How do I blow-dry my hair?

Modern women of fashion have every opportunity to form a wide variety of styles, from simple to intricate. However, the most popular tool in this business is the good old hair dryer. It is he who is most often used by young ladies, making various styling. Today we will analyze in detail how you can style your hair using a hair dryer and find out what types of this device exist.

What do you need?
Hairdryer styling is the simplest and most popular solution used by many young ladies. With the help of the specified tool, the work of giving the shock of hair a certain shape is noticeably simplified. If done correctly, the result can be a fluffy and feminine hairstyle. Before proceeding with this type of styling, you need to stock up on all the necessary components.
- Hair dryer. It is advisable to use a model that can function in various temperature conditions. Most modern hair dryers have such options, so it will not be difficult to find the best option in the store.
- Shampoo. It is recommended to use quality formulations designed specifically for your hair type.
- Conditioning balm.
- Foam, mousse and varnish. These tools will make styling easier, as well as fix the result for a long time.
- Comb... It is advisable to prepare a round brush - brushing. With its help, it turns out to create lush and voluminous hairstyles.

All the necessary tools must be of high quality and serviceable. Some fashionistas do chic curls at all using a hairdryer and a plastic bottle.
As for the styling products, their quality should also not be in doubt. It is advisable to use branded formulationsthat will not adversely affect either the hair itself or the scalp.

Modern manufacturers on the home appliance market never cease to delight customers with more and more improved models of hairdryers suitable for hair styling. If you go to a store today, you can find a lot of different tools for working with them on the shelves. You should choose a suitable copy, taking into account all its characteristics and application features. Let's consider in detail what types of hair dryers exist and how they differ.

This type of hair dryer is designed for drying hair, as well as winding a lock on curlers. If you get acquainted with these devices closer, you will notice that they are not much different from their counterparts. In their structure, a more comfortable handle and a hollow cylinder are provided, from which a hot or cold air stream comes. These tools come with attachments.
The latter have characteristic wide openings at the beginning and flattened at the end. Thanks to this structure, women of fashion can do styling using a rounded brush (brushing). Due to this, the installation process itself takes much less time - the shape is given to the hair very quickly.

Very often, it is the hairdryer-concentrator that is used in salons. This tool is classified as professional.
With diffuser
The second in popularity and distribution is recognized as a high-quality hairdryer with a diffuser. This model consists of both a hollow cylinder and a special attachment with peculiar "fingers" installed on it. The last element is applied to give the hairstyle a spectacular volume. In addition, this interestingly shaped nozzle ideal for a pleasant scalp massage with a beneficial effect on hair health.

The diffuser comes with many modern hair dryers. This detail allows you to very gently and gently dry your hair, while giving it wonderful volume.
Typically, diffuser and concentrator models have a pistol-like shape. Hair dryers, brushes, are made completely different.
Hair dryer brush
An easy-to-use compact hair dryer, belonging to the category of stylers, is in great demand today. This tool allows you not only to dry, but also to curl your hair. Here you do not have to use separately both a hairdryer and a brushing - everything is collected in one set.

In use, modern rotating hair dryers prove to be very convenient and practical. They easily give the desired shape to curls of any shape and structure. Every girl with these devices can give her head of hair a beautiful and neat shape without spending a lot of time.

It should be borne in mind that this tool does not cope with drying hair as well as the ones described above. It is more designed specifically for styling. Experts and many young ladies who have bought such models speak about this.

With a hair dryer, you can not only curl and twist, but also straighten naughty strands. If everything is done correctly, in the end you can get perfectly even, smooth and silky curls that will delight everyone around with their aesthetics and beautiful volume.

How to choose?
Choose a hair dryer carefully. Let's consider what parameters you should look for when purchasing this hair styling tool.
- Pay attention to the power of the device. The more powerful your hair dryer is, the faster it will dry your hair. True, many of the high-power options are quite noisy and expensive, but they can significantly save time on drying and laying.
- Choose exactly the model that will meet all your requirements. If you want to do voluminous styling and massage the scalp at the same time, then you should look for models that come with a diffuser.Ordinary options with hubs are also available. If drying your hair itself is less important to you than the styling process, then you can purchase a hairdryer. She stacks well, but dries poorly.
- Be sure to pay attention to the build quality of the tool. The hairdryer should not squeak or make other noises / sounds that are unnatural for it. If the equipment is assembled poorly, then it will not last as long as you want.
- It is advisable to choose such models in which temperature control is provided.... In most modern copies, there are not only several different temperature marks, but also a separate button responsible for the flow of cool air. According to experts, the latter allows you to "fix" the already finished styling.
- Choose only high quality branded models... Leaders in the modern market are such firms as Bosh, Rowenta, Braun, Babyliss, Philips. These manufacturers produce quality products that are covered by a warranty. Of course, such copies may cost more than their Chinese counterparts, but they will definitely last longer and will work properly, without causing any inconvenience.

Styling features
Using a quality hair dryer, you can style your hair in a wide variety of lengths. With these tools, you can make any pretty hairstyles you like at home. It is quite possible to realize your ideas on your own, observing certain technologies. Let us consider in detail what are the main features of styling curls of different lengths with a hairdryer.

For women with short haircuts, beautiful and feminine styling can be done quickly and easily. It is not always necessary with such a hairstyle to do complex styling and wash your hair in advance. Quite often, it is quite enough for ladies to simply neatly lay short strands and fix the result. If the fashionista wishes, a short haircut can be made both a little messy and very elegant.

If you want styling on a short haircut to last as long as possible and look aesthetically pleasing, of course, it is better to use good styling products. So, with the use of high-quality mousse, wax or gel, it will be possible to successfully fix a beautiful hairstyle.

Strands that are too prominent from the hairstyle will require good fixation. If the hairs do not stick out strongly, then the compositions of medium or weak fixation are quite enough. You may need to use a brush with a long, sharp tip. With its help, it will turn out to form a neat parting, dividing the hair into two equal-sized parts.

In this case, for styling short hair, a semi-professional model of a hairdryer, in which both hot and cold air currents are present, will be enough. If you want to straighten out short strands, then it is better to use a hot iron.

Of course, before that, you will need to wash your hair with shampoo. After that, you need to use a balm, conditioner, and then proceed directly to styling.

Also, for styling curls of short length, you can use a round comb with a small diameter. With its help, you will need to raise the strands from the very roots and direct the tip of the hair dryer in the right direction. It is enough to hold the tool for a few minutes for the curls to dry and acquire the required volume. This should be done with all the strands until the hairstyle is done.

You can also style a beautiful hairstyle for yourself on medium hair length. They are considered to be the most suitable for blow-drying.

To style such curls, you need to take a diffuser nozzle... It will make it possible to quickly and efficiently give the hair the desired look and level of volume. Raise the strands using the special attachment. Then, twisting the curls a little on the tip of the diffuser, dry until the mop is completely dry.
However, in such a case, there is no need to touch the entire length. Other areas can be treated with a stream of warm air and foam applied.

Medium curls can be styled with a hair dryer, coupled with brushing. According to the rules, you should act like this.
- First, the curls will need to be thoroughly rinsed, and then wiped off with a dry towel.
- Next, you will need to apply a special foam or styling mousse on them.
- Then you can safely start drying your hair. Start moving from the back of your head.
- In this case, it is best to use a special round brush - brushing (this tool is very convenient for styling hair). Use this brush to twist the strands in the root area. Through these simple steps, you will be able to give your hair a beautiful and lush shape.

Long hair is the dream of every young lady. However, do not forget that it can be quite difficult to take care of such a hairstyle. Styling long curls can take a lot more time and quality styling products.
If you do everything right and use good compositions, then they will definitely fall in a charming cascade.

In order to style chic elongated strands, you will need to prepare a strong skeletal comb and styling foam. It is advisable to stock up on a good strong hold varnish. Let's consider step by step what the installation scheme looks like in this case.
- First you need to apply a small amount of foam to long strands. After that, it will be necessary to hook the curl with a comb, and using the hairdryer nozzle, dry it, moving from roots to very tips.
- Having processed all long hair in this way, it will be possible to get a flawless styling, devoid of any flaws or imperfections.
- The resulting styling will last longer if you sprinkle it with strong hold varnish.

Giving volume
Today many girls and women are faced with the fact that their hair looks thin and thin. In such a situation, there is usually no question of sufficient volume, and voluminous haircuts are the desire of most fashionistas of all ages. You can solve this problem by making the hairstyle more voluminous and lush. A hairdryer will help the lady in this matter.

So, in achieving the desired volume, hair dryers show themselves perfectly. These models are very easy to use and allow you to achieve flawless results. But it must be borne in mind that such a thing is not designed for everyday use - it can seriously harm the curls in case of frequent use.

To make your hairstyle more lush and rich, you just need to wind the curls onto the tip of the elongated nozzle one by one. Do not forget that in order to carry out such procedures, the strands must be wet, otherwise there will be no sense in your actions. After that, you can safely proceed to the second stage of this styling.

To fix the formed desired volume, you will need to treat the hair with a strong hold varnish or special foam. If done correctly, the result will be a very beautiful and lush hairstyle.

Professional advice
If you think that no mistakes can be made in hair styling, then you are deeply mistaken. In order not to seriously harm them, it is worth listening to some useful advice and recommendations from professionals.
- Before you style your hair (of any length) using a hairdryer, it is imperative to wash it and apply a balm. Of course, many young ladies do not want to waste time, especially if the haircut is very short, but then, as a result, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a really spectacular and well-groomed hairstyle.
- Before you start styling your hair, you should wait until it dries a little. You should not immediately dry and curl the curls when they are still completely wet and heavy.
- If you have bangs, you need to carefully separate them from the rest of your hair before starting the drying procedure.
- Do not rush to use a hair dryer until you have treated the strands with a special protective emulsion (heat protection). Such compositions protect curls from the negative effects of high temperatures. In addition, with these tools, the level of static electricity in the shock is reduced.
- While drying your hair, the hairdryer is usually held on top. The air jet will need to be directed from top to bottom. In this way, you will be able to close the hair scales, due to which the entire hairstyle will look more neat, well-groomed and aesthetic.
- It is not recommended to blow dry hair of any length with too hot air. Better to use cool or lukewarm airflow. This rule is due to the fact that too high temperatures can seriously damage the structure of the hair, making it dry and brittle.
- Stylists advise applying a special shine to the hair after all the procedures. Thanks to this, they will shine beautifully and shine both on a sunny and cloudy day. It is advisable to use a glitter that contains small particles, because too large glitter rarely looks neat and dignified.
- Use only high quality and suitable brushes or combs to dry your hair. With such devices, the risk of harm to them will be minimized, so it is worth taking care of choosing the right tools. If the hair length is short, then the selection of the required items is especially important and undeniable.
- It is only recommended to focus on the roots if the length of your hairstyle is long enough. It will be necessary to divide the curls into small strands, and then style, paying more attention to the crown and roots. It is recommended to dry long strands with a hairdryer, brushing against their growth in order to form additional volume.
- If you are laying absolutely straight and smooth strands, then you should take into account that you need to dry them, working through each element separately. It is advisable to literally switch to a cold air stream for a couple of seconds. This simple stroke will keep the curls straightened. In addition, harmful electrification will be removed from them.
- If you are the owner of flirty curls, then to straighten them you will need to use a hairdryer, as well as a special balm-straightener. First, the latter will need to be evenly applied to the strands and start styling, using a brush and hairdryer.
- If you wish, you can learn how to give straight hair with a hair dryer to give a delicate wavy shape. To do this, you need to twist the curls along the entire length, forming a kind of flagella. After that, they are dried with a hairdryer. Then you can safely melt the resulting strands with your hands. To fix such a feminine hairstyle, of course, you need to use varnish.

You will learn how to style your hair with a hairdryer in the video below.