How to make light curls at home?

Light curls are the perfect solution for creating an attractive and elegant look. You can make them at home very quickly and easily. There is no need to go to the salon, wasting extra time, which is often not enough. Today we will analyze in detail how you can give your hair such a beautiful shape with your own hands.

Features of creation
Beautiful light curls have been popular for a very long time and do not lose their relevance. Such styling looks lovely on ladies with different structures and facial features. In addition, airy curls fit seamlessly into a variety of looks from business to casual. The hair structure can also be any. The optimal solution can be chosen by every young lady.
Light curls look attractive both on long or medium, and on short strands. There are many ways to give hair such a spectacular shape. With each of them, it becomes possible to quickly and easily create light and gentle waves on hair of any length. Light waves look especially impressive and attractive on a shoulder-length heap or below.

If you are planning to create beautiful, light curls, you need to prepare a few clips in advance. With their help, it will be convenient to carefully disassemble the future formed strands. During such procedures, you cannot do without certain styling products. The creation of light curls is not complete without the use of gels, mousses, foam and high fixation varnish. Of course, you may not use the listed compositions, but then the styling will not last so long.

The specific process of styling the hair directly depends on the selected type of curls. So, Hollywood waves are different from trendy retro curls. They are also made in different ways. To achieve the perfect result, you will need to take into account all the nuances and features of the chosen hairstyle.
To create beautiful light curls, the following tools are usually used that are in the arsenal of most fashionistas:
- hairdryer;
- brushing;
- curling iron;
- iron;
- curlers.

Thanks to the listed devices, styling is done quickly and easily. Ladies do not have to carve out extra time to create a beautiful and elegant look.
If desired, you can do without the use of the above devices. Many young ladies do not want to expose their hair to the destructive effects of high temperatures, and make light curls from charming braids. You can also use papillotes - with their help it is also possible to give the hair a beautiful wavy shape.
Having created light curls, they can be supplemented with beautiful accessories. Most often they are addressed when it comes to an attractive evening or festive ensemble.

Why are they good?
Light curls are not in vain that styling beloved by many girls and women, in demand and relevant for many years. Consider why you should go for this sophisticated hairstyle.
- Thanks to light curls, the hair as a whole can become visually more lush and voluminous.
- Light curls easily blend into any setting. It can be not only a simple everyday exit, but also a magnificent celebration.
- It does not matter at all how old the fashionista is, and in what status she is. Light curls are appropriate for all occasions. Moreover, correctly chosen curls can make a lady's look more youthful and stylish.
- Any jewelry and accessories can be easily combined with such styling. The same applies to the clothes chosen by the lady - there are no strict prohibitions here, and it is possible to choose an ideal combination for every taste.
- Light curls are easy to perform. It doesn't take long to create them. In addition, they can last for quite a long time. Of course, the latter advantage comes from the use of suitable styling products.
- From properly made light curls, you can make a large number of more complex and intricate hairstyles for any occasion.
- Thanks to light curls, you can visually correct the oval of a lady's face.

How to make beautiful curls with a curling iron and iron?
Many young ladies prefer to shape charming light curls using a hot iron or curling iron. Most fashionistas have these devices in stock. Using them is simple and easy - you don't need to have a wealth of hairdressing skills. Done right, the result is very beautiful and elegant styling with feminine curls.

Of course, more often ladies use a curling iron to form curls. Let's take a step by step how you should use this device to create charming curls on your hair.
- Before you start winding the strands on the curling iron, you need to thoroughly wash your hair. After that, it must be dried. Such styling cannot be done on wet hair.
- A special thermal protective agent should be applied to the dried strands. It will protect the structure of hair (especially thin) from the negative effects of high temperatures, which the curling iron will affect the selected strands.
- Make sure your hair is completely dry. Even on a slightly damp mop, curls cannot be made with a curling iron.
- Then you can go directly to curling your hair. It is advisable to start doing it on the front of the head. It is better not to touch the bangs at all.
- A small strand should be picked up by the ends with tongs, and then carefully screwed onto a curling iron. The thicker the selected strand is, the larger the curls will be in the end.
- To make the formed waves softer and smoother, it is enough to hold the curling iron on each strand for about 5 seconds. Do not overexpose the device on the head of hair, so as not to cause serious harm.
- Next, the curl will need to be very carefully released from the device. Allow the strand to cool, then sprinkle with high hold varnish.
- If you want the styling to be more lush and voluminous, you should wind the curls in different directions. Due to this, the hair will turn out to be more solid and expressive.
- Once you finish curling each strand, spray the styling with a high hold nail polish again. Thanks to this procedure, the hairstyle will keep its shape longer and look neat / aesthetically pleasing.

As you can see, using a curling iron to form light curls is very simple. The main thing is to protect the hair with thermal protective compounds in advance and not to overexpose the device on the selected strands for too long.
Beautiful light curls are obtained if done with an iron. This device is used more often for straightening hair, but it can also create elegant curls of different sizes. There are three main ways to give your hair a wavy shape using an iron.

Let's see the step-by-step instructions for the first popular method.
- Wash your hair, and then comb it thoroughly. Next, separate a thin strand from the entire shock.
- Pick up the selected strand with a straightener (iron) in the area where you plan to start forming a wave. In this case, it is worth helping yourself with your free hand - wrap a strand around the device with it.
- Warm up the caught hairs, and then gently release them.
- The same actions should be carried out along the entire length of the strand.
- When the hair is completely cool, sprinkle it with varnish to fix the resulting wavy shape.
- You should act in the same way for the rest of the hair.

Most often, young ladies rely on this particular styling method. But there are others. Consider another method of styling curls with an iron.
- First you need to twist your hair into a kind of tourniquet. It is permissible to divide the entire shovel into several separate parts.
- Next, you need to iron it over the made tourniquet. You need to move from top to bottom. In this case, it is very important to take into account that you will need to move the device on the hair very slowly so that the entire surface can fully warm up.
- When the prepared flagellum has cooled to the end, it can be dissolved. In this case, you should disassemble the processed strands with your fingers. At the end of all the stages carried out, the installation should be fixed with varnish.

There is another simple and convenient way to form such a styling. Let's get acquainted with it.
- First, comb your hair well. Don't leave any knots or tangled strands for good results. Next, select one strand from the mop.
- Twist the selected strand into a ring by hand. Place it between the forceps. Heat the selected and twisted strand (along the entire length) well with an iron.
- The same way should be done with the rest of the heap.
- As in other cases, it is advisable to fix the result obtained with a high fixation varnish.

It is easiest to curl light curls with an iron or curling iron. In addition, working with these devices usually does not take much time, and the result is delightful if done correctly.
It should be borne in mind that when working with a curling iron or iron in the first stages, it is imperative to prepare the hair - apply a protective agent on it... Thanks to him, the strands will not suffer from exposure to high temperatures. However, this does not mean that the curling iron or straightening tongs can then be kept on the hair for a long time. Even on protected locks, "hot" tools need to be held for only a few seconds. Thus, you will be able to achieve the desired effect, and you will not harm your hair.

How to curl curls with curlers?
Often, ladies do not use a curling iron or a straightening iron to create light curls, but good old curlers. With such devices, you can also achieve excellent results, making your hair spectacular.

To make beautiful light curls, it is advisable to use larger curlers. Small options will allow you to form the same small curls. Having prepared the parts of the required dimensions, you can proceed directly to laying the heap. Here you need to act according to a certain scheme.
- First, the hair must be thoroughly washed and dried. Try to dry the mop so that it is not 100% dry. The hair should remain slightly damp, otherwise it will not be possible to make a beautiful styling.
- Now apply the styling product evenly over the prepared mop. You should use products that are right for your hair type.
- Prepared hair must be carefully divided into not too wide and uniform strands. You will need to wind them in one direction.
- You should start acting from the top of your head. Next, you need to gradually move to the back of the head. The hairs on the sides are usually the last to frizz.
- Now you need a finishing touch - complete drying of the hair with a hairdryer. But while the curlers do not need to be removed. This can be done when the hair is completely dry.
- When you remove the curlers from the selected lock, you will need to carefully separate them with your fingers.
To complete the hairstyle, making it more stable, you should use a high hold polish - apply it on the curly wave.

other methods
There are other convenient and simple ways to create charming light curls at home. For example, very often women of fashion prefer to use an ordinary hairdryer to make their hair curled. It is advisable to use a special nozzle here - a diffuser, as well as hairpins... Quite good curls are obtained with the use of a round brush - brushing.

Using a hair dryer and brushing, making curls is quite simple.
- Wash your hair first. Gently wrap individual strands of them on the brushing, and then dry with a hairdryer.
- Now you can apply mousse or styling foam to your hair. It is advisable to use means of a medium degree of fixation.
- Next, the strands will need to be collected in the diffuser nozzle. It must be pressed more tightly to the head.
- Secure the strands, collected in rings, with hairpins, and then dry with a hair dryer. Make sure the air is fairly hot and the speed is moderate.

Often, women of fashion prefer to shape light curls without the use of devices or accessories from the outside. For example, attractive and neat curls can be made with braids. It is enough in the evening to braid the braids on the still wet hair and leave them until morning. Before starting weaving, it is recommended to sprinkle the hair with a special aerosol gel. Thereby when combing the head in the morning, the hair will not receive serious damage.

And you can also make curls using formed flagella... This method is very similar to the previous one. Wet hair should be twisted into a tight tourniquet, and then wrapped around its own base. Further, the hairstyle will need to be fixed with hairpins. They will dry out for a long time, and sleeping with such a composition on your head will not be very comfortable, so it is better to do such procedures during the day, although it will take a lot of time.

You can also make cute light curls with a bandage. This unexpected and very simple solution is insanely popular today, since it practically does not harm the hair.
- First, the hair that is still damp must be combed gently forward. Then a bandage is put on.
- After that, separating the hair with your fingers, wrap it around the bandage you are wearing, one strand at a time.
- When you do this operation with all the strands, they will need to be lifted very carefully and carefully so that they do not stretch too much.
- In the indicated position, the hair should remain until it dries completely. As soon as this moment comes, the bandage can be removed.
After that, the strands will need to be separated with your fingers.

Often, girls who do not want to harm their hair make light curls using a pre-formed bundle. For this, the following operations are carried out.
- First, a tight flagellum is collected from the strands.
- Then it is twisted, making a bunch. Then it must be properly secured to hairpins and hairpins.
- Leave the resulting composition for a few hours. Further, the strands can be dissolved by manually straightening the shock.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that you can make light curls in a variety of ways. It is not at all necessary to influence the hair with high temperatures. You can do with braiding or forming a bundle. Any girl can choose the perfect solution for herself.
How to style your hair?
Light curls are the perfect base for a wide variety of sexy and feminine hairstyles. You can make a spectacular styling to one side, a voluminous hair with a pile, an elegant composition with curls at the ends, and many other beautiful compositions. Let's take a look at the most popular and attractive ways to style light curls.

Looks great on ladies styling with curls in a retro style. There are different ways to form a so-called retrowave. She looks amazing on hair of any length. To make this styling, you need the following components:
- foam (to give the mop a more natural look) or gel - try to choose cosmetics that will make the mop more flexible, but not rigid;
- varnish;
- hair clips;
- comb with frequent teeth.

Let's analyze the immediate course of work.
- First, apply styling agent to the mop while still damp. Next, prepare the side parting. Its depth should be about 5 cm.
- Starting from the side with more hair, comb it well with the comb towards your face.
- At the top, at the roots, place your finger in the parting in such a way that it points to your face. Parallel to the parting itself.
- Place the comb parallel to your finger. The distance here should be equal to the depth of the wave. Move the selected half of the shock with a scallop, forming a kind of wave.
- Now put your finger in place of the comb, and comb the remaining curls. Remove any irregularities.
- Secure the wave with clamps. They must be placed on both sides.
- Next, make another wave with your finger and a comb. Try to comb the strands well.
- Pay more attention to the front. All lines should be expressive and clear. Fix the bends with clamps - they must be placed parallel to each other.
- These actions must be repeated until the required amount of "crowns" takes place.
- The ends of the hair should be rolled from the face to the crown, and a neat curl should be formed.
- Wait until the mop is completely dry. The clamps can then be removed.
- Treat the hair with varnish so that it holds its shape longer.

On light curls, a hairstyle called "French waterfall"... This is a great solution for an evening or celebration. You can do this styling with your own hands.
- First, you need to wind the hair, forming light curls.
- Divide the strands gently with your fingers. Make sure to cool your hair if styling with hot tools.
- Lightly comb the root area.
- Form a straight parting. It is advisable to do this with your fingers, not with a comb.
- Select some hairs on the left side.
- Weave a simple pigtail down to the ear line.
- Next, you need to cross the strands with each other in the center and on the right.
- The third strand should be replaced with a small part of the hair taken from above. Cover with a loose curl.
- Release the right strand with a loose curl so that it falls down. This will be the beginning of the waterfall.
- For the remaining two parts of the hair, you need to take the third of the bulk of the curls.
- Continue braiding in the same manner, working diagonally towards the back of the head.
- Secure the pigtail temporarily with clips or an elastic band.
- Form the second braid in the same way, starting from the right.
- Connect the French waterfall at the occipital region. Reinforce the composition with an elastic band or invisibility.
- Straighten the curls, sprinkle the styling with high-hold varnish.

From light curls, very beautiful and flirty buns. This hairstyle can be done on both long and medium hair.
- First, you need to separate the bangs (the widest part) with a comb, and then lay it on a side parting.
- The rest of the shock should be combed back.
- If the hair is straight, it needs to be shaped into light curls.
- When the curls have cooled to the end after processing, you will need to remove any previously installed clips.
- In the area near the roots, make a large amount of bouffant.
- The curls that were pulled back should be pulled together with an elastic band, forming a loop. Move it slightly to the side.
- Lay the curls around the bun. Secure everything with hairpins.
- Take the rest of the bangs behind the eyelet. Leave the big one free or take it invisible.

For information on how to make light curls at home, see the next video.