How to make a messy bun?

Modern fashion trends never cease to amaze us day by day. For example, natural and casual hairstyles are gaining popularity. These include a bun of hair. It is a fashionable and versatile styling that can be used both in everyday life and for "going out".

It will not be difficult to make a sloppy bun on your head. The main thing is to "carve out" some free time and be patient. This hairstyle is relevant for owners of long, medium and short hair. By the way, on the hair of the minimum length, the bundles look very cute and playful.
For better fixation of the hairstyle, it is necessary to apply a little mousse to the hair, this will allow the bun not to lose its shape for a long time.
Owners of curly and wavy hair can first use a means to straighten curls or use an iron.

Any hairstyle must be combined with the general style of clothing and, of course, the figure. For example, modern stylists advise owners of long necks to opt for a careless high bun at the top of the head, which will emphasize an attractive feature. Visually "stretch" the neck will help a low beam at the back of the head. Tall young ladies will have hair gathered on the side.
Miniature beauties should not create too voluminous bunches that "weigh down" the upper body, making the image rough, sharp and defiant.

So, the following types can be attributed to the popular variations of a sloppy beam:
- regular bun on the top of the head;

- on the back of the head;

- braid bun (with and without bangs);

- on the basis of the roller.

How to braid your hair?
It is not difficult to create a casual stylish hairstyle at home. The main thing is to clearly follow the presented step-by-step instructions.
In order to quickly collect short hair in a bun, we need:
- brush with natural bristles;
- styling products (foam and varnish);
- hairpins and invisible.

Carefully comb clean hair and apply mousse. We lift all the hair up and gently twist it into a flagellum. Then we form a bunch on the crown, pulling out individual strands a little. We fix the styling with hairpins, and we fix the naughty strands with invisible ones. We cover the hair with hairspray.

Naturally, creating a messy bun on medium hair is just as easy and straightforward. So, take a comb and a thin elastic band. We comb the hair and collect it in a ponytail at the back of the head, while the ends of the hair are not straightened to the end, having received a "basket". We fix it with hairpins and again pull some strands towards ourselves.
The bunch turns out to be very stylish and "airy".

Owners of hair of the maximum length will be able to make a romantic and elegant bun using the original weaving in the form of a knot. To create it, we need:
- comb-brush;
- styling products (mousse, varnish);
- silicone rubber band.

We comb the hair, rub in a small amount of foam and divide it into two parts (along the parting line). We tie the hair in a knot, connect the ends and fix with an elastic band. We hide them under the created beam and fix them with hairpins. Create a slight "casual" effect by pulling out the hairs a little.

Holiday hairstyles options
Many women believe that the bun is only relevant for everyday "wear", but this is not at all true! There are many options for festive and evening styling.
- A bun with a braid in French. We comb the hair and begin to weave a thin pigtail (from the forehead to the lower occipital part). We fix the tip of the braid with a silicone rubber band and pull out individual strands with our hands. We collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail and put a special roller on it. We cover it with hair and fix them with hairpins, we remove the tip of the braid under the bun. We cover the hair with varnish.

- Low bun with playful curls. This evening hairstyle looks great on young romantic ladies, emphasizing their natural beauty and charm. Curl clean hair with tongs. Next, we divide the hair into three parts. We take one strand and make a bun on the back of the head, and twist the other around it. Comb the rest of the hair (front) back and cover with plenty of varnish.

- Snail. The hairstyle is very original and extravagant. Will look great with an evening dress with a deep neckline. We comb the hair and collect it in a high (pony) tail. We make a small bouffant. We twist the hair around the axis in a spiral shape. We pin the snail with decorative hairpins with miniature roses.
Do not forget to slightly fluff it up and fix it with varnish.

- Elegant bun on the side. We take a fine comb and collect the hair in the side tail (in the area of the earlobe). We do the bouffant and twist the hair into a light tourniquet. We form a sloppy bunch and fix it with hairpins. We decorate it with a satin ribbon. The image turns out to be very sweet and feminine.

Stylist tips
In order for such a hairstyle to look stunning and catch the eyes of others, pay attention to the advice of professionals.
- A disheveled bun should not consist of all the hair. Individual strands can gently fall off the face.
- The collected hair "opens" the face, neck and shoulders as much as possible. Owners of imperfect proportions should refuse such a hairstyle.
- A sloppy bun goes well with bangs. It can be straight, oblique, or even asymmetrical with graduated ends.
- The hairstyle can be located on the back of the head, crown and on the side.
- The bunch can be decorated with original accessories (decorative hairpins with flowers, ribbons and satin scarf).
- Bun and snail are best done on hair washed the day before. They will not decay much and at the same time will not lose their freshness.
- Do not overuse styling products. Mousse and gel noticeably "heavier" the hair and deprive the hairstyle of naturalness.
- Do not moisturize your hair too much before creating a hairstyle, they will stick to your palms and ruin the desired styling.
- For a stylish casual hairstyle, braid overnight. In the morning, the hair will be wavy, and they can be easily assembled into a bun.
- Don't make a tight tail. This will damage the structure of the hair, it will become brittle and lifeless.
- To create a voluminous bun, you can use a hairpiece made from natural or artificial hair.
- Before you start creating this hairstyle on your own, it is advisable to practice with relatives, girlfriends and even dolls.

Beautiful examples
Finally, let's look at some interesting examples of messy buns on short, medium and long hair.

Below are 10 master classes on creating a sloppy beam.