Afrokudri: what is it, who suits it and how to do it?

African hairstyles attract the attention of modern women of fashion with their originality and brightness. They attract everyone's attention, their popularity is growing every day. But if it is not difficult for African women to create their own bow, then Europeans and Asians have to resort to different methods of creating lush hair, reminiscent of a shock of violent curls. The material in this article will introduce readers to the techniques for creating afro-curls, tell who they are suitable for, and also teach how to style curls.

What it is?
Afro-curls are a lush hairstyle, consisting of many curls-springs. Due to the large number of curls, it is possible to recreate the splendor of the hair. Such hairstyles are popular due to the fact that they do not require minute correction and constant attention.
In addition, this hairstyle is considered universal today: it can decorate not only everyday, but also an evening women's bow.

This hairstyle differs from ordinary curls in African flavor. If we are accustomed to large curls and straight hair at the roots, then the situation is different here: wind the curls exactly from the root. Such hairstyles perfectly correct the oval of the face and give the image a lightness. Afro-curls are practical, allow for different experiments with the image and create different hairstyles based on their own.

African curls are comfortable because they look beautiful on hair of different lengths. They will allow you to express your own personality, adventurism and rebellious character. Bouncy curls can change the mood of a business set that obeys a strict dress code. At the same time, such styling can be done both in a professional salon and at home.

African curls are made using different tools. For example, an iron, a ceramic-coated curling iron, thin bobbins, threads, pencils, flexible papillots are used for this. In each case, you get your own kind of curls.
You need to approach the choice of your tool thoroughly so that the result pleases, and does not turn the girl into a brownie with increased shaggy and parted hair.

When creating a hairstyle, you will have to take into account a number of nuances. For example, African curls are not easy to do on both short and long hair. In addition, you need to understand that a voluminous hairstyle can add massiveness to facial features and visually expand it. Choosing one or another method of creating afro curls, you need to note the type of hair for yourself.
- If your curls are straight and tight, making small curls will be problematic. In this case, you will have to use special preparations for hot styling. The temperature of the curling devices used will have to be selected individually, while the hair should not be wet.
- With obedient straight hair, styling problems should not arise. Here it is important to properly prepare your hair for curling. As in the first case, you can use tongs or a curling iron. But in this process it will be necessary to reduce the temperature of the tool from 220 to 180 (200) degrees.

- If a girl has naturally curly locks, such hair is easier than others in styling. As a rule, in this case, after curling, they last much longer.
- The most problematic is to work with damaged and brittle curls. Here you will have to do the so-called cold styling, although in most cases it is not able to disguise split hair and does not always look well-groomed.

You need to understand that hot curling can damage the curls. And if a girl wants to use just such a technique, she should know that in this case, instead of varnish, you need to use foam: in addition to stiffness, varnish will increase the soreness of the appearance of the hair. Foam is the optimal fixer for afro curls.
It is with her that the styling will stay the longest, and not only in good, but also in damp weather. However, the abundance of foam on the hair can weigh down the curls. Some girls prefer to use special oil instead of varnish and foam. This tool is suitable when the fashionista does not need long-lasting styling. Such curls look beautiful, they are elastic, they hold well, although not as hard as when using varnish.

Who is it for?
Afro-curls will add splendor to a female hairstyle. However, they cannot be called universal, suitable for all women. Ideally, this styling looks on tall and slender girls, giving them a lot of charm. Moreover, the length of the hair in this case is preferable to long. As for short women of fashion, they will have to choose between styling for medium and short hair. In this case, one of the determining factors will be the fullness of the body: short and lush hair will not look on a fashionista-plump.

Speaking about the oval of the face, it is worth noting: such a hairstyle will not work for chubby girls, as it will expand the face even more. For owners of an elongated face, small curls are most suitable. They will correct the shape, making it more rounded. At the same time, Afro-curls are considered an ideal solution for girls with small facial features.

When it comes to the best length for African curls, there are no hard standards. Women of fashion themselves prefer medium-length hair styling. At the same time, hairstyles are often based on a cascade haircut. As for hair color, afro curls are made both for dark and red curls, and for light ones.
It is worth noting that this hairstyle looks more natural on dark curls.However, this does not stop blondes from decorating their set with a playful hairstyle with many small curls.

Hair length and technique
Long hair and afro-curls are considered a vivid symbiosis of cockiness and sexuality. Such styling excites the male mind and deprives a man of his mind. For such styling, you can use tongs, a curling iron, or you can braid many small braids. In addition, bobbins and papillots can be used here.

The technologies for obtaining luxurious curly hair for medium hair do not generally differ from the method for achieving small curls on long curls. Also, in this case, you can use pencils, sushi sticks, cocktail tubes, hairpins, hairpins, thick threads, laces and various ropes in your work - you can use different objects in the course.

As for the short length, then in this case you need to understand that Afro-curls will not go to every girl with a short length, and even a different basis. For example, they look great in the style of African women with a very short length (for a boy). But, if you decide to make small curls, say, on the basis of a square, the result can be disastrous. For hairstyles for short hair, it is best to use textile papillotes or cut pieces of paper.

When styling on hair of different lengths, it is worth considering several nuances.
- If you want to wind your hair with a vertical technique on curlers or bobbins, the arrangement of curls will be messy, chaotic. If the technique is horizontal, the curls will fall down.
- When using smooth bobbins, you cannot "skip" with the ends of the hair, otherwise the hairstyle will look sloppy.

- If winding seems difficult, you need to reduce the thickness of the wound strand.
- Hair longer than 25 cm can be twisted both horizontally and vertically.
- Curls on coarse hair can last only a few hours. In this case, another decisive factor will be their density.

How long does it last?
The durability of the styling will depend to a large extent on the structure and length of the hair. For example, curls are the worst for long and heavy hair. If the curls themselves are thin, and even short, they can last for a long time. Long-term styling can last from the moment you apply it to washing your hair. The short duration can be no more than one day.

If we talk about spiral chemistry or the so-called spiral chemical perm of hair, which takes up to 5 hours of time, then such a result exceeds all expectations. Durability in this case is determined by the chemicals used and can be more than one month. Braiding allows you to create curls that can be worn until your next hair wash. The iron is not inferior in demand to braids: its effect is almost the same.

How to do it?
The creation of small curls in the salon is laborious and time-consuming. Variations at home will take less time, but this will depend on the tool used and the skills of the girl herself.

Curling iron "corrugation" today is considered one of the simpler and faster. For the working process, you will need a curling iron with a special "corrugation" nozzle. Before you start curling, the hair is washed and dried with a hairdryer, after which a spray with a thermal protection function is applied to it. To get small curls, you need to place a strand at the roots in the curling iron and gradually move the device towards the end of the hair.
Keep the strand for no more than 10 seconds. At the same time, you need to wind it tightly on the curling iron, which will prevent the curls from sticking out in different directions. The severity of the effect will depend on the thickness of the strand taken: the fewer hairs are taken, the more pronounced the effect will be.

Regular curling iron
Despite the fact that such curls turn out to be large, a considerable part of the girls use a round curling iron, trying to choose a tool with a small diameter of the working surface. In order to save money, girls purchase curling irons with replaceable nozzles. First, the desired nozzle is attached to the base of the curling iron, then strand by strand is wound on it.
If necessary, you can use a curling iron with a cone nozzle, using the part of the nozzle with the smallest diameter to create afro-braids. The processing time for each strand should not exceed 10 seconds.

On curlers
This technique differs from the traditional winding only in the size of the curlers used. In this case, you will have to use small curlers. At the same time, you should not "cheat": in order for the curls to turn out to be pronounced and small, the strand to be wound should be small. Otherwise, it will not work to create the effect of lush curly hair (such styling will not last long).

For work, you can purchase papillotes, which, to a lesser extent, injure the curls. This styling should be done on washed and towel-dried hair. Each wet strand is treated with foam and only after that it is wound on curlers. On average, at the end of styling, it should take about three hours for the result to take hold.
If the girl's hair is naughty, you can perm at night.

Using studs
For styling, the hairpin is placed as close as possible to the hair roots, after which the separated strand is moistened, wound on the hairpin with a figure eight and the tip is fixed. Unwind a kind of curlers after a few hours. After that, the curls must be treated with a fixative.
If you need to turn curls into lush hair, you can walk along the curls with a massage comb. However, you should not comb the curled curls strongly and for a long time: this can spoil the appearance.

On a pencil
This technique is distinguished by its uniqueness and, despite the inconvenience of implementation, is actively used by modern women of fashion. The washed and towel-dried hair is combed along the entire length, without waiting for it to dry completely. Taking a separate strand, it is wound on the most ordinary pencil, after which it is passed over it with an iron or tongs. Next, the resulting curl is gently unwound, freeing the pencil. This is done with each strand.

In this case, different techniques are used (including using a pencil). For example, after washing your hair and drying it, you can thoroughly comb the curls, then braid small braids and dry them in an iron.
In order not to burn the curls, a special agent must be applied to each lock in advance, which protects the hair from destruction of the structure when exposed to high temperatures.

How to pack?
The methods of laying ready-made curls will depend on the oval of the woman's face and the final length of the hair. In addition, the age of the fashionista will be a decisive nuance. For example, very young beauties often ennoble bold and elastic curls-springs with a thin hair band or a bandage. It looks beautiful, gives the image a note of mischief.

In other cases, the curls are combed, they are also left intact, or they are divided into small strands to increase splendor. For separation, they often resort to using a comb with rare teeth. If you initially divide the strands correctly, you can completely do without further styling. At the same time, the hairstyle will look quite beautiful and well-groomed.
However, if the girl does not attach much importance to the separation of the strands, the situation may be different. For example, the styling option looks very ugly in the middle. This hairstyle resembles the well-known character of the brownie Kuzya. A hairstyle in which curls cover an obvious parting looks much more interesting.

The curls themselves can be directed back from the face. If they get in your eyes, you can use any headband in the traditional way.If you want something creative, you can make a headband from a thin pigtail, braiding it according to the principle of collection on one side. Such styling will look aesthetically pleasing.
If a headband is not your option, but you need to open your forehead, you can hook part of your hair with a small elastic band or hair clip. By the way, this styling option will hide the flaws of winding curls. If the girl likes small braids, and also needs to remove the hair falling on her face, you can braid a couple of braids, tucking them between small curls.

Afro-curls are popular with many fashionistas. This is evidenced by the reviews left on the open spaces of the network. In the comments, the girls note that African hairstyles are fresh and original, they allow you to bring novelty and playfulness. "The image looks quite different," write the commentators, "it attracts the attention of the opposite sex."
As for the main haircut and hair length, here the opinions of fashionistas differ: some like styling to the shoulders, others prefer to make curls for long curls.
However, whatever technique women use, they note that styling based on the "cascade" looks perfect. At the same time, the curls are more aesthetically pleasing, and the shape of the hairstyle is felt, which cannot be said about hair without a haircut.

Opinions about the size of the curls are different: some fashionistas like it when the curls are large, others prefer to do styling at home, exactly copying the image of African women. However, girls often write that after winding, you need to make the curls more attractive by straightening them, laying them down, or even combing them with a large-toothed comb. Otherwise, the hairstyle may look unnatural.

For information on how to make afro-curls, see the next video.