How to quickly make curls at home?

At any time, curls look feminine, beautiful and fashionable. This hairstyle is suitable for all occasions - whether it's a holiday or an everyday day. You can make them quickly, on your own, and not only from a master in a hairdresser or beauty salon, which is convenient and practical. If you know a few secrets, then it will take very little time.

Basic ways
Making curls or creating wavy curls is easy. The easiest way is to use electrical appliances, which are available to almost every woman in the house. This is a hairdryer, iron, curling iron. With the help of them, you can easily wind curls and curls of any shape. With constant practice, this can be done quickly and easily. When using electrical appliances, observe the following rules:
- wash, dry and comb your hair before curling;
- do curls on wet or dry, but not on wet hair;
- apply thermal protection - this will save curls from drying out and brittle;
- use mousses, gels before winding curls;
- at the end, use varnish to fix the result.

A hairdryer is suitable for creating a large wave. You will also need a comb, preferably a round shape. In order for the hairstyle to last longer, use mousse or foam. Divide the washed, damp hair into strands. Wind a curl on the comb and dry with a hair dryer. For convenience, divide your head into several zones.
It is more convenient to start with the occipital and gradually work your way up. After drying, shake your hair, shape with your hands and spray with varnish.
If it suddenly happens that there is no comb at hand, then instead of it you can use your own fingers, one or two.

If you want to make the curls more wavy, then twist the curl by two fingers, and smaller curls will turn out on one finger. Apply foam or varnish to fix it. Dry with a hair dryer.
The iron can perfectly not only straighten hair, but also curl curls. Dry wet hair before shaping curls. Divide your head horizontally into several areas, using clips or elastic bands, pin up your hair. Start at the bottom. Wind the strands on the heated iron in one turn and pull down to the ends with tension. Tuck the ends, thereby forming a curl.
The thinner the strand initially, the more curls. Gradually go all over your head.

The curling iron is the most popular curling device. Designed for perfect curling. Curls with her are smooth and elastic. It comes in different diameters. The shape of the curl depends on the thickness of the curling iron. Apply curls to dry hair. Also divide the head into zones.
Start at the back of the head, curling the strand onto the curling iron to form curls. Hold for a few seconds and gently remove the curl.
If your hair is long, then temper the curl with a clip until it cools so that the curl does not straighten out under its own weight ahead of time.

Express hair curling techniques without curling iron
You don't always have a hairdryer, iron or curling iron on hand. In addition, often using electrical appliances is harmful to the hair. There are many methods for making a quick perm at home. Some methods will only take a few minutes. In order for the curls to stay on the head longer, fix them for several hours, or it is better to leave the styling for the whole night.
- The easiest and fastest way is to form bundles. The result is not only beautiful curls, but also a pretty hairstyle for the day. It can be done in 5 minutes. Hair should be clean and semi-damp. Part in the middle of the head, collect two ponytails and twist them into bundles, form a bun and fix with elastic bands.
There may be several options here. There are 2 buns on the head, 4 or more. It all depends on what kind of curls you want, as well as what the initial volume of hair is. The more tourniquets are wound, the more curls. Leave your hair like this for 6 hours or overnight. Then unwind, disassemble with your hands, beat and fix with varnish.

- Braids - the more braids, the more voluminous the hairstyle will be in the end result and the more small spirals on the head. When weaving two braids, you get a body wave. Large braids will become the basis for large curls. Beautiful curls are obtained from weaving with a spikelet and a regular braid.

- Studs are perfect for spirals. Wrap semi-damp, clean hair with a figure eight on the hairpin. Secure each with a rubber band and blow dry or leave to dry naturally. Then unwind the strands and fix with varnish.

- Even plain paper can make cute curls. You will need paper that you fold several times. It should be long enough for the entire strand to twist. The width of such a strip can be made differently. The shape of the curls will depend on this. Twist semi-damp hair onto a piece of paper. It is worth starting from the roots. At the end, secure the tip and tie the 2 ends of the paper. So we go all over the head. Leave it on overnight or 6-8 hours. Unwind, disassemble the curls with your hands and secure with varnish.

- For a beautiful wave, you can use a scarf, a bandage or even a T-shirt. All this is needed for curling. The bottom line is that tie a bandage or T-shirt around your head, across the forehead and back of the head. All unnecessary and unnecessary should be cut off from the shirt. Take strands of hair and twist like a Greek hairstyle on a bandage. The thicker the structure on the head, the prettier the wave is formed.
The narrower, the curlier the curls will be. Leave everything overnight. Then fix with varnish and shape the hairstyle with your hands.

These are the most popular ways to make curls at home without a curling iron.Next, let's look at how to make curls for different hair lengths. It must be said here that almost all methods that have been and will be considered can be used on all hair, regardless of length.
Long hair
On long hair, you can make any curls you like. With this length, you can change the image from romantic - with flowing curls, to daring - with African curls. On long hair, an African hairstyle looks good - it is a lot of small curls. With their help, volume is created on the head. One of the options to make such curls is to weave thin braids.
The more of them on the head, the more elegant the hairstyle will turn out.

The second way to make a lot of small curls is with foil. Roll regular food foil into a tight tube and make something like a hairpin out of it. Next, roll a section of damp hair on both sides with a figure eight. Secure and leave on until hair is dry. Remove the foil and shape your hair with your hands. Fix the spirals with varnish.

You can create beautiful Hollywood curls with curlers. They are different - thermal, with Velcro and velor rollers. The main thing is to have a large volume, 4 cm. Heated rollers are used for fast curling. The step-by-step instructions for creating curls using them are as follows:
- wash your hair;
- dry and comb your hair;
- dip the curlers in boiling water;
- take out the curlers;
- wind on curls, not reaching 1 cm to the roots, so as not to burn yourself;
- fix with a clip;
- after 20 minutes, remove, straighten, sprinkle with varnish.

When using regular curlers, leave them on overnight. At the same time, it is important to wind the hair in one direction.
The spiral curl is obtained using foil and ironing. Wrap a strand on your finger, cover it all with foil and squeeze it with an iron for a few seconds. Go to the next strand, leave the previous one to cool. So we go all over the head. Then remove the foil and straighten your hair.

Another original way to make curls is with socks. To do this, we need several socks that will be thin and long. Do your hair on clean, damp hair. Take a strand. Place the toe perpendicular to the hair, closer to the middle of the strand. Twist the ends first, and then twist the curl along the entire length. Tie the ends of the sock near the roots, securing the curl. Do it all over your head and wait until dry or leave overnight.

You can use foil in another way to make curls. Wrap a small strand like candy. Fold the foil in an accordion manner. Press with a heated iron for a few seconds. After cooling, unfold the strands and shape your hairstyle with your hands. It turns out a lot of cute spirals.

Average length
For medium-length hair, curls can be made with improvised means that can be found in the house and with the help of electrical appliances. So, wavy curls will turn out beautiful with the help of an iron. It is important to follow a few rules here:
- twist the strands on the face from the face - then, twist as desired, in one direction or in different;
- to form beautiful curls, you need to hold the iron correctly - down with tongs, with an inclination to the head and wind the strand 180 or 360 degrees, the hair cones look outward;
- lead the iron along the curl with tension;
- do an additional twist at the ends.

You can curl your hair without a curling iron using a regular sock:
- cut off the front of the sock and make a bagel;
- gather clean, damp hair in a ponytail;
- pass the bagel in the tail;
- twist all the hair into a donut, we fix the end with an invisible one;
- leave to dry.

For medium-length curls, you can use all the methods listed above.
Short hair
Small curls and small waves look beautiful on short hair.
- You can make small curls and curls using an iron or plastic bobbins. Our mothers also used them.It is convenient to leave such devices overnight, they do not interfere with sleep.
- It will take clean, damp hair, mousse, and your skillful hands to create cute waves on short hair. Apply mousse to wet hair and squeeze the strands in random order along the entire length. You can also wrap curls around your finger. This is the most affordable and easiest way to create a beautiful hairstyle. You can use a hairdryer to speed up the process.
- If you have a special hairdryer with a diffuser, then creating curls is nowhere easier. Dry washed, wet hair. Apply mousse or foam first. It is better to start from the back of the head, gradually moving upward.

Useful Tips
In order for the curls to be beautiful and last a long time, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- do curls on clean, damp hair;
- comb before curling;
- braiding is on dry hair - the tighter the braid, the longer the curls hold;
- for thin and brittle hair, it is better to use water with lemon juice instead of mousse, then the curls will become more elastic;
- curls on damaged, dry, depleted hair look ugly and sloppy - you should monitor the health of your hair;
- for the curls to last longer, it is worth fixing them for a long period of time - at night or 6-8 hours;
- for the durability of the hairstyle, use professional products - this is useful, and the styling will last longer;
- if you go to bed with a damp head, wear a shower cap;
- use varnish with low and medium hold;
- for a beautiful hairstyle, you should disassemble the curls with your hands, without a comb.

When using irons, hair dryers, flat pans, be sure to apply thermal protection.
There are many ways to make small, large curls at home on your own.

It is not necessary to use electrical appliances and go to the salon. The main thing is that there is a desire - and the hairstyle will definitely work out.
For information on how to make curls without curling irons and curlers, see the next video.