Fashionable hairstyles for school boys

Each mother sees in her son a real, strong man, capable of independently making decisions and committing desperate actions. Hairstyle can play an important role in this. A properly chosen haircut can highlight the best aspects of a child's character and give him self-confidence.

How to choose a haircut?
To choose the right hairstyle for a boy over 7 years old, it is necessary to take into account all the traits of his character, the child's hobbies, hobbies and, of course, his personal opinion. For boys of school age, a haircut should not be provocative and disturbing the minds of those around the school.
Now the trend among schoolchildren is more classic hairstyles for boys with small elements of chaos or asymmetry.
All haircuts are selected depending on the length, thickness and color of the hair, as well as the shape of the face and head.

The most popular among adolescents from 9 to 12 years old are haircuts with a side part. This hairstyle does not take much time, it is convenient to walk with it both to classroom classes and in everyday life. Installation is done without additional efforts and special tools. You can always style your bangs so that they do not interfere with the child and make him irresistible. At the same time, slight chaos will emphasize the individuality of the boy.
When choosing a hairstyle, a child needs to remember not only about fashion, but also about the fact that the boy is comfortable and comfortable with it. For example, only short hairstyles are suitable for athletes, creative people need to emphasize their uniqueness with the help of extravagant haircuts.
You should help your child decide on a haircut and styling, but only by listening to his own opinion.

Haircuts for boys
The best new is the well-forgotten old.The Pompadour haircut is a hit of the 70s of the last century. The sides and nape of the head are trimmed short, which allows for voluminous bangs to be accentuated. The bangs are laid high and combed back. Such a hairstyle will make a stylish, serious man even out of an inveterate fidget.
Bob hairstyles with many varieties will suit creative people, highlighting their peculiarity. Classic Bob does not need styling, as it is performed without parting with medium hair length.
The presence of a slight negligence on the child's head will give him individuality and make him stand out from those around him.

If you are tired of the classic, you can easily cheer up Bob's haircut by styling it up. To do this, we lift up the hair on the crown and bangs, giving the hair a slight carelessness. The hairstyle will sparkle in a new way and give its owner pressure and obstinacy in the image.
The elongated Bob provides a large field of activity. There is a place for a rampant fantasy. Thanks to the length of the hair, you can experiment with bangs, make them short or long, add geometry - arrange them with uneven ends or perfectly in a straight line.
The presence of chaos or light styling will also highlight your boy's unique style.

Garson haircut suitable for a boy with a daring nature, who is not used to getting lost in the crowd and always wants to stand out from the crowd. A beautiful hairstyle will help you achieve this. Shaved temples and the back of the head clearly set off the thick high bangs. Layed with a slight rise and combed slightly back, it creates the illusion of a lush head of hair. In general, the haircut looks fashionable and elegant.
If your child is used to being the first in everything, then the classic short haircut will suit him.
The neat hairstyle, evenly combed to the side, and the severity of the lines will once again emphasize the seriousness of the little prodigy's intentions.

In the event that your son has a cool idol and he wants to imitate him in everything, let your child do the same hairstyle as his pet. Your child will be the happiest in the world.
One of the options is the early haircut of the famous football player Ronaldo. In fact, this is an elongated semi-box with a sloppy upward stacking.
Is your child very talented and would you like to highlight this? Then your child will be helped Bob haircut. A classic square in combination with shortened strands and bangs laid on one side will emphasize all the advantages of your son and help to reveal all his talents.

Ageless haircut Canadian with new elements of our time, this is the perfect option for the tough guy of all time. Shaved temples and the back of the head smoothly merge into an elongated bangs. We put the bangs in small waves, which will add creativity to the young man.
Many people believe that the Ladder haircut suits only girls. This judgment is misleading.
If your boy is very delicate and strives for art, try layering his hair in waves using styling products. The result will be the envy of many stylists.

Teen haircuts
During adolescence, all children tend to experiment. First of all, it goes to haircuts. Boys want to be like their idols, are easily subject to the opinion of the majority and fashion trends.
Parents should not categorically prohibit the child, but only slightly push him to the correct decision with his wise advice.
Haircut Pompadour waves will suit a boy from 12 years old and older. Here you can diversify the hairstyle with the length of the hair at the temples and the back of the head. Completely shaved hair in these areas will suit older boys. The dominant principle remains unchanged - bangs up.

For a boy of 14 years old is perfect classic square with any variations. For example: a square with uneven ends, no parting, with the addition of a ladder.
The main condition is that the teenager must have sufficiently lush hair.This hairstyle well emphasizes the features of the boy's face, giving them clear outlines.
Stylish asymmetrical hairstyle is suitable for teenagers from 16 years old. Shaved temples and the back of the head accentuate the uneven edges of the side-laid bangs. Light chaos and asymmetry will make the created image unique.

The most popular trends in teen haircuts are patterns on the back of the head and temples.
It is based on Anderkat haircut with shaved temples and nape, where all kinds of drawings are located. It can be simple broken lines, stars, cobwebs, logos of famous brands, emblems of car brands, just words or names. It all depends on the nature of the child and brand directions.

How to make a stylish hairstyle for a schoolboy, see below.