Bun for long hair

Beautiful and healthy hair has always been considered a traditional attribute of female beauty. Despite the wide variety of different haircuts, today, long curls remain the most desirable for most girls. However, owners of luxurious hair often face many problems, for example, which hairstyle to choose. This question is relevant not only before a major celebration, but also on weekdays. A variety of bundles will come to the aid of the happy owners of endless strands.

A bun is a knot made from the entire mass of hair or individual strands gathered at the back of the head. Such strands are pinned with simple hairpins or invisible pins. This hairstyle has many advantages.
- Convenience. A lush shock of hair always strives to hit the face, get disheveled in the wind or catch on to something. Collected in one knot, the curls will lie in the right state until the evening and will get less dirty. In addition, a bun is a great choice for those who overslept and simply did not have time to wash their hair or style it in a more complex way.
- Accuracy. This hairstyle always looks strict and elegant, regardless of what kind of styling was chosen. It will be a great choice for going to the office or school.
- Femininity. Unlike short haircuts, the bun looks much softer and more feminine. Although lately, many long-haired men do not consider it shameful to wear small bundles on their heads.
- Ease. Such styling does not require special skills and even more helpers. It is easy to do it yourself with a minimum of tools.
- Saving. Unlike straightening hair or blow-drying, a simple knot does not injure or dry out the curls.

And besides, the styling is simple and literally holds on to a few stiletto heels. That is why, to create it, you do not need to process the hair with special protective or styling agents, which are not too cheap.
It would seem that the bun is just the perfect hairstyle for all girls, girls and women. However, it also has its drawbacks.
- The need for experience. Not every craftswoman will be able to make a beautiful, even knot the first time. In order not to experience stress in the morning attempts to beautifully prick your hair and at the same time not to be late for the subway, it is better to practice this in advance.
- For hair of the same length. A beautiful bun will undoubtedly not work for those who prefer short haircuts, as well as for those whose haircut is made using the cascade technique. Even if the length of the hair allows you to roll it into a beautiful snail, shorter strands will knock out of it and fluff, and the whole structure will not turn out very reliable. Of course, in this case, you can get the hang of twisting the beams, however, this will require much more effort.
- Doesn't suit older ladies. As strange as it may be, bunches look good only on young girls and young women. Even the most chic and well-groomed lady aged 40-45, such styling will immediately add ten years and turn her into a real grandmother.

Despite the general technique of execution, there are many types of this hairstyle. This variety allows you to choose the ideal option not only for every day, but also for celebrations such as New Years, birthdays and even weddings. Each type has its own characteristics.

Such a bundle is also called strict or smooth. It is a great option for daily wear and is done with just one comb and hairpins. All hair is slicked back, raised to the crown or pulled down to the neck. The plait of them is laid in a tight knob. A tall classic bun looks more strict and even solemn. It is often done for ballerinas and little girls. The lower bun looks looser and more relaxed, while maintaining overall neatness.

Despite its name, this method of styling hair in a bun is very thoughtful and has its own algorithm. It is done according to the same principle as the classical one. Only the curls are not stretched so tightly, so the bun remains lush and airy. Small loose strands look great. You can form them yourself, or you can just tousle your hair slightly before styling.

This option is good for wearing at home or at a meeting with friends, but in the theater or university it is better to choose a different look.
These hairstyles are often done for brides and graduates. To make the hair appear thicker, it is treated with a special texturizing paste or made "corrugated" for its entire length. In the event that its volume is not enough, various lining in the form of a sponge or overhead strands and hairpieces are used.

Another classic hairstyle for a celebration is a French bun, or, as it is also called, a shell. It beautifully exposes the line of the neck, makes a woman more sophisticated and graceful. The styling got its name for its external resemblance to a mollusk shell. The curls laid on one side are in perfect harmony with any accessories and clothes. Simpler options are suitable for the office, and complex evening styling for a wedding or anniversary. The only drawback of such a beam is its complexity.

In order for the hairstyle to come out neat and even, you will have to redo everything from the very beginning more than once.
With braids
Weave buns are a great alternative to the classic options. It can be one braid wrapped around a knot, or several spikelets leading to it. In any case, such an element will liven up a smooth knot and at the same time make it more stylish and less strict.The main thing in this case is to adhere to one rule: the older the woman is, the fewer braids should be in such a hairstyle.

Little girls can even afford to braid African braids, and for adult ladies it is better to limit themselves to a small hint of a spikelet.
From harnesses
Unlike other options, when creating such a bundle, not the entire mass of hair is used, but they are divided into separate strands, which are folded into tight or lush bundles. Each of such a tourniquet is fixed separately, alternately wrapping around an elastic band, or fixed with invisibility in the right place. Styling your hair quickly in this way will not work. Often, to create such lush and airy beams, they turn to professional hairdressers.

If you apply mousse or foam for volume to the curls, and comb it lightly at the roots, you can create the effect of amazing hair density, even if the young lady has a very modest hair.
How to choose?
Having not gone out of fashion since the days of Ancient Greece, the many types of beams allow you to choose the perfect option for almost everyone. For example, owners of a graceful "swan" neck can sort out any options they like. But for ladies, whose neck length leaves much to be desired, only bunches high on the back of the head are suitable. The taller the girl, the lower and more voluminous her hair knot should be. On the contrary, on the heads of miniature low ladies, tall, smooth bunches look best. However, most often the hairstyle is selected depending on the type of hair or the shape of the face.

By hair type
Owners of straight hair should pay attention to the French bun and classic options. Ladies do not have to worry about "roosters" and an excessive amount of varnish, since straight strands are enough to comb with a regular brush to smooth out the entire mass of hair. If desired, you can apply styling gel or paste to them to make them visually thicker and more voluminous. For those who wear soft curly curls on their heads, options from tourniquets or with braids are perfect. Deliberately careless buns look stylish and thoughtful on wavy hair.
Those who are lucky enough to be born with elastic, mischievous curls will have to try to make the bun look neat. Elastic curls are easily damaged by excessive tension. That is why it is better to stop at the softest and lowest knots, leaving the front strands hanging freely. The bun itself, made on curly hair, does not need an artificial increase, it will always be quite voluminous.

By face type
Most often, any styling is selected taking into account the proportions of the face. The right hairstyle can both emphasize the flaws given by nature and mask them.
- Triangle. The best choice for the owner of a triangular face would be a smooth, high bun and thick bangs that cover a too wide forehead.
- Rhombus. In this case, it is better to leave the forehead open, and add volume to the knot on the crown with a fleece or a special foam roller. Wide cheekbones will perfectly hide a couple of strands on the sides, curled on a large curling iron or curlers.
- Square. An oblique bang with a pigtail can soften the angular proportions of a square face, and the bun is best done not in the center, but in the lateral part.
- Circle. Chubby young ladies are perfect for low openwork bunches and free-flowing strands on the sides, as if accidentally left unassembled.
- Oval. Happy owners of the correct oval can make absolutely any bunches that they like. However, most of all, the dignity of such a face is emphasized by the simplest smooth bun without excessive pretentiousness and additional decorations.

How to get your hair done?
To make a neat and even knot of hair, you will have to practice first. In this case, it is enough to learn how to make only one classic bundle, as the rest of the options themselves will come out of the hands of a beginner.This is due to the fact that the technique for performing any node is based on the same principles. The step-by-step instructions for the usual smooth option are as follows.
- Wash and dry your hair well.
- Prepare the necessary tools: a hairbrush, an elastic band and a few metal hairpins.
- Comb the hair thoroughly along the entire length. If necessary, stretch them out with an iron or apply styling gel.
- Collect the entire shock in the tail with a tight elastic band, having previously selected a point on the head, which will be the center of the future beam.
- Twist the free end of the resulting tail with a tourniquet. It should not be too tight so as not to injure the hair structure, but individual hairs should not stick out of it.
- Twist the resulting tourniquet in a spiral around the elastic and hide the tip under it.
- Insert 4-8 pins from the sides to secure the result. You can use invisibility that matches the color of the hair.
- Sprinkle styling varnish on a fine-toothed comb and run it several times over styled hair in the forehead, nape and temples.

If you want to add even more rigor and neatness to your hairstyle, you can treat your hair with a special gel or spray that gives shine. This will keep your hair looking healthy and silk-like.
Jewelry and accessories
For those who are unlucky with the thickness of their hair or the ability to style them, various accessories will come to the rescue, which can be easily bought in a store or ordered via the Internet. All of them can be roughly divided into three broad categories. The first are items for adding extra volume. These include various bagels and foam sponges that are placed under the hair. In addition, this category includes various overhead strands and even whole artificial bundles.

The second category is those items that facilitate the process of creating a hairstyle. For example, various clips and flexible bands into which you can tuck the ends of your curls. After the hair is tucked in, it is wrapped around this barrette and twisted into a neat knot with it.

The third category is various decorative items. There is an unimaginable number of different decorative hairpins, combs, ribbons and chains that not only hold the hairstyle, but also serve as an additional decoration. Contrasting colors, unusual stones and rhinestones, the shine of metal and the softness of silk - all this emphasizes the beauty of not only the beam, but the whole image of a woman. Separately, it is worth mentioning small hats or veils, which are used during large events and celebrations. They can be supplemented with natural materials such as wood, stones and even bird feathers. The main thing is that such a veil should be combined with the dress of the hero of the occasion.

Beautiful examples
Smooth bunches can be made simply huge if you use a special bagel when creating them. Styles like these look great in contrast to casual wear, adding a twist to the look. If you want to make this hairstyle a little less strict, you can wrap a braid around the bun or tie a small scarf or ribbon.

A low, curvy bun instantly turns an ordinary woman into a real Greek goddess. Such hairstyles look especially good with summer open sundresses and a minimum of makeup. More elegant options with lots of jewelry or fresh flowers will be a great find for a prom or an important date.

An unusual bun with a scythe, which is located "upside down" - a great option for study or the office. In front, it looks strict and neat, and an unusual element is hidden on the back of the head.

Such a careless bun is not the best choice for a school or university. But on weekends, you can not only do household chores with him, but also meet with friends for a trip to a cafe or a movie. This look will look especially good with a large stylish sweater or knitted dress.

For information on how to make bundles for long hair, see the next video.