40s hairstyles for women

History testifies that at any time, even in difficult times of war, every woman dreamed of looking perfect and attractive. Women in the USSR were no exception. Dresses and costumes were very expensive, but a romantic look could be created with a hairstyle.

Popular haircuts and styling
The femme fatale style was immensely popular at that time. It was this image that was considered perfection and was inherent in all Hollywood stars of the 40s and 50s. The stylized effect was created thanks to the neat curled strands from the middle of the curls to their ends. Was in vogue at the time classic bundle. Quite often, girls created their hairstyle. squareunderstanding the need for daily curling hair styling. At the same time, there was no need to dye hair in bright shades: natural hair color was fashionable.

Looked pretty attractive curled curls in the form of a roller and located in the frontal part of the head. Such hairstyles open the face, emphasize all its advantages, and a little makeup hides flaws. That is why this kind of styling was used by fashion models during the demonstration of fashion shows. At that time, it took a lot of effort to create a fashionable hairstyle. Nowadays, creating a retro style takes about half an hour or an hour, since every woman has in her arsenal many modern means for styling and curling curls.

In the 40s, at the peak of popularity was double roller on medium hair length. The main characteristic of the hairstyle is symmetrical styling. The hair was pre-divided into two halves with a clear parting.The upper strands on both sides were twisted with a roller and fixed with hairpins. From the back of the head, the curls could also be collected, but most often they were left hanging freely.
As for the bangs, they tried to hide it either with hairpins or hairpins. In addition to the two lateral ridges, one curl was created and rose above the frontal part. You could hide your bangs in it.

Short hair
In the 40s of the last century, short hair was considered a popular trend in fashion trends. They created soft curls twisted into small curlers. The curlers were removed and the hair was carefully combed without breaking the curls. It should be noted that the maximum diameter of the curl should not exceed 2 cm. Otherwise, the styling would not hold and the hair would fall off. Fine curls were created exclusively on short hair lengths.

The medium strands were not able to hold the shape of small curls due to the mass of the hair and were simply straightened. It was possible to make an additional upgrade to the created hairstyle by changing the diameter of the curls and the direction of the curled curls. Women have spent quite a lot of time on creating long-lasting hair styling. That is why hairstyles began to be created in the evening: wind curls on curlers and took them off only in the morning.

Owners of medium hair could create slightly different hairstyles. For example, do large curls with preliminary pile... At the same time, the parting was either in the middle or on the side, depending on the individuality of the image. Backing up the strands was required to create maximum hair volume. At the request of fashion trends, the forehead had to remain open, since the bangs at that time did not have positive ratings from stylists. The front strands were combed up or laid in the form of peculiar waves, smoothly turning into the main curls of the occipital part.

The most popular hair accessory of that time was mesh... It was not necessary to purchase it, you could knit it with your own hands on knitting needles or crochet. In addition, it was possible to decorate the bag with beads or not to make any additional elements. The mesh was designed to support the total mass of the hair and was fixed only at the crown of the head. And the fixing element was closed with a traditional roller.

Owners of long hair tried not to hide their luxurious curls. But nevertheless, without fail, they created hairstyles with curls or rollers. The hair was necessarily divided by an even parting. It could be either in the center of the head or on the side. Accordingly, the bangs should not stand out against the general background. She either hid under the front roller, or flowed into the total length of the hair in curls. Quite often, the owner of long hair used curlers and curled the curls from the middle to the ends. At the same time, the curls looked to the inside.
Some women preferred to collect their hair in one bun and create extraordinary hairstyles on their loose hair.

Features of retro hairstyles
Everyone knows that fashion trends from the past are gradually coming into modern life. Any extravagant lady wants to embody the image of the fatal beauty of the last century. But using a vintage style requires compulsory adherence to the accuracy of all the details of the image: it is not enough just to do the hairstyle of the 40s, you need to choose the appropriate makeup and costume.
An important nuance regarding skin color: it is preferable to use light shades of powder.

The main style of the 40s was considered retro and pin-up. This image is ideal for women who love to shine and attract the enthusiastic glances of others to their person. The main feature of these styles is the presence of a roller, bunches or smooth strands in the hair. Everything should be laid neatly and clearly, in no case any irregularities are allowed.Retro and pin-up emphasize the elegance and sexuality of the feminine look.
It is important to remember that the shade of the hair should be bright and saturated, faded tones and lifeless colors are not allowed.

With your own hands
Everyone knows that the best new is the long-forgotten old. Indeed, in fact, the fashion trends of the last century are returning to our days. Nowadays, to go to a cool party or a reunion, women are trying to transform themselves in a retro style. It is quite easy to choose clothes, makeup, manicure, but it is quite difficult to create a hairstyle with rollers with your own hands. In order to avoid mistakes and get a neat styling, you must follow certain instructions.
- The basis of any hairstyle of the 40s lies in a neat parting: it must be absolutely even. The front strands are fixed together with the bangs, lifted and brushed slightly. Then they are twisted starting from the tip and ending with the roots in the form of a roller. The resulting curl needs to be fixed. It is important to note that the hairpins should not be visible, and the rollers should wobble slightly and not be very tight. Thus, two separate curls are obtained with a gap inside. They fit symmetrically and should be a reflection of each other.
- When creating these rollers, only the top curls should be used. The remaining hair is gathered into a ponytail with an elastic band and secured with invisible hairs to hide the main attachment. The back strands are also curled up in the form of a roller and rise to the occipital region. The resulting structure must be fixed with studs.
- In order for the hairstyle to last for a long time, it is necessary to use additional cosmetic products of a gentle option, for example, varnish.

Despite the serious requirements of the last century, modern fashion trends allow you to slightly change the created image of retro with the help of slight asymmetry. The main parting can be done from the side, and where there is more hair, twist wide rollers. The main thing is not to forget about the preliminary pile. It takes much less time to create a classic retro hairstyle these days, but there are styling variations that take more than an hour to complete. Therefore, before going to any event, it is worth starting preparation in advance.
It is important to remember that even when creating this kind of styling, it is necessary to take into account the structure of your own hair, their advantages and disadvantages.

A master class for retro hairstyles is presented in the following video.
Very beautiful hair.