Carving for short hair: features and technique

The hairdressing skill is developing at a rapid pace. So many new technologies have entered into the use of salon services that it is rather difficult for a person who is not connected with this sphere to constantly keep abreast of events. For example, long-term perm not only looks more natural than perm, which was so popular in the 80s and 90s of the last century, but thanks to new drugs, this procedure no longer traumatizes hair.
The new-fashioned technique of gentle long-term curling is called carving. This technology can be successfully applied not only to long and medium length hair - it looks impressive even on short hair.

What it is?
If earlier women were afraid to ruin their hair when using aggressive permanent curling compounds, now, using carving, you can look cute and charming for your curls without fear for your curls with curls that will be the shape you want.
Curls, which are obtained using carving, can be in the form of spirals or soft wave curls. This is a great opportunity to change your image at your own discretion, adding a touch of mischief and audacity to it.

Translated from English, the word "carving" means "cut". In the world of hairdressing, carving is a long-term perm of hair, in which the curls really look like they were cut by the skillful hand of a master. Such a perm is a light chemistry that, unlike the traditional formulations of the previous generation, does not penetrate deep into the hair structure, but envelops it, softening the hair scales and forcing the hair shaft to take the shape we need.
It is attached to the hair using special curlers of various diameters and types. The modern curling compound makes the hairstyle look voluminous and natural.

The carving was created by the specialists of the Schwarzkopf company. The drugs were tested and improved for a long time, after which similar products began to be produced by L'Oréal and others. Carving is a modern technology that is easy to implement and can delight us with its results up to about 8 or even 10 weeks.
The duration of the preservation of the effect of the procedure largely depends on the structural type of hair, their length and density, methods of care, styling, and even on the hormonal background of the body.

It should be noted that growing back, the curls begin to straighten over time, so the waviness effect gradually fades away. Despite the gentle composition used for curling, experts advise to repeat the carving procedure no more than once every 3 months. The curl lasts the longest on dense hair, and owners of thin hair with a porous structure will have to repeat the procedure a little more often.

The use of long-term curling makes it much easier for a woman to take care of her hair on a daily basis. Judge for yourself - within 8-10 weeks you will be relieved of the need to wind each strand on curlers for a long time every day. In addition, after the hair is treated with a chemical composition, it dries slightly and becomes less greasy, which allows you to wash your hair less often than you are used to.
Carving also has a good effect on fine, unruly hair - thanks to this technique, it will be much easier for you to do your daily styling, coping with strands that are fluffy and sticking out in different directions.

Advantages and disadvantages
The long-term curling technology, called carving, has a number of positive aspects that make it appreciated:
- the method allows you to add volume to the hairstyle, so you can change the image without changing your main haircut;
- the curls on the strands are very smooth and natural, and the curls themselves are not injured at the same time;
- for styling after washing, additional styling products are not required - it is enough to dry the strands properly with a hairdryer, setting the direction;
- perm has a long-lasting effect;
- for short hair, curling adds volume, and on long hair it creates the effect of strength and well-groomed;
- the curl shape can be chosen according to your desire;
- partial curling is allowed on any part of the length of the strands;
- after the expiration of the period of action of the chemical composition, the strands return to their original state and do not require shearing.

The main feature of carving is that its chemical formula does not contain ammonia components, which in the formulations of previous generations used to perform permanent curling, very dry hair and made a hard, unruly curl. Modern curling helps to achieve soft and smooth waves in your hair.

No matter how good the composition used for carving is, even it has some disadvantages:
- the procedure will be successful only if high-quality materials were used for curling and the technology of their application was followed, otherwise, the curl effect will be lost immediately after washing your hair;
- the chemical composition of the preparations used for carving does not harm healthy hair, but if your curls were already dry and damaged before the procedure, then carving can aggravate their condition;
- after the procedure, the scalp and the hair itself are dried, therefore it is necessary to use nourishing and moisturizing agents, and this must be done on an ongoing basis, using formulations that do not contain sulfates;
- curling may not give the expected effect on too long strands of hair, since under its weight the hair will be pulled down and straightened;
- carving may not work during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as well as with hormonal disorders or taking hormonal drugs.

Based on observation and practice, hairdressers do not recommend curling immediately after dyeing your hair. In order to start the carving procedure, you need to wait 2-3 weeks. In addition, there is one more nuance - a perm is not recommended for those who like to dye their hair with henna or basma.
The results when interacting with these natural dyes are usually unpredictable. And this applies not only to the quality of the curl, but also to the change in the color of your hair. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the master in the salon will refuse to provide you with a service, not wanting to risk the health of your hair and your reputation.

There are many ways to apply the long-term carving technique. Modern hairstyle fashion is very diverse, so when you need to create voluminous curly hair, curl the entire hair volume, while curling the strands along their entire length. Options for curls on short hair and medium length look especially expressive. This can be done when a large curl is required on hair of any structure.

In the event that, to create a certain style, you only need to raise the strands of hair in the root zone, a perm is done only on a small section of the strands, from the point of hair growth. Using root carving, additional volume is created for the hairstyle, which is especially important when you have a problem with thin and not very thick hair.
In addition, perm can only be done at the ends of the strands - this is done if you need to revive a haircut on short hair. At the same time, the curl looks natural, and the styling becomes as fast and simple as possible.

What is being used?
To perform carving, you will need to purchase some chemicals and the curlers themselves, on which the hair strands will be wrapped.
Before applying perm, you need to prepare your hair. For this, a special deep cleaning shampoo is used. Such shampoos are in the lineup of almost any manufacturer. The essence of using shampoo for deep cleansing is to open the scalp of the hair shaft under the influence of certain chemical ingredients that make up the shampoo.
The better the scales open, the more susceptible the hair will become to its subsequent treatment with a curling preparation.

For porous hair, a special oil softener is used a few hours before the curling procedure. It prepares the skin and hair for perm, protecting it from excessive drying. The next tool is the composition for the perm itself. You can buy drugs from Estel, Loreal, Schwarzkopf and others. Today it is no longer a unique product and many companies have begun to produce this product in a wide range and in various packaging.
It is not superfluous to mention the product that you will use to further care for your hair - it is a sulfate-free shampoo. Without it, you will not be able to maintain a long-term curling effect for a long time, since conventional shampoos will very quickly wash out the chemical composition used in carving from the hair structure.

Carving curlers can be different.
- Large diameter curlers - they are voluminous and are used in order to make a root lift of the strands or to perform a smooth curl-wave along the entire length of the hair.
- Rollers - these curlers look like a boomerang. For their manufacture, dense foam rubber is used, and inside each roller has a plastic metal insert, thanks to which this structure can be given any shape that will be securely held.
- Thin curlers - outwardly they are somewhat reminiscent of bobbins. They are used when they form a fine and firm curl. It is advisable to use such curlers only on long or medium hair, as the curl will look too dense on short strands.
- Spiral curlers - they are made in the form of special plastic forms, with the help of which a strand of hair is wound on them in a spiral. This form is the most popular, since when applied, the curl is the most natural and retains its shape for a long time.

The carving procedure requires taking into account many nuances, which is why it is not cheap in salons. However, with certain skills, you can do it yourself at home, of course, if you have the necessary tools and devices.
Step-by-step execution technique
Before you start curling, you need to determine which curlers you will be winding your hair with. For example, in order for you to get large curls and a hairstyle that looks natural, use large diameter curlers. This is especially important when curling short hair with bangs, since the use of curlers of a thin diameter will create an Afro-hairstyle for you. Also, if you have a high forehead and want to correct it, you need to choose a smooth curl, otherwise your bangs will rise up and your forehead will be open.
For thin hair, you can also use spiral curlers. For example, a cascade haircut looks good with vertical curls, but a classic wave will also noticeably revive it. And if you want to make zigzag curls, you will need special clamps that hold the strands in the right direction while the composition acts on them for a certain time.

Once you have decided on the shape of your curls, you can start curling.
- Wash my head twice with deep cleaning shampoo and dry the curls slightly with a towel.
- We divide the hair into strands and wind them on curlers.
- Apply the curling chemical to the hair using a piece of sponge.
- We cover the head with a plastic cap and keep the composition on the hair, according to the instructions, this usually takes from one to one and a half hours.
- After the end of the holding time of the composition, the hair must be very thoroughly rinsed with water.
- Now the hair should be slightly dried with blotting movements of the towel.
- Then the hair is rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid in order to neutralize the effect of chemical components. Sometimes curling products are sold complete with a fixer - if you have one, then we use it according to the instructions.
- After that, the curlers can be removed and the strands can be dried with a hair dryer. It is still impossible to comb them and actively dry them with a towel.
- After the hair is completely dry, the procedure can be considered complete.

To protect the scalp during the procedure, the forehead and areas near the hairline are lubricated with a fat cream. And after applying the chemical composition to the hair around the head at forehead level, place a rolled-up towel so that the chemicals do not get into your eyes. Do not forget about hand protection - the entire curling procedure must be carried out with rubber gloves.
How to stack?
To keep your long-term styling as long as possible, try not to wash or wet your hair for 3-4 days after the procedure.In addition, experts strongly advise against combing your hair with fine-toothed combs for the first week after curling. To add volume to your hair, simply fluff it up with your hands - your hair is ready. If desired, the effect of curls can be enhanced by winding the strands on a curling iron or hot curlers.
Do not forget that chemically treated hair has become drier than it was originally. Now you need to moisturize them at least twice a week. To do this, use special products based on natural oils. When washing your hair, try not to pull wet hair with your hands, use only sulfate-free products and use conditioners with a moisturizing effect.

For styling, you can simply blow-dry your hair, directing the strands in a specific or chaotic manner. You can use styling products, as a rule, they are not necessary.
When creating a hairstyle, exclude the use of brushes made of bristles. The fact is that when using them, hair strands under the influence of the hot air of a hairdryer can straighten, shortening the duration of your perm.
Try not to allow split ends of the hair, as this can happen after carving. The best remedy for this trouble is to have your haircut updated by the hairdresser at least once a month. It is not necessary to do a global shortening, it is enough just to cut just a few millimeters from the ends of the hair.

For information on how to make carving, see the next video.