Review of hairstyles for the New Year

New Year is a time when every girl, girl or woman wants to look more than just good. She wants to be the most beautiful. The New Year's image consists of four main components: outfit, hairstyle, shoes and fragrance. Let's talk about hairstyles - not those designed for everyday life, but about luxurious curls and high buns, hair decorated with ribbons, beads, shiny hairpins and hairpins.

Ideas for beautiful New Year's hairstyles
There are many styling options to look spectacular on New Year's Eve. That's why each representative of the beautiful half of humanity will be able to choose the one suitable for herself - in accordance with her type and length of hair.
It is not at all necessary that the installation was super difficult.
Vice versa, more and more girls give preference to natural-looking curls, simple bunches, as if a little casually collected - the main thing is that the hair looks healthy, shiny and full of strength.

Of course the hairstyle should be in harmony with the dress or suit. To emphasize a beautiful neckline, a high or low bun combined with open shoulders will do. There are a great many options for this hairstyle - these are high, on the crown, and low, almost on the neck, and on the back of the head. They can be decorated with pigtails, beautiful hairpins or ribbons, laid carefully or tousled a little.

If you want to demonstrate the density of your hair, let it be large curls, pre-straightened and wound with tongs.
It is not necessary that the curls have the same thickness - different curls look much more natural.

For owners of hair of medium length and long, a braid will be an excellent solution. Of course, this is not the usual three-strand braid - there are a lot of weaving options: in four or five strands, reverse weaving, with one grab, plait, as well as a combination of several types of weaving.

Which one to choose?
The choice of hairstyle can depend on several factors.
- It is important to know in advance whether you will be doing the styling yourself or whether you will seek professional help. If you decide that you can do it yourself, it is advisable to rehearse the styling a few days before the New Year. This will make it possible to make sure whether you are coping without outside help, whether expectations coincide with reality.
- If you are planning to style your hair in the salon, be sure to consult with the master on how to "extend" the life of your hairstyle for the whole night.
- While rehearsing styling, it is advisable to immediately try on the New Year's outfit. This will help ensure that both pieces of your look are perfect.
- The eternal dilemma - to try a new fashionable, unusual hairstyle or to remain faithful to the proven styling has the solution proposed above - a rehearsal. This will help you understand if your new hairstyle suits you, as well as how comfortable you feel with the new hairstyle. This is very important, because if a girl constantly wears a braid or bun, her loose hair can interfere with her. And vice versa - a lover of curls loosely scattered on the back may feel uncomfortable with "bare" shoulders. Therefore, the degree of comfort plays a big role in choosing a hairstyle for a New Year's party.
- As for a sharp change of image just before the holiday - for example, dyeing hair in an unusual color, a short haircut for the owner of long strands and even a bang, which a lady who previously wore an exclusively parted part decided on, such experiments can be carried out only when you are absolutely sure of the result of your transformation. If you are naturally brunette or red and have never discolored your hair or a long-haired "mermaid" whose hair is unfamiliar with scissors, then you should not cut your hair sharply or dye your strands. An unsuccessful haircut or coloring can ruin the mood not only on New Year's Eve, but for a much longer time.

For kids
Children's hairstyles are a huge field of hairdressing.
Hairstyles for girls are, in most cases, various weaving options, as well as intricate ponytails, plaits, curls and many combinations of all of the above. Skilled craftsmen can even create flowers or lace from hair.

But an ordinary mother, guided by numerous step-by-step lessons, will cope with creating a beautiful styling for her little princess. Hairstyles for the New Year's holiday are decorated with bows, flowers, tinsel. For girls of preschool and primary school age, tiaras and crowns are in great demand as the final element of the image, it looks cute and festive.

Cool hairstyles, for example, a "herringbone" on a wire frame or a braid in the form of a cone can become part of a New Year's costume - Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, snowman, princess.

As for hairstyles for boys, there are popular techniques used by barbers when making creative haircuts for adults - shaving off zippers, shapes, stripes, strands of different lengths on different parts of the head. Usually, boys are very fond of "adult" hairstyles, for example, like their favorite singers or athletes - football players, hockey players, swimmers, wrestlers. This haircut can be a real present for a little fan for the New Year.

Middle school students often use words like "cool" or "cool" when it comes to appearance, so the hairstyle should be the same. Teenagers are often interested in dyeing their hair (this applies to both boys and girls), and in colors that are not natural - green, orange, pink, blue, etc.NS.

Youth is a time to experiment with looks, so you should allow your son or daughter to color or an unusual haircut if they really want it.
And even better - go to the salon together, where gentle high-quality paints are used. This minimizes damage to the strands, in addition, the color will be more beautiful and "pure". In addition, such an act will strengthen the bond between parents and children, and increase the child's trust in parents.

For girls and young women, the choice is almost unlimited. The main thing is that the hairstyle is to the face, and for this you need to experiment in advance.

Hairstyles for women over 50 today are voluminous haircuts made from shiny, well-groomed hair. No lacquer “helmets”, no unnatural fleece, and no “houses” and “nests” on the head.
Today's ladies who have reached 50 years old often look much younger, and choose the appropriate hairstyles for themselves. This is an elongated or textured bob, cut in layers for medium length or soft pixie hair. Nobody wants to look like they’re lost in time, so old-fashioned shaggy haircuts or too short, brutal versions of a woman of fashion are rejected at age.

Usually men think not so much about New Year's hair styling as about a haircut. Although many fashionistas do not neglect styling products, especially since there are a large number of lines of hair care and styling products specifically for the stronger sex. Therefore, those of men whose haircuts are intricate and difficult to care for, have in their arsenal not only a comb, but also wax and lipstick for styling.

How can you do it at home?
The degree of complexity of the hairstyle that you can do with your own hands depends on how much this hand is "full". If a girl is constantly experimenting with her hair, trying various options for curling, weaving, styling, is well versed in styling products, knows what effect this or that remedy gives, then she can handle complex styling.

However, if you need an intricate bun or "lace" braid, it is better to resort to the help of professionals or a friend who has experience and skills in creating such hairstyles.
For short hair
It would be a mistake to say that there are not so many styling options for short strands. Yes, they cannot be braided into complex braids, however, a bob, a square, and a pixie can be styled in different ways.

Owners of a bob or bob can experiment with a parting - straight or oblique, or maybe hair combed back?

Also, all types of headbands and ribbons decorated with beads, pearls, embroidery will complement the festive styling. You can use a variety of ironing attachments such as fluff or larger wave. Hair ends can be styled both inward and outward.

Retro styling is still popular - in the style of the 1930s ("Cold wave"), in the style of the 1940s ("Victoria Rolls"), 1950s ("rockabilly"), 1960s ("babette"), they can add sophistication to your image and make it truly chic ...

If you are the owner of a pixie haircut, then the long part of the hair at the crown allows you to create a considerable amount of styling and you... For example, the same cold wave in the Hollywood style of the 30s will look unusually impressive thanks to the difference in the length and texture of the haircut. And by choosing the appropriate outfit, you will turn into the star of the party!

Hair that reaches the shoulders makes it possible to style them in very different ways. You can make curls, a bun, braid the area of the bangs or completely all the hair in a braid, collect a high or low ponytail, and make a bouffant.

Ribbons, hairpins, invisible hairpins and hairpins will complete the look. New Year is the time when you can use false strands (you can use unusual colors), give your hairstyle shimmery, using glitter varnish.
For medium hair
Medium-length hair allows its owner to experiment the way she wants.It all depends only on the woman's desire - she will braid a braid, make a Greek hairstyle, decorated with thin golden or silver hair hoops, or collect a bun-loop.

Long hair
Strands below the waist look spectacular both in a loose state (in the form of curls or straightened), and gathered in a bun, a tail or braided into a braid.

It is from long curls that you can create the most spectacular weaving - a Greek braid on one side, a "fishtail", complex options from small braids, braids laid around the head and much more.

It is on long and very long hair that such styling looks most successful.
A low or high bun as a New Year's hairstyle also looks good, especially if it is decorated with beautiful hairpins, hairpins or combs.

Fast installation at home
There are a lot of styling products that make styling simpler - some will make it easier to comb your hair, others will protect it from the harm caused by tongs, irons and hair dryers, others will create the desired volume (or remove unwanted), the fourth will consolidate the result. That's why Today, styling your hair is much easier, and the hairstyle lasts much longer, while it does not look like a monolithic structure.

In addition, every woman who styles her hair at home (it does not matter if it happens constantly or periodically) has at least a hairdryer and several combs in her arsenal.

For ladies with shoulder-length hair, curling irons and straightening irons are added to the toolkit. Invisible helpers - hairpins, "crabs", "invisible" - help to make the hairstyle perfect.

For any, even the most complex styling, today there are a lot of photo and video tutorials that allow you to create it step by step yourself.
But nevertheless, difficult hairstyles require training, which means that you should try to do it at home in advance, carefully following all the recommendations.

For in order to get the desired hairstyle in a reasonable time (of course, not in 5 minutes, but also not to spend half a day on it), it is better to practice. This will help you understand if you are able to cope with the task or if you need help.

Many beautiful and elegant hairstyles do not take any time; they can be done in just 10 minutes.
Truth, hair preparation will take a little longer - in order for the strands to lay down the way you need, they must be washed, dried and in most cases straightened with an iron. This is the base for most styling, from ponytail to beautiful curls.

Beautiful examples
Ready-made examples will help you navigate the variety of hairstyles and come up with something of your own.
- A high bun, laid with deliberate negligence, looks really chic.

- A crown braid always looks great. However, those whose hair is not lush enough should either learn to weave voluminous braids, or choose a different styling.

- An elongated bob is a great solution for a woman over 50.

- Voluminous weaving styling is ideal for the New Year.

- An interesting option for teenagers is two bunches, braids and a parting decorated with sequins.

The following video shows examples of express hairstyles for the New Year.