Fancy Hairstyles: Simple and Complex Hair Styling Ideas

Among people, there is an extraordinary way of self-expression - with the help of unusual hairstyles. By attracting attention in this way, they want to prove to the world their uniqueness and originality. And this is their right: everyone is free to do whatever he pleases with his appearance. The most extraordinary masterpieces of hairdressing are found in people of all ages. Moreover, it is difficult to apply the word “hairstyle” to some “constructions” - they can rather be compared with the creations on the heads of characters from horror movies.
In addition to the feeling of surprise and admiration experienced when contemplating such styling, a feeling of respect for their owners involuntarily appears - not every person has the determination and courage to walk with such a hairstyle.

Types and their features
There are many options for unusual hairstyles, the choice depends on personal preference. The characteristic features of these styling:
- cut out;
- riot of colors;
- retro style;
- geometric shapes;
- Afrostyle.

If the decision to change your life begins in a radical way with choosing an unusual hairstyle option, you should take into account the lifestyle, length and structure of the hair.
The cropped frightening images of animals and people on the back of their heads are more suitable for a strong half of humanity than for girls. Women's hairstyles using this method do not look so flashy. For long hair, girls prefer to make small cut lines of a certain shape in a small area of the temporal zone.
With such a minor intervention, the length of the hair is preserved, and the image with the added “zest” becomes more mysterious.

Hairstyles made from hair that have inconceivably bright multi-colored colors, attract the eyes of others with an unnatural color, it is difficult for girls with such styling to get lost in the crowd. They are distinguished by various weaves, color contrast, dyed ends.
A riot of colors is observed in the simplest hairstyle options: it can be ordinary French braids, a classic square, a short haircut. Such styling can be done by hand at home. The image in the Gothic style looks unusual and strict, when one half of the hair is dyed black and the other white. Applying gothic elements to your face, you can parade with such a hairstyle to an evening masquerade ball.

A more relaxed version with the use of paints involves dyed tips. They can be cut when the hairstyle gets bored without damaging the entire head of hair.
For older ladies, this version of the model is more preferable. The main point when performing hairstyles with hair coloring is to create a play of color.

In the 70s, the "punk" hairstyle came into fashion, which became popular among young people of both genders and still exists today. A daring, bold styling style is a challenge to society, a desire to "bend" the world to suit you. "Punk" is famous for the variety of shapes and colors, it is performed for any length of hair.
- Basic hairstyle is the shaved part of the head on the sides with a "hedgehog" in the middle (located from the forehead line to the back of the head).
- For girls with long hair. The "punk" haircut is done step by step according to the classic scheme, the "hedgehog" is completed by a long strand of hair from the back of the head.
- "Indian". The strands reach 15 centimeters in height and stick out in all directions, resembling the headdress of the Indians.
- "Charming". Soft styling is performed on one side with beautiful bangs. The hairstyle adds femininity to the image and is quite suitable for the student lifestyle.

The idea of creating hairstyles with geometric shapes appeared in ancient Egypt and is reflected in our days. Beautiful styling of adequate size, resembling a square or a trapezoid in shape, does not raise questions and is quite acceptable in a daily and festive setting. "Structures" of incredible size in the form of geometric shapes immediately draw attention to their person. Such hairstyles ideal for masquerades.

The idea of collecting hair in the form of twisted braids originated among the peoples of Africa. For coarse, curly hair, this style was best suited to provide air access to the scalp in hot climates. Weaving braids, called dreadlocks, is carried out in stages and requires certain knowledge.
Angela Davis preferred styling in the form of a large curly head, which is still popular today.

Unusual types of weaving
Long hair allows you to create real "masterpieces" on the head using original types of weaving.
Ethnic motives
The hairstyle made in ethnic style looks gorgeous and very unusual. Thin pigtails fall over the shoulders, in the side zones they are twisted into neat snails, and the bangs are curled curls that beautifully frame the forehead. A characteristic detail - the hair is divided into three partings.

Rapper challah
A large massive face will be successfully corrected by a braid laid around the head in the form of a halo.
It gives the missing height, visually lengthening the frontal and occipital zones.
The hairstyle looks stylish, original and perky.

Twisted pigtails
Hair is divided into many strands, from which twisted braids are made. They can be laid arbitrarily: in the shape of a basket, obliquely along the back of the head, to twist nice "nests" from them. The good thing about the hairstyle is that it looks very unusual and at the same time allows you to experiment with images.

The basis of unusual styling
There are many different styling ideas.Each master adds his own "zest" to the version, modifying it, and after a while a new hairstyle model appears before the audience. But the basis for creating new extravagant women's hairstyles is the well-known old models:
- high beam;
- babette;
- ponytail;
- bouffant;
- shell;
- the use of backing rollers.

When choosing an unusual style, it is important not to cross the fine line between the way of self-expression and the gaudy, flashy hairstyle, made to attract everyone's attention.
In the first case, styling reflects character traits and makes the image recognizable, in the second, the hairstyle looks funny and ridiculous, since it does not correspond to either the lifestyle or the inner world of a person. Over time, everything in life changes, including preferences in terms of styling.

Ideas for high hairstyles
Unusual tall styling was preferred by women of past centuries, they are extremely popular even now.
- Fantasy. Styling looks stunning and very stylish, in which the hair is raised high in the form of a smooth cocoon, and from the side - closer to the frontal zone - this "structure" is decorated with "bows".

- Snail. The large "snail" emphasizes the correct facial features. The styling looks extravagant, but at the same time it looks very stylish and harmonious.

- Cobra. The strands are parted, the curls are stretched and laid in the form of the wings of a king cobra. The hairstyle looks quite shocking and at the same time extremely feminine.

Interesting examples
Extravagant styling can be done on hair of any length.
On average
In the lateral zones, the hair is cut short, in the back of the head it is raised high and is a grandiose "structure" of twisted curls.

For long
Huge "rollers" on the head, laid arbitrarily, visually add height, emphasize the miniature facial features and grace of the figure. The hairstyle is done in an avant-garde style that favors bold and independent natures.

For short
The hair is cut short in the back of the head, in the parietal region, they are smoothly styled strands in the form of a geometric figure with curved lines. The contrast of the color of the upper and lower zones adds brightness to the hairstyle.

Youth forgives everything, and at this time you can not only use a rebellious style, but also dye the strands in bright colors, do haircuts, and comb your hair into high combs and heaps. But over the years, styling becomes more "calm" and harmonious.
The length of the hair does not matter, it is important to choose your hairstyle, but it changes a lot in life: it lifts the mood, straightens the back, adds shine to the eyes and even changes the gait.
A good mood is the key to success in business.

Next, you will see how to make a fancy shell braided hairstyle for medium hair.