the temporal part, weaving should be continued in the other direction. It turns out a very beautiful and interesting hairstyle that will delight any girl with its originality.

French weaving
This option is one of the varieties of a spikelet. The only way they differ from each other is that the French method of braiding is more voluminous and the hair is not pulled so tightly. The first step is to take a wide curl from the crown and divide it into three strands. While weaving, gradually grab one thin strand on both sides. For a change, curls can be wound under the braid, and not over it. You will get an interesting-looking effect of reverse weaving, which looks much more original than an ordinary French braid.

Quite an unusual way of weaving. Eight is considered a simple hairstyle, but it will take a little more effort on it than on other options. First of all, the hair is collected in a low ponytail. It can be placed on the back of the head or on the side. The tail is split in half. Next, from the left side, you need to separate a small curl and circle it around both halves, describing an eight, and then return the lock to the left side of the hair. Similar actions should be carried out with the strand from the right half. Using this method, you need to braid the braid and fix it well at the end with an elastic band to avoid scattering of the hairstyle.

Basket on the back of the head
Classic hairstyle of Russian beauties. It is not only easy to perform, but also very comfortable and beautiful. To get a neat basket, you need to fill your hand a little. The first time weaving may not work out right away, but with experience, the hairstyle will easily be formed in a matter of minutes. There are two options for a braid basket. To begin with, the hair is divided into two parts with a straight part. Next, you should braid two braids, preferably not very tight. Then the end of the left braid is fixed at the base of the right, and the end of the right, on the contrary, at the left.

You can use a more complex option. In this case, the spikelet is weaving. It begins in the temporal part, then, gradually capturing one strand from the common mop, the weaving goes around the head. The tip should be secured with invisibility, and the hairstyle itself should be decorated with bows.

An excellent option for a school hairstyle would be a ponytail. However, the standard version is too boring and has already bored many. It can be perfectly varied.

At the back of the head, collect the hair and tighten it with an elastic band. Divide the tail in half and form a neat plait from each part. The right half must be twisted to the right, and the left half to the left. The resulting flagella must be twisted together and properly secured with an elastic band or tape.

Raise the hair and fix it tightly with an elastic band. Divide the tail into three equal strands and weave braids from them, securing them. Raise the ends of the braids to the main elastic and slide under it for fixation.You will get three beautiful petals, which can be additionally secured with a hair clip or invisible so that the ends do not fall out from under the elastic.

Tail beads
This option is ideal for long and thick hair. The hair is usually collected at the crown. Along the entire length of the tail, you need to distribute thin elastic bands, and slightly fluff the resulting compartments with your hands - you get the effect of round beads. For older schoolgirls, you can pick up completely invisible rubber bands, and bright, colorful options with flowers or bows are suitable for first-graders.

Tail knot
To keep the hairstyle in place throughout the school day, it is recommended to use children's styling products. Curls need to be combed to the side and sprinkled with mousse for styling. Divide the tail in half, and from the strands obtained, tie it twice in steep knots. Tie the tail tightly with an elastic band or ribbon directly under the knot.

For short
You don't need to spend a lot of time on short strands. All types of styling are as simple as possible, it is only important to have a neat haircut. As a rule, women of fashion from high school choose something trendy, for example, a bob or a cascade. For elementary school students, a square is suitable. A small bang will help diversify the image and make it more interesting. Make sure that the bangs are not too long and do not go into your eyes. Headbands, interesting hairpins, headbands or ribbons can be used as decorations.
For first grade students, playful ponytails or pigtails can be done. Some mothers manage to make a spikelet even for short hair. Others form one bundle on each side and secure with hairpins.

Original and festive ideas
For a holiday, a child can do something especially unusual, or you can give preference to classic holiday options.
Cascading curls look beautiful and appropriate at any event, including a school one. For a small amount of volume, lightly comb through a portion of the hair at the crown of the head. Then each strand needs to be wound on a curling iron and held for a couple of seconds, then release and fix the curls with varnish. If you do not want to spoil your child's hair with heat treatment, braid wet strands in small braids at night, and loose them in the morning.

With rim
Loose hair with a natural headband of hair will look beautiful. The first step is to beautifully style the hair and separate the strand from the temporal part. It needs to be braided into a regular braid and thrown to the other side, securing it with invisibility under the hair.

Cool hairstyles can be obtained using all kinds of weaves. Two spikelets with interwoven colored strands look very cool. Today it is the most popular trend not only for schoolgirls, but also for female students. Artificial hair can be weaved in one color or several. The main thing is that they differ in color from natural hair. Braids can be braided to the end or to the middle of the entire length, leaving the ends in the form of ponytails. You can simply tie up your hair with a bright barrette, headband or headband.

This is a great classic option for a school holiday. It is very practical, convenient, and most importantly, fast. First of all, you need to raise your hair in a ponytail. It is not necessary to place it on the back of the head or crown of the head, you can move it a little to the side. When securing the strands with an elastic band, you need to leave a loop. It is divided into two identical parts, and the middle is wrapped with a protruding end, fixing it with invisible ones. You can additionally secure the loops with hairpins so that they do not interfere when walking. The final result is fixed with hairspray.

We take into account the age
When choosing a hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the age of a schoolgirl, because high school girls of 12 years old and young students have completely different tastes. For girls from elementary grades, bunches, various weaving with braids or plaits are perfect. Starting from the 6th grade, girls try to choose either a brighter image, or, conversely, more modest styling.The middle in adolescence is rare - girls try to stand out among their peers. Some people dye their hair, others shave off some of the hair at the temples. When deciding to make your daughter a shocking hairstyle, remember that the responsibility for these actions lies with you. School is a place for learning, not for outrageous.

For high school, neatly styled medium-length hair is the optimal hairstyle. As a rule, girls prefer to wear them loose. At this age, curls no longer interfere with studies. You can sometimes lift them in a regular ponytail or do a bun. Greek styling looks very beautiful on high school students

Beautiful examples
We offer several options for hairstyles that will help you navigate the choice of an image for a little schoolgirl.
- Festive hairstyle for loose hair with a natural headband of hair. In this case, before braiding the spikelet, Mom made a few ponytails to keep the hair in place. Later, with their help, a pigtail was formed, imitating a rim.

- A beautiful example of a wicker basket at the back of the head. To begin with, the hair was gathered in a ponytail at the back of the head, then divided in half and braided into braids. Both pigtails bend around the head and converge at the top of the head. Hairstyles are attached using invisibility.

- Original Greek hairstyle with curls. Only the upper part of the strands was wrapped in the rim, the rest are curled in curls. The hairstyle is decorated with white flowers to match the dress. The result is a very gentle and romantic image.

- An excellent option for two spikelets intertwined with each other. Such braids require a little skill, since weaving here takes place in four places. To begin with, the spikelets are woven on the upper part, then they cross and are woven already at the back of the head.

- A beautiful bun with a hair bow is perfect for long hair. When the bump is formed and secured with an elastic band, the protruding ends should be divided into two parts. Twist the first part into a bundle and wrap it around the bundle, and form a bow from the second.

- In this case, three types of styling are combined at once: a spikelet, a voluminous French braid and a bundle. To begin with, there is a weaving with a spikelet, which smoothly turns into a French braid in the back of the head. The end of the braid is wrapped in a neat bun resembling a flower and secured with hairpins.

- A comfortable and practical hairstyle in the form of a bun of braids. This option will definitely not bloom and will not interfere. To begin with, the hair is collected in a ponytail, divided into three parts. Each strand is braided into a pigtail, the finished braids are twisted together into one large plait and wrapped in a bun. Fixation takes place with studs.

- A very gentle example of a hairstyle with a bow for a holiday. The base of the hairstyle is located at the back of the head, not at the crown. The loops are secured with a pigtail, and the remaining strands hang down. They were curled into curls and the entire hairstyle was fixed with varnish. The result is a very beautiful and romantic image that can be complemented with a festive dress for a school matinee and light makeup.

For an overview of hairstyles to school in 5 minutes, see the video below.