Curls: types, subtleties of creating styling

Every woman strives to look perfect and feminine in any situation. One of the easiest ways to stay well-groomed, beautiful and at the same time fashionable have been and remain hairstyles based on curls.
Naughty, playful curls and curls flowing down the shoulders have remained the most popular adornments for a woman's head for many years. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone with a curly shock, in this case, curling irons, tongs, curlers, hair dryers and other devices come to the rescue, allowing you to create the desired curls on your head.

Curling for a short time is a special type of styling that includes several sequential operations, thanks to which you can create a free-form hairstyle. They usually retain their appearance for up to three days, gradually unwinding.
If the strands are wet, they quickly return to their original appearance. The duration of the wrapping directly depends on the characteristics of the curls - they are round, oval, and also ribbon-like. The smaller the cross-sectional shape of the curl, the more curly the curls will turn out. - this hairstyle stays on the hair longer.
In addition to the shape of the curl, the elasticity and elasticity of the hair, the strength at break and the general condition of the hair affect the duration of the "life" of the curls.

On the basis of curls, you can build a lot of interesting and effective styling that will look harmonious both at a festive event, and at a youth party, and in a strict office version.
Types and methods of their creation
Daring and delicate curls can be easily done with your own hands, our beauty industry offers a large selection of options for giving styling an exquisite and stylish look. For this, a variety of devices are used - tongs, an iron, a hair dryer, papillots and many others, while such "grandmother's" methods as curling on fabric or paper do not lose their popularity. In each case, the curls are different - delicate, curly, textured, wavy or natural.

Depending on the shape of the curl, the curls are divided into several types - straight, oblique, as well as vertical, parallel, drop or wrinkled.
- Straight it is customary to designate curls that are located horizontally to the surface, while if you twist them in several rows, then they will already be called parallel.
- Oblique curls are located at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to horizontal, stacked so that their base takes the form of waves, turning into curls at the ends.
- Curls descending from the middle of the strand in the form of a spiral - drain.

In order to create beautiful natural curls, several methods are used. Let's dwell on the most common ones.
It is believed that this tool is used to straighten hair, but nevertheless, it can make quite cute curls, while the wider the iron, the larger the waves are.
The technique is very simple. To begin with, a strand is separated from the hair with a thin comb, clamped at the roots and smoothly lead down to the very tip of the hair, slightly bending from below. The iron does not need to be clamped too tightly to prevent creases and damage the internal structure of the hair shaft.

After the entire styling is completely ready, you can sprinkle it with fixing varnish, and to make your hairstyle a little more fluffy, you can first beat the shock with your fingers or gently walk along the curls with a brush.
A little life hack - the slower you iron along the strand, the steeper the curl shape will come out as a result, experiment a couple of times - and you can find the perfect option for yourself.

Curling iron
Everything is simple here - thin strands need to be clamped near the tip with tongs and screwed, then held for several minutes. Curling is performed from the roots and towards the ends, in this case, the waves are smooth. Usually they use large curling irons with a diameter of 25 to 35 mm - curls in this case are formed of medium size, to create more voluminous curls, you should choose larger devices.
When the styling is ready, it is necessary to apply a styling agent to the curls so that the curls do not deform and do not stick to each other.

Using curlers
Bobbins are an ideal option that allows you to create rather large curls without damaging your hair, this is a good alternative to perm, the effect of which can last for a couple of days.

In order to wind the curls in this way, you should separate the strands, comb them and, keeping them taut, wrap the curlers inside. The roller is fixed as close to the root zone as possible.
After your hair is rolled up, you can either wait for your hair to dry naturally, or dry it with a hairdryer.
If you have curled your hair on hot rollers, you will need to let it cool down.

The type of curls that will turn out in the end largely depends on the type of bobbins chosen.
- Velcro - this is the most convenient type of curlers, which are optimal for the formation of soft and rather elastic curls, while such styling lasts for quite a long time. Velcro can be used on any type of hair, their undoubted advantage is that they do not worsen the condition of the hair in any way.

- Thermo curlers - these devices are preheated, as a rule, in boiling water, then they are quickly wound onto dry, preferably clean, strands with an applied thermal protective styling agent. Such bobbins are kept on the head until they cool down, after which they are carefully removed. At the exit, you can get shiny smooth waves, but the effect from them is extremely short-lived, especially on soft and thinned strands.

- Boomerangs - these curlers are good for winding and aging at night, they are suitable for all types of hair, while the curls are natural, and the hairstyle lasts for quite a long time.

- Spirals - such devices represent a rather unusual spiral-shaped cover; individual wet strands are pulled into it using a special hook. As they dry, they take on the desired shape.
Keep in mind that you cannot sleep in such bobbins, as the result is wrinkled, broken curls.

- Velvet curlers and bobbins have a special coating that prevents tangling of the stripes and damage to their structure. Such curlers keep their shape perfectly, and the curls come out quite large and beautiful.

- Plastic curlers with clamps it is quite difficult to fix it on your own, here you need a certain skill. The curls are soft and very voluminous, the shape lasts for a long time.

Hairdryer with diffuser
To achieve textured curls, you can use a special hair dryer attachment - a diffuser. Keep in mind: the shorter the curls, the smaller its "tentacles" should be.
Wet hair is slightly dried with a towel, then foam or mousse is applied. The hair prepared in this way is placed in a diffuser and begins to dry, then bringing it closer, then moving it away with springy movements, the strands during the procedure should be wrapped around the “fingers” with attachments.

Using a hairdryer and brushing
This method of obtaining curls is well known to everyone who has done professional styling in the salon at least once. In order for you to be able to repeat it at home, you will need a large-diameter round brush, as well as a hair dryer and a thermal protection product.
To begin with, separate thin strands and, gradually leading from the roots towards the ends, wind the curls, "following" her with a hairdryer. The slower the movement, the more spectacular and larger the curls will come out.

Another interesting option that allows you to create beautiful and even curls, but so that the hair looks a little sloppy. To do this, apply styling mousse to slightly wet hair, divide it into separate strands, while the thinner each individual strand is, the finer the curls will be.
The strand is twisted into a tight bundle and fixed with a hairpin. When all the hairs are collected, it remains only to dry them in a dryer, dissolve and sprinkle with varnish.

How to choose?
You can use any of the methods to curl your hair into bouncy curls, but it is important to know some of the limitations of using each of them.
So, irons and curling irons are not suitable for brittle and split strands - they involve prolonged exposure to high temperatures, which can only aggravate the already deplorable state of the hair.
If you still intend to use these particular devices, as well as a hairdryer, then be sure to apply a thermal protective agent - it will prevent injury to the curls.

If you do not want to expose your curls to hot styling, it is better to use curlers or the flagella method. Both options involve long-term drying of the strands, if you need to get a spectacular hairstyle quickly, then it is better to give preference to a curling iron and ironing.
The choice of tool largely depends on what shape of curls you want to get.
For example, the once popular curls in the form of a corkscrew can be created with an ordinary narrow curling iron, as well as using special nozzles for a hair dryer.

Lovers of glamorous Hollywood style usually use tongs or a hairdryer with a large round comb. By the way, chic curls in a retro style are suitable for the fair sex with any type of hair and facial contours, emphasize makeup favorably, complement a romantic evening dress, look harmonious on red, black and blond curls.

If you like the image that came from the photographs of our grandmothers' youth, then you can use the "old-fashioned" methods of short-term curling - ribbons, strips of fabric and even paper are used to create such curls, and this method does not injure the hair, and the styling lasts quite a long time.

The subtleties of styling
Let us dwell in more detail on some of the features of creating curls of different types.
Natural curls
To create such a styling, you need to rinse your hair and apply a little mousse to fix it, then dry the strands with a hair dryer with a diffuser... Thus, you can get the most elastic curls that look great as a daily hairstyle.

Graceful small curls
For such a bow, it is necessary to divide the entire shock into separate strands, then roll each into a bundle and dry it with a hairdryer, if you need to speed up the process, then you can additionally go over each flagellum with an iron.
This styling comes out quite spectacular, and the curls look textured and very stylish.
Moreover, the entire hairstyle can be created in 15-25 minutes.

Elastic Hollywood curls
A cone curling iron will help here. It must be warmed up to 200-220 degrees, then wind the strands from the thick end of the cone towards its pointed part. To create pronounced curls, you can additionally walk along the finished curls with a comb with long sparse teeth.

Helpful hints
Many women are faced with a situation where beautifully curled curls simply do not stick to their hair and quickly straighten. This usually happens for several reasons:
- naturally unruly hair;
- the use of low-quality or inappropriate styling products in the way of curling;
- using the wrong methods of curling curls.

Thin hair, especially if it is also sparse, can be difficult to style. In order to cope with such a problem, you need to strengthen the curls with special nutrients and take care of your hair as carefully as possible. Girls with thick thick hair often suffer with perms. To create a styling that will stay on your hair for a couple of days, you need to use special emollients.
The result obtained largely depends on the length of the strands.
So, it is almost impossible to achieve large curls on short hair, especially at home, therefore women with similar hairstyles, as a rule, prefer light waves and small mischievous curls, which sometimes look much more interesting and piquant than classic curls.

The average length provides food for all kinds of experiments, but Curls of medium diameter look most harmonious on such haircuts. By the way, on medium-length hair it is much easier to restore the shape of curls if they have blossomed a little during the day - for this you just need to collect the hair in a bun for an hour and a half, and then dissolve it again.
Long hair allows you to create curls of all types - large, medium, small, spiral and deflected, however, in any case, such styling requires the mandatory use of fixing preparations, since the hair straightens under its own weight.

Several types of products are suitable for styling.
- Lucky - are used to fix the styling result. They are available in several versions, from weak to holding the curls together almost tightly.

- Foams and mousses - apply to clean hair before curling.Such products add volume, protect hair, but do not hold down the curls. Keep in mind that a very small amount of the product is needed for styling, if there is too much of it, then the hair will visually become as if unwashed and unkempt.

- Gels - have a rather heavy texture. They are applied with a comb, they fix the hair well, but can only be used on small curls, they are not suitable for large curls.

- Powders - this composition will help to refresh the styling if, for example, you need to go to a youth party or a gala event in the evening after work. The powder is applied to the hair with massaging movements, as a result, the curls become textured and shiny.

Do not forget about the means used by our mothers and grandmothers. Perhaps this styling is not as good as the latest innovations in the cosmetics industry, but they will help to keep the curls, and besides, they are natural, safe and do not have a traumatic effect on the hair shaft.
- Sugar water - made up of half a glass of water and a spoonful of sugar, used as a hairspray.

- Lemon water - to compose an effective styling product, you need to cut the lemon into slices and boil, add a little alcohol, and then spray the styling from the spray bottle.

- Gelatin Is a good way for fine hair. For 1/2 cup of warm water, take half a teaspoon of gelatin, bring to complete dissolution in a water bath, then cool and use as a regular gel.

For information on how to make chic voluminous curls, see the next video.