How to make beautiful curls using a bottle?

From time to time, “life hacks” are invented on various video sites on the Internet, which enable women to conquer others with their beauty. Now in fashion means that are always at hand. And at present, representatives of the "beauty" industry suggest using an ordinary plastic bottle to create beautiful curls. With its help, an attractive styling is ensured.

History of origin
This method was invented by a beauty blogger from Dubai, whose channel has three tens of million subscribers, Huda Kattan. She posted a video on YouTube, where she experienced this "life hack", which the spectators liked so much.
But this method should be used with caution: the material from which the bottle is made can begin to melt at high temperatures.
Therefore, you need to prepare for the procedure: pick up a bottle of 1-1.5 liters made of dense plastic, adjust the hair dryer. It should be set to medium temperature, because at high temperature the bottle will become very hot, as a result of which it will be difficult to hold it in one position.

Method essence
To curl your hair without a curling iron, you need an empty plastic bottle, in which a 7 cm wide hole is made just above the bottom and the neck is cut off. The curl is placed in a bottle, it is usually recommended to place the strand thicker, then the hair will have a voluminous curl and look natural. After that, you should direct the hair dryer to the hole made. The air currents in the bottle create a vortex that curls the curls. It only takes a few seconds to get a curled strand.
The operation of this method is similar to the operation of a cotton candy machine: the curl is twisted around its own axis. Under the influence of a hair dryer, it dries and takes the form of a curl. Hair dryers have long appeared in the vastness of the home appliance market, which have attachments with a similar principle of operation. Thus, the bottle acts as a kind of attachment for styling hairstyles. Finally, you can fix the hair with hairspray.

Videos with this method of styling are viewed daily by thousands of girls. In addition, recently there has been a growing number of stories where one can observe how a plastic bottle allows women of fashion with long hair to do curls with a hair dryer.
Using this curling method, you no longer need to spend a lot of money and time on trips to hairdressers and salons, not to purchase expensive styling tools.
You will learn how this installation method works in the following video.
When the famous and well-known to many appeared on the home appliance market Dyson Airwrap styler, he began to be considered one of the newest and most effective tools with which you could wind your hair. It has a variety of attachments. One of them makes it possible to form curls by directing hot air at them, and not wrap hair around a heated metal tool, as was the case in the past.
But this multifunctional styler has two disadvantages: it has too high a cost, and it is difficult to find it in retail outlets. Therefore, in this case, laying with a plastic bottle is a real salvation for many.
This curling method is most effective. for clean hair that does not twitch in straightening. During the procedure, the strands must be moistened by spraying with water from a spray bottle. This will allow the curls to appear more defined.

Precautionary measures
This method really works. Many women and salon specialists have tried it on themselves. The latter are advised to use a bottle with thick walls to form curls.
If there are too many hairs and they are dense, it is necessary to do this procedure with cotton gloves, because plastic tends to heat up quickly, and this, in turn, can lead to burns.
In addition, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations.
- Do not expose your hair to hot hair dryers for too long.
- In order for the procedure to be more gentle on the hair, it is necessary to carry out it on slightly damp hair using thermal protection products.
- You cannot immediately comb the resulting curls - you need to wait until they cool down. This will enable the hair to keep its shape better.

Styling products
Currently, a large number of companies are engaged in the production of products used to create curls and maintain their appearance.
In order for the curls obtained as a result of curling with a hair dryer and a plastic bottle to be preserved for a long time, it is worth using such styling products: gel, mousse, foam, varnish.

Reviews regarding this procedure are ambiguous: there are both positive and negative.
Among the negative opinions are the following:
- the procedure is not suitable for everyone: in general, the strands do not twist, but dry out in a chaotic manner;
- strands are blown out of the bottle;
- during the procedure, an unpleasant smell of plastic is felt.

But those who manage to do styling with a bottle note the following positive qualities:
- allows you to experiment with hair and create either light wavy strands or elastic curls;
- curling yourself at home is much cheaper than in salons and hairdressing salons;
- you can easily pick up any means for creating curly strands.
Based on the above, we can conclude that in a short time, using a plastic bottle and a hair dryer, you can get large and beautiful curls, which this year are at the height of fashion and will be popular for several more years.
Therefore, you need to take note of this method, pick up a bottle and start practicing making beautiful hairstyles.