How to curl with a pencil?

Every girl with straight curls dreams of becoming the owner of charming curls at least for a day. Of course, you can go to a hairdressing specialist and curl your hair in the salon, you can use curlers or a curling iron. But what if there are no special devices in the house for this? Then the most ordinary pencil will come to the rescue.
Preparatory stage
It is quite possible to make small and attractive curls on your own. And for this it is not at all necessary to have special devices. It is quite possible to wind the curls on the most ordinary pencil. The main thing is to properly prepare the strands for the process itself and know some secrets. Using the most ordinary pencil and hair iron, you can easily make attractive curls yourself. As a result, the hairstyle will be the same as if you did it in a beauty salon.

Before starting the process itself, be sure to wash the strands and dry them slightly with a towel. Before starting the procedure, the hair must be slightly damp, so it does not need to be completely dried. And it is categorically not recommended to dry your hair with a hair dryer.
Next, you need to divide all the strands into thin and equal ones, this will help you in the end to get small curls. In the event that you want to achieve a different result and want to get more voluminous and less elastic curls, then you should divide the hair into wider strands.
If you want the result to please you as long as possible, then before winding the strands on a pencil, it is best to treat the curls with foam for fixing. You can also use mousse or special styling wax.

Fundamental rules
Creating curly hair at home is easy.So, after the curls are prepared, we take a regular pencil and wind one strand. To make it more comfortable for you, it is recommended to hold the pencil at an angle. It is not necessary to wind the selected strand up to the roots, you should leave literally 1.5-2 centimeters. Thus, the curls will look as natural as possible.
Once you finish winding the strand, you need to fix it with varnish. Then you can use the iron. Warm up the styler to the desired temperature.
Owners of thin hair should remember that the temperature should not exceed 200 degrees.
In addition, to protect curls, you can pre-use a special agent that protects the strands from the possible harm of high temperatures.

For owners of thicker curls, it is quite possible to warm up the iron to a higher temperature. Next, clamp the curl wound on the pencil with a heated device and hold it for 2 minutes. Then you can start fixing the next strand. After all the strands are rolled up, you can slightly tweak the hairstyle with your hands and fix the resulting effect with varnish. If there is a need to comb the resulting curls, it is best to use a comb with rare teeth. As a result, you will receive beautiful curls that will look as natural as possible.
The above method will allow you to easily create attractive and flowing curls at home. In the event that you want a finer curl like African curls, then a regular pencil will help in this matter.

To make afro curls, the strands need to be prepared. They must be clean and damp.
It is important to divide the hair into very thin strands, and keep the pencil strictly at an angle of 180 degrees.
Wrap a strand of hair gently around it. It is better to start with the temporal region. Dry each curled strand with a hair dryer for 2-3 minutes, and then proceed to the next one. As a result, you will get small and elastic curls that will delight you for more than one day.

Tips & Tricks
Finally, we have some useful recommendations, which will be useful to anyone who wants to create curls at home with a pencil.
- Before carrying out the procedure, you should not wash your hair using various balms. As a result, the strands will be too smooth, it will be difficult to wind them.
- In order for the afro-curls to delight you for 2-3 days, be sure to pre-treat each strand with mousse. And after winding up, fix the hairstyle.
- Try not to use a comb after this home curling, otherwise some curls may become weaker, and the hairstyle will look sloppy. It is best to straighten the strands with your hands, combing them with your fingers.
- If you are the owner of thin and weak hair, then do not use too much nail polish for fixing. This will make the curls heavier, and the resulting effect will not last long.
- Owners of coarse and thick hair may well use the strongest fixation varnish. In addition, each strand with an iron will need to be processed for a longer time to achieve the desired result. The strand wound on a pencil will need to be kept for 3-4 minutes, no less.
The technique for creating curls using a pencil is shown in the following video.