How to get your hair done at night?

In the modern rhythm of life, it is so difficult to keep up with everything. Almost every day everyone is in a hurry on matters so important and urgent, and there is no time left for themselves. Every woman wants to look great, but she is often limited in time. For example, hair styling takes an average of 15-20 minutes, and therefore, instead of a beautiful hairstyle, it is easier to tie your hair in a tight ponytail and hurry to work.
Just for such cases, hairstyles for the night were invented. With their help, you can significantly save time for morning hair styling, having previously taken care of it before bedtime. We will talk about the most popular and well-known types of this kind of styling in this article.

Benefits of overnight styling
The main advantage of overnight styling is, above all, time savings. In addition, when styling this type, you can not use a large amount of means for fixing the hair, since when it dries naturally throughout the night, the hair can then keep its shape for a long time. So that the hairstyle retains its appearance for a long time, it is enough to first apply a small amount of foam to wet hair, and in the morning just sprinkle the hair with a small amount of varnish.
A huge plus is also the fact that when styling in this way, no additional devices are used that can negatively affect the structure of the hair, namely: curling irons, hair dryers, straightening irons.
After all, it's not a secret for anyone that exposure to high temperatures has a destructive effect on the condition of the hair, which becomes a frequent cause of fragility, split ends and even hair loss.
So why spoil your hair when you can use harmless styling before bed?
And, finally, the last and important plus: when styling hair at night, the simplest and most affordable available tools can be used that do not require any material costs, and if they do, then the very minimum. For example, foam rubber curlers can be used many times, and their term of use is unlimited. And every housewife, without exception, has paper towels or scraps from the sheet.

Types of night styling
There are many options for how to style your hair at night. All of them are quite simple to perform and do not require any special preparation, except that the hair must first be washed and dried, otherwise it will not keep its shape.
We divide the wet hair into several strands, then we wind each strand one by one into a kind of flagellum, and then we fix it in such a way that there is no discomfort during sleep and nothing interferes. For this purpose, you can use the usual "invisible".
In the morning, waking up and unraveling the bundles, you will notice that your hair has acquired an unusual wave-like styling. After the hairstyle is ready, you can sprinkle it with a little nail polish.

The good old braids will never lose their relevance. This method is notable for its versatility and is suitable for absolutely everyone: both for owners of short, medium and long hair. Many small braids can be braided, then the hair will be very wavy, voluminous and fluffy. If you require a more modest volume, then you can braid larger braids so that the waves are not so fine and the hair is less lush. In this matter, it is better to focus on your taste preferences.
For long and medium lengths, you can braid one tight braid, tilting your head down. Thus, the effect of light and natural styling will be obtained, which will also add volume to the hair, and to its owner - a special charm. Experiment and you will surely find the most suitable styling option for you using the braiding technique for the night.
It is best to tie the braids with small silicone rubber bands, which are available at any store that has a hair accessory section. They do not press at all during sleep, and it is very easy to remove them.

On foam rubber curlers
One of the most convenient and effective ways is to put on curlers made of foam rubber like "chamomile" or the like. This method will help to make beautiful and even "waves" the very next morning. To do this, it is enough to evenly distribute the strands and wind each of them on the "stem" of the foam "chamomile", and then fix it by inserting curlers into the hole and tighten slightly so that they do not unravel at night.
Such "chamomiles" are very convenient to use, since they do not bring any discomfort during sleep, and in the morning, after unweaving each "chamomile", you will see on your head adorable and cute curls that will not subside all day long.
To preserve the styling for a longer period of time, it is recommended to spray your hair with a small amount of hairspray.

On cloth strips or paper towels
Another simple way of styling at night is to wind each strand on a towel or fabric strip. The strips can be cut from unnecessary fabric or sheets, and their size can be approximately 4x8 cm, but it can be adjusted at your discretion. The length of the strip should be enough to tie the curl in such a way that it does not unravel.
We start from the end of the strand, carefully wrap it on a cloth or paper towel along its entire length, scrolling to the very top, where we fix both ends by tying them together. In the morning, we unravel the strands and spray the hair with varnish.

With bath towel
This is the simplest express styling presented.Dry wet hair slightly, then tilt your head down, apply hair foam or mousse along the entire length of the hair, avoiding getting on the roots, and then in a chaotic manner we knock the strands into a kind of shock, but we do not fix it with anything, but only wrap it up with a bath towel, more firmly fixing it on the head, so that it does not come loose during sleep.
In the morning, after removing the towel, the strands do not even need to be combed, since you will already have styling ready with the effect of slight negligence and unobtrusive sexuality.

Beautiful examples
When styling in any of the above ways, the next morning you will have a finished hairstyle. Even without adornments, hair styled overnight will always look beautiful, bright and well-groomed.

The strands curled in small braids by themselves give any look airiness and lightness. Mischievous small curls will emphasize the spontaneity and grace of the facial features of its owner.

Optionally, you can decorate your hair with a beautiful hairpin or wear a headband. This will add some flavor to each look. For example, you can pin the strands to one side with a flower decoration.

Curled hair can be a great base for any other hairstyle. For example, braids on wavy hair will look even more magnificent and delicate.
You can also decorate such a braid with decorative hairpins with pearls, flowers or shimmery rhinestones.

Even the most ordinary ponytail on the head, made on the basis of hair curled overnight, will have a voluminous and festive look.

A beautiful hair styling can be done without the use of curling irons and curlers. Details can be found in the video below.