Side hairstyles: ideas and tips for creating them

Side-laying is quite popular. And although ancient Egyptians and Greek women experimented with partings, it gained particular popularity in the second half of the 20th century. It is worth taking a closer look at women's hairstyles on one side.

Let's remember the axiom of stylists - in order to hide flaws, you need to emphasize the merits. All sorts of side hairstyles will help with this like nothing else. It should be said that this hairstyle is extremely versatile to wear. For hairstyles of this type, there are no restrictions on the length and structure of the hair. Elegance is an integral part of such styling, for which many cinema stars fell in love with them. There are many options for simple, but very beautiful side hairstyles.

No one would guess that you spent only a few minutes on such a stunning hairstyle. Today there is an incredible variety of "basic" hairstyles suitable for such experiments.
To make it easier to consider the hairstyles on one side, we will introduce a small classification, according to which they can be divided into the following types:
- styling on loose hair;
- with braids and braids;
- with bunches and tails;
- combined.

In addition, it is worth dividing all hairstyles into evening and everyday.
Loose Hair Ideas
Medium to short hair is ideal for this hairstyle. To create a festive option, curls are often curled with a curling iron. Consider a hairstyle option for short hair. This styling can be worn both for every day and for going out. We need invisibility, curling iron, varnish or mousse. It runs as follows:
- having thought over the parting in advance, comb the curls and apply mousse to them; if you intend to use varnish, then you need to use it when the installation is finished;
- we curl the hair with a curling iron; the curls on the side on which the emphasis is planned are fixed stronger;
- we divide the curls from the "working" side into three strands, twist them into bundles, which we fix with invisible ones on the other side; apply varnish (if you have not used mousse before).

Let's do a similar hairstyle but for long hair. We need additional support. We use a curling iron, a thin elastic band, invisibility, varnish and hairpins. The hairstyle includes the following steps:
- choose the side on which we will focus, and carefully comb the hair, but do not twist it yet;
- further, we take one strand on each side at the level of the temples and make a small tail with an offset to the side on which we focus; we turn this ponytail through ourselves (like a Greek hairstyle);
- we divide all curls from the working side into four parts; each curl must be pulled through the strands of the ponytail (like a Greek hairstyle);
- from about the middle of the stretched curls, they need to be twisted so that they look separately; after we stretch the first curl, it must be fixed with a hairpin to the tail, and the rest of the curl is added to the second curl;
- we do this with the second and third curls;
- we divide the fourth curl into two parts - we wrap one of them around the elastic of the tail; the second is added to the mass of hair from the side on which we focus;
- we hide the ponytail in the rest of the hair with the help of invisible ones;
- we twist all the strands with a curling iron;
- we fix the entire hairstyle with varnish.

Braided Hairstyles
These are simple hairstyles that look complex. It is easiest to make them with your own hands for long and medium-length hair. A combination of several braids looks very unusual. It is worth adhering to the following algorithm of actions:
- choose the side on which we will focus;
- we divide the entire mass of hair into three parts;
- for each part we make a small fleece and weave back spikelets from them;
- we collect all three spikelets and fix it with a thin elastic band;
- from the resulting tail, weave one larger spikelet, while slightly stretching the strands;
- remove the elastic band, pull out a few thin strands and twist them; fix everything with varnish.

Braids can be styled as desired. It is worth considering how to fit the braid to one side. It is necessary to perform such actions as:
- choose the side we focus on;

- on this side, we begin to weave a reverse spikelet, weave the entire mass of hair into it;

- we braid the braid to the end and transfer it to the shoulder;

- Slightly straighten the strands to add volume to the braid. We lay the bangs in a wave.

Another braided hairstyle that uses a regular side ponytail as a base. Follow these steps:
- we decide on the side on which we are combing;
- we make a bouffant on the hair of the back of the head; we collect the whole mass in the tail on the side;
- to the place where the tail is intercepted by an elastic band, we divide it into two parts; we turn the entire length of the tail through the hole formed;
- after that, we intercept the tail with an elastic band and repeat the actions;
- Comb the remaining non-twisted tail.

Hairstyles with buns and tails
Let's take a hairstyle as an example. a bunch on a donut and complement it. The process of creating such a hairstyle is as follows:
- we divide the hair into three parts: the working part (the hair of the temporal part and lower to the neck), the occipital part (combed to the other side), and the part on which the emphasis is placed and the bangs;
- we make a small fleece on the curls of the back of the head; we collect all the hair in a ponytail, and with the help of a donut we construct a bun;
- we divide the strands of the working side into three parts; weave a reverse French braid from each part and fasten it around the bundle with hairpins;
- We leave the bangs free and casually lay them with varnish.

Hairstyle on one side with a ponytail, most likely every girl did. Let's see how to make it beautifully and neatly by following these steps:
- choose the side on which we will comb the hair;
- we do a fleece on all the curls of the back of the head and crown; make sure that the hair does not completely fit over the head;
- we collect all the hair in a ponytail on the side, but not very low so that there is no feeling that the hairstyle has "slipped"; do not forget to leave one strand to hide the elastic;
- we wrap the elastic band with a strand and fix it with invisible ones;
- the bangs, if any, are laid in a wave;
- fix with varnish.

Combined hairstyles
A combination of weaves and tails is quite common. The instructions for this hairstyle are extremely simple and include steps such as:
- choose the side on which we will focus;
- we collect the entire mass of hair and select three strands from it; we raise them so that they do not interfere yet;
- for the rest of the mass we make a careless bouffant;
- we braid from two selected strands of braids and stretch them;
- we collect all the hair (except for the third strand) in a ponytail;
- wrap the third strand around the elastic and fix it with hairpins;
- we twist the assembled tail with a curling iron; fix the structure with varnish.

Spikelet to one side - this is a combination of spikelet and loose hair, which looks quite extravagant. Let's analyze the execution step by step, performing the following actions:
- we visually divide the head into three parts: upper (occipital), right and left; we take the left part with the working part;
- we raise the right part so as not to interfere;
- we braid the left side into a regular spikelet, while the braid should "go" under the hair of the right side;
- we dissolve the curls fixed in paragraph 2; we put the hair of the back of the head on the right side, having previously made a bouffant, and fix it with varnish;
- Comb the remaining hair, twist it with a curling iron and fill it with varnish.

Evening styling
Consider the option of evening styling for short hair. It is worth performing such a sequence of actions as:
- we form a parting, strongly shifted to one side;
- we process all the hair with mousse, form strands with our hands, twist them;
- on the strands from most of the head, we make a small fleece on the back of the head;
- strands from the smaller part of the head are casually laid in the direction of the transition from the head to the neck;
- lightly fill with varnish.

A wide variety of one-sided evening hairstyles can be done for long hair. The first option is characterized by completely tucked hair. We need a roller, pins and varnish. The hairstyle is called "Shell". It should be done as follows:
- choose the side on which we will focus; we determine the location of the shell;
- comb the entire mass of hair on this side, pull it out, then wind it on a roller; it is important to remove all strands so that nothing falls out.
If everything is calculated correctly, then the roller will lie exactly in the intended place; we fix it with pins and varnish.

The second option is presented with partially loose hair. We need a roller, pins, invisibility, mousse and varnish. The execution process looks like this:
- choose the side on which we collect the hair; we process all the hair with mousse, we form strands with our hands, while the hairstyle should have a slightly sloppy look;
- put a roller in place just above the transition of the head to the neck, twist the hair around it, make sure that the roller is not visible; we fix everything with pins;
- in the same way (only without a roller) we twist the bangs and hair from the temporal part;
- we collect everything in the tail, having previously selected one strand;
- we wrap the elastic band with a strand so that it is not visible;
- we twist the tail; fix everything with varnish.

The creation of such a hairstyle allows for its variability. For example, you can braid the ponytail.
To make your side hairstyles look stylish and beautiful, it is worth adhering to the following tips from experts:
- try not to tighten the curls too much; the hair structure is damaged, which brings discomfort to the head, and it does not look very beautiful;
- when choosing a hairstyle, consider the type of face;
- there are no perfectly symmetrical faces;
- do not be afraid to experiment, any hairstyle of such a plan implies variability: you can collect the remaining tail or braid into a bun and get a completely different-looking hairstyle;
- accessories will help to create a special charm: headbands, elastic band, hairpins, decorated hairpins, scarves, ribbons and pearl threads;
- try not to burn the strands when using the curling iron; if the hair is unruly, then you can slightly wet it before winding it up;
- a tight curl can be obtained if you use foil and an iron for curling;
- a beautiful, wide braid can be obtained by slightly stretching the strands; it will look even more interesting if you fix the tip not with an elastic band, but with an invisible one;
- so that the hairstyle does not fall apart, use more hairpins and varnish; Spiral hairpins are especially good at holding the hairstyle.
In order to defeat small sticking out strands, use a toothbrush, after sprinkling varnish on it.

Beautiful examples
A casual hairstyle for medium length hair. Curls on one side are collected to the middle of the head from the back of the head and secured with a hair clip. The parting is shifted to one side. The bangs are brushed. Most of the hair is curled.

Classic hairstyle with a slight casual effect. The bunch on the donut is taken as a basis. A pile is made on the hair of the back of the head. The bangs are twisted into a tourniquet and laid.

The hairdresser has combined two spikelets and loose hair. The parting is slightly shifted to one side. A small fleece is made on the free mass of hair. The curls are twisted.

The tail is taken as a basis. The parting is strongly displaced to one side. The entire mass of hair is brushed. The bangs are braided into a braid that hides the elastic. The tail is curled with a curling iron. A decorated elastic band is used as a decorative element.

A very interesting hairstyle option. All hair, except for the strands from the frontal part, is gathered in one ponytail. The remaining loose strands are braided into an ordinary braid and “embedded” into the tail. Then the same braid is used as a decorative element, wrapping around the tail. The whole structure is secured with pins and rubber bands.

Casual hairstyle. Weaving of two plaits is taken as a basis. All hair is divided into two parts, from which the bundles are formed. The hairstyle has a neat look: mousse was used. A bezel is used as a decorative element.

For information on how to do a hairstyle with a side braid, see the next video.