How to make curls with braids?

Technical means for creating curls are not always at hand - curlers, a curling iron or an iron. And they do not work on the hair in the best way. There is a worthy alternative to these things - pigtails, allowing you to create curls from very small to smoothly flowing charming waves.

Who are the curls for?
If a girl is naturally curly - that's one question. Whatever her physical characteristics, she will have to put up with natural hair rings or systematically straighten them.
If your hair is straight, leaning towards creating curls, you need to keep in mind how curly strands affect the perception of the whole image as a whole.
- Curls are able to emphasize the dignity of a slender tall person. A small girl with long curls will seem even shorter and denser than she is. If you allow yourself such a hairstyle with a small stature, then only if the curls do not reach shoulder level.

- This is not the best choice for those with a wide or round face. Because of the curls, it will look even more. The only assumption is when a lady with this type of face has long and medium hair. Elongated curls are quite acceptable under such conditions. Small curls framing the face are not an option.

- The curls look best on the heads of the owners of a triangular face type. The most successful option for girls with such an appearance, when the curls start from the line of the cheekbones, visually compensating for the sharpness of the chin.

- With an oval face, curls also look good. When creating a hairstyle, they must be laid in the direction from the face so that the oval does not visually stretch.

- Girls with narrow faces and soft features can afford curls of any size and shape.

- For women with a square type, hairstyles with curls, in which curls begin below the chin, are suitable.

How to do it?
To make curls or just wavy strands with the help of braids, you don't need to be a professional hairdresser and have at your disposal not only a curling iron or an iron, but even old heat rollers that could be inherited from your grandmother.
This way of creating an attractive hairstyle is cheap and does not damage your hair. They do not overheat under the influence of certain heating devices, and they do not have to be rescued later, returning them to a decent appearance. At the same time, the effect of curling with pigtails lasts for several days.

However, in order to achieve a result, you need to be patient and, possibly, involve another person in the case. Hair can be short, medium or long.
The minimum length is 5 centimeters. To make sure that the strands are really suitable for such a curl, it is enough to wrap them around your finger a couple of times. If the size is sufficient, then everything is fine. The desired effect is always different depending on the length.
If you want the curls to be smaller and more abrupt, you need to provide the largest number of braids. In this case, the strands in the pigtail should cross for the first time as close to the root as possible.
It is easier to control this if someone sees the result from the outside, or even better - braids it himself.

The most primitive is braiding, which allows you to create charming waves. Hair needs to be washed, treated with balm, combed, done on the head two partings - vertical from the forehead to the neck, and horizontal from ear to ear through the crown.

Fix three parts of the hair with elastic bands, "crabs" or other clamps at hand, and divide the fourth into two parts of the same thickness. Twist each of them into a bundle (in the same direction), then twist them together (in the opposite direction to the previous direction). Make a tight horn-like bunch and fix with hairpins. Do the same with the rest of the hair. If you want to get narrower and more frequent curls, the hair can be divided into more bundles.

With buns from the hair, it will take several hours. After a while, wonderful curls are obtained, no worse than those that come out from under the curling iron.
For the result to be just like that, you need to wind if not wet, then at least wet hair. In the process, they dry out on the go after washing. You need to have a cup of water on hand, in which you can dip your fingers from time to time, and then moisten the strands from the next braid with wet hands.
For fidelity, each strand should be treated with mousse or hair foam along the way. This will provide bouncy to the curls after the braids are unraveled.

How much you need to keep braided hair depends on how wet and thick it is. (Although the drying process can be accelerated with a hairdryer). After the strands are curled, it remains to spread them with your hands and fix the hairstyle with varnish. The same steps are necessary for other methods of curling.

With French braids
The perfect result comes out on the basis of French braids. Thanks to this, you can be in two wonderful looks - first a charming lady with textured braids, and then a princess with beautiful curly hair.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to braid them correctly. The step-by-step process includes a number of sequential actions.
Divide the hair into two halves with a vertical parting. At the level of the crown, select three strands and make the first and second crossovers, as in the most ordinary braid. Then, during weaving, on each side, attach new strands from the mass of hair to those that are in the center. Moreover, you can weave in the usual way, or you can so that the center strand is placed under the braid.(Thanks to this, weaving turns out to be inside out, when the braid protrudes beautifully above the head).
At the end of braiding, the hair remains pulled together with an elastic band. Braid the second section of the hair in the same way. In this form, you can not only spend the whole day, but also the night, and in the morning, getting out of bed after sleep, get the desired result. Fix hair with a suitable formula to maintain volume throughout the day.

With classic braids
When weaving regular braids, the hair is divided into strands. Depending on the desired size of the curls, squares are allocated on the head. To obtain soft large waves, one or two braids are enough, and for small curls, all twenty are required.
Each selected area is divided into three strands and braids are tightly braided, fixing the ends with elastic bands. To prevent the ends of your hair from sticking out, you can wind them on bobbins.
Curls resulting from such a perm look natural. If the hair is thin, after the braids are unbraided, the hair gets volume, and the hair lies in beautiful waves.
To make the perm last longer, you don't have to comb your curls. It is enough just to carefully disassemble the pigtails with your fingers.

Helpful hints
If the braids are braided at night, it is better to put a scarf on your head. This will prevent the elastic bands and bobbins at the ends of the hair from falling off, and there will be no “untwisted” strands in the curl. In addition, in this form, pigtails will not interfere with sleep.

Instead of bobbins, you can use threaded rubber bands for the ends of the hair. Thanks to this, they will turn out to be wavy, without creases.

When curling for short hair, you can use invisibility, pinning small braids to the hair on your head.

In order for the curls obtained with the help of braids to last as long as possible, you can comb them only once, giving the hair the necessary shape. Do not use a massage brush or a fine-toothed comb. This will cause the hair to stand on end at first and then quickly straighten out.

You should not spray your hair with varnish abundantly, otherwise the curls will stick together and lose volume, negating the effect of weaving.
To obtain an original hairstyle, you can curl only part of the hair with braids. Wavy strands go well with straight strands.

A curly hairstyle can be complemented with a beautiful hairpin, headband or comb. You don't have to leave all your hair loose. There are a variety of tricks to catch them beautifully.
Part of the hair can be braided. Curls also fit perfectly into a bun, emphasizing the lushness of the hair. Due to the playful curls, as if accidentally knocked out of the styling, fixed, for example, with hairpins, hairstyles are feminine and elegant.
They can be used not only for everyday wear, but also for a festive occasion.

Beautiful examples
Thanks to weaving, you can create a great look. A beautiful connection of strands allows you to emphasize the beauty of the curls. Hair does not interfere and flows like a waterfall.

Neatly straightened and varnished curls of braids or flagella can turn into a charming hairstyle in the manner of those with which Hollywood actresses flaunt on the red carpet of film forums.

It is enough to properly part large curls with a parting, focusing on the hairline at the forehead. The beautiful and bright color of the hair will emphasize the texture of the curls.

A bob-type hairstyle, thanks to the natural curling "pigtails", can be made airy and lush, creating a charming and rebellious image of its owner.

By using a large number of conventional three-strand braids, the effect of crimped hair is achieved. Thanks to such a perm, the hair seems very thick. Hair looks beautiful in a loose form, although if it is styled in a different way, the result will be no less expressive.

A mane of curled hair, loosely gathered at the back of the head, looks rich and is able to play along with any image of a girl - from a passionate and self-confident fatal beauty to a sophisticated princess.

Curls from braids turn into a beautiful fluffy hairstyle, if fixed on the back of the head in several places, creating an impression of artistic disorder on the head. Even if the strands do not curl very well while in tight pigtails, their volume will be enough to get a festive look.

It is not necessary to use a large number of clamps to secure the styling. It is enough to shift curled hair to one side, and an elegant hairstyle is ready.

From woven strands, you can make something like an openwork bow. They will be a great addition to curls obtained from braids. Thanks to this accent, the hairstyle takes on a complete elegant look. It takes effort to get things done, but it's worth it.

For information on how to make curls without curling irons and curlers, see the next video.