Curls from the face: who do they go to and how to style?

Many modern women of fashion dream of chic Hollywood styling of curls. This hairstyle suits any style of clothing, making the look more feminine and romantic. She can transform even a strict business suit. And the image will remain strict and laconic. In addition, this styling makes the hair more luxuriant, helping to lift even thin straight hair. At the same time, the size of the curls can be different: both small or medium, and large. There are variations in the shape of the curls. They can be curled with a voluminous spiral or made a light wave.
When choosing the design of curls, one should be guided by the features of the structure of the face and the length of the hair.

Who are the curls for?
In order to create the perfect styling of curls, you need to pay attention to facial features. After all, the curls framing it can be used to visually hide small flaws in appearance and emphasize advantages.
Girls with a round face and short hair should not curl their strands. This will make the shapes even rounder. And for owners of medium and long hair, hairdressers give the green light to create such a hairstyle. Despite the curls, the length of the hair will help to stretch the oval slightly.

Ladies with large facial features, heavy cheekbones or a massive chin should pay attention to large curls running along the entire length of the hair. This will make the face look more petite and fragile. As for the owners of thin features, especially in combination with a triangular chin, they need to style so that the hair frames the face, including the chin and cheeks.

If the shape of the face resembles a pear or a trapezoid, then it is better to choose the option with light curls that will fall down the cheeks. This will help to hide the imbalance between the forehead and lower jaw. Most of the styling options exist for persons with an elongated oval face. This classic oval goes well with curls of any size.
The strands can be wound in whole or in part, near the face and at the ends. In this case, any styling is done with the tips outward.

It is also worth noting that the curls from the face look great on any hair:
- short;
- medium;
- long.

Only the way of laying depends on the length.
Curls for short hair
When creating styling from curls at home, several devices are most often used. Namely:
- curlers;
- electric tongs (curling iron);
- iron.
For creating Hollywood curls in the style of Marilyn Monroe, large diameter curlers are best suited. This installation is carried out as follows. First, wash your hair and dry it slightly with a towel until it is damp. Then they are divided into strands of the same thickness and width and fixed with hairpins for greater convenience of work.

Next, the strands are selected one at a time and leveled with a comb, which will have the smallest teeth. The combed strand is wound on curlers. Having done this manipulation with all the hair, they are dried either naturally (if there is time) or with a hairdryer.
After removing the curlers, large curls are obtained, which can be slightly straightened with your hands and sprinkled with varnish for secure fixation. It is better not to use a comb in this case, as it can straighten part of the hair.
To give the image romance and charm, the curls are decorated with a small hairpin with rhinestones, placing it on one side.

In case you want to make a more modern styling with less curls, tongs are ideal. First, as in the previous version, the hair is washed and dried. Then a composition is applied to them to protect against high temperatures. In this way, hair damage will be minimized.

Further, all hair is divided into 2 parts: upper and lower. The first should be stabbed at the crown. The hair remaining free is divided into identical strands and, having chosen one, they warm it with tongs along the entire length with a smooth movement. Then you can twist your hair onto the device and, after waiting 5 minutes, dissolve. The remaining strands are wound in the same way.

Then the upper part of the hair is released and all the previous operations are repeated.
When moving up, do not rush and lay the hot strands one on top of the other. Better to spend a little time letting them cool down. This will fix the styling more securely.

The work of creating curls with a flat iron is not too different from the method with electric curling tongs. So, a thermal protective compound is applied to clean, damp hair, after which it is divided into 4 equal parts. The device must be preheated in a mode from 100 to 120 degrees. Higher temperatures can damage the hair structure, while lower temperatures cannot provide reliable and long-lasting fixation of curls.

Next, the strand is grabbed with an iron at the base and twisted, warming it up for 10 seconds. After that, it is carried out with an iron to the ends. After letting the curl cool, it is combed with a comb with rare teeth, forming many small curls. After carrying out these actions with all hair, the styling can be sprayed with a fixing spray.

Styling options for medium length hair
Medium hair length is optimal for all types of curls. You can curl them using the same tools that are used for short curls. But when creating a hairstyle, you need to remember a few rules that are important to get the perfect result:
- do not divide your hair into thick strands;
- you need to carefully select modeling agents by hair type;
- do not separate the twisted strands until they cool completely;
- Always use thermal protection before styling.

When dividing hair, you need to form small strands (no more than 2 cm). Otherwise, it will be difficult to create embossed curls. As for modeling products, a foam is more suitable for thin hair, which will not weigh down the styling. For thick and heavy strands, it is recommended to use a mousse with stronger fixing properties.

When using thermal agents, the final fixation of the shape of the curl occurs after it has cooled down. Therefore, premature hair separation can lead to hair loss.
It should be noted here that thermal protective compounds reduce the risk of hair burning during styling, so their use is an important part of styling.

For curls on medium hair, you can use curlers of various diameters. This greatly expands the range of hairstyle options. But when using them, it is necessary to take into account the laying time: from 6 to 8 hours. It is for this reason that it is easiest to curl your hair at night. For this, soft types of curlers are best suited.

If desired, the time of such styling can be shortened by several hours, using heat rollersthat will allow you to get the job done using a hair dryer. This hairstyle will definitely keep its shape throughout the day, possibly longer.

Curling can be done much faster with an iron. This method is optimal not only for use in beauty salons, but also for use at home. At the same time, installation is performed not only quickly, but also simply.
There are several techniques for styling medium-length hair using an iron. The simplest one involves twisting the strands into a bundle and processing with a hot device. After being passed over the curl, it retains its curled shape.

There is another way. To complete it, the strand is clamped with an iron at the roots, and the hair is twisted in one turn. Next, you need to slowly lead the device through the hair, keeping the ends twisted. And if at the same time you make small stops in several places, then you can get "broken curls" that fit perfectly into a slightly careless hairstyle.

The technique of curling medium-length hair is no different from working with short curls. To perform it, you can use any kind of tool: with or without a clamp. This will not affect the quality of the styling. An excellent option can be curling iron-hair dryer, which is considered to be more harmless to hair.

Long curls
Long hair from the face is most often wound with an iron.
Curling is best done on clean hair treated with a heat-protective spray. This point is especially important with a large length that can be lost when the hair is overdried.
Before you start curling, the hair is carefully combed and its upper part is fixed on the crown of the head. The lower one is divided into small strands, one of which is clamped with an iron, slightly stepping back from the roots. In this case, the device must be placed perpendicular to the curls. Then the strand is wrapped around the iron and smoothly down to the ends.

This procedure must be repeated with all hair from bottom to top. The styling can be fixed with varnish. On any hair length, curls from the face look modern and stylish. Therefore, every girl can add this styling to her arsenal of hairstyles.

You can get acquainted with the technique of styling curls from the face using an iron in the next video.