Greek braid: weaving patterns

Every girl is a feminine and romantic nymph, even if she is dressed in jeans and sneakers. A Greek braid is capable of emphasizing its true beauty and tenderness, which is suitable for any type of appearance due to its originality and a large number of variations.

What do you need?
Despite its intricate name, this pigtail looks and is created easily, giving in to even beginners in the field of hairstyles. It is a regular three-strand braid with new strands added during weaving. Thus, the Greek braid is the embodiment of the French braid or spikelet with some modifications.
So, unlike a spikelet, the Greek braid has a free and airy weave, as well as directionality around the circumference of the head.

To create a similar hairstyle you don't have to resort to the services of a hairdresser, armed with patience and the following tools:
- combs with different frequency of teeth;
- pile brush;
- hair fixation spray;
- styling mousse;
- silicone transparent rubber bands;

- invisible hairpins;
- clamps;
- hairpins;
- additional accessories for decoration.

Note that the tools can be changed and supplemented depending on the complexity of the hairstyle, and therefore it is important to know what each tool is needed for.
A sparse-toothed comb is a great tool for highlighting strands and adding them to a braid.
Some craftsmen, who are skilled in weaving braids, separate the curls with their fingers, determining their desired thickness by eye. Fine-toothed scallop useful for creating perfectly combed hair. It will also be needed to smooth individual hairs and "roosters" during the weaving process.

The main condition for the Greek braid is airiness, and therefore, with the subtlety of the curls, it is necessary to create volume artificially.
Combing hair at the roots will help special comb-brush, as well as varnish of good fixation... Note that the comb with partial teeth perfectly masks the fleece, delicately smoothing the hair without damaging it. Another useful remedy for hair will be styling gel or mousse... It will help to tidy up too fluffy hair, making it stiffer and more pliable. The mousse should be applied before styling, after carefully drying the head.

Thin silicone rubber bands are a great opportunity to firmly fix the braid without damaging it with massive fabric elastic bands.
Hairpins and hairpins also able to give the pigtail the desired position. Plastic or metal clips may be needed when creating complex hairstyles when only one part of the hair is braided. At the same time, the rest of the hair is fixed with clips, preventing excess curls from getting into the weave. As a decor for a Greek braid, they are great beads and massive hairpins, and fresh flowers or compositions from foamiran.

Weaving patterns
For several seasons, Greek braids have not lost their relevance. Hairdressers are finding more and more variations of their use in stylish looks, delighting girls not only with romantic, but also modern weaving.

On the side
A sideways Greek braid can be braided into long hair, regardless of its natural density and splendor. It is recommended to comb thin hair in advance, following the uniform instructions. The algorithm for creating a hairstyle is as follows:
- to divide the hair with a parting to one side into two unequal parts, while most of the hair should be on the side familiar to other hairstyles;
- separate from most of the hair a small strand at the forehead and divide it into three strands;
- start a simple weaving to one side, grabbing additional strands from the forehead and crown;
- complete the weaving at the ear and fix it with an invisible one;

- twist the remaining small part of the hair into a tight tourniquet, passing it behind the ear to the fixed braid;
- connect the plait and braid, continuing the usual three-strand weaving;
- fluff up the braid, gently loosening the strands in the weaving;
- fix the hairstyle with varnish.
Note that the braid can be braided to one side by weaving inward or outward.

Braid around the head
The braid around the head can be considered the true embodiment of Greek grace. It can be performed in three versions.:
- with regular weaving;
- with reverse weaving (inside out);
- from two braids.

It should be noted that medium hair is not suitable for this option, and therefore a braid in the style of the goddess Athena should be made from the longest hair possible. Step-by-step instructions for embodying a hairstyle with your own hands:
- carefully comb the curls and, if necessary, comb them;
- from the frontal part, separate the strand from the temple and start weaving to the other temple;
- braiding hair, alternately grab the strands from the side of the forehead and crown;
- braid a French braid or braid inside out around the entire circumference of the head;

- fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band;
- hide the tip of the Greek braid in your hair, securely securing it with invisibility and hairpins;
- add volume to the hairstyle, slightly freeing the strands from the weaving.
A similar hairstyle with a parting looks interesting. For its embodiment, the hair is divided into two equal parts and placed in braids on both sides.
The ends of the braid are fixed and masked with invisible pins and hairpins under the main weave.

To learn how to weave fishnet braids, it is enough to have the initial skills of weaving an ordinary three-row braid. It can be woven on the side or on the back. The technique of creating openwork patterns is to pull thin strands from ready-made links. Algorithm of work for long hair and medium curls:
- brush hair;
- start weaving plain or inside out;
- weave should be tight enough;
- having created several links in the braid, pull out thin strands from the outer part of the link on both sides, forming a kind of "openwork cobweb";

- continue weaving, pulling thin curls;
- fix the finished hairstyle with an elastic band;
- correct the openwork patterns, making sure that they are equal on both sides;
- fix with varnish.
Note that you should not stretch the strands too much, since in the process of walking they can completely fall out of the braid.
For this reason, the fishnet hairstyle cannot be used on short hair.

With flowers
A voluminous Greek braid looks even more attractive and solemn when complemented by flowers. Flower arrangements can be ready-made in the form of hairpins, or they can be created from separate strands. In order to make romantic roses out of your own hair, it is enough to have long hair and the skills of weaving an ordinary three-row braids.
Depending on the nature of the hairstyle, flowers can be located both on the back of the head, and on the crown or side.

Weaving stages:
- collect all hair or a strand in a ponytail, securely fixing them with an elastic band at the base;
- braid a regular braid from a separated tail;
- fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band;
- stretch the links on one side, performing an openwork pattern;
- strengthen air bends with varnish;

- twist the braid around the tail so that the openwork part of the braid remains on the front side;
- gently straighten the "petals" obtained from the links;
- hide the tip of the pigtail inside the flower, fixing it with invisible pins and hairpins;
- add decorative details to the core of the flower, for example, a hairpin with a pearl bead.
Such designs perfectly complement solemn hairstyles and styling, complementing the image with notes of femininity.

4 strands
A more complicated four-row braid pattern requires some skill, however, having mastered its technique, you can create amazingly beautiful hairstyles suitable for everyday looks and special occasions. A four-row braid can be made of four equal strands, with a braid strand or with a ribbon.
Each of the options looks romantic and airy, however, only a braid with a ribbon can add volume even to thin hair.

Algorithm of creation:
- comb your hair thoroughly and moisten it with a spray bottle;
- divide the hair into four strands, to the first of which tie a thin contrasting ribbon (the strand is counted from left to right);
- to hide the knot, it is necessary to draw a strand with a ribbon under the rest of the strands and bring it up to the place of the second strand;
- collect 4 strands in your hands, one of which is a tape;

- draw the right strand under two nearby strands and bring it out at the second of them;
- to the extreme left strand, additional hair should be added from the side of the forehead and held under two nearby strands, leading up to the second of them;
- grab an additional strand from the side of the crown, connect it to the extreme right and draw it under two strands, the leads up from the second of them;
- continue braiding, grabbing additional hair;

- check the correctness of the result, making sure that the ribbon is centered throughout the weaving;
- gently pull out the side strands, making the braid airy and delicate;
- secure with silicone rubber.
Perhaps such stages are not very clear in theory, however, having started to reproduce such a hairstyle, it is possible, after several attempts, to achieve the neatness of the braid and its aesthetic appearance.

Braiding Greek braids is a fascinating and interesting activity, because every day you can find new variations of classical braiding, making your image special. However, many girls are used to limiting themselves to a ponytail, believing that braiding is beyond their strength.

Useful tips from the masters will teach you little tricks, thanks to which only neat and stylish hairstyles will come out from under the magical female hands.
The main rule of a good braid is clean and well combed hair.
Sometimes professionals slightly dampen the hair for a firmer braidhowever, it is important not to overdo it and not create the effect of messy hair.

Another aspect is the length of the hair and the nature of the haircut. So, graduated hair and cascades are difficult to braid into a perfect braid. Ponytails coming out of the braid from shorter strands should be fixed with varnish, hairpins and invisible hairpins.
Apply a small amount of wax or water to your fingers before parting your hair into equal strands.
This can deal with the electrification and excess hairs getting into the rows.

As the owner of thin hair, experts advise thinking about a small fleece on the crown.
Note that it should not be visible, and therefore smooth hair on top should carefully cover the combed hair. Besides, adding decorative ribbons to the braid will help to disguise thin hair. Completing the braid, it will be superfluous to use decor in the form of beads, hairpins and flowers. The Greek braid, with their addition, comes to life, turning from an everyday look into a solemn and bright bow.

Examples of hairstyles
The Greek braid on one side for long hair perfectly complemented the light wedding look. A slight negligence and the presence of jewelry on the braid made the hairstyle original and colorful.

Air braid of large curls looks luxurious, despite the simplest weaving... The braid ends with a neat volumetric bundle created thanks to a special roller, hairpins and hairpins.

A negligent "reverse" braid for medium-length hair, carefully styled around the head, looks stylish and modern... Such a bow wonderfully complements not only evening dresses, but also jeans.

Luxurious thick braid, braided at the back of the head, thanks to the accessory, has the charm of Greek goddesses. Graceful wreath at the beginning of weaving adds femininity and grace to the image.

Crown braid neatly braided around the head fits organically into everyday looks... The inside-out technique allows you to demonstrate free and airy weaving.

Delicate hairstyle with braiding from curls rightfully worthy of weddings... The image consists of two braids located on either side of the parting, as well as an air beam that absorbs the end of the braids.

Braid-headband for long hair donates owners of the correct face contour possibility of simple everyday experiments... The remaining curls are fixed into a low ponytail, showing off long hair.

A Greek look with flowers crafted from hair on both sides harmoniously complements a perfectly sleek bun. The hairstyle conquers with a colorful retro style and majestic grace.

To learn how to braid a voluminous Greek braid, see the video.