Low beam: views, creation and decoration

Sometimes a seemingly simple hairstyle can change so much that it can be safely attributed to the masterpieces of hairdressing. This article will focus on the low beam. In the skilled hands of the master, the hair gathered at the back of the head takes on unusual shapes and is complemented by a variety of adornments. This versatile hairstyle comes in many varieties to suit a particular style. We will find out what options for low beams exist, and how to do them yourself.

With this method of styling, the hair is collected at the back of the head, while curls may remain in front, beautifully framing the face. Many people think that the beam has only one type - "bun". In fact, this is not the case, with the help of a traditional, airy, elegant or casual version of the beam, girls look stylish in different looks.
This hairstyle has been known for centuries, it is still popular, as it is easy to do, and the result is truly pleasing.

Hairstyle history
This hairstyle is rightfully considered one of the most ancient, because it was popular in ancient times. In ancient Greece, women gathered their hair at the back of their heads, which made their face more open and allowed them to showcase a graceful neck. You can see a similar hairstyle on the statues of Hera and Aphrodite, revered by the Greeks.

From the Rococo era, instructions for ladies have come down to us on how to make a knot of hair, decorated with a velvet bag, and in the era of classicism, hairstyles with hair rollers and loose curls at the face were popular. In the Land of the Rising Sun, beams were worn by both women and men, and ladies often did two such buns on the sides.
This is the prototype of the hairstyle popular among girls today, especially among fans of Japanese manga comics.

As for our days, the fashion for an understated beam returned in the 50s of the XX century. This is how French celebrities began to collect their hair, after which all other ladies began to imitate them: from housewives to business women. Now the bun has become one of the most popular hairstyles, because we collect hair in this way when we do household chores, when we go to work in the office, and sometimes we do it for special occasions - it is enough to complicate the classic version and decorate it with spectacular accessories.

Who will it go to?
The low look of these hairstyles is considered more versatile than the tall one. The latter may be inappropriate on the head of very tall girls, as it adds height. And creative "careless" high buns are not very suitable for little ladies. And also women with an imperfect neck need to be careful with them. Quite another matter is the low type of the beam. Each representative of the fair sex can find her own among the variety of models, which will emphasize her advantages and divert attention from shortcomings.
Paradoxically, the bunch on the back of the head is contraindicated only for women of age.
By constructing it on their heads, ladies add age to themselves, especially if there is already gray hair in their hair.

How to do it yourself?
Let's consider step by step different beam creation schemes. Among them there are both more complex and lighter models.
On short hair
A bun on short hair is a little more difficult, so you will need more hairdressing accessories. This is an elastic band, short hairpins and invisibility, a bagel elastic and a volumetric foam elastic band.
Before tackling this hairstyle, you need to make sure that the length of your hair reaches at least the middle of your neck. They need to be collected at the back of the head, so that you get a tail at least with a palm length. Otherwise, even various hairstyle accessories won't help you. For more volume, pre-wash and dry your hair. If necessary, apply some strong foam before blow-drying your hair.

Step-by-step instruction:
- make a ponytail in the back of the head;
- slip it into the "bagel";
- divide your hair in half and wrap it in a "donut";
- put on a tight elastic band on top of the resulting bun and straighten your hair so that it does not peep out;
- grab your hair with hairpins so that it does not fall apart.

On medium
Medium hair means shoulder length. To create a simple hairstyle out of them, proceed as follows:
- take the top of your hair and divide it in half along the parting;
- wind all the strands inward so that the curls are the same on both sides;
- Gather your hair with an elastic band, and then stick your hair through it again without pulling it all the way out;
- lay out the resulting bundle and pin it with hairpins.

We bring to your attention another popular version of this hairstyle. It is suitable for special occasions.
- Divide your hair into three sections.
- Pin the curls at the temples with hairpins on the sides so that they do not interfere.
- Collect a ponytail from the occipital hair, direct it from the bottom up and fix it with invisible ones.
- Bend the ends of the resulting voluminous tail inward and pin with hairpins. Using the side curls, finish off the styling by curling out and attaching to the base of the hairstyle.

On long
With sufficient length, even such a simple version will look voluminous and interesting.
There are only two stages of its creation:
- make a low ponytail and tie it with an elastic band;
- wrap the elastic in a circle with your hair so that they are all involved, and pin with pins.
You don't need to use an elastic band. To do this, you need to take all the hair, twist it with a tourniquet and, twisting it clockwise, make a "bun". You can pin it with pins, hairpins, and an ordinary pencil.

Formal hairstyle on the back of the head will do for holidays and family celebrations.
- Apply mousse all over your hair and create waves by curling it with a curling iron.
- Make a loose, loose tail.
- Pull out a few curled strands and wrap around the elastic, pin up. Then take out more curls and repeat until you run out of hair.
- Spray your hair with nail polish.

Consider what other unusual bundles can be made from hair, and how to make them correctly.
With braids
You can diversify the well-known hairstyle with the help of ordinary or French braids, a spikelet. Braided buns work well with headbands or fabric headbands. These accessories add even more charm to the face.
- Make a regular tail. Divide it into two unequal pieces.
- From the larger part, make a classic bun, and from the small one, braid.
- Wrap the pigtail around the resulting ghoul and secure the tip.

Today, brides are increasingly choosing laconic looks, and gloves, fur coats and fluffy dresses are a thing of the past. The same thing happens with wedding hairstyles. Instead of heaps of bouclés, girls choose simple, smooth bunches, decorating them to their liking. We will consider a complicated version of a wedding bun with a fleece "Korimbos":
- Make a ponytail and secure with a thin rubber band.
- Take the hair above the elastic and part it a little to create a hole.
- Pass the tail through it.
- Comb the remaining curls and thread again without making a "knot" too tight.
- Part your hair a little to give it more airiness, and decorate with beautiful hairpins, for example, in the form of flowers.

A very beautiful hairstyle that can also be do it yourself:
- divide your hair into two parts with a horizontal parting;
- make a tail from the bottom;
- separate a thin strand from the upper curls and braid them, and wrap the rest around the bundle and pin;
- Start the weaving over the entire head to form a rim, and attach it with an invisible hairpin.

How to choose jewelry?
To make a beautiful and stylish bun, there are special hairdressing tools. They not only keep the curls in the right direction, but also help add more volume:
- invisible;
- hairpins;
- spiral pins (for stronger fixation);
- twisters;
- heagami.

Let's consider these and other accessories in more detail.
Hairdressing accessory on a wire frame with fabric covering. Thanks to the flexible wire, it can be used to construct various shapes from curls.
The color of the twister can be different, and the size is selected based on the length and volume of the hair.

The "ears" twister is known as the sophist twist. It resembles a regular twister, but thanks to the protruding side parts, it is easy to tie or fasten with a button.

French twist Is a metal mesh tube-cone. He clamps the ends of the hair with a clip. Then the hair is wrapped in a French twist and pinned up with a hairpin.

This accessory looks like two springy iron plates in fabric upholstery, connected on one side.

Double bezel with teeth, which helps to make a hairstyle a la 60s. Hides under combed hair.

"Bagel" or roller
Represents nylon mesh elastic it is put on a ponytail, after which the rest of the hair is wound around it. The result is a bundle, which remains to be additionally secured with pins.

Beautiful examples
This bundle is decorated with several braids at once. The hairstyle will suit young girls, it will be appropriate in the classroom and meetings with friends.

As a rule, bunches for weddings are decorated with various hairpins, flowers and nets. They also try to add volume to the hair, and if the bride's hair is not thick enough, then special rings are used for volume.

A bunch for a girl is best decorated with a bow.This versatile piece of jewelry has not been forgotten even now, with many new functional hairdressing accessories. Thanks to the bow, the hairstyle takes on a special charm.

Having made the bundle slightly to one side, it will become noticeable not only from the back. In addition, the asymmetry of the lines, as in this example, looks advantageous on any type of face, correcting it.

So, a bun is a beautiful and versatile way to style your hair that doesn't go out of style. It can open your face and neck for a very feminine look, and at the same time remove excess hair so that it does not get in the way when you do household chores or exercise.
With the help of jewelry, everyday hairstyle turns into a real masterpiece, which will be a great addition to a festive outfit.

Master class on creating a low beam, see below