Braids: what is it and how to do it?

Many people love original and eye-catching hairstyles. So, a frequent companion of bright and bold fashionistas are original braids, which cannot be ignored. This unusual hairstyle is created in many different ways. In this case, different materials can also be used. Today we will take a closer look at such a non-trivial technique and find out how it can be implemented.

What it is?
Not every person knows what braids are and how they differ. Translated, this new word for many means "pigtail" or "weaving". This hairstyle consists of a large number of thin braids. In most cases, they are woven in an amount of at least a hundred. Such braids are both natural and artificial and are subdivided into several varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages
People who decide on such an unusual hairstyle are mostly very original and positive. It should be noted that braids are worn not only by girls, but also by guys. The popularity of such a non-trivial solution is due to the many positive qualities that are inherent in it. Let's get acquainted with them.
- First of all, it should be borne in mind that braids are a great way to radically change the image. Often, such original pigtails completely change the appearance of a person.
- Due to such African braids, you can significantly increase the length of the hair if they are supplemented with interweaving from kanekalon or artificial strands. The density will also change for the better.
- With this hairstyle, you can emphasize your bright personality. You can rest assured that with braids you are unlikely to be left unattended.

- With braids, you can change the shade of your hair. For this, weaves are used from multi-colored artificial hair or kanekalon. Such Afrokos look much more interesting and attract more attention.
- For a while, you will not have to worry about styling and spend your free time on it. This fact pleases many girls. Moreover, it should be noted that such pigtails do not even need to be combed.
- This hairstyle will be not only insanely bright, stylish and unusual, but also quite durable. Usually, their owners wear braids for at least 4-6 months. Of course, it is very important not to forget about the correction campaigns.
If you do everything correctly and do not neglect the rules of wearing these braids, then you can safely expect from them pristine attractiveness and durability.

- If you get bored with the original pigtails, then you can easily dissolve them yourself, at home. It is much easier to dissolve the braids than to braid, so you should not be afraid of this procedure.
- Correctly executed braids can serve as protection of your hair from the adverse effects of hot and dry hair dryers, rain, cold, dust or ultraviolet rays.
- In the winter season, braids may well serve as a kind of replacement for a hat.
- Hair designed in this way is quite possible to collect in a neat female bun or ponytail. Most often, such solutions are turned to so that the braided strands do not get in the way, for example, during sports.

From all of the above, we can safely conclude that braids are a very interesting and effective solution that can refresh and radically change the image of a person. However, there were some drawbacks here. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Immediately after creating such a hairstyle, for a certain time, a person may not feel the most pleasant sensations due to excessive stretching of the hair. Many users experience significant scalp tightness and even migraine-like headaches. You should not be afraid of these symptoms, although they can be an unpleasant surprise. In a couple of weeks they will go away and everything will return to normal.
- Another serious disadvantage of the mentioned hairstyle is not the easiest care. For example, you will have to spend a lot more free time on the same washing and drying.
- They do such hairstyles for a long time. For example, if original African braids are woven on long hair, then the whole process may well take about 10 hours.

- If during the weaving the master used kanekalon, then in the summer season it can be very hot to walk with pigtails, since they will look like a kind of hat, characterized by sufficient warmth.
- The procedure for weaving such braids can get a tidy sum. It is advisable to apply for the specified service to a trusted and experienced craftsman, who is not faced with such work for the first time, and the services of good craftsmen are worth it. It is not worth saving here. An inexperienced professional may not braid the braids correctly and cause serious damage to the hair.
- It is very important to keep in mind the fact that braids are not suitable for every person. For some, this hairstyle decorates and makes trendy, while others can literally disfigure.
- Braids require proper and regular maintenance. If this requirement is neglected, then natural hair can be seriously damaged - their condition will noticeably deteriorate.
So, excessively strong tension can cause serious damage to the hair follicle, which will ultimately lead to hair loss.

There are several types of braids. Let's get to know them better.
From your hair
Classic French braids are made by weaving, but different patterns can be applied here. Often they are copyright. In such situations, the hair on the head is intertwined, forming a variety of patterns and patterns.Hairstyles like these attract attention like a magnet because they look amazing. However, not every master can cope with weaving these specimens, so people often get by with a simple modification of the afrokos.

The following subspecies are distinguished.
- Direct braids. This option is allowed for wearing by both women and men. With it, pigtails are braided parallel to each other and in different directions.
- Geometric patterns. The original pigtails on the back of the head are woven so that they create a clear pattern of an ideal geometric shape.
- Wave-like patterns. African braids can also repeat exactly the pattern that the master has developed. For example, it can be attractive spirals, eights, or more complex shapes.

French with artificial threads
Braids look even more interesting and brighter if supplemented with artificial threads. They are worn longer than conventional traditional braids because they hold their shape much better. Synthetic strands of different colors do not require complex and scrupulous care and may seem quite simple, but it is these details that can make a hairstyle more "lively" and attractive. Such compositions are subdivided into several types.
- Pigtails with kanekalon. This material of synthetic origin can be monochromatic, with a color overflow, ombre or even luminous. Hairstyles with kanekalon differ in their impressive weight, which is why it can be difficult to wear them.

- Pony tail. With this hairstyle, materials are used that look like delicate and silky strands. There is always loose hair at the ends.
- Sisi. This name is worn by thin straight or wavy braids woven into their hair.
- Curly curls or afrolokons. Such options are attached to the head using beautiful French weaving. At the same time, the main length of the strands remains free, so the hairstyle from the side looks like loose curls.

This variant is a type of Senegalese braids. They are embodied in different forms, for example:
- in the form of a mambo twist - these are quite voluminous and dense twists;
- senegal twists - thin pigtails, as close as possible to the classic Senegalese;
- cube twists - an analogue of tetrahedral braids composed of four strands.
A subspecies of mambo twist braids are box braids. This original hairstyle is performed in the manner of traditional African braids. Boxing options differ in that ready-made and rather dense Afrokos are woven through the braid.

Who will they go to?
If you have weighed all the pros and cons of the original brades, then you should not rush to decorate them on your head until you know for sure whether they will suit you. Do not neglect this stage, because such pigtails can both transform you and significantly spoil your appearance.

Keep in mind that African braids are a very bold and daring hairstyle that takes a long time to complete and is often expensive. The specified composition is suitable for both women and men. However, it should be borne in mind that it is permissible for the fair sex to refer to all sorts of original patterns and designs on the head, but the stronger sex is better off with more concise and restrained hairstyles.

Initially, it was believed that this hairstyle is more suitable only for schoolchildren or students. However, over time, African (and any other similar braids) braids have ceased to be perceived as a "visiting card" of young people. Nowadays, these hairstyles can be safely approached by any active, courageous and open person who wants to emphasize their bright individuality. Older users, who are over 30, also adorn their heads with braids.

In addition to age and gender, it is very important to take into account the peculiarities of a person's appearance.Braids are desirable to emphasize the pros and divert attention from the cons. Unfortunately, it will hardly be possible to hide any imperfections with such pigtails, so they can decorate their owner only if a number of nuances are observed.
- The shape of the head should be aesthetically pleasing. With the help of braids, you can visually correct the irregular shape of the back of the head, as well as divert attention from a square forehead or protruding ears.
- The face should be of the correct shape, because it will be completely open with braids. Excessive angularity and non-standard proportions will immediately catch the eye. This also applies to other unattractive features, for example, a rough nose, too wide or close-set eyes, and other similar nuances.
- A person should have no scars, no bald spots, no large and noticeable moles.
- Braids will be a great addition to an informal style. In a business or evening look, this hairstyle will look ridiculous and disharmonious.

How to weave?
The technique of braiding African braids may seem quite difficult, but you can master it and create unique hairstyles for yourself at home. First you need to stock up on everything you need.
- A special mirror with several sections. So you will see yourself from all sides. With this device, you can even create a spectacular braid over your entire head.
- You will need a comb with a handle length to make the parting.
- Hairpins of different sizes - large and small - will also come in handy.
- Small rubber bands will be needed for the ends of the braids.
- You can stock up on artificial strands, special glue and beads for braids.

Now we will consider in stages how to weave the original braids on our own.
- First, pick the drawing you like. If you do not want to get involved with complex and intricate schemes, then it is better to weave simple straight braids.
- Comb your hair from the top of your head. Divide into partings, based on the diagram. In most cases, about 16-20 sections come out based on the degree of hair density.
- Each ridge will need to be carefully "grabbed" with small hair clips, fixing them on the head. Do not touch the length. As a result, you will get a kind of blank for the planned braids, represented by several strands. The evenness of their placement can be checked using mirrors.
- Having divided the hair into separate and even rows, it will be possible to proceed to weaving. Some begin to do it from the top of the head, while others begin to weave at the temples. Here, each girl chooses a more convenient option for herself.

- Grab a large length with a hair clip so that it does not interfere with you.
- Select a thin strand for the planned braid at the very beginning of the ridge. Scratch it and divide it into 3 more parts.
- Now do 2-3 loops of a standard braid, and then move to the end of the part. Attach thin tufts at each step as you would with French weave.
- As soon as the hairline ends, the unused end should be braided in the manner of a classic braid.
- Braid should be braided like a French braid. Each of them must be braided to the end. It is permissible to fix them with elastic bands, leaving a small unoccupied curl.
- If you use kanekalon in your hairstyle, then it must be added with interweaving into long hair at the stage when the French braid is completed and a simple one begins (it is permissible a little earlier).
Of course, you can also make braids without kanekalon. In this case, the length of your hair can be any. It is permissible to create such a hairstyle on short, medium and long curls.

Care Tips
- Wash your hair once every 7-10 days.
- Do not use serums, masks or conditioners on your skin, as these products are difficult to wash off. Use a simple shampoo for normal hair. Apply it to the scalp, spreading over the roots. Next, wash your braids thoroughly in the shower.
- Squeeze out the damp hairstyle carefully, and then blot it with a dry towel. Do not rub or curl the braids, otherwise the hair will lose its shape.
- Do not blow dry your hair or it will knock out of your braids. Strands of synthetic origin do not tolerate high temperatures at all.
- Don't forget to go for correction.
It is advisable to loosen the braids in the salon. This will minimize the risk of hair damage.

Beautiful examples
- Braids, complemented by colored kanekalons, look beautiful. So, with light hair, blue-pink weaves will look, and with dark hair - blue or blue-violet.

- Lush Senegalese thin and tight braids of a dense burgundy shade will look luxurious. Such hairstyles look especially harmonious on girls with dark skin and expressive facial features.

- In search of original solutions, some women of fashion turn to braiding on only one temple. The rest of the hair remains intact. The braid on the side can be complemented with kanekalons with color transitions.

For how easy it is to weave African braids, see the next video.