How to make afro curls at home?

Unusual styling comes to the rescue when you want to slightly change your image. African curls are applicable both for creating an everyday look and for a holiday. This is a very convenient option as the hairstyle does not require constant attention. You can create a unique image in different ways, it is only important to take into account the length of the hair.

Choosing the shape of the curls
A great feature of African curls is that they visually shorten the hair by 10-15 cm. It is important to take this factor into account before starting experiments. Girls with different hair lengths should use different methods for creating curls.

Long hair
The peculiarity of hairstyles for such a length is that it is imperative to use means for fixing. If you neglect varnish or mousse, then the curls will bloom under the weight of the hair. Making African curls is not easy, but the result is stunning.
Use irons and tongs to keep the hairstyle lasting for a few days.
If you need an effect for the evening, then a combination of braids and a fixing spray is enough. You can create curls in any way, there are no restrictions.

Medium hair
The owners of such lengths have complete freedom of action, since the curls perfectly keep their shape. Spiral wrapping looks especially interesting on a cascade haircut. The hairstyle is voluminous and unusual. You can use even the simplest curling methods using a pencil or papillotes.
Be sure to wash your hair before doing your hair.
Make curls small or medium. You can use additional means for fixing.

Short hair
For this length, only the vertical winding method can be used. An excellent option would be to use papillotes made of fabric or paper. You need to create a hairstyle on clean, slightly damp hair. Horizontal winding methods are not recommended. The result can greatly upset you, the hairstyle will become like a ridiculous hat. If you wear a bob hairstyle, then you should be especially careful with afro-curls. The previous method with pieces of fabric is not suitable at all, the hair will only fluff up and rise. The horizontal curl gives the hairstyle a triangular look. Use only spiral or vertical options.
It is important when working not to twist short strands that are located at the bottom of the back of the head.

Execution techniques
Making afro curls at home is quite simple. Before choosing a particular technique, it is important to determine the type of hair. Several options can be applied.
- Straight tough. This is the most time consuming option, so you need to use tongs or a curling iron. The selection of temperature takes place on an individual basis. You should not perm on wet curls, and also set the temperature over + 220 ° C. Be sure to use thermal protection products to avoid scalding your hair.
- Smooth and obedient. It is important to properly prepare the hair for winding afro-curls. It is necessary to take only means for washing and for fixing curls. Methods that involve thermal exposure are ideal. The temperature should not exceed + 180– + 200 ° С.

- Curly healthy. This type is the most malleable when creating African curls. Any method of twisting can be used. Use fixing agents as desired and in small quantities.
- Damaged, weak. African curls will help hide split ends and general dryness from prying eyes. Care for such a hairstyle will require a special one and the curls will not last long. You can wind up in any way that does not involve thermal effects. Irons and tongs will only worsen the condition of your hair. If you still want to use hot styling, then use quality protection products.

Separately, it is worth considering a means for fixing.
It is better to refuse ordinary hairspray, because the curls will look unnatural and lifeless.
An alternative would be a high-quality foam, but remember that such a product is applied before styling, not after. Styling oil is only suitable when styling is created for a short time. The hold is quite soft, the curls acquire a healthy shine. Remember that excess of any remedy will make you heavier. A large amount of foam will cause the curls to straighten under the weight of the hair.

It is worth considering the most popular performance techniques.
On hairpins
This is a time consuming cold styling option. The process includes the following steps:
- the studs must first be straightened;
- wet your hair with water and wrap it on a metal stick;
- start from the bottom tier and try to position the hairpin as close to the scalp as possible;
- strands need to be wound on a figure-of-eight tool and secured with invisible ones;
- wait about 2-4 hours and remove all hairpins from your hair; curls are quite small;
- Shape your hairstyle with your hands and treat with a fixing agent.
Important! If you comb your hair with a massage comb, the curls will become very lush.

With braids
This method is very easy and is suitable for shaping children's hair. It includes the following steps:
- divide the hair into small strands and braid; lush curls will turn out only if the braids are really small;
- leave your hair alone for a few hours;
- gently unbraid the weave and use your hands to give the hair the desired shape; act carefully so that the curls are not damaged;
- top up with fixing agent as needed.

There is an alternative way to create afro curls, which is as follows:
- tie your hair into a high ponytail;
- divide into many strands and braid the braids;
- wait about 4 hours;
- further, shape your hairstyle in the same way as in the previous description.

We use papillotes and curlers
Comfortable to style your hair in the evening and leave it on overnight for maximum hold. It is preferable to use papillotes, they are softer and do not injure the hair at all. It is important to select a tool with a small diameter so that the curls are small. The process consists of steps such as:
- wash your hair and dry with a towel; you can blow a little with a hairdryer;
- divide the hair into small strands and treat with foam; it is important to do this separately;
- wind your hair with papillotes or curlers;
- if possible, use a hat so that the entire structure does not move during the waiting period;
- in the morning, gently remove the curlers from your hair and straighten the curls with your fingers.

On strings
This method is the most economical, does not require additional financial costs. To implement it, you should follow these steps:
- you need to take ordinary thin sewing threads that are in any home;
- divide your hair into small strands;
- twist each curl into a light tourniquet, a small lamb should form;
- wrap a curl of hair with a thread at the roots;
- do such manipulations with all the strands, while weaving the threads so that they hold well;
- wait for full fixation, about 4 hours, and loosen the harnesses;
- straighten your hair with your hands and comb it lightly.

On flexible tubes and pencil
Any object in the form of a thin stick can be used. Take cocktail sticks or sushi sticks, you can use regular pencils as well. Use the tubes only for cold laying, and for the thermal version you need wood items. So, the process includes the following steps:
- moisturize your hair and divide it into small strands of the same size;
- wind the curls on a pencil and treat with an iron at the required temperature;
- using cocktail tubes is safer for hair - just wrap the tool with curls and fix it with invisibility;
- leave alone for a few hours and remove all unnecessary;
- if necessary, use a fixing agent; foam is well suited for this method; remember to apply it before curling your hair.

Curling iron-corrugation
This tool is ideal for creating fine curls. In just 5 minutes you can create an interesting and attractive styling. You can curl your hair correctly using the following step-by-step instructions:
- wash your hair thoroughly and dry it with a hairdryer;
- apply a product to protect against high temperatures;
- comb your hair thoroughly, use a massage brush;
- take a small strand, place the curling iron as close to the roots as possible, but do not touch the skin;
- gradually move the tool to the ends, press it against the hair step by step;
- repeat the procedure with all hair;
- comb to add fluffiness.

Playful curls can be easily created with an iron that was originally designed to straighten hair. It is safer for hair to use a tourmaline-coated device. Curl with tongs as follows:
- prepare the hair - wash and dry slightly, treat with a thermal protection agent;
- Divide hair into thin strands, twist a separate curl with a flagellum until a ring is formed, while trying to twist as tightly as possible;
- pinch the hair in tongs for 7-10 seconds, no more;
- gently spread the treated strand with your hands;
- manipulate each strand;
- use any additional fixing agent.

Hairstyles with afro curls
Beautiful and varied styling can be created using African curls on long hair. Just loose curls look great. A different effect can be achieved by winding it as close to the root as possible or with a slight indent. A high tail with African curls looks fashionable. A voluminous and lush hairstyle attracts a lot of attention, so makeup with an emphasis on the eyes or lips would be useful. To create a harmonious look, do not combine this styling with tight-fitting clothing.
Remember that the beautiful appearance of curls will last longer with fixing products.

Curls on medium hair add boldness and perkiness to the look.
To create a more spectacular hairstyle, color dyeing is perfect.
If you are creating an image for one evening, then you can use regular hair crayons. Combine different partings, do not limit yourself to just even. Curls that go to one side look great. With the help of invisible strands, you can fix the strands so as to open the temple.

It is easier and faster to create afro curls on short hair than any other length.
The field for experimenting with a hairstyle is quite large. Choose the size of the curls for the oval of the face. You can direct the curls both to the sides and up. The latter option is considered more daring and interesting.

Tips from hairdressers and stylists
Hair styling with small curls looks impressive and attractive only if done correctly. The salons often offer rather dangerous procedures for the realization of the image. Most of them are associated with chemical or thermal effects on the hair. At home, you can do much less damage to your hair. In order to get the desired result the first time, you should listen to the following recommendations of experts:
- the hairstyle will be lighter and more voluminous if you first wash your hair; if using cold styling methods, then leave the curls slightly damp, but not wet;
- immediately before the formation of curls, treat your hair with foam or styling lotion, the curls will be clearer and more reliable;
- after such a hairstyle, you should make a couple of masks to restore and moisturize your hair; heat treatment greatly dries the curls, and folding and twisting into bundles harm the overall structure;

- you should not do African braids more than 1 time a month, because constant breaks make the hair brittle and increase the risk of section;
- be sure to pay special attention to the hair at the very roots; if the upper part remains even, then the hairstyle will look extremely ridiculous;
- gently comb the curls, the additional effect strongly pushes the hair, the curls lose their definition, there is a risk of getting a completely wrong result;

- use a minimum amount of means for fixing, especially for hairspray - an excess of the product will make the hair heavy, the curls will simply unravel; another result is also possible - the hairstyle will lose its naturalness, the curls will look like plastic;
- if you wind your hair with a vertical method, then the curls will be randomly located; so that the curls look straight down, you need to use the horizontal method;
- twist the tips gently so that they do not stick out in different directions after you remove the curlers.

If done correctly, the hairstyle will last about 2 days on fine and obedient curls. If the hair is thick and the hairs are stiff, then without additional fixation the curls will bloom in a few hours. In the latter case, it will turn out to create a spectacular image only for a party or photo shoot.

For information on how to make afro-curls yourself, see below.
Thank you, I will definitely try it soon.