Curls with fleece: features and technique of execution

If you think that tufted curls are no longer relevant, then you are greatly mistaken. This styling option for hair of any length is again in trend today. But before you start creating such a hairstyle, you need to familiarize yourself with the information about who it suits, and also consider useful recommendations.

What it is?
Well-groomed hair of any length is beautiful in itself, but such lush and beautiful curls will help to give an additional zest to the image.
Curls with pile or bouffant (effect at the roots) - this is a styling option when the hair in the immediate vicinity of the scalp rises, and their free ends are curled. The result is a lush and beautiful styling that looks as fresh and natural as possible. At the same time, you do not have to spend a lot of time, effort and styling tools to create such a hairstyle, but you can make it for curls of almost any length.

Proper preparation
In order not only to create voluminous curls, but also to preserve their beauty, shine and, most importantly, health, you need to properly prepare your hair.
The first thing you need to do is make a honey-salty mask as follows:
- 200 g of sea salt is ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with 35 g of liquid honey;
- the finished mixture is put into the refrigerator for 15 minutes;
- after that, it is evenly rubbed into the scalp, and the residues are distributed over the entire length of the hair;
- the head is insulated, and after half an hour the mixture is washed off with warm water.
The next step is to properly wash your hair and dry your curls. The shampoo should be free from oil extracts and silicone.
It is better to give preference to a product that is intended to add extra volume to the strands.It is necessary to refrain from additional use of conditioner or balm.
Proper drying is the key to success. A special styling product is applied to the curls - it is better to choose a weightless foam or light mousse. The hair dryer is kept at a distance of 10 cm from the head. It is best to dry with cool air and tilt your head down. The strands of hair are wrapped around a wide round comb from roots to ends.

How to do the styling?
Curls with pile are not at all difficult and not long, as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, they can be made for both long and medium or even short hair. The sequence of actions each time and the required tool will be slightly different from each other.
For short hair
In this case, the length of the strands must be at least 5 cm. To create such a hairstyle, you will need the following tools and means:
- comb-comb with fine teeth;
- strong hold varnish;
- curling iron for hair;
- styling foam.
The following sequence of actions should be followed:
- first of all, a little foam must be applied to the root part of the hair;
- strands about 3 cm wide are lifted, and a comb is done on the hair at the roots; it is necessary to start from the top of the head, combing the underlying curls each time;
- after that, the ends of each strand are wound on a curling iron to obtain light curls;
- in the end, the hair near the roots must be slightly straightened with your fingertips, creating a slight negligence effect; if necessary, you can use a comb to smooth out too protruding hairs, but the hair is only smoothed from above;
- the final stage will be the application of strong hold hairspray to the hair, so that the created styling is preserved for a long time.

Middle length
Here, creating a hairstyle will be more difficult, but the result is simply amazing. To make such a styling, you will need such tools and tools as:
- hair comb;
- papillotes;
- hair foam;
- fixing varnish.
It is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- mousse or styling foam is applied to slightly damp hair, and the root zone is sprayed with a small amount of varnish; then makes a small fleece - immediately smoothing the surface of the hair;
- after that, all the hair is divided into strands about 4 cm wide, wound on papillotes and left for at least 4 hours; winding curls should be carried out according to the scheme: crown, back of the head and temples;
- after the specified time has elapsed, the hair is freed from soft curlers and combed with your fingers, while the hair at the roots is whipped, lifting it up.
The comb can no longer be used here.

If there is no necessary time to create such a styling, and you really want lush curls with fleece, you can use the following method of creating them:
- mousse is applied to wet hair to add volume;
- the hair is wound on hot rollers, starting from the occipital zone and ending with the temporal region;
- we warm our head - you can wrap it with a thick terry towel, or you can just put on a warm winter hat;
- after 30-60 minutes, remove the curlers, and lightly comb the hair at the root area;
- then comb the curls with our fingers;
- at the end we spray everything with varnish.
This styling looks very stylish and modern.
The volume of curls can be adjusted by choosing smaller or larger curlers.
A hairstyle created in this way will at least retain its original appearance for 12 hours, which means that during this time its owner will shine.

Long hair
The owners of such a magnificent head of hair were the luckiest of all. It is on strands of this length (below the shoulder blades) that you can create real lush Hollywood curls with pile. True, one night will have to endure some inconvenience.
So, it is worth following these steps:
- on slightly damp hair, apply foam or mousse;
- now we divide the strands into two parts along a straight parting, tying two high tails;
- cover each tail with a scarf on top, and tie its bottom with one knot;
- we divide each tail into two parts, twist half of the tail in a spiral with one end of the scarf and tighten its tip with an elastic band; we repeat the same with the second part of the tail, and then with the second part of the curls;
- after that, for greater reliability, you can put on a hat on top or wrap your head with a handkerchief and go to bed;
- in the morning, gently unwind the strands of hair and remove the scarves; comb your hair with your fingers.
As a result, we get lush and voluminous curls with a pronounced root volume, and all thanks to the high tails and spiral styling of the strands themselves.

If this styling option seems difficult and time-consuming, then you can resort to such a method as:
- a styling agent with a high level of thermal protection is applied to the strands;
- using a curling iron with a corrugation nozzle, create a root volume; here the fleece, or rather its effect is created precisely with the help of this device;
- now we divide the hair into thin strands, while combing each strand along the entire length, then wind it on a curling iron; and so we repeat with all the curls;
- when the curling iron is no longer needed, we take one strand and separate small and thin strands from it, which we slightly lift up and immediately fix with hairspray; if everything is done correctly, then one curl turns into a lush and large curl;
- we repeat the operation with all the curls on the head, be sure to sprinkle the hair with varnish every time.

For a master class on creating this hairstyle, see the next video.
Curls with pile are stylish, beautiful and fresh. This hairstyle option is perfect for both girls and women over 45 years old. The main thing is to remember that the older the lady is, the larger the curls on her head should be. By carefully following the instructions above, you can easily create a fashionable Hollywood hairstyle yourself.