Greek hairstyles for long hair

Ancient Greece can rightfully be considered the cradle of Western European civilization. It was from there that various things, products, hairstyles that are familiar to us now went. For example, women who were versed in art, music, philosophy and literature were called getters. Many examples were taken from them, including the borrowing of Greek hairstyles that are familiar to us.

Many of us know that new is well forgotten old. Hairstyles in the Greek style are at the height of fashion from time to time, but regardless of this they remain relevant throughout the entire time. The main feature is versatility. These hairstyles are easy to do at home as there are many variations. They will suit absolutely any type of woman, while remaining unique for each of them.

For long hair, there are many options for creating. The following solutions can be distinguished:
- hairstyle with an elastic band;
- classic Greek tail in two versions;
- classic Greek bun in two versions.

By the way, the Greek hairstyle implies not only curly curls, but also long, well-styled hair. If the structure of your hair does not allow you to curl it, then use another variation of creating a hairstyle. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out perfectly the first time. A slight disheveled hair in some cases gives a greater femininity and naturalness. It all depends on what event you are doing this hairstyle for.

Let's highlight such top tips from professionals for the fair sex with long hair, as:
- arm yourself with hairpins and varnish - these are your guides in creating the perfect hairstyle;
- do not underestimate the varnish, as it can easily glue and weigh down your hair, ruining your hairstyle and mood; choose quality products;
- you do not need to wash your hair before styling, otherwise you risk not preserving the integrity of the hairstyle;
- try to choose a bandage according to the size of your head, or fix it with invisible ones so that it fits as tightly as possible;
- if you chose the option of a hairstyle with curls, then gently spray each strand with varnish.

Who is it for?
As previously described, Greek hairstyles go with all types of women's face shapes. It will not make you fatter or older, but only add authenticity and charm. Still, it is worth paying attention to the following details:
- decide what kind of styling you will do; curling or straight - you choose;
- when styling, it is worth considering what kind of face shape you have; for an oval shape, a more luxuriant styling with a fleece is needed, for a round or triangular - the opposite;
- a thin bezel is suitable for representatives with a narrower forehead than a wide one;
- if you do not know exactly which hairstyle will suit you, you should rely on the quality and obedience of your hair, for example, soft and thin hair is removed into a high Greek hairstyle, dense and thick hair can be left loose, if desired, add a headband and a couple of accessories, and for owners of obedient hair will do both.

Views and their creation
After you have figured out which hairstyle suits you, you can start creating it. But do not rush, because you need to understand for what event you are doing it.
- A hairstyle with a headband would be a good office option. The main thing is not to overdo it with the brightness of the accessory. More minimalism and you will be irresistible.
- For a more feminine look, headbands and hairpins with artificial flowers and jewelry are suitable. It is also worth being careful here. The sheer amount of detail can make your look cheap.
- The evening version of the hairstyle implies shine. Feel free to experiment and choose bright elements to create, including a tiara and hairpins with rhinestones.

DIY Greek hairstyles are easier than you think. Just follow the step by step instructions and don't be afraid to make a mistake. The main attribute of the hairstyle is its accessories: headbands, elastic headbands, hairpins, hair crabs. Don't use too bright details. This will not make you more elegant.
Important! If you decide to dilute your hairstyle with a flower, then remember the following: for thin hair, use one small artificial flower, for thick hair, use several medium-sized bottles.

Hairstyle with an elastic band
No perm is required for this hairstyle. It can be done in 5-10 minutes. All that is required is an elastic band and a lacquer to hold it in place. Studs may be required if necessary. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:
- put the headband on top of your head;
- fold your hair on the sides under an elastic;
- gather the remaining hair together;
- remove the gathered hair under an elastic band; you can remove curls one by one.

When creating a hairstyle, you should pay attention to the following points:
- comb your long hair thoroughly;
- put on the headband and see how it looks better;
- do not try to remove all hair at once under an elastic band; it is better to do this with separated strands.

This hairstyle is easy to perform and does not waste a lot of effort. Try and experiment.
Greek tail
This hairstyle is easy to develop. It will suit both a cocktail party and a special occasion. There are several options. Let's get acquainted with the most popular ones.

For owners of heavy and long hair, it will be more difficult to do the bouffant. Use a roller, hairdryer and strong hold varnish for maximum volume. It must be remembered that the quality of the varnish depends on the final look of the hairstyle. Step-by-step instructions for the first option are as follows:
- look at your hair and decide how much volume you want; the more strands you wind on the curling iron and fix with varnish, the more voluminous your hairstyle will be; if you have curly hair, you can skip this step;
- take a wide strand on the crown of your head and do an intense bouffant;
- take a combed strand of hair and lift it up, secure it behind with invisible ones;
- further, collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail or fasten it to one side;
- fix the result with varnish.

The step-by-step instructions for the second option include the following steps:
- make a straight parting;
- starting at the temples, braid two braids on the sides, leading them to the back of the head; secure the entire result with an elastic band;
- comb the resulting tail and fix with varnish;
- if you wish, you can relax some strands in the braid, add a few flower buds there.

Greek bunch
For this hairstyle you will need pins and a headband if needed. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:
- make a straight parting, distributing hair evenly;
- take a small strand of hair from the side and twist the tourniquet, leading it to the back of the head, secure everything with a hairpin; do the same on the other side;
- gather hair in a ponytail at the base and twist the rose in a clockwise or counterclockwise motion;
- secure the result with hairpins and hairspray.

Let's pay attention to korimbos - a variety of the Greek knot. This hairstyle differs from the Greek tail in that the braid has a different location and lies as if on the base of the neck, making the hairstyle more feminine, while using one braid. You will need a small elastic band and a bun bagel. Step-by-step instructions are presented by the following actions:
- part to the side;
- take three small strands of hair near the crown with a parting, but not at the very base;
- braid a braid, weaving several additional strands into it, it should go down the head; secure it with an elastic band;
- take a hair bagel and make a ponytail at the base of the back of the head;
- comb your hair and fold it into a bagel;
- Wrap the braid into the base of the elastic band like a rose; if necessary, secure the result with invisible ones;
- Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

There are many varieties of Greek hairstyles. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. You will always have the opportunity to fix something.
Optional accessories
Thanks to the varieties of Greek hairstyles, you can incorporate various beautiful accessories into them. Most often these are flower buds and various ribbons. remember, that additional attributes should be in moderation. Don't overdo it. Add only what will fit your image, otherwise you run the risk of failing. Experiment in moderation and you will succeed.

A few tips to help you choose an optional accessory.
- If your hairstyle consists of a ribbon or headband, then pay attention to the color of the decoration itself. A flashy headband won't work, and neither will ribbon. Choose more soothing shades to match your eyes and hair color. A black headband on dark hair and pale shades on light hair will always be winning.
- Every woman wants to look beautiful and graceful. Flower buds in your hair can help you with this. Do not weave them over the entire length of the braid. A few buds will be enough, and you can also experiment and stick it into the bunch.
- Headbands with rhinestones are perfect for special occasions. Be careful in your choice. Some headbands are of poor quality, and an excessive scattering of "diamonds" will reduce the cost of your look. The main thing is to remember that everything should be in moderation.
- Always present a one-piece look with your outfit. These hairstyles may not suit your style at all today. Think about where you are going and what event you want to do your hair for.

Following simple rules, you can always make these hairstyles with your own hands, because there are so many of them and they are all beautiful. Nature has rewarded women with beauty and wisdom. And we are all very lucky that we have the opportunity to touch the unearthly and at the same time simple - Greek hairstyles.
For information on how to do a Greek hairstyle for long hair, see the next video.