Hairstyles in 5 minutes to school for kids with medium hair

It is difficult to wake up and get up when it is dark outside. You have to hurry to get to school on time. In such a hurry, you need to have time to get ready and not forget anything. Every second counts, so a hairstyle for a schoolgirl should not take more than 5-10 minutes, but at the same time be neat and beautiful.

Schoolgirl hairstyle requirements
The main criteria for choosing a hairstyle for students practically do not change over the years. In educational institutions shocking is prohibited, extraordinary haircuts and hairstyles, perm, unnaturally colored hair, bright bows and accessories... All students' attention should be focused on the educational process.

The main requirements, as in clothing: accuracy, convenience, safety... The hairstyle should have a rather strict, laconic look - this sets you up for serious work.
Hair should not get into the eyes, interfere and distract.

Physical education and technology lessons, a swimming pool, possibly an extended day - the schoolgirl's day is busy and active. A hairstyle that takes a minimum of time to create, yet beautiful and reliable, keeping a tidy look throughout the day. Of course, in order for a girl to feel confident, the hairstyle must fit and please herself.

For owners of medium length hair, many hairstyles and haircuts, charming hairpins and various accessories are available. Various ways of weaving, crossing strands, curls and curls, tails and ponytails - all this can be seen at school fashionistas. It is easy and simple to be stylish and beautiful without spending a lot of time.

Popular options
The simplest and most affordable hairstyles for medium hair are all kinds pigtails, tails, tufts, flagella... Classic models with a modern interpretation always look fresh and interesting. With the help of beautiful styling with your own hands, you can create different images that do not contradict the rules of the school and meet the most fashionable trends.
Loose hair very beautiful and popular among young people, but may not be the most suitable option for school, since a series of active activities will not allow them to keep their ideal look. Yet they are the most affordable and light hairstyle, but with some caveats.
- Suitable more for high school girls and middle-level students. In the lower grades, it will be difficult for girls to maintain a neat appearance due to the great activity and inability to correct their hair on their own.
- Not worth doing on the day when the schedule includes a physical education or technology lesson, active events.
- Not recommended wear simply loose hair or long bangs, as they will interfere during classes, get into the eyes.

With her hair down
A very easy to create option called "Malvina"... The hair is carefully combed, two strands on both sides of the temples are twisted into tight flagella and fixed at the back of the head. You can fasten it with a hair clip, a bow, an elastic band, or by joining strands into a small knot.
On this basis, you can create a lot of options for every day.

Another option: replace the flagella with pigtails or braid them only on one side. Looks very cute hair bow, which is created using an inconspicuous elastic band. In this case, the whole strand does not protrude, but a small loop is created, which is divided into two parts, the end of the hair is thrown in the middle, pushed between the hair at the gum itself.

Weave bezel out of your hair very easily. Strands of hair on one side are woven together or twisted with a flagellum, fixed with an elastic band. Then an impromptu headband is fixed under the hair, and on the other side with invisible ones. Do the same on the other side and lay them parallel to each other, from ear to ear.
A more complex way to create a lace headband from strands using basics French weaving.

To do this, you need to separate the strand along the contour of hair growth using a comb with fine teeth. To prevent the rest of the hair from getting in the way and not getting tangled, it is better to remove it with a loose elastic band. Weave a French braid along the contour of the hair, secure the tip with invisible ones, or braid the braid and decorate with a hairpin.

Incredible beauty and variety, convenience and uniqueness of hairstyles with braids will satisfy the most exaggerated requirements of little fashionistas. Suitable as best as possible for the requirements of the school and the desire to look beautiful and stylish. A huge selection of weaving creates unique looks: romantic, business, festive, funny.
Of course, some skills and abilities are required here. It is necessary to set aside time and practice, then in the morning the hairstyle will not take much time. First of all, it is classic three-row weaving one or two braids. Pigtails crossed at the back of the head or with a basket.

Weaving French or the so-called spikelet with additional strands will allow you to braid a waterfall, dragon, basket, snail. Four-row the braid is an incredible hair plexus, in fact it turns out to be a simple and quick enough hairstyle that is great for school days.
The hair is carefully combed and divided into 4 strands. The braid is braided from left to right: the third strand is placed on the second and placed under the first. The second is placed on the fourth and, as it were, wrapped under it.
The fourth lies between the first and the second and wraps under the third. The second is carried out under the first and applied to the third from above. Repeat weaving, secure at the end with an elastic band or hairpin. The braid turns out to be wide and very unusual.

The different ways of braiding fishtail, French or traditional braids are also different.
- By the tightness of the weave... You can stretch or fluff the strands into pigtails a little. The braid turns into a unique weave that always attracts attention.
- Weaving base: on the back of the head or crown, from the side, to the left or to the right, from the temple or near the ear.
- Smooth weaving or zigzag, along the upper contour or in a spiral.
- Quantity braids.
- By combining loose hair and braids.
- Twisting braids into more complex hairstyles: bunches, bumps, hairstyles.

A simple hairstyle that meets all the requirements of little fashionistas: high or low tail, at the back of the head or from the side, with various accessories and decoration options. To create it, a few minutes are enough to connect the hair at the crown or back of the head and fix it with an elastic band.
Ponytails have ceased to be boring and monotonous, because imagination and skillful hands know no boundaries. Tails can be decorated not only with bows, ribbons, hairpins, even beautiful accessories created from strands of your hair.
A thin pigtail, gathered at the base of the tail, blossoms into an intriguing rose.

On the basis of a high ponytail, it is easy to make a completely different hairstyle. For example, flashlights: fasten the hair in a ponytail with solid thin elastic bands at the same distance. Pull up a little and straighten each flashlight out of your hair.

You can diversify by fixing ribbons or pigtails between the elastic bands. Low curled ponytail: Hair carefully combed back is secured with an elastic band. Do not tighten too much. A hole is made at the base of the tail, in front of the elastic band, into which the hair is pushed in and, as it were, turned inside out. If the hair length allows, you can do it twice.

Twisted tail: divide the hair into three parts and twist them into bundles, connect them and secure with an elastic band or a bow. Thus, the flagella, fixed in two places, will not unwind. The ponytail looks incredibly beautiful in combination with weaving called "fish". Such weaving is quite simple: having divided the hair in the ponytail into two parts, it is necessary to shift them alternately into one or the other half. In order for the weaving to be uniform, the strands must be thin, uniform thickness.

Or do not one or two, but many tails crossing each other... This is where there are countless ways and options. The creation of such original hairstyles takes only a few minutes, all you need is hair ties, preferably of the same color and size, so that the hairstyle looks organic.
Any pattern can be woven from such ponytails in any direction. For example, a basket or a dragon.

The bunches can be different: careless and neat, very simple and complicated by weaving, low like a ballerina's or high, at the very top of the head. This hairstyle allows you to remove hair, fix naughty strands, open your face.
A sloppy bun will suit creative high school girls. Hairstyle is good because does not require special length or thickness of hair, perfect hair-to-hair comb. This is a minute styling, created in a couple of minutes. Naturalness and randomness makes it indispensable when you urgently need to remove your hair and look cute.
To create you only need scrunchy, the strands sticking out on the back of the head can be invisibly stabbed with invisible ones.

High the girl can easily make a neat bun herself: combed smooth hair just needs to be gathered in a high ponytail and combed with a comb. Then tuck it up and pin it with hairpins. If the length of the hair allows, the fleece can be replaced with braiding or a plait.
Short the beam can be located on the back of the head or on the side. Looks good with a strand or braid wrapped around it. Suitable for girls doing dance or rhythmic gymnastics.

To create, a special bagel made of foam rubber or a wide elastic hair band is most often used. Then everything is simple, a ready-made tail is pushed into the bagel and wrapped in strands, the tip is hidden under the lower strands and fixed with hairpins. You can make such a bunch more elegant using weaving, individual strands, woven ribbons and other accessories.

Take advantage of the advice of professional craftsmen.
- Slightly curling hair in curls, you can get a more elegant hairstyle on a holiday.
- Very soft children's hair is very frizzy, braids are unraveled, hairpins and bows slide off. In order for the hairstyle to last longer, it must be done slightly on wet hair. Older schoolgirls can use styling moussesand, just be careful not to overdo it. Before braiding, you can lightly spray your hair with water from a spray bottle or wet your hands. This will remove static electricity, and your hair will be more manageable.
- Small bundles can not be done from all hair. So, twist part of the hair into a bun, and dissolve the rest or make two bunches like ears.
- Beautifulwhen the elastic that holds the ponytail is hidden under a strand of your own hair - it looks very interesting. To do this, it is enough to separate the strand and wrap it around the base of the tail, imperceptibly securing it with invisible ones.
- The tail is universal base for many hairstyles: can be lifted and pinned, wrapped around an elastic band, combined weaving and ponytail, experimenting.

Interesting examples
Very beautiful and comfortable hairstyle for girls, suitable for school activities and festive events.

A neat high bun at the back of the head is adorned with a braid of braided hair. Can be supplemented with any accessories.

Cute image of a girl with neat braids. French weaving with slightly relaxed strands will appeal to any schoolgirl for its convenience and beauty.

There is never too much weaving. Having mastered the technique, you can look different every day. Ponytail or loose hairstyles can also be convenient and practical options for every day, if supplemented with braiding and the necessary accessories.

The following video will help you master a simple and original hairstyle for school.