Volumetric beam: types, how to make?

Traditionally, a bun hairstyle is considered part of the image of a ballerina or a strict teacher. But for some time now, bundles in a wide variety of variations have become a very common way of styling hair. It is not difficult to collect hair in this way beautifully with your own hands, you just need to know certain tricks.

Using certain styling techniques, it is easy to create a business, sporty or evening romantic look. This method of styling, like a bundle, was also used by the beauties of Ancient Greece. Today it is a common hairstyle that can be seen in women who are constantly in sight. In order for this or that styling option to be to the face, one should take into account the peculiarities of the appearance of a particular lady.
- The owner of the correct features and shape of the face, as well as a long neck, will suit any bun, including careless options.
- If the neck is not the most beautiful part of the body, it is better to place the "beam element" low to distract attention from it.
- A tall girl should not make such a "structure" on the top of her head, thereby adding extra centimeters to herself. A low volumetric bundle is preferable.
- For a girl of small stature, a tight version is suitable, for example, decorated with braids and curls. Volumetric will look strange with such a figure.
- Lush will help out if the shape of the head is not ideal. For example, if the plane of the back of the head is noticeable, you can mask this place with an "artistic protrusion".

The bunch can be not only low and high, but also everyday or festive. Evening options are not necessarily more difficult to execute, although they do.Rather, the fact is that additional decorative elements are selected for them - hairpins, nets, artificial flowers and other beautiful little things that add elegance and elegance. Festive styling like a bundle is used even for special occasions. Such styling, in particular, often becomes part of the bride's image.

How to do it yourself?
The creation of such a hairstyle largely depends on the length of the hair. If the strands are short, it is quite difficult to collect them. At least the length should be sufficient for tail styling. If the hair is long, it is easier to deal with it, but you will have to use a large number of clips that can hold the "structure" tightly throughout the day.
On short hair
To create a bun on the hair of insufficient length, you have to resort to such a technique as blunting, when the hair is combed on one side of the selected strand. Also, to create volume, various liners are used, which are then masked with their own hair. The hair must be collected in a ponytail at the required height. It can also be moved to the left or right to create asymmetry in the hairstyle. It is better to use a regular hair tie.
Roll the tail into a tourniquet and wrap it around the base. Fix with invisible ones. Hide the tip so that it does not stick out. Wrap an elegant strip of fabric around. If you want the beam to have a more impressive volume, you can use a special bagel or use an ordinary sock. It is trimmed at toes, curled and slipped over the base of the tail.

Now you can neatly pin the strands with invisible ones so that they cover the lining. Fix the bun with an elastic band, and gently lay the ends of the hair in a circle and pin. You can use the French method of creating a beam. Thanks to the peculiarities of this arrangement, a shell is obtained. Step by step, its creation looks like this:
- divide the hair into two parts with a horizontal parting;
- temporarily fix with a clamp in the occipital region;
- comb the upper half, sorting through the strands, at the roots, sprinkle with varnish;
- collect combed hair and smooth it slightly on top;
- fix with a thin elastic band;
- make a blunting on the back of the head;
- connect with the collected front hair and form a shell, twisting the hair with a roller vertically;
- strengthen with hairpins.

Medium length
The medium length makes it much easier to create a bundle. It is much easier to handle than hair, which is gathered in a short ponytail. If the strands are of medium length, you can also use a donut or improvised means to increase the volume of hair in the "bump". But there is an opportunity to make more elegant options. One of them requires these steps:
- on the back of the head, select a small part of the hair, twist it into a bundle and lay it in a circle in the form of a "bump";
- secure with hairpins;
- distribute the remaining hair into 4 sectors - two in front and the same amount in the back;
- twist one of the back strands into a bundle and lay around the previously made "bump", fasten;
- do the same with the second back strand and the two front ones;
- Sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish.

On medium length hair, a messy bun is good. It is done on the basis of the tail. To keep the hairstyle well, it is advisable to lubricate the hair with a foam for fixing. Disassemble the collected hair into strands and wrap it randomly around the base, fixing with hairpins or invisible hairpins. To be sure, you can spray the strands with varnish.
If the hair is very thin, a bouffant will help improve the appearance of the bun.

You can make a bun in the form of a bow. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to achieve such a result:
- make a tail on the back of the head;
- on the last turn of the elastic, create a small loop on the hair;
- divide it into two halves;
- fasten each with pins on the sides of the center;
- put the remaining free tip between the two halves of the bow, creating "its middle";
- fix the hairstyle and fix with varnish.

Hair of medium length is tied up in knots. On their basis, you can also make a bundle:
- comb the hair well and divide it with a vertical parting into two parts from the forehead to the neck;
- tie a knot of two halves of hair, then make another one;
- repeat the procedure depending on the length;
- what turned out to be stabbed with hairpins and strengthened with varnish.

A bun with braiding looks wonderful on such hair. The hairstyle turns out to be practical and beautiful:
- select the front of the head of hair and braid in the French way in the form of a rim;
- collect all the remaining strands in a tail in the lower occipital zone;
- put a donut on the base;
- cover it with hair;
- lay the remaining free strands in a circle together with the end of the braid;
- secure with invisible pins and pins.

On long hair
Long hair allows you to make a bun of sufficient volume due to the already large number of turns around the base of such a hairstyle element. Although this does not negate the possibility of using thick rags, donut or other pads, thanks to which they achieve a significant increase in the size of the beam. If there is nothing other than the usual hair ties and hairpins, then you will still get an interesting and practical hairstyle:
- make a tail on the head;
- comb it, twist it with a tourniquet or make a regular three-strand braid;
- twist around the base;
- fix.

A high-set volumetric beam is obtained if it is performed on the basis of two tails:
- separate hair with a vertical parting;
- make two high tails, placing them as close to each other as possible;
- curl the hair around the base of the ponytails, moving the ends of the hair towards each other and forming a single bun;
- hide the ends of the strands under the resulting hairstyle element;
- fasten with invisible ones and sprinkle with varnish.

A beautiful low bun is done as follows:
- collect hair in a ponytail in the lower occipital area and turn it inward, passing it through the hole above the elastic;
- hair is braided in the usual way;
- straighten the strands slightly to make the braid more magnificent;
- twist it so that the very tip is inside;
- the folded braid is fixed at the base by inserting its upper part into the hole above the elastic;
- fixed with hairpins;
- a volumetric textured bunch is ready.

Another styling option requires the following steps:
- divide the hair into an upper and a lower part;
- lightly comb the hair in the parietal zone, smooth it on top and secure with a silicone transparent elastic band;
- turn the tail out;
- collect the remaining strands together with the fixed hair in one tail in the lower occipital zone;
- after a short distance from the base, again fasten the hair on the tail with an elastic band and turn it out;
- slightly pull the strands out of the twisted tail, giving volume;
- repeat the procedure (if the strands are very long, you will need to do this several times);
- wrap around the base and secure;
- a very voluminous original beam is obtained.

It looks beautiful when it is located on its side:
- collect the hair behind the ear in the lower occipital zone;
- braid part of the hair from the tail with thin braids;
- intertwine them with hair from the tail;
- lay in a circle, fix with hairpins and invisible pins.

Holiday options
Holiday bunches are not as easy to make as everyday buns, but well worth it. To "build" a real voluminous hairstyle, you need the following:
- to separate hair from the parietal and temporal zones from the total mass of hair;
- make a parting on the side;
- fasten the strands with clamps on both sides of the face so that they do not interfere with work;
- comb the rest of the hair;
- horizontally separate the strands from the total mass from the upper occipital zone;
- the remaining ones are divided into three parts from top to bottom so that the central one looks like an inverted triangle, the top of which is an elastic band that holds this strand at the neck;
- comb the hair of the resulting tail - this is the basis of the hairstyle;
- fix the fleece with varnish to make something like a dense pillow;
- twist in the form of a roller and secure at the base of the tail with hairpins;
- wind free back strands on an iron or curling iron;
- shift the left strand to the right side of the roller and secure it with an invisible one;
- turn the right one to the left, also fix it;
- release the hair of the upper occipital zone from the clamp;
- separating strands, also curl;
- lightly comb each of them at the root;
- randomly fasten the curls on the roller with hairpins and invisible pins so that they cover it;
- straighten curls with your fingers, achieving more volume;
- fix with varnish;
- lightly combing at the root, curl the front hair with a curling iron or iron;
- as you curl, direct towards the beam, creating volume in front with a ponytail comb and fixing the ends of the curls at the back with hairpins;
- leave the twisted thin strands at the temples free and fix with varnish.

An elegant bun can be made on the basis of a fishtail braid:
- comb the hair, divide it into two equal parts;
- braid a braid, throwing small strands of equal volume from one half of the weaving to the other;
- slightly stretch them along the entire length, giving the braid additional volume;
- at the very head, crosswise fasten the invisibility in two places;
- lay the braid in a circle at the base;
- fix it with pins so that the clamps fall under the invisible ones - this will allow you to better hold the bundle;
- it remains to decorate the hairstyle with a beautiful flower or hairpin.

Beautiful examples
The bun becomes an excellent basis for creating a great evening hairstyle.

A little trick - and the hair, styled on the basis of the ponytail, turns into a wonderful hairstyle that is suitable even for a holiday.

A side beam can add sophistication and romance to any look.

Weaving styling looks voluminous and unusual.

For information on how to make a high volume bundle for a celebration, see the next video.