Light curls for short hair

Short haircuts impose certain restrictions on the choice of styling. You will no longer be able to make a chic voluminous ponytail or braids. But beautiful curls can be made even on short hair. This will help to add variety to everyday looks.

When creating light curls for short hair, it is necessary to take into account the features of this length. With the wrong choice of tools or method of promotion, the result may not meet your expectations. Key recommendations are listed below.
- To create curls, do not use curlers that are too large. They will add volume to short hair without creating the desired curls. Large diameter curlers are suitable only for owners of long hair.
- Very small curlers will also not cope with this task. Remember the image of a clown with small curls sticking out from under his hat in different directions. This effect is clearly not to the liking of the majority.
- The last nuance to remember when creating curls is hair protection. It's no secret that high temperatures can damage hair. Therefore, when using a hair dryer or iron, do not forget to use special heat protection sprays.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each curling method has its own pros and cons. So, when using an iron, we get elastic beautiful curls, but we risk harming the strands due to exposure to high temperatures.
When using regular curlers, there is no such problem, but it can take a lot of time to create a hairstyle.
It's good if the whole night is ahead and you can let your hair dry naturally. If time is limited, then this method will not work.
But the main advantage will be the safety and stability of the curls. They will not break up even in the evening.
Separately, it is worth talking about long-term styling. These include carving and perm.
The advantages of such methods include:
- long socks (last up to six months, or even longer);
- no need to do styling every morning;
- additional tools such as curlers, tongs or curling irons are no longer required.

- undoubted damage to the hair, which is caused by the chemical composition;
- if the hairstyle gets bored, it will not be possible to get rid of it by simply washing your hair (you will either have to use a straightener every day, or go to the salon again);
- as a result of the action of chemicals, a change in the color of dyed hair is possible;
- the result is not always what you expected, and it is very difficult to fix it.
That is why many girls prefer short-term styling. Although they do not last very long, they do not cause such harm to the hair, and an unsuccessful result can always be corrected.
It is about such methods of creating curls that we will talk about below.

How to do it?
Making waves or curls at home is not difficult at all if you know the little secrets for creating them. It should be understood that there are a lot of ways to achieve the desired result. Only the main ones are listed below. Choose the one that suits you best.
Curling iron
In beauty salons, masters use professional tools. They have a long service life and a reliable result. But such equipment can be very expensive. For home use, such expenses are impractical. Even an ordinary curling iron is capable of creating beautiful curls.
One has only to follow the instructions below.
- Choose a curling iron of the correct diameter. Some devices provide different attachments to obtain a particular result.
- Hair should be washed and dried in the usual way.
- Apply a heat protectant spray to the strands.
- Part your hair with a fine comb along a line from temple to temple. Twist the upper shovel into a bundle and secure with a "crab" or "crocodile".
- Separate a small strand from the bottom of your hair and wind it on a curling iron. If you are using a tapered curling iron, then wind it on the part where the volume is most optimal for your length.
- After the entire bottom section has been curled up, release a few of the top strands and wind them up again. It is worth changing the direction of the twist of the strands, so the hairstyle will be more voluminous.
- After twisting all the strands, sprinkle them with varnish so that the hairstyle is preserved for a longer period.

This method began to be used relatively recently. But he has already found his fans. The advantage is speed and convenience. The strand in the iron will not need to be held, but only to run the tool along the entire length of the hair.
So, let's take a look at this modern way of creating curls.
- Prepare your hair: wash with shampoo and apply conditioner. After drying, treat with an overheating agent.
- Just as with your curling iron, separate the top section of your hair.
- Heat the iron to the set temperature. Hair can be lightly treated with gel or foam.
- Squeeze the strand with an iron. Rotate it so that it is perpendicular to your head. Now the most important point: it must be turned 180 degrees and in this position, bring to the end of the strand. In this case, you do not need to loosen the clamp.
- Lay the resulting curls in the desired direction and sprinkle with varnish.

If the necessary tools are not at hand, then even simple hairpins or invisible hairpins can save you.
This method is only suitable for clean hair. If they have already had time to dry completely, then they will need to be sprinkled with water.
No high temperatures will be applied here, so you don't need a thermal spray. But the gel, mousse or foam will only strengthen the result.
Take a thin, slightly damp section of hair and wrap it around your finger. Do not worry about the size of the strand.If it seems small to you, then when fastening, you can slightly loosen the wrap.
So, carefully remove the curled strand from your finger, while holding all the curls with the fingers of your other hand. In this position, attach them to your head and secure with several invisible hairpins or a small hair clip.

With a fabric band
Few people know that you can get soft curls with the help of an ordinary fabric rim. It's easy to do this. The main condition is that the fabric should be elastic and stretch well.
Treat slightly damp hair with foam or mousse. Now you need to put on the headband correctly. It should be located along the line of the forehead, and on the back, lie just above the back of the head. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all hair is under the rim. In some cases, this cannot be achieved due to the too small length of the strand.
Starting from the forehead, wind the strands around the bezel. To do this, pull the bandage itself a little and twist the strand several times. Grab the next one and keep winding up to the back of your head. Now repeat the manipulation on the other side. On the back of the head, the strands from different sides should connect.
If there is a small tail left, then it can be fixed with an invisible one.

In the next video, you will find an unusual and at the same time simple way to create light curls.
Styling options
With the help of curls, you can create airy and very romantic hairstyles. There can be a lot of styling options here. It is worth noting that any hairstyle, be it a ponytail, a bump or braids, will look much more spectacular and voluminous if the hair has been previously curled.
- French chic. Fluff curled curls slightly with your hands and lay in an arbitrary direction. You should get a light styling with elements of negligence. You should not strive to ensure that the curls are in perfect order. Broken curls will add even more romance to the styling.

- Volumetric beam. Leave a few strands around the forehead. Collect the rest in a loose bundle. If the length of the hair is not enough, then they can simply be fixed with invisibility in a given direction. And just below the crown, create the illusion of a volumetric bump.

- Short curls can be styled in absolutely any direction. So you can bring novelty to your everyday look. The main directions of laying:
- all curls from the forehead are combed back;
- side parting;
- the whole mass of hair is laid in one direction;
- all hair on the forehead (from the back of the head).
If you have not tried to lay them in these ways, then we advise you to experiment. So you will find the best option for yourself or you will amaze everyone with a new styling every day.

Beautiful examples
A voluminous bun can be created even on short hair. At the same time, it is the curls that will allow the hairstyle to look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

The side parting will add zest to your look. In addition, this styling is able to correct facial features.

Light carelessness on short hair looks especially playful and romantic. With this hairstyle, you can go to work and on a date.