Hairstyles for corporate

A corporate party is an event that many employees attend. Of course, they want to look their best. This statement is especially true for the fair sex. As a rule, ladies begin to prepare for a festive corporate party in advance - they buy dresses and shoes, think over the image, makeup and, of course, the hairstyle.

What to consider when choosing?
Thinking about the hairstyle with which you will appear in front of colleagues at the corporate party, there are several factors to consider:
- the length and density of your hair, the ability to create knots, curls, complex weaving without the use of overhead strands and hairpieces;
- ease of installation (height, weight of the structure, will it be possible to dance with it for several hours, will it not "settle" under its own weight);
- the relevance of the hairstyle and how fashionable it is;
- the appropriateness of styling - if the corporate party does not imply evening dresses, is it right to come with a heavy "wedding" hair knot;
- a combination of hairstyles and other elements of the image - a dress or suit, shoes, makeup, jewelry.

It so happens that a woman copies her favorite image of an actress on the red carpet - her dress, her hair, her makeup. This is not the most disastrous path, however, it is important to take into account that a whole team of professionals is involved in the stars (especially at their social events) - a stylist, make-up artist, personal assistant and many others. Therefore, having set out to copy the outfit of your favorite actress, you need to take care not to look like a child's drawing next to a painting of a genius.
It is better not to repeat the image exactly, but to take the general idea and transform it "for yourself", highlighting your advantages and hiding disadvantages.

In addition, if your corporate party is not too formal (it is not supposed to be an expensive restaurant or a concert event with a black-tie code), it is better to stop at a simple styling, perhaps done by yourself. Be sure to consider how much and how intensively you plan to move - dance, participate in competitions. The hairstyle should be such that, even after energetic dancing, it does not lose its attractive appearance.
It is better to let it be slightly disheveled curls than a complex bun that has moved to one side or a settled "tower" of hair. It is worth remembering that at a corporate event, management wants to see employees beautiful and smiling, so you should take time to your appearance in order to make the right impression at this mandatory event.

What's in fashion?
In addition to the appropriateness, correctness, convenience of the hairstyle, a rare woman will not think about how fashionable her styling is. Few people want to look at a corporate party, where all employees of the company gather, as a walking anachronism. So what kind of evening styling is in vogue this season?
First, the hairstyle should be feminine. Even if this is a haircut "for a boy", light waviness, airiness, and formalization must be present. In general, airiness and lightness are the keywords for any fashionable women's hairstyles, including evening ones. No hair “helmets”, no lacquered designs, no fleece from roots to ends! If you are combing the crown, then it should look natural, and the bouffant itself should be only basal, to add volume to this area.
Even if you fix your hairstyle with varnish, you need to leave the curls mobile, and not create a "monolith" that even a heavy wind cannot move. Laying should be mobile, airy, voluminous. Broken strands are what will add personality to your image, make it alive.

No bangs, torn strands, "cascades" and "ladders", if you do not want to be known among your colleagues as old-fashioned. The forehead should be clean and open, the lines should be straight, the shape should be simple. If you do wear bangs (features of the anatomy of the head or haircut), do not put it in with a round brush. It is better to make the bangs asymmetrical, laying them in the direction "from the face", this visually makes you younger. If you wear straight, straight bangs, make them part of the styling. Straight bangs and curls are as anachronistic as styling with the tips out.

You should also give up curls, jokingly called "pasta" - too clear, neat, "baked" with a curling iron to the state of springs. Modern curls are slightly tousled, moving strands, shiny and healthy, only slightly fixed with a small amount of styling product. The color of your hair is of great importance. If you are dyeing strands, it should be borne in mind that monochromatic dyeing is outdated for a long time. To give the hair a visual volume and airiness, you need at least 2-3 shades that differ by 1-2 tones.

Yellow blond is bad manners. Modern blondes are completely different, for them colorists offer sand, strawberry, platinum, honey, wheat tones. For every young lady who chooses a blonde for herself, you can choose your own, stunning, fashionable shade and dyeing technique - from Californian to "ombre". And "striped" highlighting went out of fashion back in the 2000s.

Suitable styles
To choose the style and style of a hairstyle appropriate for a corporate party, you need to consider the format in which the festive event will be held. It can be a roaring twenties or hipster themed party, which narrows down to the retro hairstyles that were in vogue during that period. If the holiday takes place in a fashionable place - a fashionable restaurant, a theater lobby or even an ice palace, then elegant evening styling will be appropriate, and sometimes even necessary.

If a buffet is planned as a corporate party in one of the office premises, then pretentious hairstyles and outfits will not be in demand, it is better to stay on a cocktail dress and simple styling.
Of course, no matter how warm and friendly the atmosphere in your office may be, you need to remember that a corporate party is a protocol event. Therefore, you need to look neat, elegant on it and, even if you are portraying a catwoman at a themed party, do not cross the fine line of appropriateness.

Let us dwell in a little more detail on the most current trends in evening hairstyles of this season. So, the trendy styling this year:
- easy to do, you can do them yourself;
- natural, laid-back;
- if curls, then soft, mobile;
- knots and bunches in fashion are both low (at the back of the head) and high (at the top of the head), for both are characterized by slight disheveledness, lack of visible clear fixation;
- if the tail is smooth, there are no "roosters" and protruding hair;
- loose hair can be either straight (and in this case, perfectly smooth with a flawlessly flat bottom line), or in the form of curls, then the styling can be slightly sloppy;
- not a trace of styling products should be visible on the hair, everything that you use should be taken in a minimum amount and in no case weigh down your strands;
- the more strict the dress code of the event, the more careful the styling should be, if negligence and disheveledness are acceptable at a cocktail party, then an evening dress requires a more thoughtful and elegant hairstyle.

Simple yet stylish DIY styling
If you did not have time to sign up for the salon (or for various reasons do not want to do the styling at the hairdresser's), nothing prevents you from styling your hair yourself. There are a lot of manuals on the network for creating hairstyles of varying degrees of complexity with your own hands, while it is not so important how long your hair is.
Let's dwell on the most effective and at the same time simple styling that can be mastered at home. Let's make a reservation right away, if you do not have experience in creating complex hairstyles at home, it is better to practice a couple of weeks before the corporate party and make sure that the result of your efforts is exactly what you wanted.

If you have a short haircut, you need to give it a feminine touch. The Hollywood Wave is a great solution, especially if your bangs are long enough to style and secure with invisibility. All options for bob and bob are beautiful and relevant in themselves, they can be worn perfectly smooth and straight, or you can curl the strands with tongs into large or small curls.
It is advisable to refresh the haircut a week before the event so that the bottom line is even. In addition, the bob and bob can be "rejuvenated" by various kinds of weaving, putting the resulting braids in some semblance of a bundle. You need some knack and lots of invisibility, but the results can be stunning.

Medium-length hair is perhaps the most convenient "material" for creating hairstyles of any complexity. You can style them the way you want - in curls, on one side, or gather the upper part with a beautiful hairpin. All types of braids - from Greek braids to Flemish braids - are available for you. Various kinds of bundles, plaits and "muzzles" will decorate your head both individually and in combination with braids and curls.

If you are the lucky owner of a long, well-groomed mane of hair, this hairstyle is beautiful in itself. However, on a holiday you want to be the most beautiful, and long hair will certainly help with this. If you have the skill of creating complex hairstyles, then you can cope with braiding and bunches, however, in order not to look messy, it is better to use the help of a professional.
So, on long hair, you can create any hairstyle - a complex bun will look especially impressive, the interweaving of braids will help you feel like Princess Elsa from "Frozen".Curls laid on one side or in a cascade will make you a real star of the evening.

Complex hairstyles
The dress code for an evening gown requires a very special hairstyle - sophisticated, elegant, but also modern. Here you cannot do without the help of a stylist, especially if you want the styling to remain in its original form throughout the entire event. Going to the salon, stock up on images of the result that you want to see on your hair. Verbal description and gestures may not be enough, and the master under the "low knot to one side" will not understand exactly what you were trying to explain.
It is better if you show the photo, and the stylist will tell you right away whether your hair length and quality allows you to achieve the same styling or if you need to make adjustments. This will help avoid disappointment and, as a result, a spoiled holiday.

Successful examples
A casual low knot paired with eye-catching earrings creates a vibrant yet sophisticated look.

A ponytail with a combed crown will suit girls.

The casual shell is both elegant and modern.

A wave styling complemented by a shiny rim perfect for a cocktail party.

A high hairstyle allows you to showcase both a graceful neckline and new earrings.

For information on how to make simple do-it-yourself hairstyles for a corporate party, see the next video.