We make braids with loose hair

Long flowing curls in themselves are an adornment of any girl, especially if they are healthy and well-groomed. To give your look a zest and slightly change it depending on your mood, there are many options for braiding for loose hair. They look more interesting than simple hairpins or headbands, allowing you to experiment on yourself at least every day. The main thing is to find some time to create a small masterpiece on your head. They will certainly pay attention to you, which means that compliments from colleagues and friends are provided.

A thin pigtail on half-open curls can make a girl's look cute or, conversely, playful when she wraps her head in a rim, for example.

Some hairstyles using braids can transform beyond recognition. A simple waterfall hairstyle can be both a great option for every day and a festive styling on the way out. To do this, you just need to add curls and jewelry in the form of hairpins or bows.
Find out more about the different types of weaves, from simple to sophisticated.

Any such braided hairstyle will accentuate the beauty of long, semi-flowing hair. Pigtails of different shapes and sizes can be located closer to the face, to the temples, or decorate the hairstyle on top of the head. This is very important for girls who always strive to look new and stand out from the crowd. It will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option, since there are a lot of options. And you can complete them using the instructions, which are scheduled step by step.

Simple Pigtail Headband
This is the simplest weave that will look neat even if you don't have much experience. The main thing is to fix the braids well with invisible ones on the sides. Hair must be of sufficient length.

- Step 1. If you have a bang and want to leave it unused, then draw a horizontal parting from temple to temple, thereby separating the frontal part. If not, just pull all your hair back. For a more dramatic result, comb the hair at the back of your head a little.
- Step 2. Pin up your hair or gather it lightly with an elastic band.
- Step 3. Pull one strand at the temple closer to the back of the head and tie at the end with an elastic band.
- Step 4. Make the scythe to one side. To do this, throw it over to the other side and secure it with invisibility under the hair.
- Step 5. Sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish. If you want to complicate a little more, then repeat the same with the other side, and fasten the pigtail in the same way on the opposite side. You will get a "rim" of two parallel braids.

French braid headband
Suitable for shorter hair, but it looks even more impressive.
- Step 1. It is necessary to part the hair, which will remain loose. Gather them with an elastic band, and those that go into the pigtail with a horizontal parting.
- Step 2. Take a lock from either ear and weave towards the other, but at the same time pick up all the new strands.
- Step 3. At the end of the weave, tie the braid with an elastic band, hide the end (or leave it hanging) and fix the hair with varnish.

The most feminine yet simple hairstyle is named so because that the flowing hair really resembles streams of water, "running" over the rocks.
- Step 1. Part your forehead and take one section of hair from your temple. Divide it into three strands.
- Step 2. Begin a regular weave by throwing the top and bottom over the middle strand.
- Step 3. After each new knot, replace the top section with a curl from your main hair.
- Step 4. Finish braiding at the opposite temple and secure the tip of the hair with an invisibility.

This styling can be carried out, leaving the bangs or weaving it directly into the braid - in any case, everything will look attractive in its own way.

Imitation of a shaved temple
This unusual hairstyle is in great demand today among Hollywood stars and other celebrities. You can create a bold shaved-sided hairstyle just for the mood, and you don't have to wait for it to grow back if the trend goes out of style too.
- Step 1. Part the side, and then separate the strand for the pigtail on the smaller side.
- Step 2. Weave a thin French braid, based on the photo, to the very neck.
- Step 3. Secure the end of the braid with invisible braids, and curl the remaining hair. Spray your hair with nail polish.

There may be several braids. If they end not at the neck, but closer to the back of the head, then the styling will turn out to be even more spectacular.

Multi-layer weave
The braiding is a little more complicated than the above, but it is undoubtedly worthy of attention.
- Step 1. Take a thin strand of hair from your temple and sprinkle with varnish. Repeat the same steps on the other side.
- Step 2. Take another strand thinner on one side, connect them at the back of the head and start braiding.
- Step 3. Moving down, add alternately thin curls from one side to the other.
- Step 4. Up to about half the braid will go with grabs, and then without them, just continue weaving from three strands.
- Step 5. Tie the end of the braids and decorate the hair with small hairpins.

Hairstyle with a braid in the form of a crown
This masterpiece can be crafted on medium length hair. The hairstyle is perfect for special occasions.
- Step 1. Part it straight. On either side, take three not very thick strands and begin to weave a French braid so that the side parts fall on the middle one.
- Step 2. Moving your hair away from your face, move to the other ear, gradually rounding it.
- Step 3. Repeat the same weave in the opposite direction.
- Step 4. Using a hairpin, pull the strands slightly, as if weakening the weaving. This will give the braid extra volume.
- Step 5. At the intersection of two braids, fix them with hairpins one under the other. Release the ponytails to hang freely.

With fish tail
It is also not the easiest styling, because it is very difficult to make such spikelets neatly and raise the crown zone on your own. To create it, you need the hand of a hairdresser or assistant.
- Step 1. Curl your hair and take a small section of it from the top of your head. Twist the curls and secure them so that you get a slight elevation.
- Step 3. Take a strand from the side of the middle section and start braiding a Dutch braid around your head.
- Step 4. Now start the second braid of the same kind on the other side, and at the point where they intersect, fasten the weaving crosswise.
- Step 5. Tuck the ends of the braids into the rest of your hair.

Pigtails in the form of a heart
The hairstyle with a heart will really appeal to girls-schoolgirls or students. You need to fix the braids very well so that the figure does not fall apart.
- Step 1. Part your hair with a center parting and take a section from the back of your head.
- Step 2. Weave a French braid, adding curls only from the outside.
- Step 3. Take another strand next to it and weave the second part of the heart from the spikelet. Tie the ponytails with elastic bands.
- Step 4. Lay the spikelets so that you get a heart, and fix both halves with hairpins.

- If your hair has split ends, looks weak and lifeless, then this is not in favor of the appearance of your chic head of hair. Use nourishing masks, trim the ends in time and watch the appearance of the curls. And if, due to the peculiarities of the state of the body, they now fall out, then hairstyles with loose hair should be abandoned altogether.
- It is best not to braid your freshly washed and dried hair, because then you will have to fight against frizz. If you nevertheless undertake to do braiding with clean hair, then use mousses and varnishes. Then your hairstyle will last longer.
- Choose hairstyles based on your overall look. When making a “shaved temple” hairstyle, choose more informal things and jewelry, and if today your head is decorated with a waterfall, then your clothes should be as feminine as possible. Also use jewelry that will draw even more attention to your head: earrings, cafes, etc.
- Hairstyles with a variety of weaves are associated primarily with youth style and therefore are most suitable for young girls. There are options for women over 30, but pick the most elegant options and think carefully about clothes and accessories when choosing one.
So, after spending a few minutes at the mirror and following the instructions, you can braid yourself or your daughter an unusual braid, leaving the rest of the hair to fall beautifully over your shoulders. For more complex exit options, you will need the help of a hairdresser - show him the photo you like and enjoy the result.

Loose hair is always in fashion, they give their owner femininity, charm and naturalness. Decorations in the form of braids, hairpins, flowers and tiaras give the hairstyle a complete look. Try changing the usual look a little with different braids, and it will become more stylish and bright.

For information on how to weave a waterfall pigtail, see the next video.