Wedding hairstyles with tiara and veil

The bride must be perfect on her main day. For this, an expensive outfit and the corresponding attributes are not enough, it is necessary to choose a hairstyle correctly. For several seasons, the popularity of hairstyles with a diadem and a veil has not subsided. Such a luxurious accessory will make the bride feel like a real queen.

Diadem history
The appearance of the accessory dates back to ancient Greece. There, priests wore such accessories, interpreting them as ritual bandages. Later, the decoration began to be used by monarchs as a symbol of power. The fabric material was replaced with precious metals, and the round shape became open.

After a while, the decoration became an attribute of the highest nobility, and only then passed into the status of women's accessories. The peak of popularity of jewelry fell on the XVIII century. These small crowns were designed to emphasize the nobility and financial well-being of their owners, therefore they were covered with complex patterns of gold or silver.

Currently, the diadem has lost the function of emphasizing the status of the hostess. However, this accessory, even if it is made of ordinary decorated metal, is capable of enlivening any hairstyle and adding luxury to a wedding look.

Types of decoration
In the classical form, the diadem resembles a crown, but with an open base. The highest point of the product is located exactly in the middle of the head, gradually decreasing, diverging towards the edges. This decoration can be quite massive or, conversely, very miniature, barely noticeable under the veil.

Another type of diadem is the tiara. It is a one-piece structure of the same height along the entire diameter. There are accessory options designed to be attached from the back of the head or from the side. This is done so that beautiful curls do not fall into the bride's face, and the shine of precious stones does not switch attention from the bride's face to a shining accessory.

Feronnieres are jewelry in the form of an elegant chain or hoop.overlooking the forehead. As a rule, they are equipped with a "drop" of precious stones, pearls or artificial flowers. Accessories can be attached vertically (like a standard hoop) or horizontally (like a crown) in a wedding hairstyle. In order to keep the styling from falling apart throughout the entire wedding day, many brides prefer tiaras that are attached with combs.

The appearance of the jewelry is selected in accordance with the individual preferences of the bride. The diadem can be made of expensive materials or jewelry, including precious stones (diamonds) and Swarovski crystals or standard plastic beads. The same applies to patterns: geometric shapes, floral ornament, fantasy ligature.

Combined styling
If you plan to decorate your hair for a wedding with a veil and a diadem, then the main thing in this situation is to choose a suitable hairstyle. Voluminous wedding hairstyles with a tiara and veil will give the bride more femininity. It is better if the styling is done in the form of a cute bun, babette, pigtails, rolled into a ring, and the tiara is equipped with a comb. The decoration should be quite voluminous so as not to get lost in the hair. The style of the veil is also important, so that a sense of visual imbalance does not appear. When choosing a wedding accessory, you should remember the rule: the more voluminous the decoration, the more modest and stricter the veil should be (one or two tiers or a veil).

A small accessory à la crown will look good with long, flowing hair or in the context of a sleek hairstyle for long hair. The curls should be large, beautifully styled, like Hollywood ones, falling over the shoulders or raised. Numerous curls running around the perimeter of the entire head are unacceptable.

Jewelry intended for decoration, loose curls or smooth styling should not be large and contain bright decorative elements (fresh flowers, feathers), as this will greatly overload the image. And also do not oversaturate the hairstyle with other decorative elements. All accessories used must match the color of the base and the style.

For owners of curls, it is recommended to choose graceful tiaras. In a company with such decoration (without unnecessary decorative elements and visual massiveness), it is good to use a multi-tiered veil.

A Greek style hairstyle, complemented by a tiara and a veil, will add more romance to the bride's wedding look.

Brides - owners of bangs are advised to adhere to additional recommendations so as not to turn their hairstyle into bad taste. It is impossible to allow the jewelry to appear on the hairline. For this you need:
- constantly make sure that a wide hair area always remains between the frontal part and the decoration;
- lay the bangs in such a way that it does not interfere with the diadem;
- give preference to a narrow accessory that goes over the forehead.

The type of hairstyle is primarily determined by the length and thickness of the hair. A luxurious head of hair can be braided, and then elegantly styled a lush braid or curled chic curls. Thin hair of medium length looks neat in a lush bun or snail. To give the image a natural look, a few curly locks should be released from the hairstyle. The latter can be replaced with bangs.

A tiara for short hair is a tricky case, since an accessory, with a successful selection, can add expressiveness to the bride's appearance, and in the case of an unsuccessful purchase, spoil it.In order for a short haircut to look harmonious with the diadem, the latter should not have large decorative inserts. The best option is a one-piece hoop, feronnieres and graceful chains.

Fashion trends
Consider what trends are relevant this season.

For the bride
Today, a bride for a wedding ceremony can choose a hairstyle with a diadem in any style: traditional, romantic, retro, country, bohemian, youth, Greek, vamp. In order for the jewelry to look organically in your hair, you need to remember the rule: for brunettes and fiery red-haired brides, a diadem with light, beautifully iridescent stones is suitable, and for blondes - jewelry with crystals of light pastel colors.

Recent fashion trends include decorating the bride's head with a tiara with blue stones and a pomegranate. Tiaras with pearls in silver or gold frames are in great demand among brides. A more modest metal can be chosen if desired. In any case, such a decoration will add tenderness and charm to the bride. Similar mother-of-pearl stones on a wedding dress will add harmony to the image. An original diadem can be made of beads or flowers, with your own hands or with the help of experienced craftsmen.

For girlfriend
Decorating at a wedding in the form of a tiara is the prerogative of the bride, however, if you really want to decorate your hair with a similar accessory, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists.
- The tiara should be thin so as not to overshadow the bride's jewelry. Such an elegant accessory will look elegant on loose curls, in a high bun, a Greek hairstyle or a voluminous braid.
- The diadem can be decorated with fresh flowers (one large bud or a couple of small ones).
- If the accessory contains stones, they should be medium-sized and, as it were, buried in the hairstyle (any high styling will do).
- It is very fashionable for girlfriends to use colored veils in combination with a diadem. This hairstyle echoes the image of the bride. However, it is better if the same style is supported by all the bridesmaids, so that there is no noticeable contrast between the bride and another young lady with a veil.
- Girlfriends' tiaras can be decorated with medium-sized pearls, but the latter should only be slightly knocked out from under the curls (spiral, zigzag, careless).
- The bridesmaid can decorate with a tiara not only her gorgeous loose hair, but also a hairstyle in the form of a high or low ponytail, a braid in the Greek style.

We disassemble in stages
It is quite easy for brides with thick hair to do a hairstyle with a tiara. It is enough to curl large curls, and then freely dissolve them. In this case, the decoration is secured with invisibility, and a veil is attached to the ends of the diadem. If loose curls are an unacceptable option for you, you can stab the curls with the same invisible ones on the sides of the head, slightly lifting the strands (like a cascade) at the temples so that the shoulders and neck are visible.

Greek hairstyles, especially when paired with a themed tunic dress, are very popular at weddings. It's pretty easy to create. Parting is done straight. The strands are combed back, forming a slight elevation in the center of the head. This elevation can be created naturally using bouffant, or put a flat overlay under the strands. Combed curls can be freely dissolved or taken into a long roller. For the latter option, you will need an elastic band.

A diadem in a Greek hairstyle is chosen in the form of a modest headband (often with flowers), located in the immediate vicinity of the frontal region. You can choose an accessory that crosses the forehead and is secured with bobby pins in the temple areas on either side.

Wedding fashion refers to the trends of the mid-twentieth century, when at the peak of popularity were multi-format rollers: round, semicircular, side, elongated, on the back of the head or in the center of the head.This hairstyle in combination with a veil and a tiara looks very impressive. If you decorate a high babette, made in the center of the head, with a diadem, it will add tenderness, femininity and royalty to the image of the bride. Visually "stretches" growth, reveals a charming neck and shoulders.

Beautiful images
The diadem looks incredibly delicate and harmonious with floral motifs on a high bundle, echoing the pattern with the edging of the veil. A rather wide diadem with Swarovski crystals looks regal.
For lovers of luxury, voluminous tiaras with plant motifs will suit. Another trend of recent seasons is feronnieres. The decoration with pearls, which goes over the forehead, gives the bride's image a somewhat oriental flavor. Modest women can choose an accessory made of simple metal, decorated on the sides with figures of butterflies.

A wedding diadem does not have to be decorated with stones. It can be based on lace, beads and sequins. The diadem looks luxurious, reminiscent of a crown, decorated with large stones.

The tiara comb will organically fit into a high hairstyle with bangs.

For information on how to make a wedding hairstyle with a tiara and a veil, see the next video.