Carving on a square

Every girl at least once in her life thought about long-term hair curling. This hairstyle gives not only femininity and romance, but also the mystery of the bow. Until recently, however, such styling could only be achieved with a perm. Modern craftsmen offer a more gentle way to solve this problem - this is carving.

What it is?
This method of curling differs from the traditional chemical penetration depth. The special composition acts only on the outer sheath of the hair, without damaging its inner layers. Therefore, such long-term styling can be resorted to with the least risk to the hair. It lasts for several months, delighting its owners with beautiful curls.
Carving can be done on hair of any length. An excellent option would be a procedure for busy women with medium to short curls.
It will help you save time on your daily styling.

There are several types of this curling. Carving is distinguished by the size of the curls:
- large;
- average;
- small.
Small curls are perfect for girls with fine hair. With their help, you can get the most voluminous hairstyle. This styling is great for both petite and overweight girls. In addition, fine carving helps to visually reduce large facial features due to the large volume of the hairstyle.
Medium curls are designed for an airy and light look. This wave is suitable for any facial features. With its help, you can hide small age wrinkles, as the curls will draw attention to themselves.
Large curls are most often used on long lengths, as short to medium length hair may not be long enough to create full curls.

Carving is also distinguished:
- basal;
- vertical;
- textured.
A root perm helps to lift the hair around the scalp, adding volume to the styling. This type of hair styling looks great with bangs.
If you want to get spiral curls, you must curl vertical. It covers the entire length of the hair and looks great on curls with any structure.
Texture carving is obtained by using different sized curlers. At the same time, the styling looks modern and fresh.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each hair styling procedure has advantages and disadvantages.
The poles of carving include, first of all, the absence of harm not only for the internal structure of the hair, but also for the scalp with hair follicles. Therefore, after regrowth of the root zone (1-3 months), carving can be repeated. The curls that are obtained as a result of this process look more natural than after conventional chemistry.
The advantages include the fact that the hair after treatment with the composition is much easier to comb, and their styling takes no more than 10 minutes.
For owners of oily hair, the problem of too frequent shampooing will cease to bother. Hair will be fluffy for a little longer.

But there are certain drawbacks to such a perm.
For example, this styling will not create well-defined curls. Rather, it will be waviness. Certain inconveniences are also caused by the specific smell of curling agents, which can become stronger after the first wash of hair. However, over time, it erodes.
When using carving on fine hair, the ends may start to split after a while. This is due to the composition for curling, which can slightly dry out weakened curls. Due to the peculiarities of the chemical compounds of the mixture, it is also possible to change the shade of colored hair after the procedure.
For strong, thick hair, which is a characteristic feature of girls with an Asian type of appearance, carving may not work at all. The shell of such curls is more durable, which explains their resistance to minor influences.

There is also a certain inconvenience associated with changing the image. Hair that has grown after carving can have a striking difference in structure from the ends.
There are situations in which the procedure is not recommended at all. These include:
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- pre-clarification procedure (or any other type of staining);
- weakened and brittle hair structure;
- individual intolerance to the chemical composition.
To check for an allergic reaction, you need to apply the composition to the skin of your hand at least a few hours before curling. If there is no redness or rash, the composition can be used.

One of the most popular haircuts for women today is the bob. Carving for this type of haircut is the best solution, be it a bob-bob or an elongated bob. Curls of various sizes look great on this basis, allowing you to change your hairstyle without additional correction of the shape or length of the hair.
At the same time, styling that resembles light chemistry is better for a short haircut. On an elongated square, you can do medium and even large carving.
Since a bob-type haircut is most often performed with bangs, you need to remember about it. This haircut element is designed to hide some imperfections in facial features and oval, so its growth is not always advisable.

It should be said that carving can be done on bangs as well. It will look especially harmonious on a form with lengthening. A great look for the hairstyle is guaranteed even when carving asymmetrical bangs.
The only shape that experts do not recommend performing this procedure is a straight bang with a straight cut. Such curls will stick out from the forehead forward, which will spoil the impression of the most elegant look. In this case, the use of a root perm will be appropriate.
Carving styling is modern and beautiful. It makes the creation of a spectacular hairstyle easy and quick, allowing you to always look neat and well-groomed with minimal effort. The curls created with its help will fill the look with playfulness and incredible volume.
You will learn more about how to make carving in the following video.