Carving for long hair: features of the procedure

Hair carving is a popular technique that allows any woman to get luxurious curly hair.
The procedure is characterized by a rather gentle effect on the curls with minimal negative impact, and the effect of it lasts for a long time.

The curling technology is a hair wrap and a coating with a special composition, due to which the effect lasts for quite a long time. If you do not go into the intricacies, then the result may somewhat resemble the once demanded "chemistry", however, the basis of carving is the use of a more gentle composition. Not so long ago, even biocarving appeared: it is a lighter version of exposure.
After carving, the hair becomes more luxuriant, the common problem of tangled strands is completely eliminated, and thinned hair visually becomes denser. In addition, the time required to achieve an effective styling is significantly reduced.

The popularity of carving is due to its relatively gentle effect. The fact is that during the manipulations, all active active substances remain on the surface of the hair, without penetrating inward, respectively, and the structure of each individual hair is intact. That is why the carving technology can be used even on thin and weakened curls.
The curling method is recommended for girls with naughty strands that are difficult to style, and also recommended for hair that has been deprived of its vitality by nature or as a result of a long illness.In addition, the method is ideal for hair prone to high fat content, since the compositions used have a slight drying effect.
And of course, carving is an extremely convenient way to easily and quickly change the image and styling features of the "shock".

The procedure is extremely effective on women with short hair, but on long-haired beauties, carving does not last long (as a rule, the maximum is a month). The fact is that under the weight of the strands, small curls develop, so the procedure becomes simply meaningless. As the composition is washed out, the hairstyle loses its attractiveness, since it already initially had a rather natural look and did not in any way resemble a long-term perm.
However, if the owner of long curls still firmly intends to do carving, then stylists in this case recommend winding only the tips or, as an option, giving a light volume due to rather large waves throughout the "shock".

Advantages and disadvantages
There are quite a few ways to curl strands these days, but professionals recommend making a choice in favor of carving, and there are many reasons for that:
- for carving, soft compounds are used that handle the hair quite carefully, without violating its integrity;
- the procedure is allowed to be carried out once a quarter, and not once every 6 months, as is the case with standard chemistry;
- curls take on a rather natural look;
- as it grows, the border between native straight and curled hair is not visible;
- some young ladies claim that after the carving procedure, the strands become stronger and shinier;
- carving gives a lot of scope for modeling a wide variety of styling, so after cleansing the head, the owner of long curled hair can create quite interesting hairstyles in different styles;
- if after a while after the procedure, curly hair gets bored, then you can always straighten it with a regular iron, and if it is not at hand, then you can achieve the desired effect using a round brush and a hair dryer.

However, there were some drawbacks:
- if the curl is made on elongated strands, then under their own weight the curls straighten out rather quickly;
- after carving, you need to use only specialized care products created for hair after dyeing, curling - restoring shampoos and conditioners are unacceptable here;
- hair after carving can be dried only in a natural way: if a woman begins to dry her curls with a hairdryer, then under the influence of hot air, the hair straightens quite quickly, especially if carving is done recently;
- carving has a drying effect, because naturally dry curls can become quite unpleasant to the touch, resembling straw;
- long-term styling sometimes lightens the hair color;
- there are cases when dandruff appeared after curling, and only serious specialized shampoos helped to cope with it.

Separately, you should dwell on the contraindications to the procedure.
- It is strictly forbidden to make a perm for expectant mothers and lactating women. Despite the fact that a lightweight composition is used for the procedure, which does not cause absolutely any aggressive reactions, it is still better to play it safe against any potential adverse consequences. In addition, due to unstable hormonal levels in the body of pregnant women, the end result of carving may be the most unexpected.
- Carving should be abandoned even if, at the time of visiting the salon, the hair is too depleted and dried out. As a rule, masters do not take up work in such a situation, but if the client insists, she should be prepared for the fact that instead of a stylish head of hair she will receive a washcloth, which is unlikely to add special appeal to her.
- You do not need to do carving on newly painted curls, because during the procedure, the coloring pigment can be washed out - in this case, you should wait at least 3-4 weeks and only after that start the curling itself.
- The procedure should be abandoned in case of any skin diseases on the head.

Types of carving
The technology of carving involves dividing it into 3 types.
In this case, bobbins of the same diameters and shapes are wound along the entire length of the hair.
For elongated hair, cylindrical curlers are optimal, for small curls, narrow ones.

This technique is used on curls of any length, including long ones, and you need spiral curlers that are wound over the entire length. The result is quite elastic curls. Such a perm looks especially impressive on a multi-stage cascade haircut.
If the hair was cut straight, the silhouette turns out to be disharmonious, especially if the hair falls below the shoulder blades.

This option is used exclusively to create a root volume, so the master works only with this zone, wind it on rather large bobbins. However, for long strands, local carving is used not only at the very roots, but also at the ends. The main advantage of this technique is a reduction in the area of hair that has been subjected to chemical action, as well as the ability to give an aesthetic appearance to bangs and get soft curls that look wavy and well-groomed in any weather.

How to do it?
As a rule, carving is done only in salon conditions; this whole procedure lasts about 2 hours. To begin with, the master carefully examines the hair, determines its structure, since it is this parameter that largely determines the duration of exposure to the drug and the choice of chemical composition.
Long hair splits quite often. If such a problem really occurs, you need to cut them before starting the curling.
Otherwise, the drug will not be taken at the ends and the overall appearance at the exit will be completely unaesthetic.

The technology of work includes the following stages:
- the cleaned and combed hair is divided into thin strands, then a small bobbin is wound on each of them;
- when the entire head of hair is completely twisted, the hair is smeared with a specialized preparation and evenly applied over the entire surface of the head;
- put on a tight cellophane hat, carefully wrap it with a warm towel and withstand the required time;
- after that, rinse the head with running water without using shampoo, but do not remove the bobbins, and thoroughly soak the head with a dry towel so that moisture does not drain onto the face and shoulders;
- when the water stops oozing from the hair, a fixing gel is applied to the curlers and again withstand the required time.

When the time for applying the drug comes to an end, it is necessary to wash it off with warm water without the use of cleaning agents, after which you should remove the curlers, wind the strands and dry naturally.
Hair after carving requires special care, regardless of where exactly the curling was carried out: in an expensive salon or at home.
Experienced stylists advise the fair sex to adhere to a number of recommendations after the procedure so that the result will please as long as possible.
- To wash your hair, use only specialized products that are suitable for dried strands. When choosing a shampoo, special attention should be paid to its composition. So, any care products that contain alcohol are strongly discouraged.
- Strands after curling require additional moisture, and using such preparations, you will only aggravate the condition of the hair and only dry it out even more.
- Avoid using skincare products that offer a straightening effect, otherwise the result will be extremely short-lived.
- If possible, after shampooing, dry your hair naturally without a hairdryer or by directing a stream of cold rather than hot air. The fact is that in the course of heat exposure, the internal structure of the hair shaft begins to collapse. In addition, hot air increases the dryness of the strands, as a result of such manipulations, the hair becomes very brittle and lifeless, it loses its natural elasticity and begins to fall out.
- Any hair coloring is permissible no earlier than 2 months after curling.

Beautiful examples
Carving is a stylish curling technology that makes a woman more attractive, stylish and effective. We offer a selection of the best curling options.

See the master class and expert advice below.