Curls for short hair: types, selection, creation and styling

Many people think that diversifying hairstyles for short hair is difficult. However, this is a completely wrong judgment, since there are a large number of their variations. These are large strands, and small curls, and delicate curls, as well as elegant curls.

Curls for short hair can be made not only in special salons or hairdressing salons, but also at home. It doesn't take long. And special skills are not needed in this case. To do this, it is enough to have the necessary tools on hand, which can be bought at any home appliance store, and also to follow some rules.
- To create any curls, you must first wash your hair, and then apply a special balm, thanks to which the hair will not only be softer, but also pliable.
- Then you need to apply the fixing agent. For normal hair it is a gel, and for thin and very thin hair it is a mousse.
- When styling on short hair is done with curlers, the first must be wet. In addition, natural drying takes a long time. Therefore, they must be wound either at night or using a hairdryer.

If used for curling irons or curling irons, the hair must be dry. Before styling, you must apply any protective products to prevent breakage. It must also be remembered that with this method of curling the curls, it is imperative to let them cool down. Otherwise, they will unwind and become straight.
However, not everyone has time for daily styling, so they resort to long-term perms.
- Chemistry can last for half a year and will be relatively cheap.But most often, after such procedures, the hair becomes thin, brittle and requires long-term restoration.
- Carving acts on the hair structure more sparingly, but lasts no longer than 1-2 months. In addition, such a perm is suitable only for girls with thin hair.
- Biowave a little more expensive, but it also lasts longer - up to 5 months. In addition, the curls are more springy and beautiful.

In any case, after frequent styling, you need to take care of improving the condition of your hair. They must be regularly fed with various means, and also given them a "vacation" for a while.
Types of curls
Curls can be completely different, not only in their shape, but also in size.
- Beautiful Hollywood waves. To begin with, a simple classic styling is done, while the strands should be the same in size. Such hairstyles are suitable for special occasions and for ordinary days.

- Light gentle curls in Brazilian style. They are often called African. It is not difficult to make such curls even at home; ordinary hairpins are enough for this. The hair is wrapped around them in the form of a figure eight and after a while it is unraveled.

- Large curls can be done using various means. It can be curlers and curling iron.

- Textured spiral curls. You can make them using special curlers or using a curling iron with a special nozzle.

- Sloppy curls can be obtained as a result of using an iron or a regular hair dryer with a special nozzle-diffuser.

- Curls are vertical are obtained due to the fact that the hair is twisted perpendicular to the parting, and the tongs are kept only in an upright position.

- Horizontal curls are obtained not only tighter, but also more voluminous.

How to choose?
In order for a hairstyle to look not only stylish, but also suitable for a certain type of person, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the rules for choosing it.
Curly curls are best for girls who have blonde or red hair. However, this does not mean that others should abandon them.
But for girls with an elongated type of face, light curly curls are more suitable. They must be larger.

For those with a round face shape, curls should be chosen smaller. For women with perfect features, you can try to highlight them with embossed or soft and wavy strands. Moreover, they need to be made more voluminous.

For those with thin and dark hair, you can try an asymmetrical haircut with light and delicate strands. Ladies with a diamond-shaped face need to do styling to one side or try an elongated bob.

How to do it at home?
You can make your own beautiful and curly hair without even leaving your home. To curl short strands, you can use a variety of tools:
- curling iron with different attachments;
- curlers of various sizes;
- iron;
- hairdryer;
- other improvised means.

This option has been popular for quite some time. It was also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but it remains popular to this day. In addition, today the range of curlers is quite diverse. They are made from metal, plastic and foam rubber. They also differ in their technique - these are heated rollers, boomerangs, Velcro. The latter are sticky coated tubes. When the curls are wound on them, they are securely fixed. However, this method of curling is not suitable for those girls who have hair problems, as they will only aggravate them.
The easiest way is to use foam-rubber boomerang curlers. You can even sleep with them. In the morning, the girl will have curls of the right size and she will not have to stand in front of the mirror for a long time, it is enough just to put them in the right direction and go about her business.

There are also heated rollers of different sizes. They are fixed with plastic covers.Before starting the procedure, they must be heated to the desired temperature and used immediately. They are wound only on clean and dried hair. You can wear gloves to avoid scalding your hands. You can remove the heat rollers in a quarter of an hour. However, if used too often, they cause great damage to hair, which becomes thin and brittle. Therefore, their application should be very limited.

Curling iron
The most popular of all curling tools is the curling iron. Indeed, with its help, you can create a variety of hairstyles in a matter of minutes, and make curls both small and large. Make sure your hair is dry. In addition, before the winding process, short strands must be treated with a protective agent so that they are not damaged under the influence of hot air.
The hair must be divided into several parts, and then each of them must be secured with clips. After that, you can start curling them. This should be done from below, winding short strands from the roots, and not from the ends. Each curl should be kept for no more than 15-17 seconds, and then proceed to the next one. The bangs are the last to curl, but it can be left straight. When the hairstyle is fully formed, it must be sprinkled with a strong hold varnish.

Not every girl knows that the purpose of this device is not only to smooth out boring curls. Using it, you can also easily create real curls even on the shortest hair. Moreover, this can be done in a matter of minutes.
First, you need to wash your hair thoroughly, and then apply balm to it. When they are dry, they must be treated with a special thermal protective spray. Damaged strands can be moisturized with cream.
After that, the electrical appliance must be warmed up to 150-175 degrees. It is necessary to twist the strands slightly stepping back from the roots. The thinner they are, the more beautiful the resulting curl will be.
At the end, you need to knock out the resulting strands with your hands a little, and then sprinkle them with varnish.

Hairdryer and brushing
Most often, specialists create curls on short hair with these devices, but if you practice a little, you can independently make any hairstyle only with the help of these tools without outside help.
First you need to wash your hair, and then you need to apply styling products to them. After that, with the help of brushing, you need to grab one small curl at the very roots and comb it to the very ends. If you want, you can twist it inward.
Immediately afterwards, you need to rub a little wax into the ends of the hair, and when they cool, you can slightly touch up and sprinkle with varnish.

Simple ways
In addition to using various devices or curlers, you can use pigtails. It will be enough to simply braid wet hair in two or more braids and go to sleep with them. In the morning, you will get stunning curls that are indistinguishable from real curls. In addition, this hairstyle can look great both without bangs, and with it.

You can wind your hair on rags, ribbons, and ordinary hairpins. You can also simply twist wet hair into small bundles, and then secure it with elastic bands or hairpins.

You can use ropes to create zigzag strands. To do this, the hair must be divided into several parts, and then each of them must be tied with a rope. After that, it must be woven into a braid, and then twisted to either side.

Hairstyle options
Short curly hair is perfect for creating stylish evening hairstyles and options for every day. To cope with them, you do not have to run to the salon or hairdresser, you just need to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for creating some styling. After that, it will be easy to cope with any volume of hair.
Almost all curly hairstyles make girls or women more romantic and soften their facial features.

On every day
If a girl is in a hurry to work and she absolutely does not have enough time for a long styling, you can just go with her hair loose, fluffing it up a bit with your hands. This is especially easy for girls with curls.
It is very easy to cope with styling a haircut such as pixie... This is a very short haircut and it would seem that there is no room for curls. However, this is a misjudgment. After all, only the temples and the back of the head will be short in it, and the crown, on the contrary, will be slightly longer. Therefore, light curls on the top of the head will give the girl some charm and perfectly diversify the everyday look.

Such styling does not take women much more time than simple ones. Again, you can use loose hair, but they must be laid very carefully around the head so that with their help you can emphasize not only the beauty of the eyes, but also the facial features.
It can be both small curls and larger curls, everything will depend on the chosen hairstyle, as well as on the shape of the face.
Nowadays, a hairstyle called "beach curls" is quite popular. It is easy and simple to make it. It is enough to apply a little foam to the hair, and then wind it with an iron. Part of the hair can be pinned gently, and the rest can be loosened. It does not have to be done with an iron; you can also use a more gentle method, for example, to make flagella, before that, having treated your hair with a styling agent.

Also come back into fashion and hairstyles with fluff, which are also used as an evening style of styling. Making them is easy - just comb your hair, apply a special product, and then wind it with a curling iron with an appropriate attachment.
But we must remember that after this the hair does not need to be combed, it is enough just to sprinkle it with strong fixation varnish.

There is no need to bypass such a hairstyle as square, which with curls looks not only stylish, but also more voluminous. Since the haircut is multi-layered, this allows you to distribute the strands in the desired direction and maintain their shape. More elongated styling is more suitable for girls who have a beautiful and slender figure and tall stature.
But for girls with thin facial features, it is best to make the square as short as possible. Styling should be done in small waves, giving the haircut not only neatness, but also completeness.
In addition, you can try African curls on the square, which will look beautiful on girls with a certain type of face.

Also, evening hairstyles include bob car... Curls must necessarily look spectacular in order to emphasize the shape of the face. This will give the ladies a certain amount of flirtatiousness and give their hairstyles more volume.
Not only women, but girls can have short hair. And it will be right if for a festive event they will have a beautiful hairstyle in waves, like their mother. For example, you can give them the same retro styling. To do this, you can use different means - and a curling iron, and curlers. But it must be remembered that the latter should only be soft, so as not to injure the thin baby hair and sensitive scalp during the girl's sleep.

You can create beauty on any hair and it doesn't matter if they are made at home or in expensive salons. They only have to suit the ladies in style, face shape and hair color.
To learn how to create beautiful lokans using an iron on short hair, see the video below.