Easy do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair

For each of the fair sex, morning preparations begin with the most common things: showering, breakfast and final preparation for the exit. Going about your business in an inappropriate way is a real taboo. And few women will allow themselves to be on the street, surrounded by a huge number of people, without being presented to them in all their glory. That is why the main part of the morning training session is devoted to makeup and styling.
It is much easier for men in this matter: they just need to get dressed, comb their hair, and he is ready for the day's worries. But women have to come up with a special image every morning and turn their hair into a bright and stylish hairstyle. Accordingly, it takes a lot of time to prepare, and the fair sex may simply not have time to be at an important meeting in time. Just for such cases Experienced stylists have developed many variations of light hairstyles, which take only five minutes to complete. Despite such a short time, the hairstyle lasts all day, especially if the girl has an average hair length.

Varieties of tails
Everyone knows that medium hair is the most suitable length for creating different types of styling, whether it is a hairstyle made for a holiday event or for daily wear. It's no secret that the owner of medium or long curls every morning, looking in the mirror, collects her hair in a ponytail, and then goes to the shower.In general, for a home environment, a banal tail is considered the most comfortable hairstyle, but if you look at this option for collecting hair from the other side, you can note several important features.
When creating ponytails with medium hair length, capturing curls of any density into one fixing elastic band occurs without any hassle. In this case, there is no need to fear that the ponytail will turn into a "rat's" one.
It is worth noting that the presented type of styling is very popular not only among women, but also among men. Guys do not have to be representatives of different subcultures - many of them follow fashion trends, grow beards and hair, which, by the way, are looked after much better than women.

Creating a ponytail yourself is a fairly common procedure., and each person can cope with the task without much difficulty. First, you need to comb the hair, then grab it with an elastic band, and then adjust the height of the tail being created.
The main thing is that the collected hair is smooth and the so-called roosters do not come out.

In one famous video, a young father gives his daughter a ponytail using the suction draft of a vacuum cleaner. The video, of course, is funny and has won many positive reviews, but nevertheless, to create the perfect tail, this method is strictly prohibited.

It is much more difficult to reproduce the styling of a ponytail with additional fleece, especially if there is no experience in creating this hairstyle, and there is very little time left to collect. But do not despair, the main thing is to know the step-by-step instructions and strive to make the final result beautiful.
The first thing that needs to be done is to separate the hair of the parietal part with a hairpin. Collect the remaining hair in a ponytail. Dissolve the hair of the parietal zone, and make a bouffant on them. It is best to use a fine-toothed comb for this procedure. After that, lay the voluminous curls back and fasten to the finished ponytail. Cover the resulting high hairstyle with fixing varnish.

In general, in order to learn how to create any variations of hairstyles based on the ponytail, you need to determine the type of hair and carefully read the advice of experts.
- Particular attention should be paid to the length of the hair. For a beautiful styling in the form of a tail, shoulder-length curls are suitable. Short haircuts are not even considered in this case.
- Do not do this on very long hair: the finished hairstyle will look ridiculous.
- The ponytail on medium hair is perfect for little girls and girls. It is better for women of the older generation to refuse to create such a hairstyle.
- Unfortunately, if you have curly hair, you won't be able to style it with hair pulled back into a ponytail.

Having figured out the important styling criteria, you can familiarize yourself with the most popular variations of quick and easy hairstyles.
It is worth noting that eminent stylists do not advise collecting hair with special trepidation - today, a kind of mess is in trend, which looks much more attractive.
That is why ponytail styling has many ways of execution, which can be suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions.

The first styling option is the most common, it is called the tail to one side. To create it does not require huge efforts and spending a lot of time.
- The hair is pretreated with mousse, after which it is assembled into an asymmetrical bun using a special comb with frequent teeth. To continue creating styling, you should pay attention to the bangs. If it is oblique, then the tail should tilt to the side where it is longer.
- If there are no bangs at all, a large strand of hair is separated from the top of the head, which will have to be arranged separately from the tail.In principle, it can be curled or simply stabbed, but so that this curl slightly falls on the face. Then sprinkle with fixing varnish.
- The tail collected from the side is fixed with hairpins or ribbons. Although you can separate a small curl and wrap it around the thickness of the ponytail, hiding the elastic. Hide the remaining tip on the inside of the hairstyle and secure it with an invisible one.

The second most popular style is the ponytail with harnesses. Its creation does not require any special skills and a huge amount of time - only tools, namely a comb and fixing elements in the form of hairpins or rubber bands.
- Hair must be collected in one ponytail at the back of the head and secured with an elastic band. The created bun is divided into two equal strands, each of which is carefully combed and twisted. Curls should be twisted either clockwise or counterclockwise. Thus, harnesses are obtained. Then they must be intertwined and secured with a fixing element.
- You can also wrap the retainer in a small strand of hair with the ponytail wrapped around it. A hairpin or an invisible pin will help to fix the structure.

In third place in the list of popular ponytail hairstyles is styling with a braid. To create it, you only need a comb and a few rubber bands.
- The neat, brushed hair is gathered at the crown and secured with a fixing element.
- The resulting tail is braided into a braid and tightened with an elastic band at the end. It is worth noting that the method of braiding is largely responsible for the volume of the hairstyle. From this it follows that loosely woven strands will look quite voluminous.
- The fixing elastic at the bottom of the braid can be hidden by a separate set aside.

Fast and beautiful bundles
Medium hair is the ideal length for creating a wide variety of head embellishments. It is at this length that twisted strands, braided braids, flagella, and wavy styling look majestic. If you carefully consider all the options presented, it will become clear that the missing link is the bundle.
Its uniqueness allows you to change the styling details every day. It may seem to some that the usual and familiar bunch cannot have any varieties. However, one and the same installation method can be presented in completely different forms, especially if done, for example, from the side or on top of the head. The side versions look very harmoniously framed by curly curls. By creating a looser bun, the styling gets a disheveled effect.

Another interesting option is a bunch on the side, decorated in the form of a rose, which is complemented by decorative hairpins. High styling of the beam favorably emphasizes the neckline of a beautiful lady, while lengthening her face. This factor must be taken into account so as not to spoil the appearance of the owner of the styling.

As a business image, a smooth bun on the top of the head with missing jewelry will be ideal. But for solemn hairstyles, it is not necessary to follow strict lines. The hair can be lifted up, secured with hairpins or hairpins and also let go of several strands framing the face.
It is worth noting that the high bun located at the top of the head is ideal for girls with a long neck. It is this arrangement of the bun that favorably shapes the round or square oval of the face.
Quite easy and simple to create a styling knot, located at the bottom of the headas the hair itself grows downward. Just below the occipital region, the hair is gathered into the desired shape. If necessary, the bunch can be leveled and even fluffed. To hide loose ends, decorative weaving is often used. For example, braids from the sides, starting from the temporal region and passing through the entire head, frame the bundle itself.

According to experienced stylists, the understated position of the muzzle is suitable for women with model height, as well as for those with short necks.
The very design of the hairstyle is classified by density. It's easy to see the difference between a tight weave and a weak roll. A strong and tight mount looks quite strict and suits a serious business woman, but a slight disheveledness, on the contrary, is combined with a relaxed and relaxed personality.

So, to create a stylish and elegant bun hairstyle you don't need to have any professional hairdressing skills. And for the process itself, you only need a pair of pins, in some cases a special roller and a pair of clips in the form of rubber bands.
The most popular styling variation you can do at home is the quick bun. It takes only five minutes to create it.
- The hair must be combed and collected in a ponytail, fixing with an elastic band.
- Put a roller on top of the created tail, and then evenly distribute the collected curls over its surface.
- The distributed strands must be fixed with another elastic band at the bottom of the styling.
- The peeking tips need to be hidden under the roller and secured under the entire structure with invisible pins or pins.

The second place in the list of popular quick hairstyles is taken with a low bun. Its creation time will be no more than three minutes.
- The hair must be combed thoroughly and divided into two halves.
- Each individual part is fixed with a knot, preferably tight.
- The strands on both sides must be tied with a knot. And so on as long as possible.
- The ends connected to each other are fixed with an elastic band and hidden deep into the structure.
- The tips that have come out must be sprinkled with varnish and, with the help of your fingers, twist them into thin lines, creating a peculiar shape of thorns.

The third styling option on the list of the most popular bun-based hairstyles is called a flower. Perhaps an image of a long and complex execution procedure appeared in my head, but in fact everything is quite simple. No complex elements are required to create it - you just need an elastic band and hairpins.
The main thing is to follow the instructions and do the work in stages.
- Hair is collected at the crown and secured with an elastic band.
- One strand stands out from the common tail. Divided in half. Tied in a knot.
- The bottom of the resulting ring is secured with an invisible pin.
- Having separated another adjacent strand, also tie it in a knot, connecting it to the ends of the previous strands.
- The newly formed ring is also fixed with an invisible pin.
- This process must be carried out around the entire circumference of the tail, thus creating petals.
- After creating the flower shape, the remaining curls must be braided into a small braid and hidden deep into the resulting bundle.

Simple braids
Eminent stylists claim that braids on medium-length hair look stylish and very impressive. Some representatives of the fair sex believe that only professional masters can create such variations of hairstyles, but in fact this is not the case. While at home, every girl can create a spectacular braid styling from her hair, both for the holiday and for daily wear.
A braid, or spikelet, in most cases is a securely collected curls that do not interfere with daily activities. For a long time, the pigtail was very popular with little girls and schoolgirls. And all because the hair was completely gathered in a single styling and did not prevent little girls from playing active games, and schoolgirls from studying. Since then, the hairstyle has gone through a huge path of transformation, and now the most ordinary spikelet can be decorated in various spectacular ways.The main thing is that this does not take much time, and you can do the styling at home with your own hands.

To create the perfect look, the fair sex can turn their attention to French braids. Of course, such a styling has a huge variety of modifications, but the classic version is considered the most relevant. To create it, you just need an elastic band for fixing, a comb.
- In the frontal area, it is necessary to select a wide thick strand, and then divide it into three equal parts.
- The extreme strand on the left side is placed in the very middle, the same is done with the right strand.
- On the left, a strand of hair is again separated and shifted to the middle. A similar work is being done with a small part of the curls on the right.
- Thus, the braid should gradually descend to the occipital zone.
- Now, at the bottom, you need to divide the hair into three strands and weave them into the curls involved.
- At the end of weaving, the braid must be fixed with any accessory.
It is worth noting that if there is a desire to create a similar hairstyle on the contrary, then it is necessary to follow the same principle, only the side strands will have to be laid not under the central curl, but on top of it.

Among the huge variety of braid styling, waterfall styling, based on the classic weaving of three curls, is considered quite popular.
- First you need to comb your hair, then divide it into three equal strands on either side of the head: either on the right side or on the left.
- The work begins with weaving the most ordinary braid. Only in this case, the strand located on top is not woven into the main pigtail - it should fall down.
- From the underside of the falling strand, another curl is taken and woven into the braid.
- The main work ends on the opposite side of the head, that is, if the beginning of weaving was on the right side, then the end will be on the left. The extreme strand must be secured with an invisible elastic band. It is advisable to secure the tip of the braid with an invisible hair clip.

In the next video, watch a master class on weaving a braid-waterfall.
Hairstyles with loose hair
Medium length hair is very popular with stylists. Shoulder-length curls are very comfortable and easy to style or make a fluffy mess. A casual hairstyle may seem like the easiest styling option that can be created in just a couple of minutes. But in fact, this is real art. In some variations of the hairstyle, a bouffant can be made at the ends of the hair, due to which the hair will become slightly voluminous.
Some of the fair sex have the opportunity to curl their hair with curlers in the evening., but this must be done in such a way that the ends are not directly twisted, but parallel. The resulting curls will be randomly scattered, will not have the same length, due to which the hairstyle will receive additional volume and acquire the effect of lightness.

During the morning session, the most suitable tool for creating hairstyles and styling on uncollected hair is a curling iron. But, in addition to her, you will need: a comb, hairpins and clips. To create a spectacular hairstyle, you need to follow the instructions of experienced stylists step by step.
- Before you start curling, the hair must be washed and dried, which, in principle, every woman does every morning. It should be remembered that for styling you cannot use balms that weigh down the hair structure, otherwise the resulting hairstyle will disintegrate very quickly.
- Thick hair is best collected at the crown of the head, secured with an elastic band so that it does not interfere with the work process. Curling is required to start from the lowest curls. The dense structure of the hair, unfortunately, cannot always curl efficiently, therefore stylists advise to do a light curling only at the ends.
- Several strands must be separated from the collected ponytail.Each individual curl is wound on a hot element, after which the curling iron is lowered to the tip with a slight movement.
- In the process of the presented movement, the hair is evenly curled, forming small curls.
- The finished strands are pushed to the side. In the same way, it is necessary to work out each individual curl.
- After the hair has received the desired appearance, it is necessary to use a fixing agent - fixation varnish.
It is worth noting that when creating a hairstyle, you can play a little with the parting: make it not even, but slightly zigzag, or even remove it to one side.

If a girl's own hair curls, and she wants to have straight, even strands, you should use an iron. Unfortunately, hair straightening cannot be called a quick procedure, so it must be done in advance, that is, in the evening. But if you suddenly have a little more free time in the morning, then you can use the subject of hairdressing. In addition to it, knitting needles / pencil, comb, and mousse may be required.
- First you need to connect the iron. While it heats up to the required temperature, the hair must be treated with mousse. The tool ideally protects curls from the harmful effects of high temperatures.
- It is necessary to separate a strand from the general head of hair of a small thickness and twist it onto a knitting needle / pencil.
- The iron follows the pencil.
- All hair must be treated this way.
By the way, you can also curl with an iron. To do this, you will have to twist a thin strand of hair into a flagellum and support the twisted lock inside the hot device. Many ladies, using the mentioned method of curling, claim that the hairstyle turns out to be great and, most importantly, long-lasting.

Using accessories
To create high-quality and beautiful styling, a huge number of items and accessories are used, allowing you to create an unusually bright style from a natural and familiar to all image.
- A skeletal comb is used to create volume at the root of the hair.
- To fix individual strands, which are the main components of the finished styling, various types of hairpins and invisibility are used.
- When performing high styling options, you should use bombs or hairpins with pads on the tips.
- To decorate the styling, designer hairpins, satin ribbons, beads woven into curls, various rhinestones that fix the hairstyle, being at the tip of the hairpins, are used as additional accessories.
- Rollers are used to create elegant tufts.
- Headbands are a bright, summer and sensual adornment of light styling. They can be decorated with flowers, can be wide or thin, also complemented by rhinestones and various sequins.
- When creating a Greek styling, a lot of different elastic bands are used.
- In the process of creating styling, it is required to fix individual strands of hair. For this, crabs or banana hairpins are used.

It is worth mentioning the items that allow you to create the perfect hairstyle at home, because they are also accessories for hairdressing.
- Special means for creating styling. They can be presented in the form of foams or mousses to help increase volume and protect against burns.
- Curling iron. This item allows you to create extraordinary curls at any hair length.
- Iron. Its capabilities include both straightening curly curls and curling straight hair.
- Separate hairdryer attachments. Particular attention is paid to the diffuser, which is able to create additional volume and emphasize the lightness of the curls.
With these items in her arsenal, every woman who does not have special hairdressing skills will be able to create elegant, and most importantly, fast styling on her hair.

Special thanks go to the stylists who, day after day, invent more and more new and unique hairstyles that can be done five minutes before going out.
Successful examples
To create an independent image, many ladies spend many hours in front of the mirror, but if in five minutes you have to be on the street, you have to use your ingenuity and put a quick order on your head.
The presented variation of the beam stacking does not have straight lines. The created form does not seem serious at all, but on the contrary, speaks of lightness and airiness. The styling volume is significantly increased, and all thanks to a small pile at the front of the curls. Neat curled strands hang down the sides, which frame the face and emphasize all its advantages. To create the styling, an elastic band and a few invisible ones were required. The main thing is that the creation process itself does not require a huge execution time - a couple of minutes and you're done. And the effect of the hairstyle will be noticeable on the faces of others who will not be able to take their eyes off the fashionista.

Here it is, the same ponytail mentioned above. The performance time is 4 minutes, but the image is majestic and exciting. With this unique styling, you don't have to worry about pre-selected clothes. The voluminous fleece, smoothly flowing into a neat ponytail, is successfully combined with both dresses and jeans. At the same time, there is no need to supplement the styling with special accessories, except that on a sunny day, put glasses on your head.

In this case, a variant of chaotic styling is presented. Curled locks hang randomly all over the head. As a complement, framing flagella are used, emphasizing the volume of the hairstyle. In general, one can feel lightness, airiness, sophistication and femininity of styling. With this hairstyle, you can go to school or to work. It's just that the presented styling is not suitable for serious celebrations.