How to make two beams on the head?

The bun is one of the most beloved hairstyles for many fashionistas. It is simple to perform, but it can make a lady's image more innocent, flirtatious and gentle. Fortunately, there are many options for implementing it. For example, it is worth highlighting two charming bunches formed from one head of hair. This decision looks very bold and positive. Let's take a closer look at how to make a couple of beams on the head at once, and who these original solutions are suitable for.

A bun is a trendy hairstyle that has not gone out of style for many years. Nowadays, such styling is famous for being very easy and quick. Moreover, there are many beam variations. Ladies have the opportunity to choose the best option for any occasion. It can be either a daily trip to the city, or a trip to work or even a solemn event. However, there are such types of this hairstyle that will emphasize the insolence, courage and cheerfulness of the lady - these are two charming bagels located on the edges of the head.

Two beams are a versatile solution... Cute and playful horns are often made for the holidays and are worn in everyday situations. It is possible to make a spectacular and original styling of this type on hair of any type and structure. The procedure itself usually takes a minimum of free time. You also don't have to use a lot of expensive styling products.
Two bunches located on the sides are a timeless solution that is unlikely to ever leave the fashion ranks.

Despite the fact that this hairstyle in implementation is very simple and straightforward, to create it, you should take into account some important rules, without which a good result cannot be achieved... So, if there is a naturally long "swan" neck, then it is advisable to make the bunches not high, but lower. If the young lady is of modest stature, then it will be possible to make bunches of medium hair - on long strands, bagels can look disharmonious and even ridiculous.

It is worth noting the fact that young ladies wearing two buns on their heads are never ignored. This interesting and original hairstyle attracts attention, since it is far from boring and monotonous solutions that one has to contemplate on city streets every day.
Of course, bunches can form the right impression only if they go to a girl.

Who are they suitable for?
The pretty bunches on the sides of the head look impressive and expressive, but not all young ladies go well. It is very important to know if such solutions are suitable for you if you are going to depict them on your hair. Let's take a closer look at who can do this reckless hairstyle.
- Ladies, who by nature have a graceful long neck and an elongated face, you can make a variety of beams, including very tight varieties. They are usually attached in the region of the crown or the back of the head. The optimal solution in such conditions is beams with slight negligence.

- If the lady's neck does not differ in sufficient length, then the existing drawback can be effectively compensated for with high-quality beams. In this way, it will be possible to hide certain shortcomings of the lady's appearance.

- Girls of average height stylists advise to resort to the formation of more lush bunches, fixed in the area of the crown or slightly below. Such options will be as aesthetic and feminine as possible.

- If a young lady is naturally tall, then you can make high beams. However, it is not recommended to create them too lush, otherwise the appearance will be strange and disharmonious. The bagels should be secured as tightly as possible.
To decorate them, it is permissible to refer to the use of additional accessories and elements.

- The face is square or oblong - not the best companion for a high beam. With such a face, it is recommended to lower the bagels lower so that the image is more harmonious and attractive.

- To hide certain flaws in appearance, it is permissible to use various variations of this stylish hairstyle. For example, many girls resort to leaving a few strands in front free, without pulling them into bunches.

Do not think that playful two bundles, collected from one head of hair, are represented by one and only kind. Stylists highlight several variations of this interesting hairstyle, which is chosen by many girls who want to refresh their appearance. Let's take a closer look at different types of beams.
Two bundles, collected in the classical way, are the most common. Girls love to do this interesting hairstyle because it is very simple to perform and the whole process takes very little time. Moreover, classic bagels look harmonious both with a bang and without it - you can choose the perfect solution for every taste and color.
Particularly romantic and playful looks a pair of bundles with neatly released locks at the very face of the lady.

The classic two beams are easy to do. To do this, the entire hair is divided into two halves, making an even parting. Each selected part is collected in a tight tail. Thin and lifeless strands can be combed. Then the tails are collected in a kind of bundles and laid around the base. They are usually fixed with invisible or hairpins. At the end of all the activities carried out, it is recommended to sprinkle the styling with varnish.
Thanks to this, a beautiful hairstyle will keep its shape much longer and look attractive. Of course, the varnish may not be used, but then the bundles run the risk of soon becoming less neat and aesthetic.

From the "doodles"
Playful and flirtatious, but at the same time very elegant, beams from "scribbles" look on the young ladies. They can be made quickly and easily. You don't need to have special skills or use a lot of expensive styling products to do this. It is enough, as is the case with the classics, to divide the hair into two halves, choosing the parting that is most suitable for you.
The first selected part of the shock will need to be divided into several more separate strands (usually there are from 3 to 6 of them based on the degree of volume and density of the hair). Then the hair is twisted into tight flagella and fixed with hairpins. This is how the first bump turns out. After that, you need to repeat the same steps to build the second one.
It is advisable to treat this beautiful hairstyle with varnish at the end so that it lasts as long as possible. Additional accessories and decorations may not be available here.

From curls
Feminine bunches made of delicate curls can boast of special charm. Most often, young ladies turn to such stylish solutions if they want to form a harmonious romantic image for visiting a date or walking along city streets. You can also create a similar hairstyle easily and without any difficulty.
For this, the hair is thoroughly washed, and then dried and straightened. Then, using a large-diameter curling iron, they form large chic curls. Then the hair, as in previous cases, is divided into two halves, two tight tails are collected, but they are not passed through the elastic for the last time. The two obtained loops are very neatly straightened, fixing their ends at the very base of the beam.
With this playful hairstyle, you can use a variety of accessories to suit the occasion. For example, it can be a charming satin ribbon or a flat colored hair clip - there can be a lot of options.

With her hair down
Two beams look much more original and brighter when combined with loose strands. Moreover, the latter can be either perfectly flat and smooth, or slightly wavy. To get such a spectacular hairstyle, you need to separate the strand from which you will make a bump in advance (to make it more convenient, it is permissible to collect a curl in a ponytail). Further, the beams must be done according to the usual scheme, as in the previous techniques.
Loose hair in tandem with two adorable buns is a fresh and trendy solution that will be the perfect solution for any fun holiday or other event.

How to get your hair done?
It is very easy and simple to make two cute buns on your hair. Above, it was described in general terms how hairstyles of different types are prepared. But it should be borne in mind that beautiful, stable and neat compositions can be made only if the hair is medium or long. Short hair, as a rule, is not suitable for the formation of aesthetic bundles.
Let's consider step by step how you can make neat and fashionable buns with your own hands using the example of a sexy informal hairstyle.
- First, you need to carefully comb the hair, making the right parting in the center.
- Next, you need to tightly tighten the two tails on the back of the head on the sides.
- Then the right tail can be twisted into a tight flagellum. Roll the bump so that the tip is pointing down. Use studs to fix it.
- Carry out the same manipulations with the second beam on the left side.
- Now you can gently straighten the ends of the collected and fixed bundles.
- Let go of literally a couple of thin curls at the very face.
- Sprinkle the resulting spectacular styling with quality varnish.

You can make more original beams, made in the form of an exquisite figure eight. This decision will also turn out to be very romantic and flirtatious if done correctly. Let's take a step by step how to form this charming styling.
- First you need to thoroughly comb your hair, as in other cases, and then prepare the correct side parting.
- Separate the lock on the right side near the face. Set aside a couple of curls for the bangs if you wish.
- Twist the selected strand into a tight tourniquet.
- Slowly bring in unused hair that is on the right side of the side parting.
- Having reached the point of the base of the neck, collect the prepared flagellum in a neat bun. Remember to secure it well using the hairpin.
- With the other half of the hair, you will need to carry out similar procedures. The tufts should converge with each other, thus forming the number eight.
- Treat the resulting hairstyle with high-quality varnish so that it lasts as long as possible.

Beautiful examples
Today, many girls resort to shaping two charming bundles on their hair. These interesting and non-trivial hairstyles allow you to refresh the image, making it more windy, serene and positive. In addition, many ladies with well-fitting bumps become more elegant and sexy.

For example, on young ladies with wavy or curled hair of medium length, two bundles look great in the area of the crown against the background of the rest of the loose strands. The trend of recent years is non-standard hair shades. In this case, medium curls of a pale blue or gray-blue hue will look good.
However, such solutions should be addressed only by young fashionistas who are not afraid of experiments.

They look sexy and bold on girls two large bunches on the top of the head, complemented by thin loose strands at the very forehead. Thus, the hairstyle turns out to be restrained and strict, but with unused front curls, reminiscent of a bang.

Young ladies with plump lips and expressive eyes are two lateral beams on the sides on the vertex, with free elongated side strands in front and a side parting.

For information on how to make two beams on the head, see the next video.