How to curl your hair with rags?

Many girls dream of luxurious curly hair, because this hairstyle looks incredibly impressive and beautiful. However, not everyone can boast of natural elastic curls. Therefore, girls come to the aid of various devices for creating curls. Today, there are many options for curling curls of different sizes, ironing, curlers, etc.
But despite such an abundance of modern technologies, the method of curling strands using ordinary rags is still in demand. It was this method that our grandmothers used, and they knew what they were doing.

The benefits of curling
- Security. Perhaps this is the main advantage of this curling method in comparison with other options. Since the thermal effect on the strands is completely excluded, and hence their damage.
- Simplicity and convenience. Anyone can cope with such a procedure, while in order to learn how to properly curl their hair with a special curling iron, some will take a long time. In addition, even the laziest can curl strands with rags, just curl your hair and go to bed. At night you will feel absolutely no discomfort, but in the morning you will wake up with a luxurious hairdo.
- Profitability. You don't have to spend money on modern stylers. Everything you need will be at hand at home. In this case, you can use curling rags several times. It turns out to be very profitable.
- Decent result. This is exactly the case when the minimum cost of the procedure does not mean a bad result at all. With experience, or even the first time, you will get curls that look just as good as curls made using other methods.
Even if you have rather thick and unruly hair, with the help of such a curling you will definitely be able to "tame" them.

Everything has two sides, and curling on rags also has its drawbacks, despite the large number of advantages. The main disadvantage is the length of the procedure. You will need time not only to wind all your hair, but also to fix it.
That is why many girls usually wind the strands for the night, because future curls will need at least 4-5 hours (without outside influence) to fix. While using a curling iron or iron, curls are created in a matter of minutes.
However, it is worth remembering that such a long process guarantees a long-term result.
There is an opinion that curls after curling with rags last about the same as these same rags were in your hair. That's why do not rush to remove the tapes as soon as you wake up, if this is not necessary.

Step-by-step instruction
First of all, you need to start creating "curlers". To do this, prepare scissors and a small piece of fabric. It is better to use cotton, calico or other natural materials. If you don't have textiles at hand, do not be upset. You can replace the fabric with regular gauze, bandages, or even paper towels. Cut the fabric into ribbons of approximately the same size. The number and parameters of the bands directly depend on the length and thickness of the hair, as well as the desired result.
To create large curls, the strips of fabric should be wide. Accordingly, to create small curls, the ribbons should be thinner and there will be more of them.

Now you need to properly prepare your hair. Wash your hair thoroughly, lightly dry your hair with a towel, but do not rub your hair so as not to break its structure. Then dry the strands with a hair dryer using a gentle mode.
It is important to leave your hair slightly damp without drying completely.
Then apply a light fixer to the strands. It can be any of your favorite spray, mousse, or gel. If your hair is not prone to oily, you can additionally apply a small amount of foam to the root zone to create volume. Watch out for that so that the hair is only slightly damp. If they are too wet, they simply won't have time to dry out overnight, and you won't get a luxurious hairstyle. If the strands are too dry, then the curl will not work out strong and elastic.

The main stage
The process of creating curls is pretty simple. All hair must be divided into strands. The smaller the strand, the thinner the curl will be. Place the end of the strand in the middle of the rag ribbon and start curling. You can wind curls from the very roots, or you can bring them to the middle or even lower. It all depends on whether your hair is short or long. And also on what kind of styling you plan to do. Then just tie the ends of the ribbons. Make sure the knot is tight enough not to come loose while you sleep. But do not forget that in the morning it will have to be removed somehow.
In this way, it is necessary to wind up all the strands in stages. Then cover your head with a handkerchief or scarf. This will make it easier for you to sleep, and the rags will definitely not come loose. In the morning, just gently remove all the rags, fluff up the hair with your hands and fix the curls with varnish. Such curls will definitely hold out until the next shampooing.
The styling looks great both loose and in the hair. You can style your hair in a high or low ponytail, make a voluminous bun, etc. You can also decorate your hair with various accessories and hairpins, depending on your mood and overall image.

Useful Tips
- If you want to achieve the most natural curling possible, you can wrap the strands on rags of different widths. This trick allows you to create curls that look as if nature gave them to you.
- Use a styling product that is right for your hair type. If you have thin and rare strands, you should definitely not choose heavy gels and waxes for fixing. So you only run the risk of getting greasy, unkempt hair, completely devoid of volume.
- To create large curls, cloth rags should be not only wide, but also quite dense. You can even use plain paper.
- In the process of winding the strands, make sure that the curls are located in the direction away from the face. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not look very pretty.
- If you want to fix the styling, but there was no varnish at hand, use folk remedies. For example, a solution based on water and sugar. They can be sprayed on curls both before and after curling.
- If your hair is completely dry before curling, you can moisten it with water from a conventional spray bottle.
Use the tips listed above, don't be afraid to experiment with looks and be beautiful.

For information on how to wind your hair on rags, see the video below.