How to braid two braids on the sides of yourself?
The braids on the head are a very versatile hairstyle that can suit any occasion and celebration. Pigtails do not have to be woven in a beauty salon, because you can make them yourself at home. Today there are many varieties of braids that can be implemented, spending a minimum of time on it. Further, in more detail it is worth familiarizing yourself with illustrative examples, consider the original master classes of weaving two braids on the sides and find out the secrets of specialists.

Who are they suitable for?
Two braids on the sides can completely replace any more complex hairstyle. A variety of pigtails are equally well suited for young girls, girls, and even older ladies. Moreover, such hairstyles are appropriate for any occasion, whether it is an exciting celebration like a wedding or graduation, or an ordinary trip to a cafe with friends. Depending on which image you want to complement, you can braid French braids, two fish tails, or options for braids inside out. Pigtail styling looks great on any hair: red, light brown, blond and dark.
However, it is most profitable to weave them on highlighted hair and hair with an ombre effect.

What is needed for weaving?
In order to weave several braids on your own at home, you need to purchase some things and accessories in advance. So, as the main inventory, the following should be prepared:
- mirror;
- spray, mousse or hairspray for styling and fixing hair;
- combs (one large - massage, for parting and with fine teeth);
- hair clips (several elastic bands and clips);
- sometimes you may need pins and invisibility.

Master classes for a note
To learn how to independently weave two identical and even braids on the head on the sides, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several master classes.

Classic spikelets
The process of creating such a hairstyle includes the following steps:
- for a start, the hair should be thoroughly combed with a massage comb, and then divided into two equal parts with a parting comb;
- so that while weaving the first side, the other part of the hair does not interfere, they should be stabbed with a crab or clip;
- start with weaving the left side, which should also be divided into 2 more parts - we should start from the top with two strands, which must first be put on top of each other with a cross, while it is best to fully use your hands - with your thumb you should hold the middle of the future spikelet;
- it is very important to weave braids, being next to the mirror, so the whole process of work will be clearly visible;

- weaving a spikelet, one strand of hair should be taken on each side, while the weaving itself should be, as it were, inside the braid;
- the classic version of the spikelet is tight so that the pigtail does not bloom, each strand should be tightly tightened, moreover, this will give the future hairstyle a certain delicacy; the better the spikelet is tightened, the longer it will last throughout the day;
- after the weaving comes to an end, the braid should be fixed with a small elastic band;
- the same should be done with the right side, braiding the same spikelet.

Important! Girls who have not just straight long hair, but, for example, a haircut like a cascade, sometimes have to pin up their protruding hair with hairpins. And also such naughty hairs can be styled with a small amount of varnish or masked with decorative hairpins.
Fishtail on the sides
To braid a paired fishtail, first you should practice doing a single one, and only then, braiding two even braids will not be difficult. The weaving process includes the following steps:
- carefully combed hair should be parted vertically using a parting comb, while working next to a mirror;
- the part that you will braid the second one should be tied with an elastic band or pinned with a clip, otherwise the hair will interfere with work, especially for beginners;
- the fishtail technique is not considered difficult, but here you have to show perseverance;

- after separation, we work with only one side, start from the left - first, you should take one strand on the right side and shift it to the left side, and then repeat the same thing, on the contrary, take a strand on the left and shift it to the right, then these steps should be done to hair endings;
- after the braid should be fixed, it is advisable to tighten it as tightly as possible so that it lasts all day and does not bloom while wearing;
- then the same fishtail must be woven on the other side, observing the general symmetry;
- as a result, you should get two identical braids as in a mirror image.

Important! After braiding, the braids should be secured with a medium hold varnish.
Reverse two braids
Braids that are woven the other way around can also look very original. However, this version of weaving is considered quite difficult, so beginners may have to tinker with it. The weaving process is as follows:
- well-combed hair is evenly divided into 2 parts along the parting; we start working from one of the sides, for example, from the left;
- now a small strand should be separated at the forehead, which should resemble a triangle in shape, then this strand should also be divided into 3 equal parts;
- further, you should start weaving, not superimposing three strands on top of each other, but placing them in turn at the same angle;
- weaving can be done in any direction; coming to the end of the hair, they need to be fixed with an elastic band;
- with such weaving, it is not necessary to make the braid too tight, since in the future, for additional volume, it will still have to be slightly loosened;
- after weaving is completed on one side, the same should be done on the other;
- to add more splendor and volume to the braids, the curls from the braids should be slightly stretched along the entire length.

Expert advice
In order to braid your braids beautifully and neatly, you should pay attention to the advice of professional hairdressers.
- It is recommended to comb long hair thoroughly before braiding, and if it is prone to tangling, it is advisable to additionally moisturize it. Also, you should not weave braids on freshly washed hair, otherwise they will disintegrate. The optimal time for weaving and hairstyling is considered to be 2-3 days after washing.
- Wet hair should not be braided as it will be very traumatic for the hair. In addition, wet hair is difficult to cope with, it constantly sticks to the hands.

- To make the braids lush and voluminous, you can pre-comb your hair slightly. And also for additional volume, you can use a special powder or mousse.
- It is best to start weaving braids on both sides with simple patterns, especially if there are no weaving skills at all. And only in the future you can move on to more complex techniques.

- For maximum convenience in braiding, hold it with your thumbs on top, and grab the strands on the sides with your little fingers, as it were. If you learn to use your hands correctly, the spikelets will turn out to be very neat. And the time to work will be significantly reduced.
- Girls with short hair should also not give up braiding two braids. So, they can use additional false hair that allows you to get the desired length for braiding.

It should be noted that weaving several braids at once for oneself is quite easy, the main thing is to master some techniques and patterns, as well as to know the small secrets of the masters.
For information on how to braid French braids for yourself, see the next video.