Hairstyles: history, types, styles and selection

The hairstyle is an integral part of the appearance, which bears the main burden, reflecting the inner world of the owner, his preferences and desires. At the same time, she is obliged to approach the facial features, the shape of the head, take into account the peculiarities of the physique, height, preferences in clothing, style.

What it is?
A hairstyle is hair definitely styled on the head with the necessary tools and materials by the skillful hands of the hairdressing artisans. Its creation involves the study of all the details. It is enough to change one of the hairstyle elements to get a completely different haircut, with an original or unusual solution. Elements such as parting, bangs, curls radically change the appearance.
- Bang - the part of the hair that runs down to the forehead. As an element of a hairstyle, it can be straight, oblique, asymmetrical, differ in thickness and length of hair, or be absent altogether. The depth of its location and processing radically changes the whole image.
Along with hair length, bangs are one of the main elements of any haircut.

- Parting - This is the hairline from the forehead to the highest point of the head. Divides hair into parts, it is also possible to wear hair without parting, with strands combed back. The most common is straight, side, vertical, horizontal parting. An interesting figured parting can be represented by different types: zigzag, checkerboard, combining two or more lines. Half-part is a shorter form, which can also be simple, oblique or curly.

- Curls - a curl of hair, there are vertical, horizontal, drain curls. Twist technology can radically change the look of hair and hairstyles in general.The direction of the curling of the hair strands creates volume, and the strands, curled up, give lightness to the hairstyle. Falling curls are the basis of many evening hairstyles. Eights, half eights, small curls or tight curls, wide-strand bouquets, curls - any lady has a huge choice and variety.

- Waves - hairstyle elements with a smooth bend. Depending on the direction, they can be protruding, directed to the face, and reverse, that is, having a direction from the face. They also distinguish the direction of the wave in relation to the parting: oblique, straight and transverse, respectively.

- Roller - this is hair pre-combed and laid in the form of a roller. They can be horizontal, single or double. Convenient as an element for everyday life and for special occasions. Quick styling is possible, which gives a natural carelessness and lightness.
When creating, various fixing objects are used: hairpins, hairpins, crabs, ribbons.

- Bouffant - a fairly common element of creating a hairstyle. With a comb with fine teeth, the raised hair is given volume. As a rule, the bouffant is done on the back of the head and is fixed inside the hair.

- Blunting - an element similar to a fleece, it is created on the top of the strand. Allows you to create volume and shape the hairstyle, helps to cope with unruly strands. Often requires processing with fixing mousses or varnishes.

- Relief - detail that creates the hairstyle. It is achieved by isolating individual strands, weaving bulky braids, plaits, creating beams, shells, rollers, tails.

The creation and change of women's hairstyles was formed along with the changes in society, responding to the spirit of the time, its needs. The desire of a person to decorate his appearance, change, stand out, be the best is the engine for the emergence of new models and methods of styling. Answering the pressing problems of functionality and the canons of beauty of its time, the hairstyle acquired new details and techniques of execution.

The origin of hairstyles, together with the emergence of society, took place in the distant times of the Ancient World.
Ancient Egypt
Commoners wore loose hair. But the ruling classes wore braided wigs, all kinds of headbands, hoops, tiaras, hairpins, and hair combs. Dark ocher shades and black hair are preferred. The famous Queen Nefertiti with her strict beauty and tucked hair, as well as Cleopatra, the progenitor of the popular bob hairstyle, introduced a new fashion. Then the first known haircut with clear boundaries appeared..

Ancient Greece
The cult of the human body, the Kalamistrs, the ancient Greek hairdressing masters, appeared. Their skillful hands created incredible hairstyles for that time. with complex multi-tiered styling, weaving strands, winding curls with red-hot iron pins. The use of natural ingredients for hair dyeing was born. The Greeks preferred golden hues.
One of the greatest women in Greece, Aspazia, whom Socrates called his "incomparable teacher", demonstrates the hairstyle of that time - cool small curls, parting, neat braids gathered at the back of the head.

Ancient Rome
Virtuoso masters compete in the ability to style an incredible variety of hairstyles that become more laconic and varied. Weaving braids, creating rollers, curls, using various decorations in the hair, all kinds of wigs and hairpieces characterize the image of noble people of that time. Commoners hid their hair under capes. Romans preferred complex blonde hairstyles, so hair lightening was widely used. Unfortunately, the secret of the lightening substance has been lost.
The bust of Valeria Messalina, the third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius, shows a characteristic hairstyle: parted in the middle, neat small curls laid in a tight knot.

Middle Ages
The beauty of hair at this time is highly regarded. Suffice it to recall that a single hair of Isolde kindled an ardent feeling in Tristan's heart. Long blond hair is the ideal of artists and poets. Chastity makes you hide your hair under bedspreads and hats, caps, scarves. Traditionally, the hair was parted and braided. With her hair down, a woman could only appear before her husband. Even curling curls was considered a sin, for which a woman was predicted a road to hell.
Gradually mores softened, hairstyles on the eve of the next era became freer and more relaxed.

Free morals, lightness, elegant hairstyles, curls, glorification of female attractiveness are reviving. The canon of beauty of this era is the open high forehead, so some of the hair near the forehead, and even the eyebrows were shaved off. Expensive jewelry, feathers, tiaras were used to create it. A certain carelessness comes into fashion, like in Simonetta Vespucci, sung in Botticelli's poems. The first beauty of the Renaissance era wore "curls of golden color in a timid wave": her hair was pulled high from a high shaved forehead, numerous braids were braided, curled strands were arranged in lashes.

Puppet-style, mannered beauty with its luxury and pretentiousness comes into vogue. France is becoming the trendsetter with its high volume hairstyles. Decorated with jewels and a hat, the hairstyles were distinguished by intricately styled curls. Hairstyles become similar to monumental designs on a wire frame. The strands are threaded between ribbons and lace, decorated with flowers and feathers. The courtiers' favorites wore high fountain-style hairstyles.
This era is glorified by many artists, depicting chic, but some kind of "contrived" women with their fanciful hairstyles and outfits.

"Inventedness" is replaced by simplicity, grace and sophistication, and then voluminous hairstyles come back into fashion again. This era was remembered for its incredible styling. To create them, special masters were trained at the hairdressing academy. The towers of Babel, sea battles with ships sinking in hair, gardens of paradise strewn with flowers, even a seaside landscape with a mill - in this era, huge fortunes and an incredible amount of powder were spent on creating unique hairstyles.
The Marquise de Pompadour is the trendsetter of high heels and flamboyant hairstyles.

Antiquity is returning to fashion with its cool Greek curls around the face and Roman love for ribbons and combs. The hairstyle "a la antique" is widespread, when the hair is pulled back in the form of a neat tiara. "A la Titus" - a short haircut with small curls, named after the Roman emperor Titus, became a great hobby and punishment for women who followed blind fashion.
A bitter regret gripped most short-haired fashionistas who had to grow their hair for a long time when fashions changed. The hairstyle of "victims" (women had their hair cut off before execution), "a la Greek" - a bun or knot of hair, fixed with one hairpin, and "a la Aspazia" (curls).

Empire style
Preference is given to blondes and luxurious curls, so hairdressing is reborn with lush hairstyles and complex styling. The curling of the hair strands is carried out on special tongs, the lightening is carried out with the help of hydrogen peroxide.
High hairstyles with elongated curls at the face, an open forehead, and complex hair at the back of the head are the peak of fashion. All kinds of hairpins, hairpins, tiaras and feathers are welcome.

The period of eclecticism is full of revolutionary ideas, technical changes and wars. Each generation has its own idols.The intricate hairstyle of the great silent film actress Mary Pickford replaces the avant-garde style of the woman-boy. The First World War forces girls to work alongside men and give up chic outfits and curls. Short haircuts "a la garcon", square are in vogue. Blondes in the fashion world are replaced by black-haired beauties with a proud look from under a straight bang.

Cinema is adorned with outstanding actresses, and hairstyles with familiar names appear. The inimitable Greta Garbo with her aristocratic hairstyle, simple and refined, at the same time becomes a real standard of beauty. Then blondes with gorgeous hair and natural hairstyles "triumph" again: Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Lyubov Orlova. New short haircuts, wigs, perms, shocking punks appear.

When creating a hairstyle, the first step is to assess the length and thickness of the hair, its structure and volume. Basically, there are separate types for short, medium and long hair.
Haircuts for short hair are characterized by ultra-short length, at which highlighted torn or asymmetric strands, coloring will look advantageous. Haircuts that open up the face and neck as much as possible perfectly accentuate the bend of the neck, the oval of the face, and the expressiveness of the eyes. They should be chosen with care for ladies whose face requires a slight adjustment. It is also not recommended to do an ultra-short haircut for overweight women, so as not to disturb the proportions of the head and body.
Ultra-short pixie, boxing and semi-boxing, cropped asymmetrical bob are chosen by active girls and women who prefer loose hairstyles with light and simple styling.

Haircuts for medium hair are very diverse and multifaceted. A large selection of techniques and tools for creating, coloring, styling and fixing allows you to choose your own version, to be beautiful and unique. Elongated or asymmetrical bob, geometric or romantic square, garcon and page, "mallet" and "canadian", haircuts with ladders and steps - you can not list everything.
Model haircuts adorn and rejuvenate a woman, make her even more beautiful. Medium hair length allows you to correct the shape and imperfect oval of the face, hide wrinkles and any imperfections.

Long hair is sung by poets and artists of different eras and countries. There is nothing more beautiful than luxurious and long hair. It is mistakenly believed that older-looking women need to give up such jewelry. Beautiful and healthy hair, styled in an elegant hairstyle, will suit girls and women of any age, even the elderly.
Hairpins, hairpins, invisible hairpins, elastic bands, hairpieces and hairpieces, dreadlocks will help to create hairstyles for long hair. Symmetry and asymmetry are often used, various types of hair dyeing and toning, curling and styling with the help of various fixing agents.
It is easy to use bouffant and dry shampoo to create “beehive” or “cocoon” styling.

At different times, there were different styles in use, reflecting the spirit of the times, everyday life, and fashion trends. History always leaves a mark on the present. Modern clothing styles and appearances build on the past, building on elements known from the olden days. Other materials and tools for hair care allow you to create something new. According to the classification, hairstyles are mainly divided into historical, spectacular, for everyday life and special events.

Everyday hairstyles
Everyday hairstyles do not have any special canons. Each woman determines for herself the style of such a hairstyle, based on her preferences and desires. This hairstyle is closely related to everyday life, household chores, daily work. The routine of such hairstyles is determined by the main criteria: convenience and time spent on it, preferences in hair length.
Currently, most middle-aged and older women choose short and ultra-short haircuts that are self-sufficient, versatile, suitable for different clothing options, and are light and easy to care for. Many girls prefer long and medium length hair, which is tied in various tails or loose buns in everyday life. Modern fashion supports this style, even transfers it to festive directions.

Spectacular hairstyles
These are hairstyles for high fashion, catwalk and glossy magazines, and entertainment events. Shocking, attracting everyone's attention, forcing you to look at them over and over again. Beauty and hairdressing contests usually present a huge number of evening, historical, elegant and extravagant hairstyles that are a work of art. Their extravagance and personality is emphasized the practical impossibility of creating an exact copy.

Classic style
These are clear forms that have been worked out over the years. Well-known, popular, beloved by many hairstyles. A characteristic feature of the classics are strict, clear lines. The best examples of classic styling would be styled hairstyles. square, page, garcon.

Romantic style
Romantic style implies femininity, softness and subtlety, usually used on long hair. The characteristic features of romanticism are curls, curls. A cascade haircut or elements made with steps are often performed in a romantic style.

Sports hairstyles
Promote freedom and ease in life and hair care. This is the choice of relaxed, active people, not necessarily involved in some kind of sport, since haircuts in this style look gorgeous both in a solemn and in a romantic setting.
A semi-box or an ultra-short asymmetrical bob is the choice of women who prefer an active style for every day.

Extravagant style
An extravagant hairstyle suits the determined female, regardless of hair length. A bold pixie or an intricate hairstyle for long hair connects one aspiration - to stand out, to be different. Self-expression in the hairstyle is possible due to the length or asymmetry of the hair, their incredible coloring.

The avant-garde in the world of hairstyles is the choice of people striving forward, thinking in different criteria and concepts. At the forefront of fashion can be only the most daring and desperate women who paint the gray everyday life with unknown colors and dress in incredible shapes. Creative people can afford to make these choices.

Elegant style
For a casual look, many women and girls choose hairstyles that match the elegant style with its calm, laconic forms. This hairstyle is characterized by thoughtfulness, neatness. It can be simple and complex, for everyday and special days. Different, but always includes some detail, an accent that gives the whole image a sophistication and the ability to look chic.

Historical style
It implies several directions. Retro, with its wave hairstyles and styling in the style of silent movie stars, Empire style with long curled locks near the face, strands tucked into a high hairdo in the form of a shell, hairstyles in the style of Greek goddesses, infinitely feminine and sophisticated - all this is popular in this direction. To create such beauty, headbands, hairpins, Greek tiaras are most often used, which fix the curls.
The most famous techniques are the Greek knot or ponytail, the Greek braid, or the hairstyle using ribbons and headbands. Each of these hairstyles belongs to the historical era of mankind.

The style is on the verge of shocking, combines elements of the avant-garde, ethno, with bright colors and mohawks. The creation of animal shapes from hair, shaved letters and symbols or completely shaving hair are the main elements of the style.

Emo or goths
Hair and clothing styles common among young people. They were born spontaneously and unexpectedly, they became youth subcultures. The romanticization of death, depressive moods, and love for black are also attributed to the hairstyle. Characteristic features are hard black hair hanging in straight strands on the face and eyes. The use of a large number of fixatives and torn strands is imperative.
Emo hairstyles can imitate children's ones due to the use of hairpins, all kinds of ponytails, pinkish or colored dyeing.

Ethnic style
Ethnic style with incredible looks and enchanting hairstyles is the choice of many women. You can hear the echo of other cultures in them: the aromas of the East, gypsy recklessness, Spanish passion, African motives. The most famous are dreadlocks and afrokos, incredibly popular in the last decade.

Wedding (solemn) hairstyles stand out as a separate style due to the extreme importance of the moment in life. Details of historical, elegant and romantic styles can be used. The characteristic features are the hair, styled with beautiful waves and curls in complex hairstyles. All elements of hairdressing are actively used: fleece, high and low bunches, tails and all kinds of braids, shells, rollers, interweaving of strands and ornaments.
These are the most feminine, smart and popular hairstyles around the world.

Fashion trends
New fashion trends tend to affect everyone - and those who decided to radically change the bow, and those who just want to add additional touches to their own appearance.
- So, blondes with gray or pinkish shades is still at the peak of popularity. Although interesting copper shades of hair are becoming common now.

- Actual coloring strands in contrasting or multi-colored tones. Tinted strands look great on both light and dark hair.

- Are gaining more and more popularity long and very long hair. A variety of voluminous hairstyles recall the hairstyles of the 60s, when the lush "beehive" styling was in vogue.

- Voluminous fluffy braids are fighting for the primacy in popularity, now they are competing with thin pigtails that fit into the hairstyle, combined with ponytails and buns.

- Carelessness in styling is gradually replaced by elegance and accuracy., the strands fall in even curls. Such hairstyles are in the top of the best for a modern woman.

- Original and colorful wigs win the love of many women of fashion, capable of bold and unexpected actions.

- A huge number of accessories are in fashion: bright and neutral, interesting and functional, original and very comfortable;
An unexpected trend of the current year - hairstyles with the effect of wet hair, such haircuts have already been demonstrated by various celebrities.

Methods of creation
The hairstyle is based on a pre-cut haircut that should suit the lady's preferences. Styling is always done on clean, healthy hair, otherwise all the work will be in vain. It is necessary to take into account desires, but do not forget about the external individual characteristics of the face and figure. Age, status, general style are important. To make a hairstyle "like in the picture" is difficult, sometimes impossible.
Various techniques and methods are used to create:
- hot curling is done with tongs, curling irons, ironing, heat rollers;
- air styling helps create hot air from the hair dryer;
- cold styling (fleece, braids, plaits) is done using various combs.

How to choose?
The hairstyle should always correspond to the lifestyle, as well as to a certain event, if it is to come, because it would never occur to anyone to go to a sports competition with a chic evening styling.It is necessary to choose a hairstyle that meets the pressing problem of the day in advance.
Regular hairstyles for everyday days are often free of intricate elements. Styling should be quick, not taking more than 10 minutes of precious morning time.

Austere hairstyles are the foundation of a classic style. Such styling is necessary when at work a dress code or a position that does not allow you to do something in a romantic or natural style. This does not mean that now life is painted gray and it is always necessary to wear the same boring hairstyle. Tails and bunches, endless in their options, French shells and elegant bolsters, braids and braids will be appropriate in the office.

For a disco or a party, a looser natural hairstyle is suitable, allowing you to actively move. It is appropriate to complicate it with weaving elements, plaits, hairpins, headbands.
The photo session allows the girl to be a star for at least an hour, so the choice of hairstyle should be thoughtful and concise. It is necessary to consider where the shooting will take place - in nature or on the street.

Additional nuances:
- studio surroundings allow you to play with images;
- if there are several suits, then it is better to choose a universal hairstyle: braids, ponytails, bunches;
- bunches, tousled braids, more complex styling are well suited for an artistic image;
- for a street photo shoot, it is advisable to do natural hairstyles with fluttering strands.

It so happened historically that women's hairstyles were created and decorated with the help of various accessories. Suffice it to recall tiaras and diadems, combs and crowns, headbands and scarves, various devices. Using beautiful accessories, you can always create an unusual styling. The decoration can only be decorative or have a functional purpose.
- Oriental jewelry give the image of mystery and mystery. Indian teak, lalatika, sringar patti are decorative elements that adorn a woman's hair.

- Tiaras, headbands, wreaths usually used to create a thematic look and fix strands. They can be made of different materials, be of a simpler or complex shape, decorated with flowers, stones, rhinestones.

- Combs can be strictly functional or instructed semi-precious stones. Antique scallops are now very popular.

- Ribbons, bandages, hairpins, invisibility, elastic bands - cheaper and more popular materials that are often used to create any hairstyle - from simple to formal.

- Hairpins for curls used in everyday shell-type hairstyles and on more solemn occasions. They can be modest, almost invisible or chic, decorated with stones and rhinestones.

- Professional accessories suitable for creating hairstyles on long hair and hair of medium length. Curled or fixed hair with these tools not only retains its shape, but also gets unique looks.

Beautiful examples
A hairstyle is a reflection of the inner world of a person, it is not for nothing that, leaving a hairdresser, we feel completely different. RLet's take a look at some beautiful examples of how you can transform your bow.
- Simple tail, twisted by flagella at the base, looks great in any office, and it will take a minimum of time.

- Comfortable "shell", which every woman knows how to do, you can complicate a little with a fleece to create volume, or use the simplest version with a crab.

- Elegant classic looks great and meets the most demanding requirements.

- A bundle for everyday life - simple and very beautiful.

- From retro hairstyles it is absolutely impossible to refuse.

- Curls are beautiful in themselves, but if they are decorated with a rim of braids, they become even more elegant.

- Braids Is always the right decision.All kinds of weaving never cease to amaze and leave room for imagination.

- Abundance of accessories or the only one? It's up to you!

- Braiding and matching decoration will make you look like a real Amazon.

- Diadem Looks great in a wedding or formal hairstyle, no matter if your hair is wavy or smooth.

For information on how to do a hairstyle for medium hair, see the next video.