Hairstyles for boys 10 years old

Children grow up very quickly, and many parents cannot realize and accept the fact that with them there is an almost formed separate personality with their own ideas of taste, and not that little boy who required constant care. If your son has reached the age of 10, be patient and think with him about choosing his individual style, including hairstyle, so that it matches the main fashion trends, lifestyle and teen preferences.

Not only girls, but also boys entering adolescence are beginning to place increased demands on their appearance. During this period, you already want to please the representatives of the opposite sex, so the boys try to dress modernly, pay special attention to their haircut.
If before this moment, most of the parents cut their children so that they look neat and tidy in any situation, and their hair does not interfere with their play, now you should take into account, first of all, the wishes of your child. And, of course, you shouldn't lose sight of the main fashion trends.

With the advent of each new season, stylists create a huge number of new and spectacular hairstyles for boys, and each "novice" teenager seeks to follow them so as not to become the object of criticism from their peers.
When choosing a hairstyle for boys 10 years old, special attention should be paid on the following factors:
- 10 years is the age when a son can already be assigned some responsibilities for the daily care of his head, therefore a slight lengthening is allowed;
- the hairstyle should correspond to the peculiarities of the appearance and inner world of the teenager, in addition, it should not conflict with the requirements of the school for the appearance of the students;
- boys at this age study, play sports and socialize with friends - a haircut should not prevent them from participating in all these teenage activities;
- adolescence is the time to experiment with appearance, therefore it is optimal that the haircut can be easily changed if desired;
- the hairstyle should meet all the main trends, organically combine with the type of appearance and the shape of the head.

Standard options
For boys 10-11 years old, many types of haircuts are most relevant, let us dwell on the most popular in the current season.
One of the most popular, practical haircuts for short hair. It appeared quite a long time ago and was created as a hairstyle for those boys who strive to look neat and stylish in any situation - be it a sports section, a school office or a friendly meeting.
Boxing is characterized by ultra short strand length - at the crown it does not exceed 3 cm, but the occipital and temporal parts are usually shaved, and the pronounced edging goes just below the level of the occiput. Such a haircut looks harmonious on any type of hair, in addition to curly hair, even thin strands in this design look thicker and denser.

Boxing can be recommended for boys who are actively involved in sports or, due to physiological age characteristics, sweat a lot - it is optimal if the head needs frequent washing - such short strands are easy to wash, dry quickly and do not need to be styled.
Keep in mind that such modifications are only good if the skull is perfectly shaped without any visible blemishes such as birthmarks and scars. Well, do not forget that you will have to correct such a haircut at least once a month - therefore, be sure to include a visit to the hairdresser in your mandatory schedule.

This haircut is the closest relative of the above, but in this case the edging line runs slightly below the occipital, in addition, the hair on the crown is longer - up to 5-8 cm. A characteristic feature of the semi-box is modeled bangs, which, depending on the shape of the face and the personal preferences of the child, can be combed or left falling directly on the forehead.

Once this haircut was immensely popular, but then for a couple of decades it went into the shadows, and only this season again broke into the top teenage fashion trends. Translated from French, gavroche means "tomboy", it is this style that is embodied in the hairstyle - it is distinguished by slight negligence and some recklessness. Stylish silhouette is formed due to elongated strands at the back of the head and relatively short at the crown and in the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe temples... This model is loved by football players and rock musicians, so boys try to imitate their idols and prefer just such styles.
The hairstyle looks great on curly and straight hair, in any case, the boy will have an expressive and very memorable appearance.

The peak of popularity of this haircut came in the middle of the last century, but to this day the hairstyle has not lost its relevance due to the ease of execution and ease of styling. All that is needed in order to look impressive in any situation is simply to correct the haircut in a timely manner and maintain its shape. This style got its name as if as a joke thanks to short hairs sticking out in different directionsthat resemble the needles of this little thorny creature.
In the modern version, the hairstyle is often done with elongated bangs, and on the parietal zone, the hedgehog is made denser and more voluminous.
Keep in mind that such a haircut is not suitable for all children - for example, too thin or, on the contrary, overweight boys with such a hairstyle will look simply ridiculous and slightly defenseless. And here on hard strands the hedgehog looks the most harmonious, because they create the most real thorns.

The hairstyle got its unusual name thanks to the theory of its origin. There is an opinion that a haircut was first done back in the Middle Ages, when the lower strata of the population, who did not have the opportunity to pay for the services of a hairdresser, looked after the strands in the simplest way - they simply put a pot on their head and carefully cut it along its contour.
In more modern variations, whiskey is shaved, as a result of which it turns out stylish shape with thick straight bangs and parted ears... In addition, the masters use multilevel graduation. The haircut dictates its own requirements regarding the features of the hair - in this case, hair that keeps its shape well looks best, but the recalcitrant strands in this version will look like a crumbled bunch of hay.

Men's square
For many years this haircut does not go out of fashion, because it is truly versatile. It does not impose any requirements on the type and structure of hair, however, it is performed exclusively on elongated strands - which means that the hairstyle will have to be constantly styled using styling products.
That is why such options are not suitable for everyone, but only for teenagers who show an increased interest in their appearance and want to stand out from the general crowd by any means. Haircuts are done in a variety of techniques, the most popular decoration of symmetrical details, graduated strands and torn edges.

The classic Canadian is the hallmark of the famous hockey players from the Canadian national team. In this version, the length of the strands at the crown of the head is at least 5 cm, bangs are left of the same size, but the back of the head and temples are cut as short as possible. This haircut is very popular with boys who go in for sports, it is suitable for all types of faces, except, perhaps, square ones. This hairstyle is very simple to perform and does not require special care, except for regular washing and updating the length.
For young dudes, you can advise the latest haircut modifications, which include extended bangs.

This haircut is very similar to a Canadian, but in this case, the back of the head is not shaved, but cut with a typewriter with a nozzle number two, in addition, the British does not accept artistic disorder - this the model is extremely neat and noble. In this version, the back of the head and temples are cut very short, at the crown of the head the hair is slightly longer - at least 10 cm. Usually the bangs are combed back to give the hair additional volume. If the boy has an overly thick heap, then the strands are additionally milled.
A haircut is good for boys with any type of face, the only exceptions are protruding ears and loose strands.

This is not a very popular hairstyle in recent years, but at the same time it is quite neat and rather unusual. Its distinguishing feature lies in the design straight short bangswhich I lay on my forehead. Such haircuts should be done by boys with elongated oval faces, but chubby ones are better off sticking to other styles.

A feature of this haircut is considered pronounced edging Between a carefully shaved nape and elongated hair on the crown, this is a very stylish look, which nevertheless entails the everyday worries associated with styling it, because the haircut is only suitable for those boys who are ready to do styling or have the opportunity to delegate it to their parents.

Stylish haircuts
Modern stylish haircuts for 10-year-old dudes are no less popular.
A very daring image, which is recommended for children after 10 years old only if they make a choice consciously and express a willingness to take care of their haircut. This style guarantees the boy everyone's attention, most often the haircut is done by boys who are engaged in some kind of art, and the hair thus decorated is suitable for them to embody this or that image.

Shaved whiskey
Shaved haircuts are gaining more and more popularity among teenagers. The point here is that they not only make the shock more tidy, but also suit any type of person, allowing the child to set an individual unique style.
Graduation creates a spectacular contrast between slightly elongated and rather meek strands, while most often they are complemented with interesting patterns on the temporal or occipital regions. Usually at this age, boys are shaved straight or broken lines, check marks, make a cobweb from ear to ear, or make all kinds of zigzags.
Keep in mind that it will be quite difficult to perform such creativity with a typewriter on your own, so you will have to regularly visit a hairdresser-stylist.

Translated from English, shaggy means shaggy, and this perfectly reflects the style of such a hairstyle. The haircut is deliberately multi-layered and at the same time versatile, it suits both straight-haired and curly teenagers.

Selection rules
In the process of looking for a haircut for a boy, the stylist must take into account the thickness of the hair and its structure, the presence of dandruff, and also the speed of salting of the strands. Choosing the length of the hair, it is worth taking into account the wishes of the boy himself, as well as the area of his interests and employment. For example, oblique bangs or strands elongated in front, neatly framing the face, can create discomfort during physical education and sports or during the educational process - here you should give preference to short bangs or an ultra-fashionable mohawk.
When deciding on a haircut, evaluate your options for styling. If the boy does not know how to do it himself, and the parents have no time to deal with the shock of their teenager, it is better to give preference for sports options.

Be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the boy's hair. So, thin and soft strands They do not hold their shape well and are completely devoid of volume, therefore, in this case, it is best to use asymmetry, the effect of layering and torn ends - such techniques more than compensate for everything that nature has deprived the child of. With thinning hair, you should avoid long hair, they will only emphasize their weakened structure - while short ones, on the contrary, neutralize this flaw, visually adding thickness and volume.
Coarse hair fully corresponds to the boyish ideas about the most stylish sports haircuts - here it is better to opt for a boxing, as well as a semi-boxer, a beaver or a Canadian.
If the boy has curly strands, then it is not at all necessary to cut him short - they will be appropriate here male bob or one of the modifications of the bobbesides, curly locks look good in any sport haircuts. Of course, the shape of the face should also matter when choosing a hairstyle.

Teenagers with round faces it is worth giving up straight bangs, it is advisable to opt for multi-level and asymmetric. And also in this case, there is a categorical prohibition on straight partings, which emphasize the upper line of the cheekbones. Haircuts with additional volume on the head look best in this case - such options visually lengthen the face.
For boys with oval faces we advise you to avoid smooth haircuts with straight parting, as in the previous case, here it is better to stay on torn and asymmetrical options. The most difficult thing is to find the optimal cut for square faces, here you can leave an open forehead, and comb back the vortices with volume at the crown.Short oblique and straight bangs are not recommended, and for triangular and diamond-shaped faces it is better to stay on voluminous hairstyles.

For the most controversial and creative boys, it is worth doing haircut for long hair - in this case, the parents are faced with the difficult task of accustoming their son to the rules of caring for the strands. You will have to choose shampoos and balms that are suitable for the type of hair, in addition, such haircuts will require regular adjustments, so from time to time you will have to visit a good hairdresser who can maintain shape and add completeness to the look.

Beautiful examples
In the list of the most popular and in-demand hairstyles for boys of 10 years, a special place is occupied by such hairstyles as Caesar, boxing, semi-boxing, gavrosh and hedgehog. They are not only beautiful, but also very practical - they are convenient for attending school lessons, they do not interfere with playing sports, and in the company of friends they invariably look impressive.

Slightly less popular, but still quite interesting options are considered to be a hat, a bob and a man's square.

In recent years, many boys prefer stencil technicians, which give a lot of room for self-expression and the implementation of interesting options and ideas.

Beamcollected from the back became a hit of the current season.

Our ranking of fashion styles for 10 year olds undoubtedly includes a mohawk. Children choose him quite often, because in this way he allows them to express some contradictions with the existing rules - it is no secret that it is at this age in any teenager that a rebellious spirit raises its head. This is not scary, the main thing is that all these manifestations of the boy end on the design of the mohawk on the head.

Children's haircuts can be cool and cool, for example, very popular football hairstyles.

And, of course, any self-respecting teenager these days is sure to have a haircut. model elongated bangs and puts it on its side.

How to make a hairstyle with a pattern, see the next video.