Stylish and beautiful hairstyles for long hair

On the one hand, long hair requires special care and is not as easy to handle as short hair. But on the other hand, many amazingly beautiful hairstyles are made of this luxury. Not only complex styling, but also simple ones look impressive.

Simple styling
Long hair sometimes has to be styled quickly. To make a beautiful hairstyle for work or even for a holiday, you need to use simple manipulations like braiding or ponytail.
Sometimes the curls can be left loose, giving them a decent look with the help of invisibility, bandages or hairpins.

On every day
A girl with long hair probably has the skills of various weaving options, so she is quite capable of braiding them into an ordinary three-strand braid. For ease of handling hair, you can first collect it in a ponytail (you can make it high or, conversely, low) and only then braid an elegant "snake". It can be tight or lush - it all depends on the preferences and characteristics of the curls themselves.
It is not uncommon for owners of long hair to braid them the other way around. To do this, the head must be lowered down and weaved from the neck to the crown like a spikelet, weaving hair from both sides. At the highest point of the head, you need to collect all the strands in a tail. Now weaving can be continued by laying the braid around the elastic or by making a regular bun.

To go to a theater or a restaurant, you don't have to be too smart. If in the arsenal of means for creating beauty there are wire-based papillotes, then it is enough to apply a styling agent to the hair and curl the strands with spirals. After a little over an hour, it remains to remove these elements, and disassemble the hair with your hands, without the participation of a comb, and sprinkle with varnish.If desired, the front strands from the temples can be collected at the back of the head with a beautiful hair clip - an interesting romantic image has been created. This hairstyle will be good on dark, even black hair, as well as light, for example, light brown.

If styling for a holiday is done in advance, for example, taking into account the fact that the event is scheduled for the next day, then it is enough to wash your hair, disassemble the hair into small strands of equal volume. Each must be twisted into a tight tourniquet and laid in a circle in bunches, and then secured with elastic bands.
You will have to sleep with this "construction" on your head. Just in case, so that the bundles do not fall apart overnight, you can tie a scarf around your head.

Lose your hair in the morning. You can fix them with varnish. Naturally obtained perm will successfully last not only the whole working day, but also a festive evening. The owner of chic curls can achieve a spectacular look by simply curling her hair slightly with a curling iron. Curling is done with a departure from the roots.
Straight hair begins to curl at the level of the temple. The hairstyle should be styled to your liking near the face, after which you should straighten the curls with your hands and secure with varnish. As a result, you should get styling in the style of Hollywood divas.

To the GIM
For sports training, any woman chooses a hairstyle that will not interfere and distract from work on her own body. It is easiest for some girls to pull up their hair in a ponytail, while others find it easier to do a braid. You can braid it, for example, on its side, using the principle of French weaving (like a spikelet). To prevent the hair from falling apart during movement or disheveled in the wind, if the training takes place in the open air, some women of fashion wear a bandana or make a bandage around their head from a scarf.
An accessory that is bright or dark in color can make a sporty hairstyle more interesting. In some cases, for example, when dancing, it is more practical to put your hair in a tight bump, wrapping it around the base of the tail.

For a date
Going to a meeting with her lover, the girl seeks to create an elegant, romantic image. Beauties with long hair have every chance to achieve an areola of mystery in it with the help of a hairstyle. In a matter of minutes, you can make a beautiful styling based on malvinka. To do this, you need to comb the curls. Part of the side strands should be brought back and fastened with a transparent silicone rubber. The hair remaining free at the level of the temples must be wrapped several times around the collected curls, first on one side, and then on the other.
The ends need to be combed so that they lie on the hair at the back of the head. If they stick out, then you can curl them with a curling iron. The end result should be a cute, delicate styling.

You can give your image strength and make your styling elegant using a tail. This way of collecting hair is appropriate not only for everyday hairstyles. To do this, at the temples, a part of the hair should be selected and left free for a while. The rest of the curls need to be taken into the tail. The side strands must be laid around its base in the form of an eight, and then secured with hairpins.
You can defeat the gentleman by styling in a Hollywood manner. To do this, with a horizontal parting from ear to ear, the hair must be divided into two halves. The lower part should be collected in a tail, and then select small strands of equal volume on the sides and wrap them around the base of the tail. The front of the curls must be combed and folded back, laying on top of the already collected ones. After that, you need to fix with varnish and pin the combed strands on the sides so that they remain in the place that was determined for them.

For work
Work imposes certain requirements on how the employee looks, especially if she is constantly among colleagues or in front of strangers during the working day.It is advisable to adhere to a business style and modesty in creating a hairstyle, but at the same time, you need to leave room for beauty. You can select strands at the temples, braid them into braids. Then you need to lay them in the form of a rim. The rest of the curls can be left free. You will get a strict and elegant hairstyle at the same time.

A graceful hairstyle can be done with a bow made from your own hair. To do this, the curls need to be combed well, after which the strands should be selected on the sides and brought back, as if creating a malvinka. At the same time, you should not make a tail out of the collected hair - having stretched them on the second or third turn through the elastic band only halfway, you need to leave them in the form of a loop. The loop must be divided into two equal parts and put the tip of the tail between them, then twist it, forming the middle of the bow, and fasten. Curl the rest of the hair with a curling iron at the ends.

The option with a tail and harnesses will give the office worker solidity and severity. To do this, you need to divide the hair with a vertical parting into two parts. Then you need to collect half behind the ear, and the second part is divided into 3 sectors. Each of them should not be tightly twisted with a tourniquet, twisted around the tail (no more than 1 turn). All hair must be secured with an elastic band or hairpin.

An inverted ponytail hairstyle is also suitable for the office. To do this, you need to collect the hair in the lower occipital zone, then slightly push the collected curls at the roots and stretch the tail through the lumen. It turned out something like two beautiful rollers at the base. Although styling is simple, it is comfortable and looks feminine.
For work, you can do styling using the fishtail technique. To do this, the curls must be divided with a vertical parting. Then it is worth highlighting two thin strands of the same thickness, after which each lead to the adjacent "main strand". Thus, highlighting thin strands, weave a braid. In the lower occipital area, you need to secure the hair with an elastic band. If desired, you can decorate with a hairpin or other beautiful accessory.

Complex techniques
Some activities require complex styling.
You can create a hairstyle from braids and plaits. To do this, you must perform a number of actions:
- divide the hair into 4 sectors;
- weave regular braids from the two backs;
- twist the front strands into bundles and lay them crosswise on the back of the head;
- place the braids in a low beam of eight, including the ends of the bundles in the composition;
- secure with pins.
An elegant and complex-looking hairstyle will turn out on the basis of spikelets:
- divide the hair into 5 parts, highlighting the widest sector in the center, and highlight the thinnest strands at the temples;
- braid braids with the gradual inclusion of side strands in each selected sector;
- straighten all braids, giving them additional volume and negligence;
- lay in the back in a bun, strengthening the hairstyle with hairpins.

Another voluminous hairstyle may require multiple approaches to achieve gracefulness. You can practice in advance in order to get an excellent result in the "X" hour:
- separate part of the hair with a horizontal parting at the crown level;
- bring them forward, comb and leave on the forehead so that they do not interfere with work for a while;
- select the lower strands and stab;
- make a large bun in the middle of the back of the head - you can achieve an impressive volume if you comb your hair hard or use a foam roller;
- throw the front hair over a bun and gently straighten it with a ponytail comb;
- the lower curls need to be curled and lifted with careless rings, closing the bun from below;
- how to fix the hairstyle with varnish, if necessary, stab the strands with invisible ones, placing them so that they are not visible.

Fashion hairstyles
There are classic women's shell-type hairstyles that, in fact, never go out of style. Some styling designs hint at the old ways of shaping hair and are also popular today.The use of hairpins and other clips greatly simplifies the matter when creating an actual image. It is convenient to use a twister to create a strict hairstyle. Long hair is threaded through a hole in the hairpin and wrapped around it in different ways. You can make a lush bun on the crown of the head on the basis of such a fixator, or twist the hair with a roller located vertically at the back of the head.
Hairstyles with a comb look spectacular. This decoration will be a great addition to a tail or bun. With the help of a montara - two combs tied with an elastic band or beads - you can pick up and pin your hair. Even a comb attached to the front hair turns loose strands into a truly sophisticated hairstyle. For fashionable styling, it is convenient to use a crab hair clip. There are a variety of designs of such devices for any occasion.

On straight hair
For girls with straight hair, a hairstyle called French waterfall is suitable. Plaiting it is easy even for yourself. In this case, styling tools are not needed when creating it. You will need a second mirror, looking into which through the first one, it will be much easier to weave. The weaving process is as follows:
- first, the hair must be rinsed and combed well; if they are fluffy, then you need to treat them with a special spray that gives the strands smoothness;
- make a central parting from the forehead to the back of the head;
- select 3 strands on the side and start weaving as usual;
- leave the upper strand of the pigtail hanging down, and instead select a new one from the hair located under the pigtail and make a binding again;
- leave the top strand again and take another, winding it up when weaving;
- so braid to the desired place and secure the braid with an elastic band or invisible;
- the ends of loose hair can be twisted.
Weaving a French waterfall is done on both sides towards the middle of the back of the head, and is also braided into a single braid, starting above one temple and finishing above the other.

A bold and modern hairstyle will be for long hair, in which only part of it is braided:
- clean strands need to be combed well and stabbed for a while, highlighting part of the hair on the side in the ear area;
- then braid three thin spikelet braids in even rows so that the ends collected in tails can be removed under the bulk of the hair;
- loose curls remains to dissolve and comb again - a stylish hairstyle is ready.
Tufts today are not just modern, but also very fashionable in styling. You can create a whole original composition from them:
- divide curls into several sectors with horizontal parting;
- twist each part with a tourniquet and wrap around the base, forming a dense bundle strictly in the center of the head;
- fix with pins;
- make the rest of the beams in the same way, twisting them exactly one under the other.

Such a row of bunches looks especially good if the woman has bangs.
With the help of a donut, you can make a lush bun, which gives texture to the styling, if the girl's strands are thin and not thick enough. If there is no special overlay, then you can use a regular sock, from which the closed part (toe) is cut off. Roll the sock to make a thick ring (donut).
To create a bundle, you need to do the following:
- make a tail, put a volume-imparting device on its base;
- distribute hair evenly over the donut;
- fix with another elastic band;
- mask the outer part of the bun with the ends of the hair - you can braid them in a pigtail and lay them in a circle.

Hairstyles in the Greek style are relevant today. You can also make this option on straight hair. But they must first be curled with a curling iron or use curlers. The stacking procedure itself is as follows:
- put on a bandage on your head - about the same as putting on a hat;
- select a small strand of curled hair from the side and wind it behind the bandage from top to bottom without tension; make sure that the ends of the hair are not visible;
- do the same with a strand on the other half of the face;
- highlight the strand again and wrap the bandage around it again;
- do the same with all side strands;
- fold back hair in half;
- pin the tips with invisible ones;
- Wrap a loop of hair around the bandage several times to create a lush bun.
In addition to hairstyles with smooth or lush buns, a beautiful weaving today is styling like a corrugation, sending fashionistas back to the 80s of the last century - everything forgotten over time becomes relevant again. To create such a styling, a curling iron with a special nozzle is suitable. All hair needs to be curled for a lush styling. If you wish, you can curl only part of your facial hair.

On naughty strands
Unruly hair - frizzy or frizzy - can be tricky to style. At the same time, their natural splendor offers its benefits. Today, it is important for the owners of natural curls not to straighten the strands, but to leave them as they are. It is easier to make a lush bun or a spectacular Greek-style hairstyle from this hair than from straight hair.
To style such curls beautifully, you can braid, for example, a French braid diagonally:
- a large strand must be separated at the crown closer to the left side;
- divide into 3 smaller ones;
- keeping the diagonal direction, braid the braid with the gradual inclusion of hair on both sides of the braid;
- reaching the neck, collect the hair in a ponytail.

A hairstyle for curly hair based on twisted ponytails looks magnificent and beautiful. For this you need:
- collect hair in three tails, located one above the other in the occipital region;
- turn each tail through the parted strands at the base;
- hide the end of the top element under the middle one, and the end of the middle one under the bottom one;
- for reliability, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

There are quite a few hairstyles for long hair. Even the most complex styling is often simple. It is not necessary to resort to the services of a hairdresser to always be beautiful and fully demonstrate the magnificence of your hair.
In the next video, you will find three easy and beautiful hairstyles for every day.