Beautiful hairstyles for thick hair

Thick hair is a gift for creating beautiful lush styling, although this requires certain skills, taking into account the structure of such hair. Depending on the length of the curls, you can make a wide variety of styling for everyday life and festive events.

Features of hairstyles
Women's hairstyles for thick hair are performed depending on:
- face shape and the characteristics of his features;
- hair length (short, medium length, long);
- their textures (heavy, light, stiff, straight, curly);
- thickness hair shaft;
- personal style women.
Curls that do not exceed 10 centimeters in length and do not reach the upper edge of the ear are considered short. With an average length, they reach the prominent vertebra in the neck. Long ones fall on the shoulders.

Hairstyles for short strands
The beauty of a hairstyle with short hair is largely determined by the quality and condition of the haircut. In order for styling to always be able to give a beautiful shape, the intervals between visits to the hairdresser should not be long. It is also important to keep your hair fluffy. To do this, after washing, they should be properly dried, giving the desired shape and volume.
To make a beautiful styling, you will need:
- round comb;
- hairdryer;
- styling product;
- varnish.
After washing, blot the hair with a towel, wait 5 minutes. During this time, the strands will dry out a little. This will prevent them from sticking together when applying the styling product.
Start drying from the bottom hair, winding it with a brush. The hair dryer is first blown into the roots, and then into the ends. You cannot keep the device close to the strands - this will harm them, they will lose their radiant appearance.Having dried all the hair, it remains to fix the hairstyle with varnish or other fixer, which is more suitable for the owner of thick hair.

Some short haircuts allow for braiding in the parietal area.
If you want to diversify your image and this is facilitated by the length, you can perform French weaving, adding strands to the braid from both sides or from only one. Fix the result with varnish.
For medium length hair
You can make beautiful styling at medium length using a hair dryer, special heating hairdressing devices, and curlers.
It's easy to style your hair with a curling iron. A thermal protective compound is applied to the strands beforehand so as not to damage the hair. The upper part of it is separated and fixed with clamps so that it does not interfere with working with the lower part of the hair, from which they begin to style.

Twist the strands onto the curling iron, holding it vertically so that the curls take the shape of a spiral. After going through all the hairs in the lower half of the head in this manner, remove the hairpins from the upper part and repeat the procedure. The curls are fixed with varnish, carefully disassembling it with your hands.
Medium-length hair looks especially beautiful, styled in evening hairstyles.
For example, Greek styling looks spectacular. There are different options for creating such hairstyles. You can use a bandage for this. The hair is divided with a vertical parting in the parietal zone. The bandage is put on the head in the manner of a hat.

Now all hair is wrapped in a row around the bandage and fixed with hairpins. For greater effect, you can release a couple of curls at the temples, twist them with a curling iron and fix with varnish.
Without resorting to weaving, it is possible to magnificently style the hair in the form of a spikelet. In order for the hairstyle to turn out well, it is advisable to pre-treat the strands with a styling spray.
On the head, you need to make several identical ponytails, placing them one above the other. The elastic bands should be transparent or to match the hair.
Twist each tail with a plait and wrap around the base. Secure with hairpins. You need to do the hairstyle from the bottom up, so that each bagel crawls a little over the previous one, so that the styling becomes more voluminous.

Thick hair allows for spectacular braided evening hairstyles.
Select the front part of the hair with a comb, braid loosely in the form of a rim in the "French way" and fix it with a silicone rubber band. Collect the remaining strands in a tail at the back of the head, form a lush bun around the base. Hide the tip of the pigtail in it. Secure with hairpins.
From smooth, medium length hair, you can make a festive bow-shaped bun.
Make a tail at the back of the head. Do not completely pull the strands out of the elastic to form a ring. Divide the loop into two halves and lay the rest of the tail in the middle. Hide the tip under the bun and fix with hairpins. Decorate the bow with an elegant hairpin.

Long hair
The good thing about long hair is that you can quickly whip up hairstyles out of it. Even in everyday use, they look smart. One of the options requires the following sequence of actions:
- divide the hair with a vertical parting from the forehead to the neck into two equal parts;
- tie a knot;
- turn it diagonally and secure the ends with hairpins;
- if necessary, strengthen the hairstyle with hairpins.
A beautiful, comfortable styling can be done with a bandage:
- curl curls all over the head with a curling iron;
- put on a headband so that the hair above it rises slightly, creating volume;
- raise the strands at the temples and twine around the bandage;
- leave the hair on the back of the head free.

Long hair makes it easy to create a comfortable, beautiful bump in the manner of those worn by ballerinas.
- on the back of the head, create a tail using a thick large elastic band (you can also use a donut, which is installed at the base of the collected strands);
- hair is laid on top so as to completely cover the elastic or patch;
- to keep the shape, fix it with a thin elastic band;
- the hair that remains free, twisting with a loose bundle, is laid in a circle;
- fixed with hairpins.

Thick, long strands can be styled beautifully with braids. One of the options looks like this:
- select strands at the temples and make two braids;
- braid the remaining hair in a thick braid at the back of the head;
- wrapping it around you, form a bundle;
- wrap braids from the front of the head around the bundle and fix.

Styling secrets for different lengths
To make short hair easier to style, and the hairstyle to last for a long time, you can use wax, gel or paste in moderation when creating it (an excess of them will lead to the impression that the strands are dirty and heavy).

Particular attention should be paid to bangs. With its help, the image can be given playfulness or severity, efficiency or audacity.
The bangs can be made straight, careless, laid on one side, fixing the result with a styling product. When styling medium-length hair, you can use a diffuser attachment for a hair dryer. Apply a little styling product to the washed and dried strands, put the diffuser on the hair dryer and dry your hair. Thanks to this, the styling will be voluminous, with the effect of a slight carelessness of waves.
Owners of a square or an elongated bob are recommended to use an iron for styling. Dry the strands, apply a styling product, and straighten your hair. The result is a sleek, stylish hairstyle.

So that long hair does not become disheveled for the whole day, and the hairstyle itself does not disintegrate, it must be borne in mind that the lifespan of curls depends on the diameter of the curling iron. After curling, you cannot use a comb, except with rare teeth. It is easier and safer to straighten the curls with your hands. If the structure of the hair is such that it is difficult to curl, it is better to have tools on hand to form and fix curls. Hair must be dried naturally before creating it, so as not to damage the strands once again. If the hair is fluffy, it is advisable to straighten it with an iron.
Three quick hairstyles for thick hair are shown in the following video.