Hairstyle "malvinka": types and recommendations for creating

The choice of fashionable hairstyles today is quite large. Every morning women are faced with the question of choosing a style. In priority: lightness, speed of execution, the main thing is that it looks neat and fits the owner. The choice is huge, you just have to decide on the type of hairstyle, and then try to repeat it.
Today we will consider one of the most common and simple hairstyles, it is called "malvinka". Suitable for absolutely every girl, it does not matter either the length of the hair or the type of face. It is versatile, simple and sophisticated at the same time.

The implementation of this hairstyle will not be difficult. Consider two classic options, for which we only need one elastic band or a pair of invisibility and a comb.
- Gather the combed hair from ear to ear and tie the ponytail at the crown of your head. For more volume, you can comb the strands of hair a little, and only then tie it with an elastic band or secure it with invisible ones.
- Comb through your hair, grab a medium section of hair from both ears, pull it back and tie it in a ponytail.

Who is it suitable for?
Due to its versatility, it suits all girls and women. For more mature women, a well-combed version with a tail twisted into a shell in the back or a regular tail twisted into a tight bun is suitable. Some even hide the receding hairline on the top of their heads by combing their hair and securing it. For young girls, however, different variations are available: with a tail, with a bun, with various types of weaving.
As for the type of face, "Malvinka" suits any shape, oval, square and triangular. To hide or emphasize features, you need to use the variation of the hairstyle you want.For example, for a square type with pronounced cheekbones, a hairstyle with straight hair is suitable, but for owners of the correct face type, it is preferable to curl their hair.
The bangs will help to hide the elongated face.

There are many variants of "malvinka". With such a hairstyle, you can go not only for a walk with friends, but also for a romantic dinner, party, celebration, wedding.
The source of the classics is considered the option, pinned by invisibility:
- first, comb your hair well, if necessary, spray it with varnish or smear it with a small amount of foam so that it fits well;
- separate part of the hair from the forehead, comb it a little, attach it with invisibility on both sides;
- fix the taken strand at the temple on the back of the head so as to hide the invisibility, do the same with the opposite side;
- Roll your hair up as desired.

This variation is suitable for morning and evening walks. Styling the top bun will play an important role. Bulky bouffant looks more romantic, smoothly combed hair - this is a more strict option.
From harnesses
The version of the bundles is no different from the classic one, it is done with two strands. All you need is a comb and rubber or invisible pins to secure it, you can also use a crab hairpin:
- first, comb your hair, use a fixing agent;
- separate two symmetrical strands and twist them inward, tie them together at the back with an elastic band or fasten with a crab;
- you can first twist one strand, securing it invisibly from behind on the other side, then the second one and fix it symmetrically to the first;
- you can decorate such a hairstyle with various hairpins, combs and other accessories;

With bow
"Malvinka" with a bow is gaining special popularity. The bow itself will be made of hair, for this we need a comb, an elastic band and a few invisible ones:
- comb your hair well, then take two wide strands and tie them in the back with an elastic band so as to leave a small loop;
- divide the resulting loop in half, secure the halves with invisible ones to maintain their shape - these will be the "wings" of the bow;
- take the remaining tail and wrap it between the two loops, fix it;
- can be decorated with a beautiful hairpin with rhinestones or one bead by placing it in the middle.

Twisted tail
Another one of the fastest, easiest options - inverted tail:
- first of all, comb your hair thoroughly, then comb it back;
- make a ponytail at the top of the nape, leaving the bottom of the hair intact;
- make a hole slightly above the elastic and twist the tail into it;
- hide the elastic by wrapping a thin strand of hair around it. Secure with invisible ones.

Hairstyle "malvinka" from twisted tails.
- Pull off a shock of hair on top and tie a ponytail at the back of your head. Then you should turn it out through the hole made above the elastic.
- Gather the remaining hair at the temporal part, picking up the already tied tail, tie it into one common ponytail. Make a hole again and twist the gathered hair into it.
- You can decorate with beautiful crabs or hairpins with rhinestones, ribbon bows.

It is very popular to use braiding in hairstyles. You can weave both ordinary braids and delicate complex braids. Let's consider several options.
Plain weaving
- After combing your hair, take a small strand of hair from your temple and braid a regular braid.
- Do the same for the opposite side.
- Tie the two braids together at the back and tie them with an elastic band.

In the form of a harness
- Take two strands at the temples and twist them into bundles, fix with an elastic band, then you can braid a spikelet from the tail and tie it again with an elastic band. Or weave a braid and twist it into a flower, wrapping it around, securing it with hairpins, and hide the remaining tail in the flower.
- Before twisting the plait, separate a small thin strand from each bundle and braid the usual two pigtails.Twist the plaits, tie them together with the pigtails.
- Use an ordinary tape, twisting the tail around it, fasten it with a beautiful crab, an elastic band. The hairstyle is ready, fix it with varnish.

For him, you need to thoroughly comb your hair, dividing it in half. Then take a small head of hair from one side and divide it into three strands. Weave them together, laying the strands on top of each other. Then, with the next binding, add strands of hair only on top. Weave like this to the middle of the back of the head. Weave the other half as well, fix both braids together with an elastic band, separate the strand, wrap around the elastic, securing with a hairpin.

It is not woven upward, crossing the strands, but underneath. Add strands only on top, when finished, add the braid. Tie one side and the other with silicone rubber bands. Using your fingers, gently pull the strands out of the braids. Secure one of the braids on the opposite side with hairpins, do this with the second braid, hide the tails.

Braided tourniquet
For him, divide the hair in half, take a strand of hair from one side and divide it into two more identical strands. Twist them together once. Add hair from the bulk to the bottom section before the next scrolling.
Add and scroll the strands to the back of the head, do so with the second side, and then tie them into a standard "malvinka".

Similar to classic weaving. You need to weave the strands on top of each other, when adding hair, release the top strand, replacing it with the auxiliary one on top. Braid on both sides and secure with elastic bands.

Take a bun of hair at the top of your head and braid it into a braid. Starting with the second weave, take the separated strand into the braid at the left temple, then at the right. Add a couple more strands this way and secure it all with one elastic band.

How to make on hair of different lengths?
This type of hairstyle can be done not only for long, but also for medium and short hair. It can be either a classic simple version or a complex one with weaving.
One of the most popular types that can be made to any length is it is a "malvinka" in the form of a bundle. For this we only need a comb and an elastic band. Comb the entire head of hair back, gather the top of the hair, twist it into a tourniquet and wrap it with an elastic band. The more careless the bun is, the more creative the hairstyle will look.

Braided bun
Comb the curls, take three identical strands from the forehead, you can twist them both up and down, picking up hair with a bind on both sides. When you reach the top of your head, tie the tail. Then twist it into a bundle and stretch the strands of hair a little, twist it around the elastic. Secure your hair with a regular elastic band or hairpins.
In this way, you can braid not only one braid, but also two, three. Then twist into a bun and braid to the end, twisting each braid separately, securing with hairpins.

The classic "malvinka" look is also popular among young girls. The presence of accessories allows you to fix the "malvinka" not only with an elastic band or invisible hairpins, but also with various hairpins.
Step-by-step instructions for "Malvinka" with fleece for all hair lengths.
- Comb back well-washed and dried hair.
- Select a lock from the forehead to the crown of the head and comb a little with a comb, lift and secure with invisible ones.
- Take a strand from one of the temples and also secure with invisible ones, do the same with the other strand at the temple.
- You can decorate with a beautiful hairpin with stones or flowers.
- Fix the result with varnish. Spatter lightly all over the hair.

Styling for long hair
Classic French braid with your own hands.
- Comb your hair back, dividing it into three sections: the first from the forehead to the crown and two at the temples.
- Remove the first part so it doesn't get in the way.
- Take the remaining two and tie at the back in a ponytail.
- Peel off the first section, take three strands and start braiding a French braid, braiding hair strands until they run out.
- While braiding all the way through, tie a small ponytail and gently pull on the strands.

Bundle of plait.
- Tie a piece of hair at the crown of your head with an elastic band.
- Divide the collected tail into two equal parts, twist the bundles from the halves.
- Connect the two harnesses together with an elastic band.
- Start twisting the common harness, making a flower, fastening with hairpins.
- If desired, stick a pin with a pebble in the middle.

"Malvinka" with rubber bands.
- Tie a regular "malvinka" with an elastic band.
- Take the same tail and tie it with an elastic band at a distance of 5 cm, gently stretch the curls of hair.
- Do this along the entire length of the tail, remembering to draw out the tufts.
- Fix the hairstyle with nail polish.

Greek "malvinka", for this hairstyle we need a piece-piece hoop (headband, elastic band).
- Comb your hair.
- Put on the headband.
- Take a thick strand from one side and twist it through the rim.
- Pick up the next strand and again with the previous strand, twist through the rim.
- Do the same on the other side.
- Reaching the back of the head, leave part of the hair without touching, and turn the top into a headband.
- For added security, secure with additional pins. Curl or leave the remaining hair.
- Fix with varnish and decorate with a comb or flowers.

For short hair
Openwork braid
- Part your hair evenly by dividing your hair in half.
- Separate a strand at the forehead, then divide it into three strands, weave them together under the bottom. Picking up hair, add them to the already created strands and cross them together, braid like this to the back of the head.
- Weave the other side in the same way.
- Fasten together with an elastic band or invisibility.
Gently pull the strands with your fingers, sprinkle the hair with nail polish for fixing.

Openwork braid around the head.
- Comb the entire hair back, leaving a little hair in front.
- Take three strands of hair from your temple and begin to weave an inverted braid (weaving the strands under the bottom).
- Weave extra hair only on top. Braid in a circle until you reach the opposite side, continue braiding, weaving in the remaining separated hairs.
- When you reach the beginning of weaving, finish braiding a regular braid, tie with an elastic band in the color of your hair.
- Hide the braid in your hair using hairpins.
Secure all this with a small amount of varnish or, before weaving, coat the entire hair with foam or mousse.

The simplest "malvinka":
- with two braids: pre-curl the curls, take two strands and weave regular braids, tie them with colorless silicone rubber bands. Comb at the crown of your hair with a comb and spray with varnish, secure the braids with invisible ones;
- with two plaits: do everything exactly in the above example, but instead of braids, twist the plaits and tie them with a common elastic band.

How to make a Malvinka hairstyle, see the next video.