Which is better - carving or biowaving?

Modern technologies in hairdressing make it possible to diversify the female image with many types of hairstyles and hair styling. It is possible to add brightness and emphasize the individuality of the style with the help of long-term curling of curls, this is especially true for owners of straight hair.

Laying methods
One of the types of long-term hair fixation using mild chemicals is carving. Carving has its neat effect on the hair due to the enveloping structure of chemical compounds that do not penetrate deeply inside.
This type of curling can last from 1 to 6 months on the hair. After that, the curls gradually fall off or simply grow back. The next carving procedure can be repeated after 3-4 months.
Most of all, carving will complement the image of girls who have weak and thin curls. It will add splendor to your hair and add stiffness to your hair.
For women with thick hairstyles, on the contrary, carving does not always help to obtain the expected effect. This is because thick and dense hair very often falls off from its own weight.

Biological perm is another well-known hair styling technique. Its distinctive feature is the use of an improved formula of products containing artificial protein, as well as essential amino acids and herbal extracts. They do not dry the scalp, give the curls a natural shine and help restore the hair structure. Correctly performed biowave can save its results for up to six months.

Women with dry and coarse curls are not recommended to carry out carving due to the fact that this procedure will make them even drier.But hair prone to excessive grease is perfect for both biowaving and carving.
Carving and biowaving go well enough with short (length at least 7 cm) and medium curls. Hair of this length is often curled closer to the roots, that is, a local type of styling is used. Longer hair is rapidly losing its proper appearance due to its own mass, so long-haired women should give preference to biowave.

Variations in long-term styling of curls depend on the size of the bobbins and curlers used:
- large - large curls create root volume, large-sized curlers are used;
- average - airy curls create curlers of small diameter;
- small - a voluminous and airy hairstyle is obtained from the use of small bobbins;
- vertical - carried out along the entire length of the strands using vertical bobbins;
- local (root) - the chemical mixture is applied to the root area of the hair and individual strands;
- textured - curlers of different size and shape are used.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any long-term hair fixation procedure, carving has positive and negative sides.
- one of the main advantages is a non-aggressive effect on the structure of the hair shaft;
- the texture of the hair acquires a more natural look, becomes "alive";
- guaranteed long-term effect for 3 months, and on dyed curls - up to six months;
- a variety of styling variations: large curls, medium or very small curls;
- the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time.

- the composition that is applied to the strands has a specific smell, and for some period it remains on the hair, especially when it is wet;
- it is not known how the hair will behave after curling the carving - it will bloom by itself or will gradually grow back;
- when using this method of curling, curls of curls do not look too clear, but to a greater extent, volume is created at the roots;
- to shape the hairstyle, you will still need the use of styling products.

The main positive characteristics of biowave are:
- the ability to create tight curls of various shapes and sizes;
- The nutrients in curling products have a beneficial effect on the condition of colored and weakened hair;
- optimal for various types of hair;
- after biowaving, curls are easier to style;
- long lasting effect.

Despite the many advantages, biowave also has disadvantages. The main ones are:
- high cost of the procedure;
- the first time after styling, the hair retains an unpleasant odor;
- long execution time (up to 3 hours), the complexity of the technique.

- Both hair curling processes are contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for nursing mothers, since the chemical composition used is still not harmless.
- During prolonged depression, as well as critical days, the curls keep their shape worse, so curling your hair during these periods is undesirable.
- Do not curl them directly after dyeing your hair. In the presence of damaged curls, any type of curling is strictly prohibited.
- When undergoing a course of hormonal drugs and a predisposition to allergies, you should also refrain from perms.
Whatever the positive properties of long-term hair styling, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to do any of them more than twice a year.

Common and Differences
In general, both types of curls are similar to each other. Just like biowave, carving involves winding curls on various curlers and bobbins, applying not too aggressive active substances to future curls. The substances used have a mild effect on the curls and do not harm them.

Curling allows you to give your hair splendor and visually increase the volume of the hairstyle. After both curling options, the curls begin to straighten a little.
Regardless of the chosen method of curling, after the procedure, the curls need additional care. It is recommended to postpone hair coloring for 2-3 weeks, stop using curling iron, styler and hair dryer. Regular use of nourishing masks helps to maintain the natural and well-groomed look of curls.

There is still a difference between carving and biowaving. For example, the effect after biowaving lasts longer, practically about a year, and after carving - a maximum of six months. This also explains the higher cost of biowaving. Long-term styling carving is more aimed at creating volume, and biowave, in turn, allows you to find elastic curls. The chemical compositions used have slight differences, and the technology of their application is also different.
It is not difficult to create the effect of curly curls and make your dream come true. It is enough just to analyze all their pros and cons and make a choice in favor of one or another method of curling. Through carving or biowaving, every woman will complement her look with luxurious curly hair.

For biowave and carving, see the next video.