Medium length hair braids

A braid is a hairstyle that creates tremendous opportunities for creativity and self-expression for any woman. It is quite simple to bring to life, is always relevant and suitable for any length, face shape and even hair color. In addition, if the execution technique is correctly implemented, then with a scythe it will be possible to go through the whole day without thinking about correction. The medium length of the head of hair allows you to recreate a wide variety of looks, from everyday to festive.

Everyday hairstyles
Before you start braiding for medium hair at home, you should thoroughly rinse your head, moisturize and treat the curls with an anti-static agent, and, if necessary, straighten them with an iron.
It is recommended to dry your hair using a hair dryer with a cold stream, so that it regains an additional gloss, but does not lose the liveliness of the ends.

There is also a recommendation to start weaving. on slightly damp strands. To implement a variety of hairstyles with your own hands, you will need small and large rubber bands, hairpins and "invisible" hairpins and any accessories. It is better to take small elastic bands to match the hair color or even colorless silicone, but those that also have a decorative function are bright and unusual.

It is recommended to start mastering the technique with simple hairstyles, for example, classic spikelet. The first step is to separate a small part of the hair on the forehead, which is then divided into three strands.Then you can proceed to direct three-row weaving, but with a thickening of the braid when using curls on the left and right. The strands should be taken not too thick so that the bulk of the hair remains inside the hairstyle. After completing the weaving, the spikelet should be secured with elastic bands or decorative lace.
The end of the pigtail can be left hanging down, or it can be tucked in, thanks to the fixation with pins. Such a casual hairstyle can be easily transformed into a festive one if you decorate it with fresh flowers or decorative hairpins with stones or rhinestones.
By the way, there is also a reverse spikelet. Its implementation takes place according to the same technique, but the weaving starts from the back of the head and moves towards the crown.

Braids very quickly half-hair, which is a variation of the classic hairstyle. The essence of weaving lies in the fact that it is located on one side and grows, thanks to the addition of a strand taken from one side of the parting. The rest of the hair remains loose, which looks especially great on curled curls.

Other light hairstyles include braid with bangs tucked into the rim. It will look best with a long bang, ending in a straight cut. First, the entire mop is combed back, and the bangs are temporarily separated and fixed with a comfortable hair clip so as not to interfere with the process. Loose hair must be moistened, after which you can proceed to braiding. A pigtail of three strands starts near the ear and goes around the head, moving slightly towards the forehead.
The weaving is thickened with the help of strands taken from the top of the head. It is important that the braid is flat, but a little sloppy. It should definitely be brought to the second ear, and the rest of the hair should be directed to the back of the head. The ends of the hair are usually hidden under the general mass and are pinned with hairpins. After that, you can remove the hair clip holding the bangs and treat it generously with a moisturizer. Finished styling is fixed with varnish for durability.

French braid, which is the basis of many hairstyles, is obtained on hair of any length, both straight and curly. Having combed the hair back, it is necessary to select three strands on the crown of the head and start weaving a pigtail. After each crossing, a strand of the same thickness is added on each side. For the weave to look graceful, some of the hairs on the right should always be placed over the center section. The resulting braid is either left in its natural lying state, or pinned under the bottom and fixed with bobby pins.

Ideal for everyday wear braid in boho style. To create it, the total mass of hair should be divided using a side parting. Then, on one side, a rather wide curl is separated, which is then divided into three parts and braided in a braid in French. The process itself is accompanied by the additional weaving of a beautiful silk ribbon. The finished pigtail is slightly stretched, after which it is connected to the loose curls.

Not less popular is version of the Greek weaving. Having divided the entire mop with a side parting that runs through the entire head, it is necessary to separate a medium-sized strand on one side. Weaving is carried out in a circle to the middle of the head, where it is stabbed. Thickness is built up with side curls. In the same way, a pigtail is created on the other side, and on the back of the head, both ends, connecting, twist into a relaxed bundle.

Creation flagellate braid starts by creating a high tail. The hair is divided in half, and each half is twisted with a tourniquet. It is important that all turns go in the same direction. Having fixed the ends, you have to connect the flagella and twist them together in the opposite direction. The finished braid is tightened with either a ribbon or a beautiful elastic band.
This hairstyle is suitable even for novice hairdressing, and it will look very impressive.

Classic fishtail looks perfect on medium length hair. Its implementation begins with the preparation of the head of hair: it must be combed, a little sprinkled with plain water and divided in half. In principle, it is also a good idea to create a puff on the back of the head for more volume. Weaving begins with the fact that the right and left are separated by thin strands, which are then crossed among themselves. After repeating the algorithm the required number of times, the hairstyle should be fixed with an elastic band or ribbon.

Also relevant is French braid vice versa, in which the hair is woven inside. The hair section from the front of the head is split into three equal sections. The extreme left strand goes under the central one and is located on the extreme right, after which this action must be repeated in a mirror image. Braiding continues, grabbing the side curls until all hair has been pulled back.
The finished braid should be slightly stretched to give the hairstyle a more interesting look.

School "dragon" it will look quite appropriate on the heads of young girls. After combing the hair and sprinkling it with plain water for a smooth surface, you need to create a parting, in fact, connecting one ear to the other. This is convenient when using a sharp-toothed styling tool. Then, near the forehead, you need to take a fairly wide part of the hair and divide it into three equal components. The left strand crosses the middle one, and then the right strand is placed on it.
According to this algorithm, the whole "dragon" is weaving, which should be thickened, periodically adding strands from one side or the other. Having reached the base of the neck, the weaving can be changed to the usual three-row. The braid is tightened with an elastic band.

To braid French braid, first you have to comb the shock and form a side parting. More convenient is the case when the hair is styled from right to left. Then one strand is selected, which is divided into three parts. These components are intertwined three times, after which the extreme right is thickened by additional hair. The algorithm repeats until the braiding reaches the ear.
Further, the scythe can go in two directions. Or curls are added to it from below, and the finished weaving thereby descends along the neck and closes the ear. Or the hairstyle thickens at the expense of the upper strands, forming a rim extending from the ear. Again, you can complete the image in two ways: bring the braiding to the very end of the hair and braid everything with hairpins and invisible hairpins, or stop it somewhere in the middle of the process and leave part of the hair loose.
When styling your hair, it is recommended to gently pull the strands to obtain a well-kept shape, and at the end of the work, slightly fluff them to give high-quality volume.

Another variation of the braid in French involves creating a knot. After combing your head, you need to take two strands on the sides and tie them into a knot. Then more strands are added to the left and right, which are again tied with a knot. This procedure is repeated until the free curls run out. Everything is fixed with a regular elastic band.

Boxing braids are the simplest variation for beginner craftswomen. After combing your hair, you need to divide it into two halves, which is most conveniently done using a straight parting. Then one strand is taken from the right side and divided into three parts. The first link is weaving, like a regular French braid, and the second - with the addition of additional strands to the right and left. The braid is braided until the free hair runs out, and then the procedure must be repeated on the other side.

For beginners, hairstyle is also considered relevant. "Braid hoop". After brushing your hair, you need to make a horizontal parting that connects the ears. The hair at the back can be temporarily fixed, since they are not needed for weaving, and the front hair can be separated from the general mass."Working" curls are divided into three parts, with the middle one fixed at the top, and the side ones are used for weaving. The rightmost strand must be divided into three parts and transformed into a regular three-row braid.
They do the same with the leftmost curl - they are braided in a classic way. The curl that was in the middle is important to comb, guiding hair growth. Then the right braid is attached with a hair clip on the left directly over the released curl, and the left braid is attached to the right, forming a hoop.

Original options
Unusual hairstyle schemes for girls with medium length hair are abundantly presented on the Internet, which allows you to braid any option you like, following the instructions step by step. For example, beginners should try the original braids, braided with the inclusion of a long bangs with an oblique cut. It all starts with the bangs being laid on one side, and the curls on the other side of the head are connected to it by throwing them over.
In this case, it is important to form a low parting near the ear. Of those hairs that are next to the ear, an ordinary spikelet is braided vertically, and the thickening occurs due to the strands taken from the crown zone. The hairstyle is fixed with an elastic band of a harmonious shade.

Looks original and elegant braid-to-braid weaving, which, despite its apparent complexity, is realized in just ten minutes. A side parting is formed on combed hair, and then a wide strand is separated near the temple. This curl must be divided into three parts, and begin to braid the French spikelet. When crossing the strands, you should thicken the braid due to the hair taken on both sides of the head. However, before each weave, a thin strand should be removed from the braid and left unused.
When the main braid reaches the back of the head, it should be pulled straight down and tightened with a thin rubber band. All the remaining thin strands are braided into another pigtail, which is simply placed on top of the other. Additional fixation is not needed, as the braids will be strong on their own.

Openwork braid looks very outlandish, but is quite simple to perform. After combing your hair, you need to start to weave a slightly relaxed braid in French in reverse. Having brought the weaving to the required length, it should be fixed, and then each strand should be stretched to give openwork. The finished braid is either transformed into a bun or laid in the shape of a flower.

Double braid easy to braid by yourself, without any help. Having combed the shock, it is necessary to divide it into two unequal parts so that one is larger and the other is smaller. The braiding process starts from most of the hair. When creating a braid, it is important to separate the small curl from the strand near the face, which will be required to form the second braid. Having completed the main part, you can divide the remaining hair into two parts, supplement it with a free curl and create a pigtail. In the final, both braids are fixed with one elastic band.

Classic Greek braid starts to look much more interesting if you make it knots. Having separated by a lock at each temple, they must be tied with a knot. Next, more hair is taken from the back of the head and joined to the main braiding area to create another knot. The algorithm repeats until the braid is complete.
Finally, you should also master Dutch braid. After combing, take the hair near the forehead and divide it into three sections. Having created a couple of links of the back braid in French, they wind up the extreme hair under the central one; then you need to weave, thickening the braid by adding loose hair. The hairstyle ends like a regular three-row braid and is secured with an elastic band.

Evening styling
Holiday hairstyles are generally based on simple weaves, but they turn out to be much more interesting.It is important to remember that high hairstyles are more suitable for formal dresses or suits with a fluffy skirt and a smooth top, and the fashionable "mermaid" style is ideally combined with flowing semi-open styling.

For example, in the first case it can be a braid made of four strands. It is worth mentioning that thicker hair allows for fuller hairstyles. The creation of the image in stages begins with the fact that the hair is impregnated with a special texturizing agent and combed back. Dividing the mop into four identical strands, you can start weaving.
The first curl on the right goes under the second, after which the third curl is placed on top of the second. The fourth part goes under the first, then the second is above the first, and the third is above the second. A four-strand braid is braided until the desired length is reached.
It is important to mention that the hairstyle should not be too tight - the free version will look much more interesting.

A common festive hairstyle is waterfall. Its characteristic feature lies in the fact that the weaving takes place obliquely, and the relaxed curls do not tighten too much. The braid starts from a low side parting, thickening due to the hair taken from the top section. The bottom hair should remain loose, and for a more elegant look, it should be curled.
By the way, the simplest option for an output hairstyle is a braid twisted around the base. Having created a high ponytail, it should be braided, and then secured in a bun and decorated with decorative hairpins.

Beautiful examples
It will turn out to add originality and unpredictability to the hairstyle if, at one of the stages of weaving, the curls used are supplemented with a bright braid or ribbon. For boho style, it is worth choosing fabric ribbons decorated with ethnic beads.
By the way, any image can be made more businesslike if the already woven braids are wrapped in a bun. When creating any weaving in the “rim behind the head” format, you can experiment, and instead of hiding and fixing the ends with invisible ones, transform them into a small flower - a rose.

The combination of several types of weaving is considered relevant. For example, you can make two tiers of flagella attached to the back of the head, and braid some of the remaining hair with a fishtail. This hairstyle looks good on hair of both medium and large length. Risky natures are advised to create an unusual weaving only on one side of the head, separated by a clear parting, and leave the rest loose. Lovers of loose hair will love the hairstyle with two thin braids on the sides, going along the temples. The very same mop is better to curl slightly.

If you are already fed up with the classic waterfall, but you want to leave your hair partially braided and partially loose, it is recommended to give preference to a hairstyle with two “fish tails” or a spikelet. Having braided two braids from the temples, they must be secured at the back, tying a slightly sloppy knot. The rest of the hair of the head of hair remains loose and, if desired, curled with light curls.

For information on how to braid medium-length hair, see the next video.