Long hair braids

A braid hairstyle has always been a symbol of femininity. The tradition of weaving braids dates back centuries and remains popular to this day. In ancient times, it was believed that the braid preserves the feminine energy and protects the woman herself. Now we cannot verify this, but the fact that hairstyles with her adorn any girl cannot be denied. In this article we will try to talk as fully as possible about braiding for long hair.

How to improve the quality of your hair?
Before we take a closer look at the options for braiding, it's worth noting the importance of good quality hair. If you start to weave braids from diseased hair, then after that it makes no sense to hope for a beautiful result.
It is worth starting with the most basic - choosing a quality shampoo. It's best to opt for on sulfate-free shampoos, since in normal conditions, the likelihood of containing harmful substances such as sodium laureth sulfate is quite high. This chemical destroys the structure of the hair, causing it to become brittle and, as a result, look bad. It is also worth remembering that the shelf life of the shampoo is no more than a year. After that, harmful compounds appear in it.

A popular and proven method for improving hair is oil hair masks. Ideally, you should use olive, but you can use any other.
For owners of burnt and weak hair, there is an abundance of modern restorative procedures such as Botox for hair, lamination and others.
It is no secret that proper nutrition is also the key to shiny hair. Regular consumption of avocado, red fish, caviar, green salads and vegetables with fruits will improve not only the condition of the hair, but also the whole body.The use of Omega-3 brings good results.
Of course, regular hair masks and conditioners should not be neglected.

Weaving types
If weaving a standard braid of three curls is easy and familiar to everyone, then not everyone owns other types of weaving.

The second most popular long hair braid is the French braid. The essence of her technique is to add "new" strands.

An unusual weaving option is a four-strand braid.

A daring and non-standard option is a hairstyle from small African braids. It is worth noting that such a hairstyle with an abundance of colored elastic bands at the ends or weaving in artificial strands of different bright colors will look even more shocking.

Another common type of weaving is a braid called "openwork beauty". It is an excellent solution for those with thin and thin hair. We will talk about it below.

A very non-standard type of weaving - a braid of 5 strands.

The youth type of braiding is “braid-twist”. For this weaving, you will need several elastic bands. This hairstyle looks pretty good and makes its owner younger.

Everyday options
The pattern or method of weaving an ordinary braid of three curls underlies other weaves. It is quite simple and is presented below:
- comb your hair thoroughly;
- divide all hair into three identical strands;
- move the right curl in the middle between the two curls;

- do the same with the left curl;
- continue to weave to the ends of the hair;

- secure the tip of the braid with an elastic band.

Now we will consider step by step the popular and easy do-it-yourself weaving of a French braid from long hair.
- You need to take a wide strand from the area of the beginning of the growth zone. The wider the strand, the visually thicker the entire braid will appear as a result.
- Divide this strand into three identical curls.
- Now you need to start braiding these three strands like a regular braid. The right strand should be braided so that it is in the middle. And the left one - so that it is also in the middle.
- Weave in this way one or two links of the pigtail.
- Now, holding the left curl and the curl in the middle, you need to pull another curl to the right. It must be grabbed just below the braid itself. The right strand should be thicker than the other two.

- Weave another link of the braid like this.
- Now again you need to take a lock from the remaining loose hair, but on the left side.
- Again, you need to weave one sector of the braid.
- Continue to gradually weave the remaining hairs all the way down to the end of the hair growth level.
- After all the hair has been braided, continue braiding the remaining length using the regular braid technique.
- Secure at the tip with an elastic band or a strong hair clip.

It is important to remember that do not weave too large strands. This should be done gradually and with medium curls. Otherwise, the braid will turn out to be uneven and asymmetrical. By the way, for a larger volume, you can make a fleece at the beginning of the hair growth zone.
Another braid weaving instruction called "spikelet" or "fish tail" for beginners.
- Before starting the process, you need to treat your hair with a styling product. This can be foam, mousse, or hair gel.
- You will also need to lightly moisturize your hair. To do this, you can use both a spray bottle with water and various sprays.
- Now you need to carefully comb and gently comb all the hair back.
- Curls with a thickness of about 2.5 cm are taken from the temple area.
- These two curls need to be brought to the back of the head and crossed among themselves.
- Select two strands again from the temples and braid them over the first two strands.
- Thus, it is necessary to continue braiding to the end of the hair growth zone at the back of the head.
- Now you need to divide the hair into two parts and continue to weave as at the beginning, adding strands.
- Secure the tip with an elastic band.

This method of braiding is not entirely suitable for small braids; it is best used to weave one large braid for the entire head of hair.
Weaving using the braid-plait technique is simple but effective. To braid such a braid, you need to do such manipulations.
- Comb your hair and make a high ponytail.
- Divide your hair into two halves.
- The first strand needs to be twisted like a tourniquet.
- Do the same with the second strand.
- Start twisting both curls in the opposite direction to their twisting.
- Secure with an elastic band as desired. When twisted correctly, such a braid does not unravel.

This technique, perhaps, at the initial stage, will require the help of one more hands, but over time you will get the hang of doing it yourself.
Twist braid can also be counted among everyday options due to its simplicity and uncomplicated nature. Instructions on how to weave it correctly include the following steps:
- comb your hair to one side and make a ponytail;
- right on top of the place where the elastic is attached, you need to make a hole and thread the tail inside;
- then fix it again with an elastic band;
- thread the tail over the elastic again;
- repeat this until you have weaved all the hair in this way.
This bright and youthful hairstyle can be combined with bright colored elastic bands that will add playfulness to the look.

Original styling
Perhaps the most famous original option for girls is a braid with a bundle, where the weaving can be located in different places. A common option is weaving at the back using the French braid technique, which turns into a high bun. Simply put, you need, combing your hair forward, weave a braid from the beginning of hair growth and make a bun on the crown.

Simple, careless, but at the same time bright and unusual is the following option with one pigtail. You need to comb your hair and make a parting on the side. After that, you need to braid a tight French braid on the side, next to the parting. Visually, it will seem that a smaller part of the hair has disappeared from the parting, and the other has become much more magnificent. This hairstyle suits young ladies, looks good with colored curls and bright makeup.

Any little braids around the tied up hair or a bun with pearls on the stiletto heels is a festive hairstyle. It looks especially good on little girls.

The basis of wedding hairstyles is often a braid "openwork beauty". Most often, such a braid is braided in the form of a rim or fixed in the back in the form of an inverted crescent. With such a hairstyle, you can conveniently and firmly fix the veil.

No less original than all other hairstyles is the "braid-shell". Its weaving is based on the French braid technique. You need to weave it as follows.
- Brush hair.
- Take the curl on the right side from the area above the ear and divide it into two strands.
- From the right curl you need to throw part of the hair to the left along with the "additional" curl.
- The same must be repeated with the left strand.
- Continue to weave like this until the occipital region.
- On the occipital area, you need to take "additional" curls only on the right side.
- Sometimes take thin strands on the left side. You should get a pronounced direction of the braid from the left to the right.
- Pull back the braid to the ends of the hair.
- Secure with a thin elastic band of the same color as your hair.
- Fold the free end in the form of a shell at the back of the head and fasten it with invisible ones.
Such a hairstyle will definitely attract the glances of others to you.

Evening hairstyles
An interesting option for an evening hairstyle is "openwork beauty". It goes well with long, loose hair. Here we will look at the basic technique that can be varied with different techniques and other types of hairstyles and styling. It is not that difficult to weave.
- Before starting the braiding process, it is imperative to treat the hair with styling products so that they are obedient and lie well. Hair mousse is ideal, but styling gel works as well.
- You need to divide your hair into three sections.
- Start weaving a regular braid. Weave two or three chains.
- Now, from the already woven sections from the sides, you need to stretch out thin strands.Thus, the pigtail has an openwork look.
- Continue braiding using this technique all the way down to the ends of the hair.
To make this braid a hairstyle for the evening version can be very simple - weave it to one side and wrap it over the ears.

Consider another romantic evening option. You need to braid three small braids at the beginning of the hair growth zone. Twist each of them at the back of the head in the form of a rose and secure with invisible ones. Loosen the rest of the hair. Thus, the hair will not get in the way, and a beautiful image will be provided to you.

Another option for braiding with this technique is a hairstyle, in which you also need to braid two small braids at the beginning of hair growth and attach them to each other in the back in the form of a hoop. Loosen the rest of the hair or wind it on large curlers. You can weave ribbons or insert flowers into such a "headband".

Returning to the evening look again, it is worth noting the luxurious five-strand braid, reminiscent of woven fabric. This is exactly the hairstyle to which you do not need to additionally attach anything, it will be enough to sprinkle it with varnish to fix it.

The "braid-waterfall" is distinguished by a very romantic and uncomplicated weaving technique. The weaving technique includes the following steps.
- First you need to separate three identical strands from the area near the face.
- It is important to remember to braid sideways. Now you need to weave two chains of a regular braid.
- On the next chain, the lower strand must be lowered, and instead of it, take a curl from the top.
- Continue braiding in this way to the side and to the ends of the hair.
- Hide the long end under the hair and secure it with invisibility.
It is not worth making such a braid very tight, it should be "airy" and free. Otherwise, this hairstyle can give the deceptive impression of receding hairline.

Separately, it is worth noting the technique of weaving from five strands. Here, for convenience, we will number each strand from left to right from 1 to 5:
- we pass the first strand between the fourth and fifth;
- we pass the second between the third and fourth;
- now the third strand is threaded on top of the fourth and fifth;
- the second is between the third and the fifth;
- continue to weave in this way to the ends of the hair;
- fasten hair with an elastic band.
At first glance, this technique seems difficult, but with regular training, the situation will change to the opposite.

Beautiful examples
No matter how trite it may sound, only simple braids can be truly beautiful. One of these options is a regular braid, woven from a high (ponytail). It can be both delicate and fishtail-like.

For owners of rare light brown and blonde hair, a French braid "diagonally" is perfect. The French braid technique can also be used for two symmetrical braids. This will create the illusion of thick and "heavy" hair.

Circular braids allow most of the hair to be loosened. With such weaves, slightly wavy hair dyed using the ombre technique looks good.

A delicate and even wedding option is a braid-crown. The basis for this hairstyle is fishtail braiding.

Each braid is only decorated with the addition of various natural and artificial flowers, ribbons, bows, headbands, headbands and even tiaras. The main thing is to know when to stop.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the best hairstyle for long hair is and remains a braid. It is she who reunites in herself beauty, simplicity and at the same time practicality - does not allow long hair to get tangled.
For information on how to braid a fishtail braid, see the next video.